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21 minutes ago, PhineasC said:


Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the US, behind heart disease and cancer. 

Now see, you just googled that and found that as a headline google search. 
Some “medical malpractice” isn’t really that at all. Docs will settle because it’s cheaper than going to trial. And yes, I’ve known some MDs I wouldn’t let work on my dog.


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2 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

Now see, you just googled that and found that as a headline google search. 
Some “medical malpractice” isn’t really that at all. Docs will settle because it’s cheaper than going to trial. And yes, I’ve known some MDs I wouldn’t let work on my dog.

Well, there are some real studies saying this. It's isn't just a Fox News headline.


I understand there are questions around how some of the claims are categorized. A large number of the yearly claims are based on a "failure to diagnose" issue which seems like a very broad category with a lot of wiggle room.

This kind of misplaced blame is very common in engineering and business as well, so I understand your questioning of these statistics. If an engineering project fails, the public usually blames the chief engineer first and foremost, even if the issue was more with the construction implementation, as an example. It's even worse on a government project. They always throw us contractors under the bus right away. LOL

I am just elbowing people in the ribs tonight in a good-natured way. Nothing serious intended. :) 

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4 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Well, there are some real studies saying this. It's isn't just a Fox News headline.


I understand there are questions around how some of the claims are categorized. A large number of the yearly claims are based on a "failure to diagnose" issue which seems like a very broad category with a lot of wiggle room.

This kind of misplaced blame is very common in engineering and business as well, so I understand your questioning of these statistics. If an engineering project fails, the public usually blames the chief engineer first and foremost, even if the issue was more with the construction implementation, as an example. It's even worse on a government project. They always throw us contractors under the bus right away. LOL

I am just elbowing people in the ribs tonight in a good-natured way. Nothing serious intended. :) 

A lot of it goes like this. A big fat fook that weighs 400 pounds needs a bypass. Dies on the table. Family sues, jury feels sorry, awards a few million. Everybody wants a perfect outcome. Not possible. And yes, failure to diagnose is a catch all. A lot of its shyte. But there’s bad physicians just like there’s bad lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc. 

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you guys who are getting the hangovers, try Toast -Before you Drink gummies

i know stuff like this sounds like snake oil,  and I thought so too before i tried them. As i got older, i was starting to get some bad hangovers. not wanting to really cut back on drinking, I had read about these on another forum, so I gave them a shot. yes, they actually work. i have a few friends who have tried them, and they all say that they really do eliminate the hangover. Yes, I might wake up tired and a little groggy, but no headache, no nausea, nothing like that. 

and no, i have no affiliation with the company.

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8 hours ago, radarman said:

What isn't?  Try making a good pizza from scratch and get back to me

Learned pizza (and Italian sandwich) architecture from the best at the pizza shop in BGR while I was at UMaine.  Owner was a 2nd or 3rd generation Neapolitan from Bay Ridge in Brooklyn and made the best NY-style pizza in the area.  The manager of Pizza Hut would come to Napoli's when he wanted good pizza.  When the grandkids are visiting we have a pizza-building party.  I make and roll the dough and show them how to pound it down and stretch it, though I don't encourage having them tossing it even though I'll demonstrate the spin.  Then they get to decorate the dough as desired - lots of fun, food and mess.

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Anyone considering maibec prestained house siding, don't. We built our house in 2012 and used the pre-stained cedar siding. Over the years, I've replaced several boards due to checking and splitting. Some of the boards on the south facing side need to be recoated. I've contacted the company a few times over last couple years to get some of the stain. They are very proprietary and costly to obtain and it cannot be color matched locally as it is a 2-part tonal color. I let it go until I noticed this past wknd, I really need to restain a few boards. I contacted the company again and they want $1,000 for 10g of the stain. Nuts! They suggested one of their other colored stains which is a close match. Ridiculous. I'll juts replace the faded boards with some leftover ones, but eventually the whole house will need to be restained. Won't be going with their stain. In retrospect, I wish we used local cedar and some Cabot or Sikkens stain. 

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26 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

Anyone considering maibec prestained house siding, don't. We built our house in 2012 and used the pre-stained cedar siding. Over the years, I've replaced several boards due to checking and splitting. Some of the boards on the south facing side need to be recoated. I've contacted the company a few times over last couple years to get some of the stain. They are very proprietary and costly to obtain and it cannot be color matched locally as it is a 2-part tonal color. I let it go until I noticed this past wknd, I really need to restain a few boards. I contacted the company again and they want $1,000 for 10g of the stain. Nuts! They suggested one of their other colored stains which is a close match. Ridiculous. I'll juts replace the faded boards with some leftover ones, but eventually the whole house will need to be restained. Won't be going with their stain. In retrospect, I wish we used local cedar and some Cabot or Sikkens stain. 

I use CWF on my cedar clapboard, $130 for 5 gallons and last quite a while, I have the southern side done every 5 years and the northern every 7-8, I've only done east and west once in the last 20 years other than a little touch up here and there and still doesn't need it.

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1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

Anyone considering maibec prestained house siding, don't. We built our house in 2012 and used the pre-stained cedar siding. Over the years, I've replaced several boards due to checking and splitting. Some of the boards on the south facing side need to be recoated. I've contacted the company a few times over last couple years to get some of the stain. They are very proprietary and costly to obtain and it cannot be color matched locally as it is a 2-part tonal color. I let it go until I noticed this past wknd, I really need to restain a few boards. I contacted the company again and they want $1,000 for 10g of the stain. Nuts! They suggested one of their other colored stains which is a close match. Ridiculous. I'll juts replace the faded boards with some leftover ones, but eventually the whole house will need to be restained. Won't be going with their stain. In retrospect, I wish we used local cedar and some Cabot or Sikkens stain. 

We used Olympic on our L.C. Andrews cedar log-sided house.  First time was about 2020 and we had it redone 3 years ago.  I'd guess it's about $40/gallon these days.  On a side note, we learned last summer that the Maibec shingle mill in St.-Pamphile, PQ is the biggest such facility in eastern North America.  Did not know they had branched out to pre-stained siding.  Their name is a contraction of Maine/Quebec, as most of their raw material, cedar and the spruce-fir for their huge dimension lumber sawmill, comes from northern Maine.

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20 minutes ago, tamarack said:

We used Olympic on our L.C. Andrews cedar log-sided house.  First time was about 2020 and we had it redone 3 years ago.  I'd guess it's about $40/gallon these days.  On a side note, we learned last summer that the Maibec shingle mill in St.-Pamphile, PQ is the biggest such facility in eastern North America.  Did not know they had branched out to pre-stained siding.  Their name is a contraction of Maine/Quebec, as most of their raw material, cedar and the spruce-fir for their huge dimension lumber sawmill, comes from northern Maine.

Maibec has been a PITA to deal with. They wouldn't even send me some replacement boards couple years ago unless I had original proof of purchase, however that was a warranty thing, so I get it. But, even for getting some stain, they make it very difficult and costly.

I also need to replace some outdoor door and window pine trim which has started to rot and lose paint. I usually scrape, prime and paint, but it's just easier to tear out and replace at this point. Would like to get some cedar, but nobody carries 5/4 thick trim. I've used it in other areas like under the deck sliders and it's held the paint very well, as expected. Only other option is to get some PVC, which I've used before. Hammond guy said they make a pine pressure treated product (Lifespansolidselect.com), that supposed to be good, but I am leery of using pine again.

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2 hours ago, Ginx snewx said:

Fuk fuk fuk fuk. I really really liked James. James is to my right in red. Good shy guy who loved weather talk . Absolutely stunned. RIP brother weenie


The guy in the background is James friend who joined us.   Sad day and winter will not be the same without him.

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7 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

Anyone considering maibec prestained house siding, don't. We built our house in 2012 and used the pre-stained cedar siding. Over the years, I've replaced several boards due to checking and splitting. Some of the boards on the south facing side need to be recoated. I've contacted the company a few times over last couple years to get some of the stain. They are very proprietary and costly to obtain and it cannot be color matched locally as it is a 2-part tonal color. I let it go until I noticed this past wknd, I really need to restain a few boards. I contacted the company again and they want $1,000 for 10g of the stain. Nuts! They suggested one of their other colored stains which is a close match. Ridiculous. I'll juts replace the faded boards with some leftover ones, but eventually the whole house will need to be restained. Won't be going with their stain. In retrospect, I wish we used local cedar and some Cabot or Sikkens stain. 

My dad used Hardy siding. 

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I think we're gonna find this went all the way to the top ...

May take history ... work of historians to expose.   Altho - a wild card on that,  "cabals" can't maintain concealment as easily in today's 'overly probed' techno- babble driven society(s), so it may happen sooner.

The 'probing' into the assassination of JFK terminated pretty abruptly at the doorstop of the KGB's plausible involvement - top brass, to pentagon think-tanks, to the joint chiefs would fatefully agree ...best not implicate the sovereignty of the former Soviet Union in that era ... an era that just recently featured a smoldering bout of humiliated and expose' by western resolve winning, in that stand-off known as the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' ...

Similarly ... at 'the top' there may already be a > 90th percentile confidence in knowing 'where and how' this SAR-Cov-2 originated ...

Some 6 months ago, the former Director of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, espoused his reasoning for believing where and how - and it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes an explanation is just too simple and obvious to be ignored.   The gist of it is, ... pathogens take time to get it right - in terms of those infectious proficiency.  When introduced to a new genomic target group, they are 'clumsy' so to speak, with low percentage success rate, and limited there in. But, through the vicissitudes of time and mutation, they 'get it right' and rise later on to become potential pandemic agents.

SAR-Cov-2, did not take that gestational arc - it hit the population perfectly adapted, right off the bat. right from whatever source origin for max virulence and pathogenicity.  ...SO those privy and scouring and paranoid ( lol ) and doing the research ..this is all old hat at this point.  But.  on one had, you have an infectious agent that over came trillion::1 odds in one try ... or, - 

Moreover, with the relationship China has with the west ... not to mention all the island building and satellite targeting, and cultural history that has less morality about just being f'ing liars and thinking they are actually getting away with it while bald-faced doing so...  Not to mention they're are matching the armament of the west at sufficiently WMD scales to ...end both sides ... this may be a situation where 'the top' buries certain truths in much/for the same general gestaltic sort of reasons as they did back in the 1960s.


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1 hour ago, Typhoon Tip said:

I think we're gonna find this went all the way to the top ...

May take history ... work of historians to expose.   Altho - a wild card on that,  "cabals" can't maintain concealment as easily in today's 'overly probed' techno- babble driven society(s), so it may happen sooner.

The 'probing' into the assassination of JFK terminated pretty abruptly at the doorstop of the KGB's plausible involvement - top brass, to pentagon think-tanks, to the joint chiefs would fatefully agree ...best not implicate the sovereignty of the former Soviet Union in that era ... an era that just recently featured a smoldering bout of humiliated and expose' by western resolve winning, in that stand-off known as the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' ...

Similarly ... at 'the top' there may already be a > 90th percentile confidence in knowing 'where and how' this SAR-Cov-2 originated ...

Some 6 months ago, the former Director of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, espoused his reasoning for believing where and how - and it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes an explanation is just too simple and obvious to be ignored.   The gist of it is, ... pathogens take time to get it right - in terms of those infectious proficiency.  When introduced to a new genomic target group, they are 'clumsy' so to speak, with low percentage success rate, and limited there in. But, through the vicissitudes of time and mutation, they 'get it right' and rise later on to become potential pandemic agents.

SAR-Cov-2, did not take that gestational arc - it hit the population perfectly adapted, right off the bat. right from whatever source origin for max virulence and pathogenicity.  ...SO those privy and scouring and paranoid ( lol ) and doing the research ..this is all old hat at this point.  But.  on one had, you have an infectious agent that over came trillion::1 odds in one try ... or, - 

Moreover, with the relationship China has with the west ... not to mention all the island building and satellite targeting, and cultural history that has less morality about just being f'ing liars and thinking they are actually getting away with it while bald-faced doing so...  Not to mention they're are matching the armament of the west at sufficiently WMD scales to ...end both sides ... this may be a situation where 'the top' buries certain truths in much/for the same general gestaltic sort of reasons as they did back in the 1960s.


Ya , it’s not as easy as just , find out truth , report it , continue on merrily . Not in this world when power and money and lives are the cost. 

Basically,  the Wuhan lab theory makes sense to most , now that doesn’t make it true , but dismissing to comfort ones feelings or concerns is weak. We just don’t know for certain. 

The circumstantial evidence and smoking guns are eye opening .

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46 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

Ya , it’s not as easy as just , find out truth , report it , continue on merrily . Not in this world when power and money and lives are the cost. 

Basically,  the Wuhan lab theory makes sense to most , now that doesn’t make it true , but dismissing to comfort ones feelings or concerns is weak. We just don’t know for certain. 

The circumstantial evidence and smoking guns are eye opening .

Mm hm ... some might use the expression 'damning,' too -

...as an afterthought ... well, recollection really - I thought of this a while ago, as I'm sure others have:  

what is one 'plausible' "simple" explanation for "seeing the urgency" of this so much more direly - and rapidly ;) - compared to SARs from 18 years ago?   ....subsequently; OR the lesser known or remembered Pandemic of 1967-'69 ... etc. Any of those.  2011 there was a hand sanitizer scare off a new Swine-type influenza that peetered ... This one shot out of the gates already in d-day fearing dystopian fervor mode like ...too conveniently built right into the damn thing. I mean, maybe we shouldn't auto- impugn ALL paranoid thinking - sometimes unusual events need some f'n explaining, and in the absence of a truth circuitry that really connects the dots in a meaningful way ...  brains will tend to do that on their own - hello?  lol  ...but dry humor aside - they're not always totally wrong.

what is the reason for 'bi-passing' safety/testing protocals and bringing the vaccine on-line and into practicum while still in Beta?  C'mon ...the scientific process was circumvented ( partially) is what the means;  urgency deduced too fast at the onset to be of enough greater importance.  Why? How?  To mention, having gotten to Beta at record pace, no less ?? ...there was a reason to rush.

Maybe it is because 'the top' knew all along ... These are all unusual and difficult to explain protocol anomalies.  

Come to think of it... , they'll smoke-screen going after Trump because back against the wall, a narcissist will gladly reveal all. (... just being devil's advocate - not saying I personally believe these aspects to be fact )

If we really want to go Clancian over this... maybe there is a reason why there have been voice-altered phone ping from "caller unknown," to world-renowned global ecologist ( sorry...cannot recall his name/salutation...) - the events of which have been quietly buried.  These exchanges often were of the, "never mind - it is not important who I am, nor the persons I represent" ilk.  "Can you please just answer the questions," at 3 am - sure...I guess. and the questions were centered around places on the planet most likely to survive a cocktail of 'climate holocaust and WMD implementation' ...really disheartening and discerning to say the least.  

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