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February Banter 2021

George BM

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2 hours ago, Ji said:

if i cant complain about a euro run that gives us 6 hours of precip on a weather board....than whats the purpose of the forum? I cant complain to my wife or normal friends about. I didnt like the run because it ended everything at 1:00pm and it was dry.....i should be able to complain about it

People in this subforum are really uptight. The vibe in here is always horrible. Easy to see now that I am barely here.

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Just now, PhineasC said:

This subforum has a problem, though. A lot of posters have been complaining about it, and "the staff" just laughs at them.

Hope something changes before posters like Ji aren't even here anymore.

Yes, I've heard a lot of those complaints. I've also offered to talk with them about it out of a banter thread and yet they never take me up on it. So i'm guessing its not that big of a deal. I do appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so thanks!

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6 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

This subforum has a problem, though. A lot of posters have been complaining about it, and "the staff" just laughs at them.

Hope something changes before posters like Ji aren't even here anymore.

Oh good christ. Troll away elsewhere. Yes, poor Ji, so persecuted. The poster to whom the rules don't apply and have never applied. For two decades across three forums now. **** off. 

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12 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

It seems like every time I check back in here you are telling someone to leave... even long time posters. It's a bad look, man.

This is rich coming from the poster who decides to spend his afternoon getting reactions from a forum he's not even within 500 miles of. Read the room, please. I'm not sure how that much negativity can manifest itself in someone such as yourself. Did the 24,000 preceding posts you've made not teach you anything?

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Phin doesn’t come in and comment when good posters like Bob Chill say the place is bad because of people like Ji and others. The risk of losing those people should matter more. 

But hey, it’s better to come in and make troll posts about people he’s got grudges against. I’ll admit I don’t like Phin. It’s not a secret. I don’t have to get along with him. But I don’t go into SNE to stir shit up. Some people can’t help themselves

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Just now, Cobalt said:

This is rich coming from the poster who decides to spend his afternoon getting reactions from a forum he's not even within 500 miles of. Read the room, please. I'm not sure how that much negativity can manifest itself in someone such as yourself. Did the 24,000 preceding posts you've made not teach you anything?

I was posting on these boards while you were still in diapers, weenie. 

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Just now, PhineasC said:

I was posting on these boards while you were still in diapers, weenie. 

Which is telling considering your level of maturity. I get it though, this subforum still exists rent free in your head, even while you physically distance yourself in it. It's not bad to admit that you get a kick out of posting to this specific board. I mean, I'm feeding into it right now by responding to you (not for long though). Enjoy your scattered snow showers though!

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Just now, clskinsfan said:

Everyone here needs to remember there is an ignore feature and use it. It will make your experience much more enjoyable. And if I make your ignore list so be it. No one can tell when they are being ignored. 

Unless you tell them, like how I ignore Ji and live blissfully 

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7 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

But perhaps you are Falstaff (false staff)!!

OK, exiting the elevator quickly while the odor of that particularly lousy pun percolates!

I enjoy your puns (any puns, really), but get the biggest kick out of your profile name. I am a chess fan (though generally suck at playing), but after having taken German for six years in middle/high schools, I used to try to find the hardest words to say in German. I think "zugzwang" has claimed that trophy.  ;)

Zugzwang | Definition of Zugzwang at Dictionary.com

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5 minutes ago, mappy said:

I missed your follow up posts, to yourself. Now I’m laughing and apologize for my part in the bad vibes 


3 minutes ago, H2O said:

My bad. I’ll eject from things and go back to posting memes and bad maps

Nah, I'm not blaming anyone.


4 minutes ago, nj2va said:

I’m fasting for Ash Wednesday :( — so you’re getting sober Tim.  Way less fun.  :lol: 

Now get off my lawn!

I'm giving up 20 lbs.

Everyone needs to listen to the Kings "Switchin' To Glide."  And it's helping that I have one of @Scraff's mystery silver cans to enjoy.

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