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2 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Haha.  Is this something that resulted from an insurance settlement or something?  Risk Management and Insurance had to settle one too many slip and falls on spills?

So the insurance carrier asked "what are you going to do about it?" and the answer was "we can't have employees everywhere at every time!"  So they created an action plan to reduce insurance costs and came up with a robot to detect spills to save some $$$ on the insurance premium, ha.  That's what that sounds like to me.

Or a focus group of marketers in NYC who have zero idea what shopping in a grocery store is even like came up with it and thought it would "seem cool and high-tech."

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SP 500 Market fallin thru 14 month rising channel support . 

I’m sure the fed will try and pump it but I wonder if they will succeed with lower summer volume and institutions and hedgies not interested. If that rising channel can’t be recaptured and Previous support acts as resistance it will be a long summer . 

And the Fed doesn’t really have any obvious  moves they can make with current inflation number to goose market . I could see a ironic situation Where  hedge funds use fed liquidity to lever up and short stocks as they are addicts for returns 

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12 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Haha.  Is this something that resulted from an insurance settlement or something?  Risk Management and Insurance had to settle one too many slip and falls on spills?

So the insurance carrier asked "what are you going to do about it?" and the answer was "we can't have employees everywhere at every time!"  So they created an action plan to reduce insurance costs and came up with a robot to detect spills to save some $$$ on the insurance premium, ha.  That's what that sounds like to me.


8 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Or a focus group of marketers in NYC who have zero idea what shopping in a grocery store is even like came up with it and thought it would "seem cool and high-tech."

Probably a combo of both. The cynical view is the first one where they just did it because some insurance company told them it would reduce premiums and they don't care if it's safer or not. But there's also a famous line about how don't attribute malice to something that can be perfectly explained by stupidity or ignorance. So Phin could be right too that some idiot convinced them it would actually make customers happy.

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15 minutes ago, Whineminster said:

Things have been going down for the middle class since him. Trickle down doesn't work. You used to be able to do a menial type job and support a family....not now.  And look at all the things we need now versus the 60s....two cars since everyone drives so far to work, a cell phone for everyone (yes you need a phone to live nowadays), and you obviously need the internet to look for jobs, pay bills, and basically do anything.  

It's called inflation. Before the mod 70's, the dollar was back up by $30 an ounce gold. Pries were relatively stable. You could by a new ford F100 for about $2000. A new Ford LTD loaded would run about $4K. 

Then the fed decided we didn't need gold anymore and we could print money. That's when you get inflation. Its happening as we speak. What did everyone think was going to happen when we spent 4 trillion by just printing it.

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You guys should see that movie "I, Robot" ... Getting a bit dated now - I think 2004, but it was really fantastically done.  Sleek and sterile matte, just like robotics, but with one robot that sprouts a 'soul' - sort of ... It's a revamp on the Azymov science fiction of the same name ..which I have not read.  I haven't heard/seen any comparatives but I really enjoyed that film.  Will Smith stars along with some other familiars C and B listers...  Then there is Sunny, played by the "Resident Alien" ( voice over ) found on I think on "Prime," Alan Tudyk -

But they cover that 'freaked me out' aspect about the futuristic culture of robotics along with lots of other interesting socio-technological visualizations of a future that is highly mecahnized and "convenient" ... it's pretty cool.

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8 minutes ago, Bostonseminole said:

Is that a crypt? Where can u buy that?


Yes, it's a crypt, just read an article on cryptos since they caught my attention with the conversations on here and that one looks like a good one to throw a few dollars of play money at, don't know where to buy it, I assume you need a coinbase acct. I don't have one but I think I might get an acct just in case something tickles my fancy.

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37 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:


Probably a combo of both. The cynical view is the first one where they just did it because some insurance company told them it would reduce premiums and they don't care if it's safer or not. But there's also a famous line about how don't attribute malice to something that can be perfectly explained by stupidity or ignorance. So Phin could be right too that some idiot convinced them it would actually make customers happy.

I don't know what's going on with this cleaning robot, but I work with many large retailers and they're ALL looking to automate as much as they can.

For example, in the Walmarts with sizable backrooms, you've got robots flying all over the place, moving pallets, unloading tractor trailers, etc... It's the way of the future. It's not just an Amazon thing.

For as much talk on here about the difficulty of hiring cashiers, restaurant staff, etc... It's even harder to hire good warehouse labor.

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4 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

I keep hearing this like it's an excuse not to even apply because someone thinks some jobs are beneath them, acting like a spoiled little kid. What's the problem with flipping burgers, working as a cashier, waitress, etc? A job is a job for a lot of people that puts food on the table. If someone is complaining about not being able to get a job, but refuses to apply to said jobs, then they get no sympathy from me. Get off your ass and make an effort.

The latest news up here is federal assistance with high speed internet to those that can't afford it. Supposed to be more federal assistance due to the pandemic that will be given out till the money (tax payers) runs out and/or the pandemic emergency is declared over. wtf! One more reason to just sit at home and get paid. 

I really don't know how you expect anyone to pay their bills, maintain their credit, on that paycheck. Doing those jobs, inside the city. I pay 2200 a month and it's an absolute bargain. The girls I rent to downstairs in southie pay 4k a month.

The problem here is kids being encouraged to go to college 8 years when they are idiots. If they have taken on the debt of loans the only option to go now is trades or pull off some king of life changing move and get lucky. The loan crisis is exactly that, a crisis. 

The PUA will run out. Anyone taking advantage of the situation will be punished for their laziness. Don't forget what happens when the tax bill arrives. Sure, there is a 10k rebate, but if you've been collecting for a year, that's only what 75%? The IRS is coming. 

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4 hours ago, PhineasC said:

There has been very, very little talk from the "scientists and experts" out there in the media telling fat people that they are at greater risk and this should be a wake-up call. Instead, we are still in "fat acceptance" mode in the mainstream media, for the most part.


People have health problems Phin.... There are reasons some can't lose weight... Word of the day is empathy.. Americans have gotten fatter and lazy as a whole... YES.... But... 

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12 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

I really don't know how you expect anyone to pay their bills, maintain their credit, on that paycheck. Doing those jobs, inside the city. I pay 2200 a month and it's an absolute bargain. The girls I rent to downstairs in southie pay 4k a month.

The problem here is kids being encouraged to go to college 8 years when they are idiots. If they have taken on the debt of loans the only option to go now is trades or pull off some king of life changing move and get lucky. The loan crisis is exactly that, a crisis. 

The PUA will run out. Anyone taking advantage of the situation will be punished for their laziness. Don't forget what happens when the tax bill arrives. Sure, there is a 10k rebate, but if you've been collecting for a year, that's only what 75%? The IRS is coming. 

Are you saying that your mortgage is 2200/month in Southie (confused if you have people renting from you)? If so, you must’ve put a lot of money down... Most restaurants aren’t hiring Southie triple deckers owners. 

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14 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

People have health problems Phin.... There are reasons some can't lose weight... Word of the day is empathy.. Americans have gotten fatter and lazy as a whole... YES.... But... 

But what? Most people simply eat too much bad food. You can still have empathy for someone while encouraging them to lose weight. Even the tiny percentage of people who actually have “glandular problems” causing their weight gain can still live healthier lives. Sugarcoating everything (pun intended) doesn’t help people with real issues. 

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There are rotund women painted on cave walls from fading antiquity ... when there were nutritional dearths in general as the ambient ecologically balanced human model of the times when those ulterior factors controlled population. 

Question, were those walking amongst them ...? Or was that just always idealized utopic sex partners by artists of that prehistoric era -

I mean "fat" people have always been around, or have they?? 

I just wonder how much of the present day veritable anathema toward people of, shall we say exuberant deviation from mainstream idealized physique, is based on faux impression of the human genomic aspect and should be understood that there are "fat dogs and skinny dogs" in any mammalian species - maybe more deviation in humans, granted. 

Some dudes and gals may actually like rotund proportioned mates. This skews the variation "reason" there.. We select mates based on a broader canvas of aesthetics ( to our personal tastes) then do dogs - which are based entirely on smelling whether or not she's ready to go...  In humans, those "gig boned" gene's ( to put it nicely), those will therefore survive into the next generation ...and on and so on - however hard it may be to visualize the couple actually succeeding in the act, aside.  

Admittedly, there are more mid-sized individuals making up the ballast of our gene pool, and then when you take that interquartile mass of the species ... then, subject them to less organized mass-provisional advantages ... you'll end up with thinner folk.  Opposite, if you send that same population down the modern convenient addled hog-trough of Americanas thoroughfares, where medicine picks up the slack of lack of exercise, and no one is more than a country mile from a Big Mac or sausage gravy and biscuit snack  

I also think there is a kind of 'bad taste' - no pun intended - abstract or emerging sensibility about weight, as it may be based on how environmental awareness is beginning to look egregious to be so when the latter is happening.  It costs the environment, dearly ... to keep a bloating population ...well, bloated.   It's like unconsciously we start to 'fashion' lean svelte "low maintenance" looks as part of our 'virtue signaling' ... just a thought -

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2 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

There are rotund women painted on cave walls from fading antiquity ... when there were nutritional dearths in general as the ambient ecologically balanced human model of the times when those ulterior factors controlled population. 

Question, were those walking amongst them ...? Or was that just always idealized utopic sex partners by artists of that prehistoric era -

I mean "fat" people have always been around, or have they?? 

I just wonder how much of the present day veritable anathema toward people of, shall we say exuberant deviation from mainstream idealized physique, is based on faux impression of the human genomic aspect and should be understood that there are fat dogs and skinny dogs. 

Some dudes and gals may actually like rotund proportioned mates.  Those "gig boned" gene's ( to put it nicely), those will therefore survive into the next generation ...and on and so on - however hard it may be to visualize the couple actually succeeding in the act, aside.  

Admittedly, there are more mid-sized individuals making up the ballast of our gene pool, and then when you take that interquartile mass of the species ... then, subject them to less organized mass-provisional advantages ... you'll end up with thinner folk.  Opposite, if you send that same population down the modern convenient addled hug-trough of Americanas thoroughfares, where medicine picks up the slack of lack of exercise, and no one is more than an country mile from a Big Mac or sausage gravy and biscuit snack  

I also think there is a kind of 'bad taste' - not pun intended - about it based on how environmental awareness is beginning to look egregious.  It costs the environment, dearly ... to keep a bloating population ...well, bloated.   It's like unconsciously we start to 'fashion' lean svelte "low maintenance" looks as part of our 'virtue signaling' ... just a thought -

You leave sausage gravy out of this!

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34 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

I really don't know how you expect anyone to pay their bills, maintain their credit, on that paycheck. Doing those jobs, inside the city. I pay 2200 a month and it's an absolute bargain. The girls I rent to downstairs in southie pay 4k a month.

The problem here is kids being encouraged to go to college 8 years when they are idiots. If they have taken on the debt of loans the only option to go now is trades or pull off some king of life changing move and get lucky. The loan crisis is exactly that, a crisis. 

The PUA will run out. Anyone taking advantage of the situation will be punished for their laziness. Don't forget what happens when the tax bill arrives. Sure, there is a 10k rebate, but if you've been collecting for a year, that's only what 75%? The IRS is coming. 

shouldn't there be jobs that people aren't expected to live on? you know, minimum wage jobs for high school kids. a high school kid is just looking to buy some weed, not support an entire family. 

part of the problem is that many of those high school kids don't want to work.

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6 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

There are rotund women painted on cave walls from fading antiquity ... when there were nutritional dearths in general as the ambient ecologically balanced human model of the times when those ulterior factors controlled population. 

Question, were those walking amongst them ...? Or was that just always idealized utopic sex partners by artists of that prehistoric era -

I mean "fat" people have always been around, or have they?? 

I just wonder how much of the present day veritable anathema toward people of, shall we say exuberant deviation from mainstream idealized physique, is based on faux impression of the human genomic aspect and should be understood that there are "fat dogs and skinny dogs" in any mammalian species - maybe more deviation in humans, granted. 

Some dudes and gals may actually like rotund proportioned mates. This skews the variation "reason" there.. We select mates based on a broader canvas of aesthetics ( to our personal tastes) then do dogs - which are based entirely on smelling whether or not she's ready to go...  In humans, those "gig boned" gene's ( to put it nicely), those will therefore survive into the next generation ...and on and so on - however hard it may be to visualize the couple actually succeeding in the act, aside.  

Admittedly, there are more mid-sized individuals making up the ballast of our gene pool, and then when you take that interquartile mass of the species ... then, subject them to less organized mass-provisional advantages ... you'll end up with thinner folk.  Opposite, if you send that same population down the modern convenient addled hog-trough of Americanas thoroughfares, where medicine picks up the slack of lack of exercise, and no one is more than a country mile from a Big Mac or sausage gravy and biscuit snack  

I also think there is a kind of 'bad taste' - not pun intended - about it based on how environmental awareness is beginning to look egregious.  It costs the environment, dearly ... to keep a bloating population ...well, bloated.   It's like unconsciously we start to 'fashion' lean svelte "low maintenance" looks as part of our 'virtue signaling' ... just a thought -

There is a spectrum between the curvy, fertile look and obese. 

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Just now, SJonesWX said:

shouldn't there be jobs that people aren't expected to live on? you know, minimum wage jobs for high school kids. a high school kid is just looking to buy some weed, not support an entire family. 

part of the problem is that many of those high school kids don't want to work.

No, the pizza delivery boy needs to be able to retire from that job with a pension after putting his 3 kids through college. 

Anything less is just heartless capitalism. 

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13 minutes ago, SJonesWX said:

shouldn't there be jobs that people aren't expected to live on? you know, minimum wage jobs for high school kids. a high school kid is just looking to buy some weed, not support an entire family. 

part of the problem is that many of those high school kids don't want to work.

Have you been to a fast food place or grocery store recently? I'd say the older folks well outnumber the teenagers. Why are people in their 40s/50s/60s working there? I assume for the most part out of necessity and not so much because they enjoy stocking shelves and making  hamburgers. is the answer for them to simply just go get a job as a plumber or web site designer to earn a real livable wage?

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35 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

There is a spectrum between the curvy, fertile look and obese

Agreed!  ...  ( get it ? haha  "uh  - greed" )   ... no but I agree on the bold - that's why I turned the phrase, " I just wonder how much of the present day ..."

I mean we have a tendency to 'f that up' as a culture, and couch everything together - which becomes "racism" for quickest word frankly.    It's probably not just our culture - but another in that list of "charming" capacity of human beings to do so.   Curvy nubile babes that are just as "hot" as slimmer athletic babes - depending on who gets to decide ( not me like ever apparently )... and on and so forth, amid the spectrum, get unfortunately "lumped" ( oh man am I on today muah hahahaha) in with 'em during shading and shame.

Tongue-in-cheek aside... yeah, there are cankled government doled pap suckers toting so much mass they show up in satellite gravitational field surveys .. okay. If they have a thyroid condition than so be it... but, we see enough of these incredible celeb shrinking stories ... or 'reality' t.v. this or that where they take these massive individuals and send us along their sagas en route to societal acceptance ... to know that those with true medical conditions are probably rarer.

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1 hour ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

It's called inflation. Before the mod 70's, the dollar was back up by $30 an ounce gold. Pries were relatively stable. You could by a new ford F100 for about $2000. A new Ford LTD loaded would run about $4K. 

Then the back-room bought-out fed moles decided we didn't need gold anymore and we could print money. That's when you get inflation. Its happening as we speak. What did everyone think was going to happen when we spent 4 trillion by just printing it.


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22 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

No, the pizza delivery boy needs to be able to retire from that job with a pension after putting his 3 kids through college. 

Anything less is just heartless capitalism. 

Listen, you're right that a delivery driver shouldn't be a permanent job.......but they days of "working your way up" at company when you started at the bottom seem to be over......now everyone wants a master's degree for even being an office admin. Don't even bother getting an associate's today, it's useless. 

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Just now, Whineminster said:

Listen, you're right that a delivery driver shouldn't be a permanent job.......but they days of "working your way up" at company when you started at the bottom seem to be over......now everyone wants a master's degree for even being an office admin. Don't even bother getting an associate's today, it's useless. 

Yes, because everyone ran off to college and came out with crap degrees and low GPAs, which cheapened the value of everyone's degree. Now a garbage degree from a low-tier school is barely worth more than a GED in some cases. So businesses found it easier to simply demand you have the degree since there was a glut of grads available still taking those jobs. There are plenty of Starbucks baristas with English lit degrees out there. The same pressures that caused everyone to run out to get a degree also created a stigma around those who don't have a degree, making it harder for them to get jobs they are qualified to do. It's a nasty vicious cycle in society right now.

I don't recommend people stay at the same job forever. In the pizza delivery boy example, he can get some experience under his belt and then apply at a different pizza place to be a shift manager. Or he can keep delivering pizzas while learning another skill and then leave.

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19 minutes ago, Whineminster said:

Listen, you're right that a delivery driver shouldn't be a permanent job.......but they days of "working your way up" at company when you started at the bottom seem to be over......now everyone wants a master's degree for even being an office admin. Don't even bother getting an associate's today, it's useless. 

See ...I dunno about that.

It's all philosophical tug-o-war stuff to me.   It's a matter of how these occupations are valued ?  - that to me seems to be the weight of the matter.

If we really need our pizza drivers to improve the quality of our life, then ... pay the f'n pizza drivers!   

It's that simple.

If we value our teachers, to be the best and most intellectually seeding influences they can be across the ... 6 hours of the day we expose our most prized little jewels to, why the f aren't we paying them 6 figure salaries, then ? 

It's all smacking of hypocrisy and lies. 

I mean... we say we value certain things and virtue this and that, but then why doesn't society evince that value system ?

In a lot of ways it is because they are full of shit ... They'd rather those funds and fun make things better for themselves. If we value something, prove it!

I mean I'm not yellin' and no one here lol.. just sayn'

Truth of the matter is we're still animalistic underneath all the morality conception and conceit - that's the tug-o-war.   Fact of the matter is, "profit" is very animalistic ... we could Nietzsche the shit out of this subject deep into the night ....  

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My wife and I disagree on this, but I learned most of my current job skills from my employer, not from school.  So for me, college seems like a huge waste of money, but it got me a BS that helped to get me hired.  But had I just gotten that same first job out of high school I'd like to think I'd still be in roughly the same position now, minus the 4-year age difference and level of maturity that comes with attending college.

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Master degrees "preferred" is what is usually says, but that is like a default...and not always a must have. If you can prove yourself to the person or team interviewing you, you'll be ok. It's easier to do this if it is an internal position.

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