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February Banter 2021

George BM

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2 minutes ago, Kmlwx said:

All the long timers know I don't tend to be the type to have outbursts...but good lord...the forum is not out to get you. Randy can ban me after my little rant above or 5-post me. 

The amount of drama in here just feels 10x worse than it has in years past. And no...it's not all new posters, it's A LOT of people. New and old. I have ZERO people on my mute list here - and normally I just scroll past little outbursts of drama. But this is just not a hard concept for me - can't we all just be at least courteous? It cannot be this hard. 

Yeah, I generally try to just scroll past the BS, and I don't have anyone on ignore either (though am getting sorely tempted at times lately!).  I'm guilty too at times of replying or "getting into it" a little with some of the heated discussions.  I had a post removed the other day, when I responded to a somewhat political comment.  In hindsight, and even at the time, I thought I probably shouldn't have but figured what the heck, and I tried to word it reasonably.  But it did get removed along with some others (including the one I responded to), and honestly I don't have a problem with that and sort of expected it.  I sure don't feel "targeted" or whatever.


1 minute ago, mappy said:

Ok. I didn't see her post, ill go back and look. But mocking it all the same is just a bad look man. We get it, you like sex, boobs, ****ing, dicks, whatever... you do you. There's just a time and place for it, and not every single post people make has to be made into a sexual innuendo. I'm guilty of it too, how many times have I said those anomaly maps look like boobs (they do!) so there are times where its funny and I laugh and we move on

I think nearly all of us do this up to a point, myself included.  Sometimes I probably shouldn't but I don't go "overboard" on every single comment.  And yeah, I'll make (as will many others) comments like "uh, oh...paging ravensrule!!"  Hell, even Bob Chill said something the other week about some precipitation feature looking like "red horse schlong!"  LOL, it did!  But I know what you're saying...a little bit of the innuendo banter is funny, but not to where everything is viewed through that lens.

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5 minutes ago, ravensrule said:

The mocking part was definitely a huge mistake and I apologize to anyone who I offended by it. I’m working on dialing back the sex posts. 

I appreciate you saying what you have the last couple posts. I can do my part and give you a chance to come off as a someone who wants to post and have fun while not making it uncomfortable for others. I don’t need to be so contentious with you and drag things down. 

We might not be best buds but I don’t have to always be unkind towards you. 

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10 minutes ago, Jebman said:

This has been one interesting week or so. We hit 6 for a low one night. We had highs in the upper teens one day. We got a third of an inch of ice yesterday. We got 6.5 inches snow Sunday night. We got an inch and a half of snow today. Our normal snow here is three quarters of an inch of snow in an entire season. There are still snowpacked roads down here. Everything froze last night real hard and the driveway turned to ice. We have frozen pipes too, have to get water from a neighbor.  It has really been intriguing. I never expected all this snow and ice down here. Its surreal. The park where I watch soccer games all the time, now has 2 foot snowdrifts and icicles hanging off the benches where I cheer all the soccer goals!

What has been causing all this down here? Is it the polar vortex of doom?  Lol

Wow. You have really hit the winter jackpot in those parts. Sorry to hear about the pipes though :(

This has been a historic cold pattern with an anomalous PV positioning in terms of latitude, as well as strong surface high reflection with cold roots over the arctic. Plus a wavy trough/ridge pattern is to blame for the snow, which leads me to believe the Nina is not the driver of the pattern. Obviously will have some stake, but some of the coldest outbreaks in TX are actually from Nina's, so it's not super unprecedented. Although, the plethora of storms WITH the cold is. Truly a marvel and one I'll be doing a mega write up on in the coming weeks. Stay warm down there my friend, and as always, keep on walking :)

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5 minutes ago, H2O said:

I appreciate you saying what you have the last couple posts. I can do my part and give you a chance to come off as a someone who wants to post and have fun while not making it uncomfortable for others. I don’t need to be so contentious with you and drag things down. 

We might not be best buds but I don’t have to always be unkind towards you. 

Thank you I really appreciate that. I honestly think if we knew each other in person and not over some weather board we would actually get along very well. Believe it or not I actually have other interests besides sex. 

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Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


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2 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!

Way to go, man!  And I didn’t realize you had changed your screen name (I think?).  You should register for one of the larger marathon lotteries...you never know and could get selected.  We’re here rooting you on.

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Just now, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


I remember that. I’m so sorry. How are you handling things. How are the kids doing. Life really sucks sometimes. Congratulations on the 26 miles, I don’t think I could do 2.6 miles. Good for you. 

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Just now, nj2va said:

Way to go, man!  And I didn’t realize you had changed your screen name (I think?).  You should register for one of the larger marathon lotteries...you never know and could get selected.  We’re here rooting you on.

Correct. He used to be DC Teacherman. 

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8 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


That's awesome, man!  Congrats!  Especially given how cold it was.  And cool you're on Strava...I use that for my bike riding, though haven't done much of that in the past couple of months, LOL!

I knew a couple of people who did marathons, hard core runners.  I could never do that distance, certainly not my age right now.  But years ago when I was in Atlanta, I did participate in the 10K Peachtree Road Race a few years (held on July 4 every year), which was actually fun!

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28 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

Forced to look at warm noses on a large screen for hours on end!!

Image result for clockwork orange eyes open gif

Yikes at that movie.  I think it's on Netflix now if anyone wants to hum Singing in the Rain every time you see a bar fight.



11 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


Dude!  That's awesome!  Congratulations!  Heckuva time especially for on your own!

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11 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!

I remember reading this last summer -- and couldn't then, and still can't, imagine that level of loss. I'm so sorry. However -- well, well done on your running achievements! My running days are long behind me, but I miss that particular form of exercise -- and I love to hear success stories like this. Good on you!

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13 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


Really happy for you. What an accomplishment! A marathon distance is unfathomable to me. Hope things are getting better. As @ravensrule said, life can F****** suck sometimes. I have to ask... how were you able to get up to that distance? I can run a few miles but it never feels like I can break out of that distance. Anything you did to get up to that point? 

Again, that's insanely impressive. Congrats! Hope you can run an official one soon. 

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15 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!

That’s amazing! Running can be so therapeutic.

I’m sorry for your loss. I used to run every evening when I was struggling with my own happiness, and I still make a point of putting in laps on hard days. Exercise is just great for the brain, but I also think it feels good to know you got something concrete done. 

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18 minutes ago, SomeguyfromTakomaPark said:

Totally unrelated to the current drama but I did a marathon yesterday.  As some of you know I lost my wife last summer and now I’m a single parent of two small kids.  Running has been the thing that keeps me sane.  There were no real races to do so I just did my own marathon at east Potomac park. I did it totally unsupported and used my car as the aid station. I’ve never done a race before but this was really fun!  I want to do a real one now!


We all have that thing that keeps us sane. So glad you found running to be that thing. And showing your kids that is a good thing also. :)

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