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April Banter 2020

George BM

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4 hours ago, H2O said:


Sometimes there is just no way to make some people understand their own role in how things have come to be.  Yes, I mean you, Showme.

Randy told us(mods and helper mods) that he didn't want any COVID stuff on the wx side.  But as the crisis unfolded and demand from people here to try and have a fact based discussion grew we let the one thread exist.  The hope was that people would stick to facts.  It was a naive thought.  This crisis has and always will be political due to the current climate.  We asked that people try to remain above it.  but here's the problem.

Everyone comes at it with a bias that is shaped by their political beliefs.  Some can hide this agenda better than others, some can't.  You might have thought you didn't show any bias, Showme, but you did.  And when you got pushback and it veered into a political tangent things were done that you didn't like.  And you stomped off.

If you want an echo chamber that gives you the feels so that your view on this stuff can be cheered then I'm sure you can find one.  Calling this place a "liberal country club" when there have been less than 5% of posts hidden is just lol.  Yes, the current admin is frowned upon here by most.  Why?  Its a science board and for the most part science is under attack because of how it usually disputes what is being said by a certain group of people.  But you and others have been allowed to speak and post without bannings or suspensions or the like.

If people are acting towards you and treating you different than before its your responsibility to ask yourself what did YOU do to cause that.  Its not always everyone else that is intolerant or in the wrong. 

This is like your third post where you dramatically threaten to leave.  If you need to make that choice then so be it.  Go and continue to live your life.  Or realize what this board is and make the best of it.  There are places to post and discussions that can be had w/o venturing into an area you disagree with.  I don't go into the Climate Change threads because of that. \

I had other thoughts to add to refute most of what you said but its early and the coffee hasn't kicked in.

To sum up, you risked any alienation you now have when you decided to put your input and bias into a discussion and it didn't go well.  Plain and simple.  if you didn't like the response then own up to how you did it.  No one made you join in the discussion. You did so freely and it was because the people in charge allowed it to happen so that people could have a chance to discuss stuff. 

Now if you choose to leave then just do it.  if no then find places to post the stuff that you liked to post about before.  If there are bridges you want rebuilt then make the effort to rebuild them instead of further burning them by throwing out accusations like you just did.

I want to make something clear...I was in no way taking a shot at @showmethesnow.  I do not wish to get into the details of everything in this post...and I respect and value all the work you put in H2O, but my post was about some of the really silly illogical comments that were made in the last few days.  I do not consider showme's posts to fall in that category.   Yesterday I made fun of two people for such arguments...one was liberal and one was conservative.  I took a shot at Vice Regent and no one immediately said I was attacking libs.   Frankly while I know some took issue with showme's posts I was not one of them.  I never made a single derogatory comment about anything he said.  I thought the pushback he got was a little harsh.  Yea he may be biased and so am I and everyone else.  But he was backing his points up with logical arguments.  He was open to discussing those points in a civil way.  I had no issue with anything he said, even if I didn't agree with all of it.  But some people have been trolling, making ridiculous illogical statements and then backing them up with equally silly fallacies.  Some people have been using false equivalencies as if we are too stupid to see through that.  But if you look at the examples I called out yesterday a couple of those have been liberal arguments.  Bad analysis is bad analysis regardless of ideology.  My post was NOT an attack on conservatives, it was an attack on bad argumentation... I am a policy debate coach and I was coming at it from that lens.  

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i got no problem with your take, PSU.  Showme's post was simple a rant on how he feels he is treated here.  Its making a mountain out of a molehill on his part.  He is blaming the board for being a certain way according to him and used your post as a jump off point.  I disagree with what he said.  He needs to take ownership that not ALL of his posts came off as unbiased.  He is mainly sore that a couple of his posts a few weeks ago got hidden when they did veer into politics.  He wasn't silenced beyond that and clearly still has posting ability.  

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13 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

Why thank you!  I'll gladly drive my Volvo to this country club!  (Actually, I don't have a Volvo, but anyhow...)

I mean, I guess I'll allow it. 

13 minutes ago, H2O said:

but he slantsticks.  to the right


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Just now, Always in Zugzwang said:

Ha!  But Vovlos are the quintessential "liberal" mode of transportation, aren't they?  Maybe a Prius would be better...:lol:

LOL all jokes aside, am I the only one who hates being behind people who drive a Prius? the worst, right? 

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1 minute ago, mappy said:

LOL all jokes aside, am I the only one who hates being behind people who drive a Prius? the worst, right? 

No.  first off i hate the design of them.  Second, they just always go slow.  always.  did i mention that they are ugly cars?  If not let me state unequivocally they are ugly and all their drivers drive slow and terribly.   

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Just now, H2O said:

i think the one thing that might unite this forum and all of the country is the hate for Priuses.  Is that the correct spelling of the plural for Prius?  Is it Priusi?  


Goddammit.  Even more reason to hate them.

If I remember my Latin, you usually change -us to -i. So Prii.

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2 minutes ago, H2O said:

No.  first off i hate the design of them.  Second, they just always go slow.  always.  did i mention that they are ugly cars?  If not let me state unequivocally they are ugly and all their drivers drive slow and terribly.   

yes. thank you. no offense to prius owners here... of course.

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Just now, WxWatcher007 said:

I’m ready for the draft.


Working on my Big Board now.


@yoda is an asset I’d rather not trade but given the limited value I get with the others I needed to put someone valuable on the me trading block. 

Kramer Stunned GIF by theprogrocker | Gfycat


I'm....trade bait?  Me?  What have i don to fall from coach's graces?  I'm here every day looking at tape and studying the opponent.  Sure I might not lay down a 4.45 40 anymore but I can run a nice corner route and my hands are still soft.  Jeez.  I'm still in my prime

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Just now, mappy said:

LOL all jokes aside, am I the only one who hates being behind people who drive a Prius? the worst, right? 

LOL!!  Well, I've never been behind one as far as I know.  I've got a Honda Civic, myself.  One thing about Priuses (is that the correct plural?) that always seems a bit spooky to me is that you cannot hear them approaching, they just suddenly "appear".  Seriously.  I guess it's when the engine is using just the electrical energy and not gas, or something like that!

Actually, on a somewhat related note to driving behind someone.  I find it annoying when in the left turn lane, the person in front of you (and 1st in line to turn) refuses to get out there into the lane so that they can at least turn right as the light changes.  Then you have to sit and wait for the next light cycle, and they still refuse to put their nose out there...unless by chance there's enough space that they finally turn while the light is green!  Likewise, when people behind you honk incessantly when you don't turn right on red despite a big sign that clearly says "NO TURN ON RED"!!

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10 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

I’m ready for the draft.


Working on my Big Board now.


@yoda is an asset I’d rather not trade but given the limited value I get with the others I needed to put someone valuable on the me trading block. 

For a moment, I though these were your draft picks for next winter's reaper list.  The Reaper going after Don S.???

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10 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

LOL!!  Well, I've never been behind one as far as I know.  I've got a Honda Civic, myself.  One thing about Priuses (is that the correct plural?) that always seems a bit spooky to me is that you cannot hear them approaching, they just suddenly "appear".  Seriously.  I guess it's when the engine is using just the electrical energy and not gas, or something like that!

Actually, on a somewhat related note to driving behind someone.  I find it annoying when in the left turn lane, the person in front of you (and 1st in line to turn) refuses to get out there into the lane so that they can at least turn right as the light changes.  Then you have to sit and wait for the next light cycle, and they still refuse to put their nose out there...unless by chance there's enough space that they finally turn while the light is green!  Likewise, when people behind you honk incessantly when you don't turn right on red despite a big sign that clearly says "NO TURN ON RED"!!

Like that Office episode where Andy sneaks up behind Dwight and pins him against the bushes in the parking lot. Angela was never worth all that IMO

9 minutes ago, H2O said:

I'm really saddened by this.  Nobody likes me.  I've been a mainstay for the MA forum since 2008.  Even Tom Brady got a better send off than this.  

You should see the PMs i get about you. oh boy. 

1 minute ago, WxWatcher007 said:

Hey bud...it’s not you, it’s me. Sure, you’re not as sharp or fast off the block as you used to be, and if it were up to me I’d let ya fade into the unbearable heat of a Mid-Atlantic sunset on your own terms, but you know the bosses—they’re all on my ass about “upgrades”.

I think we both know Therm is a game changer. His fast twitch measurables are the best on the board. He doesn’t miss on jokes. He respects the reaper too. 

I wanted you to hear it from me first. New York has some good people. Thanks for the memories.

im dying. thank you so much for all this to use against Andy whenever I can. 

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2 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

Hey bud...it’s not you, it’s me. Sure, you’re not as sharp or fast off the block as you used to be, and if it were up to me I’d let ya fade into the unbearable heat of a Mid-Atlantic sunset on your own terms, but you know the bosses—they’re all on my ass about “upgrades”.

I think we both know Therm is a game changer. His fast twitch measurables are the best on the board. He doesn’t miss on jokes. He respects the reaper too. 

I wanted you to hear it from me first. New York has some good people. Thanks for the memories.

Trade me to a damn contender then.  Not some cellar dwelling team that has no hope of ever being good.  Boston traded Ray Bourque to COL to let him win a championship.  If not then I'll just retire and go into business being similar to Stephen A Smith.  You might not want that because of how critical i can be of the Reaper GM actions and ability to field a team each season.

You are just bitter I don't sit quietly after each game and coach up the young-uns so they don't get the Reapers wrath with every missed storm.

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6 minutes ago, mappy said:


You should see the PMs i get about you. oh boy

im dying. thank you so much for all this to use against Andy whenever I can. 



And don't encourage him.  He is a GM on a sucky team called Mid-Atlantic Snowflakes and he's just trying to drum up ticket sales.  We call this the Snyder.

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4 minutes ago, H2O said:



And don't encourage him.  He is a GM on a sucky team called Mid-Atlantic Snowflakes and he's just trying to drum up ticket sales.  We call this the Snyder.

Oh yeah, dont' worry, i defend you. every last bit of your ketchup and nickleback loving self

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37 minutes ago, mappy said:

LOL all jokes aside, am I the only one who hates being behind people who drive a Prius? the worst, right? 


33 minutes ago, H2O said:

No.  first off i hate the design of them.  Second, they just always go slow.  always.  did i mention that they are ugly cars?  If not let me state unequivocally they are ugly and all their drivers drive slow and terribly.   

Raises hand here! The one thing I hate about people who drive them is that they are supposed to be conserving yes? Most of them drive like bats out of hell weaving in and out of traffic. 

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2 minutes ago, H2O said:

Don't forget the lavender apron 

how could I forget? :lol:

Just now, Mrs.J said:


Raises hand here! The one thing I hate about people who drive them is that they are supposed to be conserving yes? Most of them drive like bats out of hell weaving in and out of traffic. 

oh, i have completely different experiences. mostly too slow, won't hit the gas to close gaps in traffic, the slooooooooow roll out of a stop. all of it. annoying.

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1 minute ago, WxWatcher007 said:


Now see, this is what I was worried about. You’re hurt and you’re lashing out. First, get your facts right. Under my stewardship we’re the envy of the board. 

Your numbers are down dude. When was the last time you got +10 laugh reactions? Why aren’t your maps of our snowless winters bringing as much beauty and technical skill as @mappy’s? You’re all over the place. One day you’re steady moderating the threads and the next you’re tearing up the locker room telling @showmethesnow and half our right field go to hell. 

You get paid too much for this kind of performance. I need stars, not spare parts. Now, if you’re willing to get in shape and be my guy again I need to see some improvement. 

I love ya man but I need you off the couch and out of the pantry and in training camp. 

This is totally unfair.  How can I be expected to put up elite type numbers every year?  I've been playing hurt most of the time too.  Chuck blew out a knee and never got back to all-pro level and I don't see his name listed.  Or did you already Turk him?

As far as reactions, I don't keep stats.  Let those nerds that sit upstairs look at daily QBO, AO, NAO, S&P, Ps and Qs do that.  I'm a feels guy.  When sun angle is pressing on you you know to change a slant route to a buttonhook.  When warm nose blitzes you know to be the hot read and keep YAC down.

I got the Ji's and the PD3s and Brick Tamlands all barking in my ear and even other fans coming in and yelling HOW MUCH FOR CARBONDALE??!!! Its like 4th and 20 and down 8 points and you are on your own 30 with Ralph Wiggum as your O-line.  See what play you can come up with to get to the end zone.  

Y'all have elevated @mappy to all star but behind the scenes it was and has been me helping her out.  @showmethesnow went off the training regimen and so once in a while the linesman has to throw the flag on unsportsman like behavior.

Yes, i'm saying I'm player, ref, line coach and coordinator.  Ever hear of two way players?  I go to bat for both sides if needed.  Hello, Randy.  i'm the consummate professional.

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