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Kevin uninstalling on Father’s Day smashing his units with a sledgehammer in anger...the summer that never was.  

The 1816 prediction finally comes true this year.

Kevin refusing to uninstall as icicles hang from the window unit in September and Scooter throwing more furniture in his basement as we get a 2009 June redux and then a repeat of 7/4/92. 

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3 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Ha, hotter than that at the summits up here.  

I think picnic tables are gonna destroy their all-time May temps at this pace.

What an impressive air mass. This sort of came out of no where for 3 days.

Actually pretty well forecasted that NNE would be 10 to 15 degrees hotter than SSNE Pike south. Its actually the perfect temp dew combo for me anyways today. You can feel an occasional burst of cool ocean air with the breeze. Pool is 68 but very comfortable after getting out. We summer in the summer of isolation.  Its 5 o'clock somewhere 

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35 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

Heh... it was a heavy-handed dark satirical take. Unfortunately, like all humor, does carry a modicum of truth/reality - 

I don't know. We've also had more tor events and reporting in recent years - probably owing to the fact there is more popularization to drama and natural events ... lending to more pervasive public awareness. I mean, in 1953, I've read accounts where it was clear, those watching had no f'ing clue what they were seeing; comparing the generations of lore and the general culture back then, where/when public notification policies were formulated, to now?  The world is a different place... the general ability to access 'wall cloud' images and film, and just have an inkling is a presumption at this point.

It's more likely that a guy can identify a suspicious real-time cloud motion/pattern in the sky, and then ...a town loses ten trees and a roof .. a calved off church steeple, next to a soccer field where some handsome athlete(s) gets injured, and his/or her negligent law-accessing, self-absolving unscrupulous parents ultimately raise taxes for everyone to pay for their conversion of that kid's health and vitality into a monetary settlement ... when if they had not assume their asses would be wiped in every turn of their f'n reality and bothered to check the forecast they might have not had their kid on the field at 5:10 pm in 84/67 with a 120 kt 500 mb jet fisting in from the west.... 

you know ... So, the same sky is producing the same shit it did in 1955 

I certainly agree the level of awareness has vastly increased; both with reporting and just an overall understanding of convective events and certain setups which can be "sneaky". I mean let's face it, probably a good amount of our tornadoes don't happen from those textbook setups...often time some brief/weak spinner of a high shear/low CAPE type day. I certainly understand the need to want to sniff those out, however, I think they are becoming overplayed...whereas anytime those type of setups arise the mention of tornadoes occur. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, but that doesn't mean it has to be conveyed to the public. Another big driver is the use now of UD helicity charts and the STP chart...which I think are becoming akin to model snow maps. Folks see an area of high UD helicity or high STP and automatically believe it correlates to tornado potential...I don't believe that. 

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Seasonal lag is blurring season distinction ...  

Summers are getting affected over the greater geographic region of central/eastern Canada, and it is subtending influence into the NP-Lakes-NE regions. The Pacific balancing/folding pattern is causing a global cooling well to materialize ..one that counter-intuitively appears more endemic to summer, but then washes out late autumns when winter kicks in.  

This has been going on with just enough interruptions to ignite arguments and obscur awareness - but ... unfortunately, it's not a good sign for winters in general.  

Y'all wanting-on these weird trough incursions that are climate oddities, ...as though 'symbolic' of short summer...heh. You should be advised, it's not getting you closer to your neurosis fulfillment of winter.  Heh... ribbing aside, your winter is probably just as f-ed, because of the same force f'ing up the summer(s) is doing what last winter did, to last winter... and the winter before...and will likely mean winters continue to be impacted by disruptive wind anomalies at mid latitudes ..ripping R-wave stability and preventing traditional storm tracks from doing what they did prior to the hockey-stick CC onset 20 years ago... ( lol, but all seasonal outlooks are meaningless until some Met has the cojones to say, no winter because of CC - that's their outlook.  21, ten page climate outlooks from reputable firms, with one genius paper summed up in one sentence like that).

Too much gradient. 

HC expansion into lower middle latitudes during cold season is compressing the flow and ripping cyclone transit belts all over the hemisphere to pieces.  But that same thing is causing NE Pac cold loading to perpetuate/kick back in spring and summers... Yes, this happens despite hotter than normal decades from IND to NYC... 


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7 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Actually pretty well forecasted that NNE would be 10 to 15 degrees hotter than SSNE Pike south. Its actually the perfect temp dew combo for me anyways today. You can feel an occasional burst of cool ocean air with the breeze. Pool is 68 but very comfortable after getting out. We summer in the summer of isolation.  Its 5 o'clock somewhere 

Yeah, man, look at these 925mb temp differences from you to the North Country!  Yesterday was my first swim in the river, god that snow melt still feels cold even at 90F outside, ha.

The whole time though, CT and most of SNE doesn't exceed 20C  at 925mb.  Pretty neat pattern.






Even Friday is a sneaky torch in NW Maine... hottest spot in what is normally the climo coolest in New England.


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1 minute ago, ORH_wxman said:

79/62 here....def getting the marine influence of the southerly flow. Feels summery, but not obscene like NNE.

Is that what it is?  Causing that gradient near RT 2 and S.NH?  Impressive that the southerly flow can sort of overwhelm all of SNE with that marine air.

It's easily noticeable in CT though in that lowest 3,000ft of the atmosphere.

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15 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

79/62 here....def getting the marine influence of the southerly flow. Feels summery, but not obscene like NNE.

Mid 80s up here along the Rt poop...  DPs around the town's Wunder' network are doing the typical 68 backyard thing ...so probably 63 mixing depth or so...But as we lamented yesterday, it only matters what is felt on the person, so if it's 86/68 ...it feels what it feels regardless of tarmac sources...  

anyway, I wonder if the S. coastal 'boundary' makes its way up this far... Prolly not.. it probably gets to about the Pike then the eastern end of it tilts toward Cape Ann/SE NH... 

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Holy shit at Mount Washington.

Today's record high is 63F back in 1978.... they have already hit 72.2F today?

I gotta find the May record.  Wonder if they hit it. 

Back down to 68F right now but look at this temp profile, this is insane to see upper 80s at these elevations:


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29 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

This always was big heat NNE and bigger dews SNE.

We do dews better too.

                   T  TD  RH    WIND   GUST ALSTG  SLP   VIS  CLOUDS  WX   PR6 PR24 SC
   Station         F   F   % deg    kts kts in Hg   mb    mi 100ftCOV      in   in  in       ID
BRIDGEPORT/SIKO   67  60  79 210 at   5     30.25 1024.5  10   5  OVC                    ...KBDR 
CHESTER ARPT      73  63  69 190 at   7     30.25         10      CLR                    ...KSNC 
DANBURY MUNICIP   73  62  69   0 at   6     30.24 1023.8  10  22  SCT                    ...KDXR 
GROTON/NEW LOND   63  58  83 180 at   7     30.25 1024.4  10      CLR                    ...KGON 
HARTFORD/BRADLE   76  63  64 160 at  11     30.21 1022.9  10  25  FEW                    ...KBDL 
HARTFORD/BRAINA   76  63  64   0 at   5     30.22 1023.3  10      CLR                    ...KHFD 
MERIDEN-MERIDEN   73  61  66 170 at   9     30.23 1023.7  10      CLR                    ...KMMK 
NEW HAVEN/TWEED   66  63  90 230 at   8     30.25 1024.3   8   6  BKN                    ...KHVN 
OXFORD (AWOS)     71  64  78 210 at   5     30.26 1025.4  10  16  BKN                    ...KOXC 
WILLIMANTIC (AS   77  62  60 170 at   6     30.23 1023.3  10  31  FEW                    ...KIJD 

                   T  TD  RH    WIND   GUST ALSTG  SLP   VIS  CLOUDS  WX   PR6 PR24 SC
   Station         F   F   % deg    kts kts in Hg   mb    mi 100ftCOV      in   in  in       ID
BERLIN MUNICIPA   91  61  37   0 at   3     30.15 1020.3  10      CLR                    ...KBML 
CONCORD MUNICIP   86  62  45 190 at   8     30.16 1021.3  10      CLR                    ...KCON 
JAFFREY MUNICIP   82  61  49 270 at   7     30.21 1022.9  10      CLR                    ...KAFN 
KEENE/DILLANT(A   82  66  58 220 at   5     30.18 1022.2  10      CLR                    ...KEEN 
LACONIA MUNI (A   85  66  53 240 at   9     30.16 1021.1  10      CLR                    ...KLCI 
LEBANON MUNICIP   89  64  43 190 at   8     30.14 1019.3  10      CLR                    ...KLEB 
MANCHESTER AIRP   87  62  43 200 at   7     30.16 1022.0  10  55  FEW                    ...KMHT 
MOUNT WASHINGTO   64  54  68 250 at   8     30.00         30   5  SCT                    ...KMWN 
NASHUA/BOIRE FI   85  65  51   0 at   3     30.18 1022.2  10      CLR                    ...KASH 
PEASE AFB/PORTS   84  65  52 180 at   8     30.15 1021.2  10      CLR                    ...KPSM 
PLYMOUTH MUNI     86  65  50 160 at   5     30.14         10      CLR                    ...K1P1 
ROCHESTER         86  63  46 160 at   5     30.16 1021.1  10      CLR                    ...KDAW 
WHITEFIELD (ASO   87  63  45   0 at   6     30.14 1020.2  10      CLR                    ...KHIE 


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