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Dec 16-17 obs/nowcast thread


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16 minutes ago, MarkO said:

Can anyone from Aquidneck Island report what they got from snow totals?

Not from Aquidneck Island but I can see it across Mt. Hope Bay. I ended up with about 6 inches. The top 1-2 inches was a frozen layer of sleet. I would imagine most of at least northern part of the island was similar. Maybe less toward Newport.

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27 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

I’m looking around at totals and this was a massive snowstorm even if you totally eliminated that obscene fronto band. Like BOS to ORH to HFD/BDL down to NYC and back across a chunk of PA got double digits. 

But all those 13” and 16” totals all of the sudden look paltry when there’s 33” and 38” and 44” on the same map. :lol:


Makes the KU list?

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9 hours ago, backedgeapproaching said:

Picked the wrong house to go to it seems..

Lol it's funny you say and you are correct. I live in NJ, have place on lake in PA (Poconos) and cabin in the greens. Had to be down in NJ for work so I snuck up to the PA place for the night thinking we would put up big number there like models had been zoning in on. We did ok, maybe 14" but at my cabin in VT we put up a 30+ spot. Incidentally 75 miles away in Binghamton places were put up 35-40. Oh well, I'll be up at the cabin in VT tomorrow night digging out from 3' for the weekend.

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What an awesome storm... that WCB band through eastern MA 1-2am was one of the best I've seen in 25+ years in Boston

Multiple different mechanisms on display (WCB, mid-level frontogenesis, CCB) more geographically disjointed than what I'm used to seeing

This season already a great start with 2 over-performers (Oct 29, Dec 16), 1 big bust (Dec 5)

Still don't understand why not a single model had any clue on that mid-level fronto being so far northwest, intense, and stationary... do we know if the track of the ULL was very different than progged? Haven't had time to go through guidance vs. mesoanalysis to understand what happened.





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3 minutes ago, wxsniss said:

What an awesome storm... that WCB band through eastern MA 1-2am was one of the best I've seen in 25+ years in Boston

Multiple different mechanisms on display (WCB, mid-level frontogenesis, CCB) more geographically disjointed than what I'm used to seeing

This season already a great start with 2 over-performers (Oct 29, Dec 16), 1 big bust (Dec 5)

Still don't understand why not a single model had any clue on that mid-level fronto being so far northwest, intense, and stationary... do we know if the track of the ULL was very different than progged? Haven't had time to go through guidance vs. mesoanalysis to understand what happened.





what's the link to this?

I was hoping there would be an updated regional one like this on the right (it's a much more visually attractive map) but it is from 7 AM


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3 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Can anyone think of another storm that had such a long axis of 40"+ reports to the NWS?

PA/NY/VT/NH on the list.  This isn't like one weenie got excited somewhere or some isolated report.  That's a legit axis of 40+ in a coastal storm.


That's insane for any storm, but especially for a relatively short-lived one.

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Big numbers in there...........

NOUS41 KGYX 172250

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
550 PM EST Thu Dec 17 2020


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
2 S Lisbon                   15.0 in   0326 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 W Lisbon Falls             14.0 in   0226 AM 12/17   Public
Lisbon Falls                 13.0 in   0514 PM 12/17   Public
Lisbon                       12.0 in   0140 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 E Lewiston                 9.0 in    0448 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 WNW Auburn                 7.8 in    0513 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 S Turner                   7.5 in    0230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Poland                       6.8 in    0401 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio

...Cumberland County...
Gorham                       24.1 in   0355 PM 12/17   Public
3 NW South Windham           22.0 in   0103 AM 12/17   Public
2 WSW Falmouth               21.7 in   0429 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
2 SSW Cumberland             20.0 in   0355 AM 12/17   Public
1 N Cumberland               18.5 in   0453 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 SSE Gorham                 18.5 in   0404 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Portland Jetport             17.6 in   0109 PM 12/17   ASOS
Harpswell                    17.0 in   0234 PM 12/17   Public
Yarmouth                     16.6 in   0418 PM 12/17   Public
1 NE Gorham                  16.0 in   0437 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
3 SSE Gray                   16.0 in   0140 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Gray                   15.5 in   0204 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
1 NW Freeport                15.0 in   0307 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
4 WSW New Gloucester         14.5 in   0125 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
2 E North Windham            14.4 in   0446 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 ENE Standish               14.2 in   1245 PM 12/17   Public
New Gloucester               14.0 in   0521 PM 12/17   Public
3 NW North Yarmouth          13.0 in   1207 PM 12/17   Public
Raymond                      13.0 in   0348 PM 12/17   Public
3 NE Scarborough             12.7 in   0200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Harrison                     12.6 in   0359 PM 12/17   Public
Brunswick                    12.0 in   1232 PM 12/17   Public
5 NNE East Baldwin           12.0 in   0432 PM 12/17   Public
1 SW North Windham           12.0 in   0508 AM 12/17   Public
1 SSE Pownal                 12.0 in   0227 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
Gray NWS Office              11.2 in   0303 PM 12/17   Official NWS Obs
1 SSE Raymond                11.0 in   1217 PM 12/17   Public
1 NNW Cape Elizabeth         10.3 in   0155 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 SSE Brunswick Naval Air St 10.1 in   1256 PM 12/17   Public
Bridgton                     9.5 in    0513 PM 12/17   Public
2 NNW New Gloucester         9.3 in    0111 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
1 ESE Raymond                8.8 in    1100 AM 12/17   NWS Employee
3 ESE Casco                  8.5 in    0459 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 S Naples                   7.0 in    1004 AM 12/17   Public

...Franklin County...
6 SSE Rangeley               1.5 in    0452 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Kennebec County...
Hallowell                    5.2 in    0506 PM 12/17   Public
Gardiner                     4.0 in    1130 AM 12/17   Public
1 NNE Hallowell              4.0 in    0507 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2.0 SW Waterville            1.8 in    1030 AM 12/17   COOP

...Knox County...
Union                        8.0 in    0510 PM 12/17   Public
Hope                         7.0 in    0109 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Appleton               6.0 in    0452 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Rockland                     3.5 in    0244 PM 12/17   Public
Thomaston                    2.0 in    1211 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Lincoln County...
1 NNE Waldoboro              7.3 in    0116 PM 12/17   Cocorahs
Boothbay Harbor              7.0 in    0406 PM 12/17   Public

...Oxford County...
1 NE Denmark                 6.0 in    0358 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio
4 SSW Otisfield              5.6 in    0458 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
1 W Otisfield                4.0 in    1208 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 W Stoneham                 3.1 in    0454 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Sagadahoc County...
2 NNE Bath                   15.0 in   0425 PM 12/17   Public
2 ENE Topsham                14.5 in   0211 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...York County...
1 S Limerick                 26.0 in   0514 PM 12/17   Public
Newfield                     26.0 in   0438 PM 12/17   Public
2 SSW East Baldwin           23.7 in   0352 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
5 NW Hollis                  22.7 in   0253 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
1 W Newfield                 22.0 in   0519 PM 12/17   Public
1 N Buxton                   21.0 in   0230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 NE Shapleigh               21.0 in   0140 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 ESE Limerick               20.3 in   1220 PM 12/17   Public
2 ENE Limington              19.8 in   0438 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Berwick                      19.0 in   0514 PM 12/17   Public
6 ESE Sanford                19.0 in   0215 AM 12/17   Public
Buxton                       18.0 in   0515 PM 12/17   Public
6 W Lebanon                  18.0 in   0453 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 W Waterboro                18.0 in   0335 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio
Biddeford                    16.0 in   0512 PM 12/17   Public
Hollis                       14.0 in   1225 PM 12/17   Public
1 N Kennebunk                14.0 in   0240 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Kennebunk                    13.0 in   0520 PM 12/17   Public
Saco                         12.5 in   0917 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Lebanon                      12.0 in   0517 PM 12/17   Public
2 SSW Old Orchard Beach      8.0 in    1100 AM 12/17   NWS Employee
Kittery Point 0.8 WSW        6.6 in    0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
Sanbornton                   42.4 in   0421 PM 12/17   Public
Gilford                      39.0 in   0322 PM 12/17   Broadcast Media
Meredith                     39.0 in   0147 PM 12/17   Public
New Hampton                  37.0 in   1211 PM 12/17   Public
3 SSW Meredith               35.7 in   1231 PM 12/17   Public
Tilton-Northfield            31.2 in   1147 AM 12/17   Cocorahs
3 SW Laconia                 30.0 in   0203 PM 12/17   Public
Gilmanton                    27.5 in   0512 PM 12/17   Public
Belmont                      24.0 in   0927 AM 12/17   Public
5 E Gilford                  23.0 in   0413 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio
1 ESE Laconia                22.5 in   0328 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 S Alton                    14.5 in   0917 AM 12/17   Public

...Carroll County...
2 NW Ossipee                 22.0 in   0408 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio
Bridgewater                  16.0 in   0910 AM 12/17   Public
2 WSW South Tamworth         16.0 in   1207 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Wakefield                    13.0 in   0852 AM 12/17   Public
Wolfeboro                    13.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   UCOOP
Freedom                      12.5 in   0522 PM 12/17   Public
1 W South Tamworth           12.0 in   1224 PM 12/17   Public
1 N Madison                  10.0 in   0200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 WNW Sandwich               8.5 in    1220 PM 12/17   Public
Albany 2.8 SW                5.7 in    0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
North Conway 1.8 SSE         5.0 in    0900 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Jackson 3.7 NW               1.5 in    0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS

...Cheshire County...
1 NNE Stoddard               23.5 in   0413 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 W Marlow                   20.0 in   1111 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Marlborough                  17.0 in   0505 PM 12/17   Public
2 NNE Chesterfield           16.0 in   1219 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 NNW Westmoreland           16.0 in   1000 AM 12/17   Public
3 W Marlborough              15.0 in   1153 AM 12/17   Public
1 ENE Spofford               13.8 in   0140 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Rindge                 12.3 in   0208 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    10.8 in   0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
2.0 NW Roxbury               10.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   COOP
1.6 W Keene                  9.5 in    0715 AM 12/17   COOP
Keene 2.0 SE                 9.0 in    0600 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Swanzey                      9.0 in    0452 AM 12/17   Broadcast Media
Keene 2.5 NNW                8.5 in    0600 AM 12/17   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
Randolph 1.4 NE              1.3 in    0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
1 SE Lancaster               1.0 in    1120 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Grafton County...
1 NNW Bristol                28.9 in   0416 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Lebanon                      20.0 in   1200 PM 12/17   Public
6 SSW Piermont               19.0 in   0902 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
5 S Piermont                 18.0 in   0501 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Holderness                   17.0 in   0511 PM 12/17   Public
Plymouth                     17.0 in   0510 PM 12/17   Public
Hanover                      16.0 in   0851 AM 12/17   Public
2 NNW Ashland                15.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNW Orange                 14.0 in   0919 AM 12/17   Public
5 NE Plymouth                12.5 in   0356 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Hanover 4.8 NE               12.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
2 WNW Hebron                 12.0 in   0830 AM 12/17   Public
Waterville Valley            8.0 in    1123 AM 12/17   NWS Employee
2.3 NW Warren                5.3 in    0700 AM 12/17   COOP
Easton 0.6 ESE               5.0 in    0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Sugar Hill                   4.1 in    0939 AM 12/17   Public
Littleton 7.3 W              2.5 in    0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
1 NNW Weare                  24.0 in   0223 PM 12/17   Public
1 WSW Peterborough           14.5 in   1157 AM 12/17   Public
Manchester                   14.0 in   1225 PM 12/17   Public
New Boston                   14.0 in   0447 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 NNW Merrimack              13.0 in   0322 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Milford                      12.0 in   0511 PM 12/17   Public
3 ESE Bedford                10.1 in   0454 PM 12/17   ASOS
Goffstown                    10.0 in   0728 AM 12/17   Broadcast Media
2 SSW Hollis                 10.0 in   0332 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 S New Ipswich              10.0 in   0321 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Greenville 1.1 ENE           9.0 in    0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
2 NW Merrimack               9.0 in    0304 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          8.9 in    0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
1 SSE Nashua                 8.8 in    0103 PM 12/17   NWS Employee
0.9 N Greenville             8.5 in    0845 AM 12/17   COOP
3 SSE Mason                  8.5 in    0915 AM 12/17   Public
2 SSW Nashua                 8.5 in    1107 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SW Brookline               8.0 in    0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1.6 NE Hudson                7.2 in    0700 AM 12/17   COOP
Hudson                       7.0 in    0408 AM 12/17   Broadcast Media
4 W Windham                  6.8 in    0342 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio

...Merrimack County...
Andover                      40.0 in   0128 PM 12/17   Public
1 NW New London              33.0 in   0215 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Danbury                      32.0 in   0949 AM 12/17   Public
Wilmot                       32.0 in   1025 AM 12/17   Public
1 SSW New London             26.2 in   1055 AM 12/17   Public
3 WSW Chichester             26.0 in   0458 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Danbury 2.2 ESE              26.0 in   0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Salisbury                    24.5 in   1036 AM 12/17   Public
Concord                      24.2 in   0107 PM 12/17   ASOS
Boscawen                     24.0 in   1221 PM 12/17   Public
Sutton                       24.0 in   1135 AM 12/17   Public
Bradford                     23.0 in   0814 AM 12/17   Public
Franklin                     23.0 in   1017 AM 12/17   Public
3 E Tilton                   22.3 in   1109 AM 12/17   Public
1 SSE Henniker               21.5 in   0143 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 SSE Boscawen               20.0 in   0242 PM 12/17   Law Enforcement
Concord                      20.0 in   1233 PM 12/17   Public
Hill                         20.0 in   0815 AM 12/17   Public
2.2 W Bradford               19.0 in   0101 PM 12/17   COOP
3 E Canterbury               18.1 in   1101 AM 12/17   Public
Canterbury                   17.3 in   0730 AM 12/17   Public
2 NNW Warner                 17.0 in   0939 AM 12/17   Public
Newbury                      16.7 in   0845 AM 12/17   Public
South Sutton 1.3 SE          16.2 in   0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Bow                          16.0 in   0935 AM 12/17   Public
Bow 1.6 NW                   14.5 in   0745 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Allenstown                   14.0 in   0813 AM 12/17   Public
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           13.0 in   0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
South Hooksett               13.0 in   0439 PM 12/17   Public
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             12.0 in   0900 AM 12/17   COCORAHS

...Rockingham County...
4 ESE Epsom                  17.5 in   0515 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Londonderry                  16.0 in   0230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Deerfield              15.0 in   0237 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 SW Portsmouth              12.0 in   0433 PM 12/17   Public
Hampton                      11.3 in   0456 PM 12/17   Public
Northwood                    11.0 in   0727 AM 12/17   Public
Rye                          10.5 in   0434 PM 12/17   Public
1 N North Hampton            9.7 in    0427 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Hampstead                    8.5 in    0730 AM 12/17   Public
Exeter                       8.0 in    0430 PM 12/17   Public
Auburn 1.8 E                 7.0 in    0800 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
3 ENE Derry                  7.0 in    0707 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Derry 5.7 N                  7.0 in    0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
2 WSW North Hampton          6.0 in    0649 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Strafford County...
1 SSE Strafford              19.5 in   0440 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Rochester              16.0 in   1052 AM 12/17   Public
Dover                        13.3 in   0509 PM 12/17   Public
Barrington                   9.0 in    0643 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 SE Dover                   9.0 in    0413 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Farmington                   8.0 in    0627 AM 12/17   Broadcast Media
Lee                          7.0 in    0740 AM 12/17   Public

...Sullivan County...
4 ENE Claremont              43.0 in   0451 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Springfield                  42.0 in   0128 PM 12/17   Public
Grantham                     38.0 in   1215 PM 12/17   Public
2 NE Newport                 38.0 in   0309 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Claremont                    37.0 in   1210 PM 12/17   Public
2 WSW Cornish                36.5 in   1215 PM 12/17   Public
2 NE Grantham                36.0 in   0222 AM 12/17   Public
Croydon                      33.0 in   1026 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Goshen                 33.0 in   1113 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Plainfield                   31.0 in   1030 AM 12/17   Public
1 SW Sunapee                 29.0 in   1109 AM 12/17   Public
Newport                      27.0 in   1221 PM 12/17   Public
2 WSW Goshen                 26.0 in   0355 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 N Lempster                 25.0 in   0417 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Charlestown                  23.0 in   0926 AM 12/17   Public
Langdon                      23.0 in   0130 PM 12/17   Public
West Unity 0.7 WSW           17.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   COCORAHS
Washington                   14.0 in   0920 AM 12/17   Public
Unity                        12.0 in   0725 AM 12/17   Broadcast Media
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12 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Can anyone think of another storm that had such a long axis of 40"+ reports to the NWS?

PA/NY/VT/NH on the list.  This isn't like one weenie got excited somewhere or some isolated report.  That's a legit axis of 40+ in a coastal storm.


Did Ludlow ever turn in a final total?  They must have gotten a lot more after 9:50 am.

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Sent from an old friend who moved up to Gilford. Wouldn’t want to be at the bottom when that snow slid off the roof. Out west you have people die in little mini avalanches every year that fall of there roof and bury them...I don’t recall seeing that on the news ever here though. 



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