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2/14- 2/16 Winter Storm and Arctic Cold


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2 minutes ago, jaxjagman said:

Wonder  how cold it will actually get.Euro showed us getting down to 24 tonight,well that's not going to work out very well,we are sitting at 23 right now

27 in Crossville already too. Another night where they are off by several degrees. Hopefully that trend can continue for a couple days.

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GFS don't have the qpf's the Euro shows,still the ratios would still be decent


FS 0.5 Degree FORECAST FOR: MEM    LAT=  35.05 LON=  -90.00 ELE=   285

                                            00Z FEB14   * - APPROXIMATED
                 SFC     SFC     2 M     SFC     SFC     SFC    6 HR    TOTAL
                 MXT     MNT     TMP     DEW     WIND    PCP     QPF    CLOUD
                 (F)     (F)     (F)     (F)    (KTS)   TYPES   (IN)    (PCT)
SUN 00Z 14-FEB                  21.3     7.7    00007                           
SUN 06Z 14-FEB  21.3    18.1    18.1     8.1    02011           0.00     100    
SUN 12Z 14-FEB  18.0    14.4    14.4     4.1    02012           0.00      86    
SUN 18Z 14-FEB  22.0    14.1    22.0     5.1    02013           0.00     100    
MON 00Z 15-FEB  26.2    19.7    19.7    15.4    01013     IP    0.05      85    
MON 06Z 15-FEB  19.6    15.2    15.2    11.5    00010     IP    0.12     100    
MON 12Z 15-FEB  15.1    11.0    11.1     6.7    36010     SN    0.02     100    
MON 18Z 15-FEB  12.8    10.0    12.8     9.9    36010     SN    0.15     100    
TUE 00Z 16-FEB  15.1    12.7    12.8     9.7    35010     SN    0.09     100    
TUE 06Z 16-FEB  12.6     8.2     8.2     5.0    34007           0.00      90    
TUE 12Z 16-FEB   8.2     4.6     4.6     1.2    35006           0.00      97    
TUE 18Z 16-FEB  16.0     3.9    16.0    10.9    35005           0.00      97    
WED 00Z 17-FEB  19.4    15.6    15.6    13.0    04004           0.00     100    
WED 06Z 17-FEB  15.7    12.5    13.3    10.6    07007           0.00      97    
WED 12Z 17-FEB  15.4    13.3    14.2    12.0    01004           0.00     100    
WED 18Z 17-FEB  24.4    14.2    24.4    22.2    05008           0.01     100    
THU 00Z 18-FEB  29.8    24.4    28.9    28.1    06009     SN    0.09     100    
THU 06Z 18-FEB  32.4    29.0    32.4    32.3    05007     RA    1.02     100    
THU 12Z 18-FEB  34.3    30.6    30.6    29.9    33010     ZR    0.46     100    
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GFS rolls east pretty far south then just hits the breaks and shoots north at 40 or 50mph with the low. That floods warmth up the eastern valley and its faster with less precip for the western half of the state. 

It's ridiculous how far apart models are on surface details and tracks 48 hours out.  It never used to be this hard for models to get a track down it seems like. Maybe there are just more models with more solutions these days. 

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21 minutes ago, John1122 said:

It's liable to be wrong but there's not a more steady model than the UKIE with this. It's exactly the same every run. 

Yeah.  It's been locked in for days.  Right or wrong it's waffled less than about any other model.  Hopefully it's not on crack.

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1 hour ago, Holston_River_Rambler said:

Overnight UKMET:


Woke up to another low temp bust, down to 20 with first precip on the approach from SW.  looks like we got that cooling trend I was looking for up above.  The forecast now calls for up to 6 inches with 7 on the high end.  Don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a storm this large with temps like this.  

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@Blue MoonWell, I'd wait and see what 12z does. That will have some RAOB data in it. I know some mets make fun of waiting for that data, but apparently it can have an impact, as we saw in the last storm. We even saw yesterday that Mark J from NWS Louisville was favoring the 0/12z suites. 

All that being said, it could be legit. swinging back NW a bit. 


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Conditions this morning at 8:23 a.m. in southern Lincoln County, 7 miles above Bama: Light ground fog with no freezing of roads or surfaces. 26 degrees, undisturbed ground is frozen, winds ENE at 2-6 mph. Barometer 29.97 inHg and rising just a bit.

My county remains right on the edge of a significant ice storm, but is barely in the minimal effects category right now. Of course, TV is going off like it is the start of WW III. :lol:

The warm line for this event will be just 59 miles from me in Scottsboro, AL, (see my location on map) where only rain is forecast. What we actually get will be a matter of a few degrees temp. If its gonna dump, I'd rather have snow, please. Currently, I expect light icing here overnight to about a quarter inch maximum, then changing over to snow tomorrow morning sometime. Areas of northern Lincoln County could see 3-5 inches but where I am I expect around an inch of slick to be deposited on the ground. We'll see what this afternoon's info brings.

Grabbed the neglected snow shovel off the hook in the shop this morning to put it on the porch, stacked more firewood at the door in case we lose power, brought in some cat food for the feral farm cats so we can feed them off the porch tomorrow instead of at the shop building. The cows will get an extra bale of hay this afternoon, then what else can I do but watch models and hope we get largely missed?

Everybody stay safe. Tomorrow sounds like a good day to work a puzzle by the fire or something. 

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Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 8.03.53 AM.png

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4 hours ago, John1122 said:

You won't see this very often. Also as a note, Louisiana has had some areas with over 12 inches of snow already and this beast is headed their way. Crazy that they also got blasted in 2018 with big snows. 


This is a good map to point how how DUMB using TV markets as dividing lines is. See the border counties in the circle on my copy? They get lumped in with Huntsville NWS and cut out of TN NWS forecasting. No way things are gonna change there right at the county lines. :lol: I have to deal with this kind of stuff all the time, living in Lincoln County.


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For posterity - a wider view.  MJO phase 7(almost 6), long standing -NAO(but quickly rising), very cold NA temps which have plunged into the central US, and cold is banked up against the Plateau.  What a weather map from the front range of the Rockies to the Apps and/or Plateau!!!!


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