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July Banter 2020

George BM

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3 hours ago, mappy said:

Mr map got up early and has a brisket on for this evening. Couple friends and their kids are coming over to enjoy the pool. 

Happy weekend!

Had dinner downtown with Matt and Randy last night. Doing some "normal" stuff is great. 

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2 hours ago, Eskimo Joe said:

What are your thoughts about the Vantage Vue? Is it easy to set up and reasonably accurate with temperatures?

I like it.  It was a definitely a step up from my old Heathkit weather station I built myself in 1977.  haha.  I have the basic wireless setup with outside sensor assembly and inside base station.  No cables to run - setup was pretty easy.  The base station can pair with up to 4 outside sensor assemblies.  

Our Vue has thus far been reliable.  It's about 9 years old now.  The solar array is starting to get a bit cloudy.  I looked at replacing it - $27 or so.  Just been replacing the backup battery more often.  

Was looking at what is available on the market these days.  Some units have a color display, which I guess would be nice.  However, for my use at home - the Vue has done what I needed it to do.  I'd buy another one.  

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Tomorrow, many of you along the I 95 Corridor will experience high temperatures near 100 degrees. Heat indices will be as high as 109 degrees. This is dangerous heat for the DC Metropolitan Region. Stay cool, drink lots of water. Take frequent breaks in the shade. I know. I used to live up there.

I live in south central Texas. This stuff is normal, routine for us down here, especially in August. I have found that I like to work outside in the sun, on the ranch, if you can believe that. I love digging trenches out there, its exciting to watch the dust get blown around as I work out there nearly every day. I take a lot of breaks in the shade and drink tons of water.

Its not a bad time to hit the beaches.

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1 minute ago, losetoa6 said:

Mby was 78 and that might be the warmest I can remember in a long time. That  HGR reading is incredible. 

BTW ...I'd like to teleport to 1942 but not for that 103  :whistle:

When you get back from the trip feel free to let me know whether you experienced any lightning/thunder and what the snowfall rates were.

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28 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

I'm hearing from a friend who's a 12 month Carroll county public school's employee that its likely there original plan of in person schooling will be abandoned because of pressure and fear of being singled out as the possible "only " public school system in the area trying to do this . That they don't want a shadow cast on this county.  


Maybe they saw this crap lol.  You can't make this stuff up :lol:


with all due respect, its not crap. I know and am very good friends with three teachers in the BaltCo system who have expressed the same concerns. 

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Schools have to do whats best for our kids.  Period.  Stop making it out to be some political game.  We trust our kids to them 3/4ths of the year.  I want them to keep my kid safe.  And if they feel they can't do that in a classroom setting then we make it work some other way.  

Humans have built amazing things.  We won't end our society because Johnny cant draw 2+2 on a chalkboard and give a book report that he barely read.

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1 minute ago, losetoa6 said:

You're entitled to your opinion.  

As far as Carroll county goes...

1.7% positivity rate 

118 out of 132 deaths are in Ltc and nursing facilities. 

1 person under age 19 has died in a state of 6 million. 

Mortality in Carroll county for 50 and under is insanely low  ( maybe .005- .01) .

Also 60% of  total Md cases are in only  3 counties of 23 counties  .

The path forward is obvious imo here in Carroll county especially. 

I'm not even going to mention the dozens of  negative consequences to just the children if they can't go to school. 

as are you, but you don't see me telling you your thoughts are crap. 

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1 minute ago, losetoa6 said:

Never said your thoughts were crap...just the articles.  Wills and obituaries..really?

You dont see the daycare worker creating a will

You dont see the grocery cashier creating a will

You dont see the convenience store employee cleaning the toilets creating a will.

What about the plumber , electrician, Hvac worker coming into 100s of homes including me .


As far as kids...there's numerous studies out there showing extremely low risk. 

You have no idea who has or hasn't created a will, don't be quick to assume. Just because there isn't a news story on it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. And just because you are okay with the risk, doesn't mean others are. Perhaps you should talk to the numerous teachers we have here in our own subforum and whether they feel creating a will out of fear of a virus, is crap or not?

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3 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

Never said your thoughts were crap...just the articles.  Wills and obituaries..really?

You dont see the daycare worker creating a will

You dont see the grocery cashier creating a will

You dont see the convenience store employee cleaning the toilets creating a will.

What about the plumber , electrician, Hvac worker coming into 100s of homes including me .


As far as kids...there's numerous studies out there showing extremely low risk. 

Teachers tend to be dramatic lol. I’m not gonna pretend I know what the correct move is. All decisions have consequences.  I personally think a hybrid method is best but I have nothing to back it up. 

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3 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

Never said your thoughts were crap...just the articles.  Wills and obituaries..really?

You dont see the daycare worker creating a will

You dont see the grocery cashier creating a will

You dont see the convenience store employee cleaning the toilets creating a will.

What about the plumber , electrician, Hvac worker coming into 100s of homes including me .


As far as kids...there's numerous studies out there showing extremely low risk. 

low risk of what? getting it? About how passing it on to teachers, staff, administrators. Who then pass it on to those at home. Just because kids don't get severely ill doesn't mean that those they come in contact with don't get sick. I want my kid in school as much as the next parent, but doing so safely needs to be done. 

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Just now, Baltimorewx said:

Teachers tend to be dramatic lol. I’m not gonna pretend I know what the correct move is. All decisions have consequences.  I personally think a hybrid method is best but I have nothing to back it up. 

teachers are dramatic. got it. i'm sure our resident teachers here will appreciate that sentiment. 

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Just now, WxWatcher007 said:

For me, my concern is twofold:

1) How does in person education, especially for very young kids that don’t do masks & social distancing well, impact the older educators and adults at home where the risk is objectively higher.

2) How would online learning for another year ripple through the education trajectory of kids moving forward. This is an unprecedented disruption and a lot of kids and families as aren’t capable with online instruction. 

There really isn’t an easy answer here. My community is hoping to try a bit of a hybrid to balance those two concerns.

No there isn't an easy answer. And honestly, if people would just do their part (wear masks, stay socially distant) we would probably be in an overall better place that school can open safely even if its a hybrid version. But it sucks to see people have complete disregard for those who teach our children. As if their lives aren't worth a damn.

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3 minutes ago, H2O said:

Its not even so much that kids can get it while at school but kids can't control the actions of their parents who could bring it home and unwittingly pass it to their kids.  And then THEY transmit it around the schools.

A lot of my teachers were older, so they would definitely be at risk. If they weren’t able to show up for some reason, I don’t know who’d replace them. We can’t just have some random person who’s teaching for the first time come in and teach AP Calc... not going to work. It might, but once you reach Related Rates, it will all go downhill.

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