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Winter Banter and General Disco 2


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56 minutes ago, NorEastermass128 said:

Geez!  So crazy.

193 after hours 

The WSB crew has a disdain for Wall Street and the way they have been bailed out and deemed too big to fail, It’s sort of a vote against “biz as usual of the 1% always making out “ they want to bring the casino down and profit along the way if they can  . Sort of watching in awe , and hoping they don’t cause some sort of contagion

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1 hour ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

193 after hours 

The WSB crew has a disdain for Wall Street and the way they have been bailed out and deemed too big to fail, It’s sort of a vote against “biz as usual of the 1% always making out “ they want to bring the casino down and profit along the way if they can  . Sort of watching in awe , and hoping they don’t cause some sort of contagion

BB is next.

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2 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

BB is next.

BB and BBBY , AMC went for a ride as well after hours 

It seems like this group may contribute to some broad market instability soon , bc really ..what is their end game and they are sort of undermining some may say  (illuminating) a sort of broken mechanism regarding pricing ..which is the basis of the entire market..but the thing is people are jumping on to this and it’s gaining steam as long as they are successful 

A brief rug pull might be needed by end of week 

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33 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

It is going to be ugly but like Pike said a few days ago, TPTB can’t let it all crash at once. 

The money is mind boggling

I mean 2 weeks ago GTE was trading around 20$ and if you wanted call options expiring 1/29 with a strike price of 60$ it would have cost you like .30 or 30$ per lot . NOW that same 30$ option with 100 strike price is worth 10,000$ Or so (as GME is at 225 )

Some of those people bought hundreds of those 

I am a little concerned about this snowballing into something more broadly destabilizing but not terribly so (Currently) ..would make a nice black swan-but I would guess we will see a pull back at SP around 3920 if not sooner that may cut the speculative legs out.from WSBets(and whoever piles on) ..*may


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44 minutes ago, Supernovice said:

Citadel/ Point72 buy order flow to front run, Retail creates a short squeeze, Citadel et al buy Melvin for pennies on the dollar. Citadel/Point72 make out x2. Good business to be in.

"The difficulties small-time retail traders face in timing these huge runs is that they don’t have access to the same real-time information that large market makers like Citadel Securities do. In addition, the market makers don’t have to play by the same rules.

This is something that traders often don’t understand. There is a market-making exemption for the Citadels and the Two Sigma’s and the Morgan Stanleys and the Goldman Sachs of the world where they don’t have to locate stock to short like you and I would...They have been granted an SEC exemption as market makers from having to locate shares. They can manufacture them."  -  Jon Quast

Sorry no link, pasted from a private site.

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The odd thing about GME ..is that usually heavily shorted stocks That rise ..see less shorts .)as shorts are forced to cover to avoid potentially infinite losses (as stock rises) ...well with GME As this stock rose from 15 to 60 on Friday and 125-150 Monday am ..more and more huge Wall Street hedge funds and millionaires piled Into NEW massive short positions ..believing this run up had to be over ..usually the winners who bought the stock would sell and book profits (but not so much with Wall Street bets) so selling was minimized and new shorts were maximized as WSB kept bidding up the stock in huge quantities and using massive call options ..the amount of NEW shorts left to Cover can take this stock over 500 if WSB doesn’t fold in morning (I.e book profits and try to sell high . I see them doing this end of week as long as short positions gets much lower 

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7 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

The odd thing about GME ..is that usually heavily shorted stocks That rise ..see less shorts .)as shorts are forced to cover to avoid potentially infinite losses (as stock rises) ...well with GME As this stock rose from 15 to 60 on Friday and 125-150 Monday am ..more and more huge Wall Street hedge funds and millionaires piled Into NEW massive short positions ..believing this run up had to be over ..usually the winners who bought the stock would sell and book profits (but not so much with Wall Street bets) so selling was minimized and new shorts were maximized as WSB kept bidding up the stock in huge quantities and using massive call options ..the amount of NEW shorts left to Cover can take this stock over 500 if WSB doesn’t fold in morning (I.e book profits and try to sell high . I see them doing this end of week as long as short positions gets much lower 

Lol, I looked at GME as a cigar butt type stock last year and it didn't pass the sniff test. Guess it falls in the "what could've been" category now. Pretty surreal to watch at any rate.

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15 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

Gme Peaked at 350 last hour 270 now , may go higher as the group chastised any who sell and book profits lol

market spooked this am , vix spike , SP 500 falling   To 3815. FB & MSFT had beat on earnings 

You wonder if some institutions that are short these in-play names are getting forced to sell some of their longs.

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57 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

Gme Peaked at 350 last hour 270 now , may go higher as the group chastised any who sell and book profits lol

market spooked this am , vix spike , SP 500 falling   To 3815 which is a support level FB & MSFT had beat on earnings 

I only have $1000 in trading acct to play with. Everything else is tied up. Not sure I'd play GME at this point

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14 minutes ago, Hoth said:

I looked at AMC yolo calls yesterday morning and didn't pull the trigger. The March expiration $6 strike was like a buck. Oh well lol.

I can't stand that r/wallstreetbets page....it's just a bunch of idiots posting rockets and moons....with very sparse meaningful information. 

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