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10 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

My dorm at URI was filled with NJ kids. I was introduced to Bruce then. Special concerts.

Mine too.  They were probably the ones who were going.  I think the first time I heard Bruce was someone blasting Spirit in the Night or Rosalita out of dorm room window.  At least I had the good sense to see him on the Born to Run tour in the fall of 75.

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4 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

Not even 2 months ago, Fauci was saying not to expect a vax until early 21 at the earliest. Now it's Nov 1? Hate to be critical, but this smells funny to me


“Look America, I got you a vaccine...just in time to re-elect me.” 

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2 hours ago, Angus said:

Close...Luke 12 - English Standard Version

Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

Thanks for the full context; I was writing from memory.  My semi-quotes came from the KJV.  Both are reliable versions.

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Gather ye Rose-buds while ye may,
    Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to day,
    To morrow will be dying.

The glorious Lamp of Heaven, the Sun,
    The higher he's a getting;
The sooner will his Race be run,
    And neerer he's to Setting.

That Age is best, which is the first,
    When Youth and Blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
    Times, still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time;
    And while ye may, go marry:
For having lost but once your prime,
    You may forever tarry.

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To all the CT residents out there. The state energy efficiency fund is now covering 100% of insulation cost up to $10k. A friend just got like $8k in insulation installed in his house for practically free.

CT also tripled its mini split/heat pump rebate from $500 to $1500. 

These are all funded through charges on everyone's gas and electric bills. 




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1 hour ago, BrianW said:

To all the CT residents out there. The state energy efficiency fund is now covering 100% of insulation cost up to $10k. A friend just got like $8k in insulation installed in his house for practically free.

CT also tripled its mini split/heat pump rebate from $500 to $1500. 

These are all funded through charges on everyone's gas and electric bills. 




Just set it up for Oct 2nd thanks 

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1 hour ago, BrianW said:

To all the CT residents out there. The state energy efficiency fund is now covering 100% of insulation cost up to $10k. A friend just got like $8k in insulation installed in his house for practically free.

CT also tripled its mini split/heat pump rebate from $500 to $1500. 

These are all funded through charges on everyone's gas and electric bills. 




I filled out the form to get it started. I think you’ve said previously to do the audit, right? Let them assess, make on site improvements at no cost, then provide a quote for their recommendations...

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13 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

I filled out the form to get it started. I think you’ve said previously to do the audit, right? Let them assess, make on site improvements at no cost, then provide a quote for their recommendations...

Yeah. They will come in and check over your whole house and do minor work like air sealing cracks, install weather stripping, etc. At the end they give you a report and show you all the rebates and costs to do further work. 


The blower door test they will do is cool. They pressurize your house with a big fan to see how much air leaks in/out. That's where you lose the most energy. They guy said some people's older homes are so leaky its like having a 5 by 5 wide open hole to the outside. 

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1 hour ago, BrianW said:

To all the CT residents out there. The state energy efficiency fund is now covering 100% of insulation cost up to $10k. A friend just got like $8k in insulation installed in his house for practically free.

CT also tripled its mini split/heat pump rebate from $500 to $1500. 

These are all funded through charges on everyone's gas and electric bills. 




A few years ago we got our house completely re-insulated and sealed plus all new lightbulbs for free through the MassSave program.

they also gave us a no interest loan for a new furnace. People should definitely take advantage of these programs while they are active. I wish we could’ve taken advantage for the great solar programs in Mass but our yard has a few too many trees.

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2 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

A few years ago we got our house completely re-insulated and sealed plus all new lightbulbs for free through the MassSave program.

they also gave us a no interest loan for a new furnace. People should definitely take advantage of these programs while they are active. I wish we could’ve taken advantage for the great solar programs in Mass but our yard has a few too many trees.

Yeah the New England states have some crazy generous incentives. Massachusetts has the best solar incentives in the nation. The rebate is so big the payback is only 5-6 years. 



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9 minutes ago, BrianW said:

Yeah the New England states have some crazy generous incentives. Massachusetts has the best solar incentives in the nation. The rebate is so big the payback is only 5-6 years. 

Not as good in Maine but still decent.  Not interested in solar, would need to cut loads of trees and make frequent roof trips to clear off the snow.  We're exploring the heat pump option, more for AC than for heat, in part because the only place for installation (without removing windows, cabinets or both) is 10-12' from the woodstove.

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3 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

$2200 a month? Good God.

We pay even more than that for 2 boys (4 years old and 1 year old)....it's ridiculous how expensive a high-quality daycare is. But our kids just started going back to daycare after a 6 month hiatus, so at least we saved up money, lol.

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30 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

We pay even more than that for 2 boys (4 years old and 1 year old)....it's ridiculous how expensive a high-quality daycare is. But our kids just started going back to daycare after a 6 month hiatus, so at least we saved up money, lol.

Shit I will baby sit for 1500 under the table lol. How many hours, not serious about the above but seems like a great job for a reliable retired person under the table. 

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51 minutes ago, NorEastermass128 said:

Any idea what species this may be?  Wasp or hornet?  



Need a higher res picture to enlarge but maybe a yellow mud-dauber?  Unless it is a yellow jacket or white faced hornet nest I try to leave them alone.  A lot of hornets and wasps are good for killing non-beneficial insects.  "Solitary" ground wasps/hornets are generally beneficial for the local ecosystem.

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