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February Banter 2021

George BM

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53 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

A friend sent me this . Maryland is dead last in the country in In person learning.  Only 8.4 % Just horrific.  Thank goodness my 2 girls are in Carroll county and have been back hybrid for a while along with sports . Rest of Md needs to get there stuff together to say it politely.  It's a darn shame. The rest of the world and majority of the country has found a way to adapt to covid but not Maryland.  

Lil blurred but u get the idea . Dead freakin last 




I am teaching "conventional" in person classes here in MD, where students travel from all over the country to come here, and we follow the accepted and proven protocols- including testing, social distancing, and masking up in the classroom, and have had no issues. Granted we have smaller classes, so it is more conducive to keeping students 6+ feet apart, etc, but there is also potentially more risk by bringing students here from all parts of the US. We are a year into this thing now, so it is not like we don't have a clue how to deal with it at this point. The difference is I teach professionals in the maritime industry, and not a bunch of kids. That being said, it clearly can work with minimal risk by implementing effective control measures.


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1 hour ago, losetoa6 said:

A friend sent me this . Maryland is dead last in the country in In person learning.  Only 8.4 % Just horrific.  Thank goodness my 2 girls are in Carroll county and have been back hybrid for a while along with sports . Rest of Md needs to get there stuff together to say it politely.  It's a darn shame. The rest of the world and majority of the country has found a way to adapt to covid but not Maryland.  

Lil blurred but u get the idea . Dead freakin last 



this convo is probably gonna be hidden but we chose to stay virtual in howard county and hope the transition back doesnt mess up the routine we've gotten into. The district is pretty much 50/50 on remain virtual or go in 2 days a week.:whistle:

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3 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

A friend sent me this . Maryland is dead last in the country in In person learning.  Only 8.4 % Just horrific.  Thank goodness my 2 girls are in Carroll county and have been back hybrid for a while along with sports . Rest of Md needs to get there stuff together to say it politely.  It's a darn shame. The rest of the world and majority of the country has found a way to adapt to covid but not Maryland.  

Lil blurred but u get the idea . Dead freakin last 



I wonder how much of that is due to the fact one of our largest districts has financial issues AND structural problems that make returning harder. We keep having to push back the restart dates partially due to delays in making our facilities compliant with state CDC guidelines.  There are some things other districts had already done anyways like air filters that we can’t even do now because most of our buildings lack a functioning central air system. That makes it more complicated. In many cases we don’t have the spaces to accommodate the class restrictions.  Our “mess” of a situation was ill equipped to handle this situation. Many of our facilities are barely functional under normal circumstances. 
ETA: another part is lack of demand. My students were polled on returning and only a handful intended to return to the building. Then right after that survey suddenly the district delayed again. Likely didn’t feel the need to rush and spend crazy $ we don’t have if only like 5% even wanted to come back. 

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3 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

A friend sent me this . Maryland is dead last in the country in In person learning.  Only 8.4 % Just horrific.  Thank goodness my 2 girls are in Carroll county and have been back hybrid for a while along with sports . Rest of Md needs to get there stuff together to say it politely.  It's a darn shame. The rest of the world and majority of the country has found a way to adapt to covid but not Maryland.  

Lil blurred but u get the idea . Dead freakin last 



   Staying away from anyone with COVID  is JOB ONE.   Maryland is smart for the most part.

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38 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

These are weak arguments anymore.  There's nothing in the science anymore that says there's any elevated risk in schools.  The can can't be kicked anymore.  It's broken in 100 pieces too small to kick lol.

Schools in every state and every country have all these  issues and with bigger populations in many cases. They found a way to make it work since August and some cases since mid summer . BUT MARYLAND OR BALTIMORE IS DIFFERENT?My brothers kids in York  have been in school since August 5 days a week . My relatives in Somerset ,Pa similar . Nobody has died . It's safe. 

Your kids ?    Your 1- 2 classes of 30  ?  5% ? This has to be an extreme anomaly I'm sorry I'm not buying this for vast majority. 

There have been poles for months showing 50% to 75% of parents and teachers wanted at least some in person.  

I'm sure the mods will delete my opinion. 


34 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

If you were a kid and had the option of not going, how would you respond? Pretty sure I don’t think it’s a good idea to have students make policy. I tend to lean toward adults making decisions.

I wasn’t advocating a policy position I was opining about the effects on the State numbers. I was ready to go back. Twice. Made no stink at all. Then they delayed. Nothing to do with me. I’m simply stating the reasons. Whether you agree or disagree. Wrt the survey parents had input. They had to let us know who would be coming back. And in my one class of 32 it was 4 students.  I’m not claiming that is normal across the state. This is specific to my district!  

I will push back on the assertion the guidelines aren’t important.  This is personal but let me say I don’t take offense at what anyone says. I totally understand the hardship schools being closed has caused. I do!   Also I’m one of the lucky ones that got a vaccination early in the process (luck of the draw) so this isn’t about me.  I feel 100% comfortable going back.  But it will be another 1-2 months before all the staff get vaccinated. Covid isn’t “highly” dangerous to the students but it is to the staff!  

There most definitely HAVE been numerous cases of educators contracting and dying of covid from exposure at schools. 3 teachers just died last month in Cobb County and there might be a lawsuit due to accusations the district didn’t follow guidelines and didn’t take immediate measures to stop the outbreak that exposed them to covid and cost them their lives.  I admit I had a falling out with my Union over this. They continued to try to spin their campaign around student safety. I found that insulting. It wasn’t entirely true but it also devalued my life. I’m not going to lie about it. The evidence suggests this wasn’t that dangerous to the students. But it was to me!  

I have crohns, asthma and early stages of diabetes.  My doctor was VERY adamant I not allow myself to be exposed.  I tend not to argue with my doctor since I can assume they know WAY more about what’s best for my health then I do.  And it was a risk for many of my colleagues.  That should be a good enough reason. I shouldn’t have to lie and say it’s about the kids. My life matters to me and my children. If my school wasn’t able to do what the CDC says was necessary to protect me from being exposed why should I risk my life for a job that I’ve dedicated almost 2 decades too selflessly for way less pay then I could make in the private sector!  I often give up evenings and weekends. I teach out of love and passion. But I also love my family and I have a responsibility to them. I have 2 young children. I can’t afford to take chances with my life!  

All that said I’m ready to go back. I feel safe now.  I will be back in my administrative capacity either way.  But still there are some basic safety guidelines they are still struggling to meet and not all teachers are vaccinated yet and many have health conditions.  I won’t begrudge them for requiring the district protect them by following the state guidelines for safely opening. 

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Just now, H2O said:

Ok stop. We aren’t doing this shit. 

@losetoa6 didn’t say anything wrong. He hasn’t been hostile to anyone.  He didn’t insult anyone.  You know...it’s a virus. It’s NOT political.  Covid dont care what your ideology is. It’s only political so far as our two parties adopted a specific stance on the virus. But that can be true of ANYTHING!  I’m tired of having topics eliminated from what we can discuss everytime the left or right decides to take a group ideological position on something.  So as soon as either party decides to put something in their platform suddenly it’s off limits?  F that and F them. That’s BS. Total garbage BS.  We have to be able to discuss things that aren’t inherently political amicably and intelligently regardless of what some political party decides to say. It’s lazy to ban the whole topic v simply deleting posts that go to far and turn the discussion in a hostile way. 

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9 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

Get it out . What's your problem with me? . What have I done to you honestly.  I'm asking 

In the recent past only certain people's posts have been hide or deleted . 



If it makes you feel any better I’ve had plenty of posts deleted by mods over the years for being “too political” and they were mostly liberal leaning.  I just think everyone is too sensitive on both sides. Banning discussion is not the answer Imo. If someone can’t keep it clean and amicable then they can get banned. No reason people that can be adults and have a normal rational discussion and disagree/debate without being childish and nasty shouldnt be able too just because of trolls.  We need more discourse not less imo. 

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1 hour ago, HighStakes said:

A school employee at one of the local middle schools here died a few months ago due to Covid. The situation was hushed. How many other cases were not disclosed?

North Carroll Middle?  My mother retired from there last year right before Covid hit.  I'm very glad that she decided to retire since she is 76 and doesn't need the stress.

My wife has been back in a Catholic school in Ellicott City since September 5 days a week.  She was extremely worried at first and does get concerned, but thankfully she has been safe.  She did get the first shot a few weeks ago and is scheduled to get the second one next week. 

We let our kids choose if they went back to the Hybrid Model at South Carroll and they both decided to.  Unfortunately, My 10th grade daughter tested positive after the last game of basketball  2/14.   We understood the risks and she has recovered from a very slight case.  Thankfully nobody else in the house has had any symptoms since we have been homebound for the past 2 weeks.  The kids and wife go back to school next week when quarantine is up and we will still all wear our masks until restrictions have eased and respect others choices.

I agree with a lot of points made here this evening, but most of all I just wished that we could all respect the fact the each and every one of us has differing opinions, and that is not a bad thing.  What is a bad thing is when we don't respect (not agree)  others ability to have a differing opinion if it is different. 

If more people in general just stopped being so stubborn, this world would be such a nicer place to live. 

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1 minute ago, nj2va said:

I hate Comcast. Our internet has been out since this morning. And the earliest they can send someone is 5-7p tomorrow. I’ve spent 90 minutes on the phone with them today trying to troubleshoot. 

Sorry, that's a PITA. If you're able to consider other options, do you have access to Verizon FiOS at your address? I know lots of folks hate Verizon, too, but I can tell you in over 15 years of having FiOS, I can count on three fingers the amount of times we ever lost internet, TV or our landline (or any combination of them).

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Just now, vastateofmind said:

Sorry, that's a PITA. If you're able to consider other options, do you have access to Verizon FiOS at your address? I know lots of folks hate Verizon, too, but I can tell you in over 15 years of having FiOS, I can count on three fingers the amount of times we ever lost internet, TV or our landline (or any combination of them).

THe newer half of my neighborhood can get FIOS....that is 2 houses down from me.  :-(

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2 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

Sorry, that's a PITA. If you're able to consider other options, do you have access to Verizon FiOS at your address? I know lots of folks hate Verizon, too, but I can tell you in over 15 years of having FiOS, I can count on three fingers the amount of times we ever lost internet, TV or our landline (or any combination of them).

Yeah, they recently wired our neighborhood for FIOS...I’d change in a heartbeat. But we’re in the process of selling/buying so I’m holding off changing it. I checked our house we are buying in Alexandria last night and no FIOS there. yay more Comcast! 

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1 hour ago, psuhoffman said:

If it makes you feel any better I’ve had plenty of posts deleted by mods over the years for being “too political” and they were mostly liberal leaning.  I just think everyone is too sensitive on both sides. Banning discussion is not the answer Imo. If someone can’t keep it clean and amicable then they can get banned. No reason people that can be adults and have a normal rational discussion and disagree/debate without being childish and nasty shouldnt be able too just because of trolls.  We need more discourse not less imo. 

I didn't scroll down before I finished responding to my reply above and just saw this.  I grew up very conservative and always thinking like I thought my father wanted me to think.  As I got older and began to meet people from different cultures and diverse backgrounds, I learned a lot about how my views might be close-minded.  I learned a lot form just meeting new people and talking with them.  When we have open discussions and dialog, you do have an opportunity to see topics from a different mindset and maybe learn a little bit.  We can never stop learning, but to do so, you have to have an open mind. 

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1 minute ago, nj2va said:

Can we move on from politics? We get enough of that sht all around us and this is quickly devolving into that.  I come here to get away from liberal, conservative, etc. 

It’s a virus. It’s not politics. Our political parties have opinions on EVERYTHING, even the weather BTW!  Just because our parties have a stance on something doesn’t make it political. I promise you covid don’t care what your ideology is. 

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2 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

It’s a virus. It’s not politics. Our political parties have opinions on EVERYTHING, even the weather BTW!  Just because our parties have a stance on something doesn’t make it political. I promise you covid don’t care what your ideology is. 

Covid, no. But based on the post above mine, easy to see the direction we’re going. And that’s the last I’ll say on it as I don’t want to keep it going. 

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16 minutes ago, toolsheds said:

North Carroll Middle?  My mother retired from there last year right before Covid hit.  I'm very glad that she decided to retire since she is 76 and doesn't need the stress.

My wife has been back in a Catholic school in Ellicott City since September 5 days a week.  She was extremely worried at first and does get concerned, but thankfully she has been safe.  She did get the first shot a few weeks ago and is scheduled to get the second one next week. 

We let our kids choose if they went back to the Hybrid Model at South Carroll and they both decided to.  Unfortunately, My 10th grade daughter tested positive after the last game of basketball  2/14.   We understood the risks and she has recovered from a very slight case.  Thankfully nobody else in the house has had any symptoms since we have been homebound for the past 2 weeks.  The kids and wife go back to school next week when quarantine is up and we will still all wear our masks until restrictions have eased and respect others choices.

I agree with a lot of points made here this evening, but most of all I just wished that we could all respect the fact the each and every one of us has differing opinions, and that is not a bad thing.  What is a bad thing is when we don't respect (not agree)  others ability to have a differing opinion if it is different. 

If more people in general just stopped being so stubborn, this world would be such a nicer place to live. 

Good post. Yes it was North Carroll Middle. 

I have a 2 daughter's at Manchester Valley High School. One of them is starting in person tomorrow. The other one wants to start some time in March. I'm ok with it now. I also have a daughter in 5th grade at Ebb Valley Elementary and a stepson at North Carroll Middle. Both of them will go back in March.  Most leading doctors agree they should go back in person in some form.  I guess we'll see how everything plays out with more vaccines being distributed and new strains of the virus becoming more prevalent. We're still being as careful as possible and hoping for the best.

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2 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

These are weak arguments anymore.  There's nothing in the science anymore that says there's any elevated risk in schools.  The can can't be kicked anymore.  It's broken in 100 pieces too small to kick lol.

Schools in every state and every country have all these  issues and with bigger populations in many cases. They found a way to make it work since August and some cases since mid summer . BUT MARYLAND OR BALTIMORE IS DIFFERENT?My brothers kids in York  have been in school since August 5 days a week . My relatives in Somerset ,Pa similar . Nobody has died . It's safe. 

Your kids ?    Your 1- 2 classes of 30  ?  5% ? This has to be an extreme anomaly I'm sorry I'm not buying this for vast majority. 

There have been poles for months showing 50% to 75% of parents and teachers wanted at least some in person.  

I'm sure the mods will delete my opinion. 

Go back and re read your post and PSUs post. Your covid posts tend to come off as your thoughts are perfect and if someone doesnt agree they are stupid.  You use random data points from your bro then immediately discount what PSU said as an anomaly.

A discussion also involves listening and I really havent seen you ever do that in these covid threads. 

Personally we decided 24 days in school wasnt worth the risk. Once we explained what the classroom was going to be like our daughter was fine with finishing virtual. She isnt a big fan but has done well and her teacher has done a really good job this year. We have organised several gifts from the class for her hard work and have done a couple personally. We were hoping to give out donuts and coffee for all the school staff when they return next week but decided that might be too risky. Hoping to do something at the end of the year to make the teachers feel appreciated. 

I know not all kids are doing well. Those with means found alternatives. I agree we missed on providing a safe place for those most at risk. Howard had very limited slots for kids to come in and have reliable internet and an adult watching them. They also had small groups return in the fall but were cancelled when our numbers spiked. I wish some of the stimulus could have gone to increase that capacity. I also hope we can offer tutoring and summer school for those that arent where they need to be at year end. 

Around 50% of Howard kids are remaining virtual, so this isnt a topic where there is a majority one way or the other.




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every family will do what is best for them and their situation. there is no right or wrong answer. what works for one, doesn't work for the other. and you need to figure out how to respect each other when it comes to the decisions one makes for their families. 

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