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22 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

Its interesting most places didn’t even open though.

Likely because either they will never reopen or they see no value in opening to a low turnout and losing even more money than if they stayed closed. Most restaurants make money only if they are near capacity during prime dining hours. Margins are razor thin in the restaurant business.. I doubt you will see many open until they are allowing at least 75% capacity, and by that point they will likely be entirely out of business. Pretty sad.. 

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8 minutes ago, DCTeacherman said:



Yep, I been waiting “in line” for 5 hours now. Started at 100,000 and in line and down to 50,000 but “my little walking man” went red, seems the site may have crashed again. 2020 and we gotta wait in line to access a website

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Just now, losetoa6 said:

I think many  restaurants have and will become very innovative.  With many that can  do carryout or curbside doing it already....once they get the dine in go ahead they might start with just keeping only one or 2 waiter / waitress on duty until things get busier. I agree with Yeoman that many types of restaurants aren't setup to have limited capacity and will have a extremely tough time .There's no doubt many will never reopen and each day longer we are locked down the list will grow . 

Unfortunately this is going to be a distaster for servers and restaurant workers. I have to imagine they’ll use less staff doing this. Same for businesses that rely on alcohol sales.


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6 hours ago, psuhoffman said:

You do realize if it will take about 80%+ infections to reach herd immunity and the mortality is between .5-1% that’s 2+ million deaths in the United States using that route?

The one piece of hard non data evidence against “let nature take its course” is what happened in most places that tried that. Look at what happened in places that got hit before mitigation measures were implemented. They ended up in lockdown anyways not because they wanted to prevent anything but because it got so bad fast they had no choice. 

I agree (kinda) but I think we might see this even if we continue the way we are heading.  In otherwords, the area under the sharp curve is equal to the area under the flattened curve.  

Nature is gonna take its course one way or another.. and this virus will continue to spread until we reach optimal immunity. 


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33 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

I saw a couple articles a couple weeks ago talking about how outdated and archaic some states are with unemployment policies and protocol. Then you throw in a global pandemic with resulting massive spikes and  sheer huge volume increases it spells huge problems.  

Yes, but the thing is when you’re gonna shut down restaurants, bars, non essential business blah blah, you have to know that a record number of people will file unemployment. There could have been steps taken to at least try to help the process. Move resources/personnel over to the department of labor. To at least answer phone calls anyway 

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8 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

I hope they consider a second stimulus check. The same issues are going to be here May 1 as they were April 1.

There are several new bills currently being proposed in Congress for phase 4 that would put more money directly in our hands. Since they have little chance getting through as currently devised there's no point in going into detail however any form of them would require anywhere between 2 and 6 trillion maybe even more if you can believe it. I guess a modified version could make it through. The problem this time will be the partisanship. The other phases got through will a little teeth pulling but for the most part there was bipartisanship Phase 4 will not go anything like that  and will be an all out war between the 2 parties. 


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7 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

this is NOT TRUE.

I really recommend reading the book I linked  above. It is called the Control of Nature by John McPhee. It tells a handful of stories about man's failed attempts at controlling nature.  Take the levy system of the Mississippi River (as this was discussed at length in the piece).  The Mississippi river naturally shifts its banks of time.   To combat this, people attempted to build levy systems to control the natural process.  Over time, the levy systems  actually caused an increase in potential energy... and when they broke.. like in 1993.. those downstream of the levies experienced more severe flooding than they probably would have experienced if left alone. 

It is the same with Forrest Fires.. Containing todays forrest fire.. means the next fire is going to be worse.  

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16 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

this is NOT TRUE.

And I think that there is some truth here.  The  corona virus is absolutely abominating nursing homes. The longer the virus sticks around the better the chance that it skip traces through every single nursing home in a given population.  

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12 minutes ago, 40westwx said:

I really recommend reading the book I linked  above. It is called the Control of Nature by John McPhee. It tells a handful of stories about man's failed attempts at controlling nature.  Take the levy system of the Mississippi River (as this was discussed at length in the piece).  The Mississippi river naturally shifts its banks of time.   To combat this, people attempted to build levy systems to control the natural process.  Over time, the levy systems  actually caused an increase in potential energy... and when they broke.. like in 1993.. those downstream of the levies experienced more severe flooding than they probably would have experienced if left alone. 

It is the same with Forrest Fires.. Containing todays forrest fire.. means the next fire is going to be worse.  

These are not good analogies imo.  Why would controlling this pandemic make the next one worse?  There will be new vulnerable populations by the time the next one comes.  It’s not like a forest fire that wipes out all the fuel and can’t come back right away. 

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29 minutes ago, DCTeacherman said:

These are not good analogies imo.  Why would controlling this pandemic make the next one worse?  There will be new vulnerable populations by the time the next one comes.  It’s not like a forest fire that wipes out all the fuel and can’t come back right away. 

Concur.  A pandemic is also not like the Mississippi and its levies, not even remotely so.  The science behind the mitigation strategies are going to save an untold number of lives, if we have the patience as a society to sustain the same.  Had we done nothing and just "let nature take its course" the results would have been cataclysmic.  Remain concerned that many areas are prematurely pulling the plug, but I'm also empathetic to those who are in a dire state financially.  

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You know  isnt really serious  for the  vast  majority  of  people when AT LEAST half the  deaths are  in nursing homes from elderly  who got  it  in nursing homes and  99% of the deaths are either elderly or  people  with another reason they were already  dying, such as  cancer. There  is  zero evidence children are at  any risk, regardless  of the  very  few cases the  media obsesses  on and  schools  should  never  have  been cancelled. I saw  a study from italy  where 65% got  the  virus  in a  hospital or  nursing  home, 25% intrafamial (people  being  cooped  up together  inside a house) and  only  4.2% from work, yet the  places least  likely to spread the  virus are the  most  likely  to be  shut  down. Further, while  for  some  reason restaurant  and  bar  employees are  seen as evil there seems  to be  zero evidence anyone  can point to of  anyone  dying  from eating  in a restaurant  or  having a  drink in a  bar. However, i can easily  point  out the  place you  dont  want to be  is  in a  nursing  home  or  hospital. And  i dont  mean people  being  taken there after getting the  virus  somewhere else. They  get  it  there. Then there  is the  issue  of  thousands  of  false  death codings. NYC admitted they added 3700 deaths  in one  day without  a  positive  test  for  corona. The  illinois office admitted they code a death as  corona if there  is  a  positive test  regardless  if the  person died  of  cancer.


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.


Another  point. Is everyone  sick of  being deemed a  non -essential piece  of  vomit by  stalinist  govs? I have news for  them. every  person is essential and every  business  is essential so stop deciding who can work and who cant. Who can open a  business and  who cant based  on your  hate-filled opinion of the  "non-essential".


Even though my posts are  brilliant i can only  post  5 times a day so i cant reply  to every  who agrees with me.

And why in the hell cant the  PGA be  playing  tournaments out  in the  virus  killing  UV  light. And  by the way there  is also not a shred  of evidence of viral transmission from outside activities, but  plenty  from being  locked  up.


*this  part  was so good  i just want to repeat  it


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.

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3 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

There's no doubt imo that having a small  minority phasing in reopenings ...(of different types of activities and businesses ) will be a nice gauge for the rest of us . I'm glad its happening and I think they will succeed if strong guidelines are implemented and common sense and rationale is used from majority of Americans. 

One reason I’ve never fully understood the vehemence of some arguments (on both sides) is that whatever “open” is it’s unlikely to look significantly different from now.  Most of the things currently closed won’t just be back to normal anytime soon regardless of what the official policy is called.  

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6 minutes ago, ldub23 said:

You know  isnt really serious  for the  vast  majority  of  people when AT LEAST half the  deaths are  in nursing homes from elderly  who got  it  in nursing homes and  99% of the deaths are either elderly or  people  with another reason they were already  dying, such as  cancer. There  is  zero evidence children are at  any risk, regardless  of the  very  few cases the  media obsesses  on and  schools  should  never  have  been cancelled. I saw  a study from italy  where 65% got  the  virus  in a  hospital or  nursing  home, 25% intrafamial (people  being  cooped  up together  inside a house) and  only  4.2% from work, yet the  places least  likely to spread the  virus are the  most  likely  to be  shut  down. Further, while  for  some  reason restaurant  and  bar  employees are  seen as evil there seems  to be  zero evidence anyone  can point to of  anyone  dying  from eating  in a restaurant  or  having a  drink in a  bar. However, i can easily  point  out the  place you  dont  want to be  is  in a  nursing  home  or  hospital. And  i dont  mean people  being  taken there after getting the  virus  somewhere else. They  get  it  there. Then there  is the  issue  of  thousands  of  false  death codings. NYC admitted they added 3700 deaths  in one  day without  a  positive  test  for  corona. The  illinois office admitted they code a death as  corona if there  is  a  positive test  regardless  if the  person died  of  cancer.


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.


Another  point. Is everyone  sick of  being deemed a  non -essential piece  of  vomit by  stalinist  govs? I have news for  them. every  person is essential and every  business  is essential so stop deciding who can work and who cant. Who can open a  business and  who cant based  on your  hate-filled opinion of the  "non-essential".


Even though my posts are  brilliant i can only  post  5 times a day so i cant reply  to every  who agrees with me.

And why in the hell cant the  PGA be  playing  tournaments out  in the  virus  killing  UV  light. And  by the way there  is also not a shred  of evidence of viral transmission from outside activities, but  plenty  from being  locked  up.


*this  part  was so good  i just want to repeat  it


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.

Initially I was considering responding to this, but I don’t have it in me lol.  There’s too much wrong and it’s too incoherent to dissect.  

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16 minutes ago, ldub23 said:

You know  isnt really serious  for the  vast  majority  of  people when AT LEAST half the  deaths are  in nursing homes from elderly  who got  it  in nursing homes and  99% of the deaths are either elderly or  people  with another reason they were already  dying, such as  cancer. There  is  zero evidence children are at  any risk, regardless  of the  very  few cases the  media obsesses  on and  schools  should  never  have  been cancelled. I saw  a study from italy  where 65% got  the  virus  in a  hospital or  nursing  home, 25% intrafamial (people  being  cooped  up together  inside a house) and  only  4.2% from work, yet the  places least  likely to spread the  virus are the  most  likely  to be  shut  down. Further, while  for  some  reason restaurant  and  bar  employees are  seen as evil there seems  to be  zero evidence anyone  can point to of  anyone  dying  from eating  in a restaurant  or  having a  drink in a  bar. However, i can easily  point  out the  place you  dont  want to be  is  in a  nursing  home  or  hospital. And  i dont  mean people  being  taken there after getting the  virus  somewhere else. They  get  it  there. Then there  is the  issue  of  thousands  of  false  death codings. NYC admitted they added 3700 deaths  in one  day without  a  positive  test  for  corona. The  illinois office admitted they code a death as  corona if there  is  a  positive test  regardless  if the  person died  of  cancer.


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.


Another  point. Is everyone  sick of  being deemed a  non -essential piece  of  vomit by  stalinist  govs? I have news for  them. every  person is essential and every  business  is essential so stop deciding who can work and who cant. Who can open a  business and  who cant based  on your  hate-filled opinion of the  "non-essential".


Even though my posts are  brilliant i can only  post  5 times a day so i cant reply  to every  who agrees with me.

And why in the hell cant the  PGA be  playing  tournaments out  in the  virus  killing  UV  light. And  by the way there  is also not a shred  of evidence of viral transmission from outside activities, but  plenty  from being  locked  up.


*this  part  was so good  i just want to repeat  it


One  final point. You know this  isnt really  serious when we all know  alcohol kills  thousands a year, abd  creates  long term health consequences  to millions. I think its safe to say alcohol will be responsible  for  more  kids  dying  under the  age of  15 from auto accidents  than corona will. And with the false  codings  of deaths alcohol will kill more  of  everyone  than corona. Yet, it seems  many stalinist  govs seem to glorify  in all those deaths  since they seem to have deemed the  sales  of  alcohol is essential. I suppose a shoe store  and  its employees  in a  mall isnt even though they most  likely  contribute  to no ones death.

Sometimes the goverment needs to protect people from themselves.


:weenie: :weenie: :weenie:

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56 minutes ago, DCTeacherman said:

These are not good analogies imo.  Why would controlling this pandemic make the next one worse?  There will be new vulnerable populations by the time the next one comes.  It’s not like a forest fire that wipes out all the fuel and can’t come back right away. 

Actually, there is a grain of truth in this, pandemics are obviously most lethal to more vulnerable populations.  Before modern medicine the more healthy and genetically fit survived.  Those that survived had, in general, longer lives  and those genes were passed down to future generations creating demographics that were more resilient.

This played out during the bubonic plague (Dewitte, 2014) and on a catastrophic scale with small pox in the Americas.

Fortunately, with modern medicine we do not have to go through such turmoil just to have future generations survive and prosper.

As for forest fire suppression, the analogy makes some sense because through fire suppresion it has completely changed the environment that those species live in, allowing certain less resilient species to colonize and allowing other populations to take on traits less suitable to surviving the natural fire cycle that should have been occuring.  This creates the opportunity for when fires that do occur to become even more destructive due to more plant material present and less resilient populations.  That is why management strategies now have shifted to control burns to allow a more natural fire cycle to reduce material, help sustain native populations that are resilient, and also ensure less damage to infrastructure from uncontrollable fires.




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Hey @ldub23. I thought about engaging, but there's a lot there... and we've covered most of this ground already in this thread. You seem like someone who doesn't think the virus is that dangerous to you. That's fine. It's dangerous to a lot of people, and right now our best bet is following good public health guidelines and being careful. <3

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