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Interior NW & NE Burbs 2021


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22 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

The 12z NAM is juicy. Somebody could get a sneaky 5" I think. 34/22F

As a side note, if y'all could just post once in a while so it doesn't look like I'm talking to myself, that'd be swell... :P

Radar overhead shows snow but not reaching ground.  Didn't think there would be a virga factor early on.  Waiting for the goods! 

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1 minute ago, Juliancolton said:

Same here, came in like a wall. I'm not sure snow growth is particularly good (yet?), but it's falling in big old aggregates from the low-level warmth. Looks pretty.

Temps jumped 6 degrees from 30 to 36 since 9am. Just backed off 2 degrees with the snowfall 34/22 currently 

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Temp is 25 degrees with light to moderate snow out here in the Poconos. The rates haven’t been all that impressive. Going to say roughly 2.0” have yet to measure. It’s drifting pretty bad, with wind gust cranking 25 to 30mph on the plateau. Looks like the back edge will be through here in about 2 to 3 hours, nice small event! 

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3 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

Roads going downhill rapidly around town. NY 55 is completely blocked east of the TSP, so presumably accidents are already happening. 

With the snow rates currently the salt can’t keep up with the melting process. Now with traffic slowing down the plows can’t do their job. In addition we have a couple more hours of this. Going to be a mess

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20 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

Roads going downhill rapidly around town. NY 55 is completely blocked east of the TSP, so presumably accidents are already happening. 

I've met a few of those ditches up close. That stretch over the top can get really ugly.

It came in like a wall, took nearly 30 minutes to get the temp down from 38 to the point where it would really stick and then BOOM it started building up in a hurry. I should go out and measure because it's over 2", probably more like 3, but it's 33* so I'm sure it's compacting quickly too. It's not sunny but it's much brighter than it would usually be when it's coming down at 2"/hr. Plow came by a little while ago and you can't even tell. Thankfully it didn't start snowing until 3 minutes after I got my wife into the house after the pre-op doc visit this morning.

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It never went below 33 here but DAMN it snowed hard for a while there. 5.5" before the flip and now the trees are starting to sag as the goo turns to mush. This has really been one of the most fun winter weather months in a long time. About the only thing to make it better would have been a good convective snowstorm with lightning and thunder and all that. I wish my world wasn't so blown up at the moment and I could get out and appreciate it other than with a shovel in my hands. We were there, we were out snowshoeing, checking out frozen waterfalls and doing family winter stuff then *crack* goes the ankle :( 

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Meant to post this here. I'm not quite sure why I bother in the main spread. Some there are already hoping for flowers and warm weather in March. Yeah that happens a lot around here :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
31.3° moderate snow, 3.2 inches so fa, doesn't look like will make it to 4.

58.5 inches on the season, 17 inches otg, and not one day in February so far with a snow depth below 12.5 inches, and 40.5 inches for the month. That is an A+ month in my book.
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33 minutes ago, CPcantmeasuresnow said:
Meant to post this here. I'm not quite sure why I bother in the main spread. Some there are already hoping for flowers and warm weather in March. Yeah that happens a lot around here :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
31.3° moderate snow, 3.2 inches so fa, doesn't look like will make it to 4.

58.5 inches on the season, 17 inches otg, and not one day in February so far with a snow depth below 12.5 inches, and 40.5 inches for the month. That is an A+ month in my book.

One of the best winter months we have had in quite a long time, no question. 

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It was colder than it's been for a while, I went through ~25 more gallons of heating oil in the last 6 weeks that the same time period the last few years. And yeah, I'm over 50" for the month and it's been a workout :weight_lift:

Is there a good way to search for your own posts for a particular time period? I don't keep notes so I need to go back and find where I mentioned my storm totals and add it up because I think I'm forgetting some stuff.

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22 minutes ago, EpicHECS said:

Dude, really - what are you ON? lol

It didn't all melt since the sun went down and the temperature dropped. It's *all* over the trees, powerlines, buildings. You clearly have some kind of bizarre agenda or something. 

The snow *just* stopped falling earlier. How can you think the entire day's fall melted already? LOL

Haven't you been reading what I and others local to you have been writing all day? Or are you just oblivious to posts that aren't yours? 

1) You were in Goshen all day but even still - That was a heavy period of snow earlier this afternoon. Period. Look at the totals and the amount of time they occurred in. 

2) You continually report totals lower than everyone around you does, including official NWS totals after the storm. You've done it all year. 

3) I've honestly been outdoors or in a car during some of the most ridiculous weather imaginable, numerous times in my life. In multiple countries. There is no reasonable person who would consider that band across I-84 today to be "steady light snow". Again: You spent your whole day within the same few square miles, as you clearly do most days. 

4) If you're leaving your Goshen office sauced every afternoon and evening, you know Goshen's going to pull you over any night now, don't you? You're driving across one of the most overly policed zones in America when you leave work and drive home. 

There are so many inaccuracies in the above quotes I don't know where to begin, so I won't.

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One impression I have:  This has been a super February for the nw-ne suburbs of NY, especially northwest. Take a good look out the window Tuesday morning and appreciate that this might be as good as it gets this season for deep - cold snowpack that has been around for 3+ weeks.  I know I've enjoyed this very much and had no idea in Nov-Dec, even early January.  

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I think someone just mentioned how good it’s been NW of the city, and I think I’m actually due west. Anyway, bonkers amounts of snow here this month. I think we’re around 46” for the month. Roughly 58” (!) for the winter.

Only thing we didn’t have this year is a reading below 5°.


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One impression I have:  This has been a super February for the nw-ne suburbs of NY, especially northwest. Take a good look out the window Tuesday morning and appreciate that this might be as good as it gets this season for deep - cold snowpack that has been around for 3+ weeks.  I know I've enjoyed this very much and had no idea in Nov-Dec, even early January.  

Agreed and I’m also ready for sun and warmth.

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