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Jan 31st CAD event


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45 minutes ago, PackGrad05 said:

I'm watching the short-term models for MONDAY AFTERNOON here.  Shows a possible dusting or more.

yOu’Re NoT gOnNa GeT a SiNgLe fLaKe.  DoN’T gEt YoUr HoPeS uP.  :P  j/k  I hope you get something.

I’m at 32.0 and light rain.  No ice other than very light accumulation on small trees and shrubs.  Last night’s snow is almost gone except for mulch.

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9 minutes ago, magpiemaniac said:

32.2 currently and 0.5” of rain since midnight.

We laugh about cold rain, but the joke’s not funny anymore.  This is ridiculous.

Its days like today that really make a southern snow lover appreciate just how hard it is to align the stars and bank some snow.  I also think thats why we tend to have major storms once in a blue moon vs multiple 2-4" events.  You miss 98% of the time, but when you score, you score big.  Growing up in Cincinnati we had 2-4" snows seemingly once a week during the winter.  Down here in the Carolinas its ZR, dusting, dusting, inch, 8", ZR, ZR.....and thats over 2 years!  :lol:

Appreciate what you get.  There's always that big thump coming.....next year.

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