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February Banter 2021

George BM

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14 minutes ago, Kmlwx said:

I won't agree or disagree. But there's a few factors here - 

There's a difference between asking a meteorologically relevant question and asking "How much for Philly?" in a fast paced discussion thread. 

I was an AWFUL poster in the Eastern days back in 2006. I posted too much, opined on things I had no clue what I was talking about, and did too much hand wringing over storms. I started reading, listening to met posts, and not feeling like I had to be posting to stay relevant.

We just all need to be friendly towards each other and give new posters friendly nudges if needed. But if somebody keeps up terrible posting - I have no issues with the mods 5-posting or taking other action. 

The vast majority of people on here are friendly and willing to teach newbies. 

I don't disagree with any of this. Anyone new who joins a storm thread with an IMBY question or doesn't respect the rules should be dealt with, but I see lots of people asking very good questions (things I'd like to know myself!) and just get ignored or condescended to.

This place isn't going to grow and evolve as long it's the same 50 people patting each other on the back about how they've been posting about weather since 1995 on Eastern or Wright Weather (or whatever it's called). But that's more of a general critique.

FWIW, I've never had an issue with any of your posts- you seem to be one of the more helpful people, especially during the summer. 

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5 minutes ago, mattie g said:

Yeah...it's WAY less busy around here in the summer. I was pretty much a ghost this summer for the first time in ages, but that was related more to all the issues going on in 2020 than anything else. I generally do like it here in the summer, but there's really nothing like it when we're expecting a nice snowstorm.

There's only so much anger you can generate from hitting 99 degrees instead of 100 in the summer ;) 

I think severe wx fails are easier to handle as well...usually in the summer you're only a few days (at most) away from your next shot. The anticipation for big severe events usually creeps up on us more than long lead snowstorms. 

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Just now, PrinceFrederickWx said:

I don't disagree with any of this. Anyone new who joins a storm thread with an IMBY question or doesn't respect the rules should be dealt with, but I see lots of people asking very good questions (things I'd like to know myself!) and just get ignored or condescended to.

This place isn't going to grow and evolve as long it's the same 50 people patting each other on the back about how they've been posting about weather since 1995 on Eastern or Wright Weather (or whatever it's called). But that's more of a general critique.

FWIW, I've never had an issue with any of your posts- you seem to be one of the more helpful people, especially during the summer. 

Thank you! 

Honestly - my knowledge level is pretty low overall. I think summer is also beneficial because the ratio of mets to general lay people becomes a lot better. Add in lower forum traffic and you get a TON of great discussion between the folks that stick around. @high risk and - @ers-wxman1 are absolute rockstars in here during the severe weather season. And their posts are a lot easier to find since the forum isn't moving at a mile a minute. 

I just get irritated when the rails come off like 15 times during the same storm. It's really not that hard to just be cordial and at the same time try to make quality posts.


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11 minutes ago, NorthArlington101 said:

Most of you are probably lucky this forum wasn’t around when you were in your early teens and wanted to meet likeminded folks.

:yikes:Uhh yeah, mhm.


Basically my first 2,000 posts were all me being a 14 year old weather weenie. On this board I made the worst impression I could've conceivably made. I can see why you guys are harsh to newbies who don't know their place, because even if that caused sidetracks from the main issue at hand (I recall having a multi-post sequence in regards to speculation about me being possibly being conceived in the Feb 2003 blizzard which was... un unpleasant thread to say the least), in the end the harshness helped big time. It denounced the weenie-posting side of me but at the same time encouraged me to learn more from the more respected members of the forum. I'm still not an exceptional poster in the slightest, but those nudges in the right direction certainly strayed me off of a path of being 5-posted, and for that I'm grateful. Everyone's gotta start somewhere in this field, and while most people start off rocky, this place is an exceptional way for people to get their footing in the world of meteorology. It's not the one month members weenie posting that concerns me, it's the people who know exactly what they're posting and do it anyways with no regard to the discussion that they're disrupting. 

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17 minutes ago, Kmlwx said:

There's only so much anger you can generate from hitting 99 degrees instead of 100 in the summer ;) 

I think severe wx fails are easier to handle as well...usually in the summer you're only a few days (at most) away from your next shot. The anticipation for big severe events usually creeps up on us more than long lead snowstorms. 

I'm usually rooting for the under when it gets that hot. :lol:

You're right though in that we usually don't have to wait terribly long for another chance for something interesting...except when we're under a huge death ridge and we can't see how it could possibly rain for weeks. Then it's just back to complaining about how hot and boring it is...and eventually someone talks about how they can't wait to track snowstorms.

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1 minute ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

Oh wow really? I hadn’t been around for a couple of days and just assumed that you guys to the east did very well.

I've got roughly 4.5" right on 95 in Prince William. Believe I've gotten half my snow since like 6pm yesterday

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35 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

A while back I posted that the entire region would see 8-20” of snow before the end of January. It drew a bunch of laughs. I missed by a day, but how’s it looking now? Lol

Ummm... I'll even throw in yesterday's and today's totals and that still only gives you 2.8" here. :lol:

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20 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

Oh wow really? I hadn’t been around for a couple of days and just assumed that you guys to the east did very well.

The WAA really underperformed. I got like 3.5" on Sunday, but most of that was between about 6:00 am and noon. It snowed lightly all day after that with the occasional slightly better burst.

Picked up a bit under 1.5" since then, even with snow much of the day today. Just hasn't been heavy enough for long enough.

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2 hours ago, Kmlwx said:


I think severe wx fails are easier to handle as well...usually in the summer you're only a few days (at most) away from your next shot. The anticipation for big severe events usually creeps up on us more than long lead snowstorms. 

Yeah, this is my line of thinking as well. Severe is what got me into meteorology back when I was in highschool. Fails used to hurt a lot more back then. I think the thing with Severe is that (depending on the set-up) you can easily whiff. No matter the threat that day, you can always get screwed. Everything could line up perfectly and YBY could see nothing. A cell could hit 10 miles to your north and 10 miles to your south. It happens every year, but at least we can look 3 days down the line for the next interesting set-up. 

WinterWx is much different in that it no longer comes down to city by city, but more so county by county or sometimes region by region. The whiffs hurt much more. Generally speaking, if you are under a winter storm warning you can feel good about getting snow and not busting, unlike a severe ts watch. A huge winter fail sucks because we track it for 7 days tirelessly. The ROI sucks! I dunno. A big winter storm has so much more umph to it compared to a big severe day IMO. Anyway, I really value your posts during the summer and I have definitely learned a thing or two from you. Looking forward to the summer where we can start tracking CAPE and cold fronts! :maprain:

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21 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

See this is why we can’t trust westerners like you. You make a forecast and while your snow is locked in out there you forget that the metro folks can’t rest until after measuring. 

On the other hand, you missed a real subforum disaster here so congrats on that. 

I surely thought those to the east did better. 

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1 hour ago, blizzardmeiser said:

A little over 5 in Newark DE spread out over 3 days....


CAPE, did the GFS end up performing the best with this storm. Keep hearing folks say the EURO reign is over. 

Not sure. It seemed to pretty consistently have lower totals here than the other guidance, but I have no idea how well it did with all aspects of the storm(s) overall.

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6 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

I surely thought those to the east did better. 

nope.  for 90% of the storm I sat at less than half of what I was supposed to get low end.  It was only last night and today that got me to just barely above low end.

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8 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

I surely thought those to the east did better. 

The WAA part was generally better to the south as it moved eastward. I ended up with 3.2", counting the sleet that fell before it turned to light rain/drizzle. As for part 2, basically an inch, although it was snowing earlier today while I was at work- it is 33 and melty now so there may have been a bit more but I wasn't here to see it. Unless I get another random band today or tonight, my total is 4.2"

I am not even disappointed, because I know the deal with waa precip, I knew it would be above freezing yesterday with drizzle, and I never bought the stupid amounts of backend snow the guidance had been suggesting here. I called an inch or so, and it appears I nailed it.

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