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Interior NW & NE Burbs 2021


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1 hour ago, wdrag said:

PT is not weather related> I work for Sussex County NJ as a part time engineering aide, as long as they'll have me. Guardrail,  (now called Guide Rail), and bridge inspections, sometimes a bit of surveying. Have a tablet, walk the roads and bridges and do as asked-taught, much of it on my own. Fortunate to have a PT job like this. I like the outdoors and get's me more familiar with the county i grew up in. 

Good luck Walt with the new endeavor. Will you be back for more posts next winter?

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3 hours ago, wdrag said:

PT is not weather related> I work for Sussex County NJ as a part time engineering aide, as long as they'll have me. Guardrail,  (now called Guide Rail), and bridge inspections, sometimes a bit of surveying. Have a tablet, walk the roads and bridges and do as asked-taught, much of it on my own. Fortunate to have a PT job like this. I like the outdoors and get's me more familiar with the county i grew up in. 

Interesting. A small part of my work is involved in helping/supervising the programming of Federal Highway funds for bridges/roads eligible for Federal funding. 

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20 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

I mean 80s is pretty boring, at least triple digits is something we'll remember.  I always celebrate a triple digit temp with a few cold ones ;)


It’s not like they’re that common around here. I think I remember about three in my entire life. As I remember they were three of the most misreable days of my life. I’m not joining you on this one, give me -20 anyday over that. 

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5 inches of snow otg, 35° , 36 consecutive days of snow cover and 46 days of snow cover for the season.

This stuff is holding up tough as we all suspected it would. I would guess it's demise finally comes during next weeks three days in the 50's. By then I will have reached my minimum standard for an acceptable winter of 50 days of snow cover.

I still am baffled how some people in the NYC/coastal plain area rated the winter of 2015/16 as an A all from one big blizzard there of 30+ inches and virtually no snow before or after it. I could almost accept that if there was sustained cold and a snow pack that lasted weeks after it, but if memory serves there was a mild spell almost immediately after and it was gone from most of those areas within a week. Everyone has their own grading systems but how is a winter with no sustained snow cover anything above a D?

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18 hours ago, CPcantmeasuresnow said:

It’s not like they’re that common around here. I think I remember about three in my entire life. As I remember they were three of the most misreable days of my life. I’m not joining you on this one, give me -20 anyday over that. 

Good morning gents. I prefer a ‘Jeb walk’ to sunstroke. Even though, at my stage, cooking from the inside out does have it’s positives. As always ....

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32 minutes ago, CPcantmeasuresnow said:

The dreaded south facing hill scenario? Combine that with tall evergreens that only allow minor accumulations underneath, even during raging snowstorms and it's a sustained snowpack nightmare. We all mourn with you.

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated during this difficult time.

Actually, I'm glad for it this week. I had yet another break in my water line on Monday, and aside from maybe the uppermost inch or two, no frost to speak of while digging to China. Updating that crappy galvanized pipe is high on my list of projects this spring.

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44 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated during this difficult time.

Actually, I'm glad for it this week. I had yet another break in my water line on Monday, and aside from maybe the uppermost inch or two, no frost to speak of while digging to China. Updating that crappy galvanized pipe is high on my list of projects this spring.

Ugggh.  I had to replace the water line under my driveway about 15 years ago.  No joy in that.

winter look holding strong in my backyard.



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On 3/3/2021 at 3:09 PM, CPcantmeasuresnow said:

It’s not like they’re that common around here. I think I remember about three in my entire life. As I remember they were three of the most misreable days of my life. I’m not joining you on this one, give me -20 anyday over that. 

I wouldn't mind both in the same year.....two of my favorite periods of history were 1993-1996 and 2009-2016.

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16 hours ago, CPcantmeasuresnow said:

5 inches of snow otg, 35° , 36 consecutive days of snow cover and 46 days of snow cover for the season.

This stuff is holding up tough as we all suspected it would. I would guess it's demise finally comes during next weeks three days in the 50's. By then I will have reached my minimum standard for an acceptable winter of 50 days of snow cover.

I still am baffled how some people in the NYC/coastal plain area rated the winter of 2015/16 as an A all from one big blizzard there of 30+ inches and virtually no snow before or after it. I could almost accept that if there was sustained cold and a snow pack that lasted weeks after it, but if memory serves there was a mild spell almost immediately after and it was gone from most of those areas within a week. Everyone has their own grading systems but how is a winter with no sustained snow cover anything above a D?

are we doing winter ratings already?

That winter gets a B in my book because we had a few other snow events right after that (remember the snow cover around the superbowl  and when the big crane fell in Manhattan)....had 40 inches of snowfall with 50 inches in spots on Long Island.  It would get a B plus based on snowfall alone as well as the below zero temp on Valentines Day but gets scaled down to B because of the miserable December.  If you grade on January and February alone though that should be a B+


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I think my rating will probably end up in the C+ to B- range.


- two big storms

- holiday season snow

- near-average snowfall (never a given)

- sustained snowcover in February


- mother of all Grinch storms

- paltry lows

- the big one: snowless, mild January

- dwindling prospects for March though obviously subject to change

Locally, February was good but not legendary enough to make up for the next two biggest climo months being non-starters, if that's how it turns out. Few things more agonizing for the weenie soul than being shut out in January.

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For a simple system this is what works for me, the CP system of grading winter which can be used in any location.

Whatever your seasonal snowfall average is, that should equal the number of days of snowcover for the season as  a passing grade. So here in Orange County we average anywhere from 45-55 inches depending on where in  the county you live and at what elevation.

Here in Highland Mills we average about 50 inches per year. Give me 50 inches of snow in a season and 50 days with snow cover and it's generally acceptable C+, B- area. Then you can factor in the other things, sustained cold spell, significant storms, white Christmas etc.

Right now we're at 59.4 inches for the season and 47 days with snow cover with 37 straights days and counting. Generally this would be a B since we will hit 50 days of snow cover, by Monday morning, but the winter as a whole has been above normal temperature wise and of course the Christmas Eve nightmare washing away our white Christmas currently makes it a C+ in  my book. Subject to change of course. I don't close the books here until April 15th.

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44 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

I think my rating will probably end up in the C+ to B- range.


- two big storms

- holiday season snow

- near-average snowfall (never a given)

- sustained snowcover in February


- mother of all Grinch storms

- paltry lows

- the big one: snowless, mild January

- dwindling prospects for March though obviously subject to change

Locally, February was good but not legendary enough to make up for the next two biggest climo months being non-starters, if that's how it turns out. Few things more agonizing for the weenie soul than being shut out in January.

Thats what lowers this winter in my book.....if we had our regular big storm circa Jan 20th this winter would've been a lot better even if we get shut out in March.  Based on my own criteria I'd give this winter a B, if we get one more moderate snowfall in the 4-6 range I'd raise it to B+


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2 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

Thats what lowers this winter in my book.....if we had our regular big storm circa Jan 20th this winter would've been a lot better even if we get shut out in March.  Based on my own criteria I'd give this winter a B, if we get one more moderate snowfall in the 4-6 range I'd raise it to B+

This is one of the big disparities between the metro and the interior lately. My biggest January snowfalls going back a while:

2013: 3.7"

2014: 6.0"

2015: 5.0"

2016: 1.3"

2017: 2.8"

2018: 6.4"

2019: 4.7"

2020: 2.8"

2021: 2.9" (also the monthly total)

I actually don't remember the last time I had a double-digit snowfall in the month of January. 2005? It's really bizarre.


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2 hours ago, Juliancolton said:

This is one of the big disparities between the metro and the interior lately. My biggest January snowfalls going back a while:

2013: 3.7"

2014: 6.0"

2015: 5.0"

2016: 1.3"

2017: 2.8"

2018: 6.4"

2019: 4.7"

2020: 2.8"

2021: 2.9" (also the monthly total)

I actually don't remember the last time I had a double-digit snowfall in the month of January. 2005? It's really bizarre.


And I thought you didn’t keep records...

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On 3/4/2021 at 9:02 AM, CPcantmeasuresnow said:

The dreaded south facing hill scenario? Combine that with tall evergreens that only allow minor accumulations underneath, even during raging snowstorms and it's a sustained snowpack nightmare. We all mourn with you.

March 4th, high noon, on the next door Temple grounds, the last remanent of Februrary is fading. Down the block a few small piles have only days left. As always ...,




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On 3/4/2021 at 8:49 AM, CPcantmeasuresnow said:


I still am baffled how some people in the NYC/coastal plain area rated the winter of 2015/16 as an A all from one big blizzard there of 30+ inches and virtually no snow before or after it. I could almost accept that if there was sustained cold and a snow pack that lasted weeks after it, but if memory serves there was a mild spell almost immediately after and it was gone from most of those areas within a week. Everyone has their own grading systems but how is a winter with no sustained snow cover anything above a D?

Not I.  2015-16 was kinda average.  Not bad, but not that special. 

2014-2015 worked its way to a very solid A starting in January, but some folks to the west of here won't agree becasue they didn't get buried in the Jan 2015 blizzard.  They seem to have forgotten everything that came after it.  

Some of us remember multiple moderate snowfalls and long lasting snow cover, some of us only remember the biggies.  I won't forget the 2015 snowcover.  From when the pattern shifted in January, we didn't completely melt out until the first couple of days of April.  The 20" snowpack on this same date in March 2015 was kinda memorable too.

March 6, 2015:




March 8, 2015:



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16 hours ago, Juliancolton said:

This is one of the big disparities between the metro and the interior lately. My biggest January snowfalls going back a while:

2013: 3.7"

2014: 6.0"

2015: 5.0"

2016: 1.3"

2017: 2.8"

2018: 6.4"

2019: 4.7"

2020: 2.8"

2021: 2.9" (also the monthly total)

I actually don't remember the last time I had a double-digit snowfall in the month of January. 2005? It's really bizarre.


holy hell your Januarys sound like what ours were back in the 80s....we had cold and dry Januarys back then avg temps in the 20s and no double digit snowfalls.

Do you have any records from the 80s for your area for January?


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5 hours ago, NorthShoreWx said:

Not I.  2015-16 was kinda average.  Not bad, but not that special. 

2014-2015 worked its way to a very solid A starting in January, but some folks to the west of here won't agree becasue they didn't get buried in the Jan 2015 blizzard.  They seem to have forgotten everything that came after it.  

Some of us remember multiple moderate snowfalls and long lasting snow cover, some of us only remember the biggies.  I won't forget the 2015 snowcover.  From when the pattern shifted in January, we didn't completely melt out until the first couple of days of April.  The 20" snowpack on this same date in March 2015 was kinda memorable too.

March 6, 2015:




March 8, 2015:



I wont forget 2015 either, best March I can remember and February was amazing too with record long lasting cold through both months.

I actually rank it above 2013-14 although they're both As in my book,


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25° with 5 inches of snow otg and holding steady.

It will take the midweek warmup to finally put an end to the remaining resilient snowpack. The difference between 5 inches of battle tested, compressed, ice encrusted snow that's been around for five weeks and new fallen snow is light night and day regarding staying power, some get that but many still don't.


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