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April Banter 2020

George BM

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13 minutes ago, H2O said:


Sometimes there is just no way to make some people understand their own role in how things have come to be.  Yes, I mean you, Showme.

Randy told us(mods and helper mods) that he didn't want any COVID stuff on the wx side.  But as the crisis unfolded and demand from people here to try and have a fact based discussion grew we let the one thread exist.  The hope was that people would stick to facts.  It was a naive thought.  This crisis has and always will be political due to the current climate.  We asked that people try to remain above it.  but here's the problem.

Everyone comes at it with a bias that is shaped by their political beliefs.  Some can hide this agenda better than others, some can't.  You might have thought you didn't show any bias, Showme, but you did.  And when you got pushback and it veered into a political tangent things were done that you didn't like.  And you stomped off.

If you want an echo chamber that gives you the feels so that your view on this stuff can be cheered then I'm sure you can find one.  Calling this place a "liberal country club" when there have been less than 5% of posts hidden is just lol.  Yes, the current admin is frowned upon here by most.  Why?  Its a science board and for the most part science is under attack because of how it usually disputes what is being said by a certain group of people.  But you and others have been allowed to speak and post without bannings or suspensions or the like.

If people are acting towards you and treating you different than before its your responsibility to ask yourself what did YOU do to cause that.  Its not always everyone else that is intolerant or in the wrong. 

This is like your third post where you dramatically threaten to leave.  If you need to make that choice then so be it.  Go and continue to live your life.  Or realize what this board is and make the best of it.  There are places to post and discussions that can be had w/o venturing into an area you disagree with.  I don't go into the Climate Change threads because of that. \

I had other thoughts to add to refute most of what you said but its early and the coffee hasn't kicked in.

To sum up, you risked any alienation you now have when you decided to put your input and bias into a discussion and it didn't go well.  Plain and simple.  if you didn't like the response then own up to how you did it.  No one made you join in the discussion. You did so freely and it was because the people in charge allowed it to happen so that people could have a chance to discuss stuff. 

Now if you choose to leave then just do it.  if no then find places to post the stuff that you liked to post about before.  If there are bridges you want rebuilt then make the effort to rebuild them instead of further burning them by throwing out accusations like you just did.

You know most times I spent a good deal of time in researching of my facts through a multitude of sources before I would post an opinion within the covid thread. An objective and unbiased opinion that I most times backed up with these very same facts. I was more then willing to debate my stances in which some did and we did this in a civil manner. Now I can't help that my opinions did not conform to the liberal narrative, after all I just went with where the facts/information led me. So for you all to declare them as biased just goes to show maybe the bias is not so much on my part as maybe it is on others.

Now sigh all you want but my objective analysis the last 1 1/2+ months with covid is turning out to be almost spot on vs. the arguments we were seeing from others that were not on the same planet let alone the same ball park. And yet, I am the one that started to get attacked for being a partisan hack. But yeah, let's frame this as all these people disagree with me so quite naturally I must be the one at fault. Right?

Let me clue you in, I think you would be surprised how many people actually feel the way I do. That this board is all but welcoming to Conservatives. Now my intent for even posting my previous comments was in the hope there might be some soul searching on the part of this board to maybe realize there might be an issue. An issue that continues to build. To maybe get a semblance of balance and understanding between us all. But from your post I get the distinct impression there is no desire for this. That maybe many might just prefer a business as usual approach. If that is the case then so be it. Do what you will. 

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we love you showme, but this is a bit much. i heard you the first time and have done what i can to keep the thread clean. if its not still good enough for you, then i dont know what else to tell you, or do. take it or leave it, my friend.

but these posts need to stop. thanks. my PMs are open if you want to discuss more privately and maybe we can work something out. 

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20 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

You know most times I spent a good deal of time in researching of my facts through a multitude of sources before I would post an opinion within the covid thread. An objective and unbiased opinion that I most times backed up with these very same facts. I was more then willing to debate my stances in which some did and we did this in a civil manner. Now I can't help that my opinions did not conform to the liberal narrative, after all I just went with where the facts/information led me. So for you all to declare them as biased just goes to show maybe the bias is not so much on my part as maybe it is on others.

Now sigh all you want but my objective analysis the last 1 1/2+ months with covid is turning out to be almost spot on vs. the arguments we were seeing from others that were not on the same planet let alone the same ball park. And yet, I am the one that started to get attacked for being a partisan hack. But yeah, let's frame this as all these people disagree with me so quite naturally I must be the one at fault. Right?

Let me clue you in, I think you would be surprised how many people actually feel the way I do. That this board is all but welcoming to Conservatives. Now my intent for even posting my previous comments was in the hope there might be some soul searching on the part of this board to maybe realize there might be an issue. An issue that continues to build. To maybe get a semblance of balance and understanding between us all. But from your post I get the distinct impression there is no desire for this. That maybe many might just prefer a business as usual approach. If that is the case then so be it. Do what you will. 

I only saw references to this afterwards. (I wasn't in that thread for a day or 2). Is this the timeline you were putting together? I would like to read it. PM me if you are interested.

As for the PSU post, I really think you misread it. The COVID thread has been going smoothly lately, and very civil from what I have seen, but one or 2 posters are continuing to post silly crap or things that have been debunked for weeks. months actually. I think he was just "venting" in banter, same as we tend to do in similar cases when there is a storm thread. I hope you at least are willing to consider that this is what occurred, and that it was not an attempt by him to cast a wide net and disparage all conservatives.. We all have different political views here- no secret there- but that has not seemed to be a problem in that thread lately.

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No, showme, I am not surprised at how many people feel the way you do. 

Again, there is nothing that says you have to stay here or go. But there is also nothing that says people with your viewpoints have to be protected or given special treatment. 

This board can remain as neutral as it wants to be until people interject their bias(yes, bias) into a discussion. Once you do that then only you are responsible for what that might cause

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Just now, WxWatcher007 said:


We interrupt this friendly salutation to bring you a recap of today’s events:









Now back to your regularly scheduled salutation.


How is everyone doing?

lol on point. happy thursday! hope you and the family are okay and those who were sick are feeling better (hopefully!!!)

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2 hours ago, C.A.P.E. said:

Not sure what "having ones head up their ass" has to do with conservatives specifically. Doesn't it mean 'being oblivious to what is happening around you'?  In my experience, that is not limited to any particular political affiliation.

I might be wrong, but I don't think PSU was directing that post at all conservatives, but rather a few posters who continue to make silly arguments about COVID, with little or no supporting data.



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@showmethesnow why would you equate what I said to an attack on conservatives?   In the last week, on here and social media, there have been some really silly arguments made with some dubious logic and often false equivalencies or circular logic to support it. And they weren’t all made by conservatives. The most recent one being pandemic response policy should be a personal individual choice. Now I do suppose that would fall more on the right than left on ideology but most conservatives I know aren’t that far right and would shake their head at that suggestion. That’s more radical libertarian than conservatism. But that’s just one example.  Avant-Regent-Intelligence-Hiatus is about as liberal as it comes and he has been fear monger int and spreading stupid around also. I don’t take an attack on his ridiculousness as an attack on all liberalism. 

If you took that as an attack on you in any way you misunderstood where that was coming from. You haven’t been a part of the conversation here recently and the comments that inspired that post were nothing close to anything you said!

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2 hours ago, C.A.P.E. said:

Not sure what "having ones head up their ass" has to do with conservatives specifically. Doesn't it mean 'being oblivious to what is happening around you'?  In my experience, that is not limited to any particular political affiliation.

I might be wrong, but I don't think PSU was directing that post at all conservatives, but rather a few posters who continue to make silly arguments about COVID, with little or no supporting data.


This is one thing I don’t get...I can beat around Avant Regent all day like a piñata and no one ever says I’m attacking liberals. But when I point out something stupid said by someone who also just happens to be conservative “I’m attacking all conservatives”. And this does not only apply to here. This exact phenomenon is repeated at family functions and work. I have worked with both crazy nutball liberals and conservatives. For years I would point out the crazy from someone who just happened to be liberal and none of the other liberals ever made it a group thing. But one time I did something similar with one of the conservatives and the other conservatives suddenly took it as a personal attack on them also when they didn’t even agree with the crazy stupid thing I was making fun of. WTF???

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44 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

This is one thing I don’t get...I can beat around Avant Regent all day like a piñata and no one ever says I’m attacking liberals. But when I point out something stupid said by someone who also just happens to be conservative “I’m attacking all conservatives”. And this does not only apply to here. This exact phenomenon is repeated at family functions and work. I have worked with both crazy nutball liberals and conservatives. For years I would point out the crazy from someone who just happened to be liberal and none of the other liberals ever made it a group thing. But one time I did something similar with one of the conservatives and the other conservatives suddenly took it as a personal attack on them also when they didn’t even agree with the crazy stupid thing I was making fun of. WTF???

I dunno why that doesn't seem to bother anyone. I guess he simply annoys everyone lol.

I was surprised your mini "vent" post elicited that kind of reaction. I suppose it's best to tread very lightly around here with anything that can be perceived to be even remotely political.

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39 minutes ago, ravensrule said:

We really need some sports back before this place turns into one huge civil war. Which liberals want to discuss tonight's stimulating draft?. 

needs to be a 10:1 ratio liberals to conservatives for me to feel safe :P 

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52 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

This is one thing I don’t get...I can beat around Avant Regent all day like a piñata and no one ever says I’m attacking liberals. But when I point out something stupid said by someone who also just happens to be conservative “I’m attacking all conservatives”. And this does not only apply to here. This exact phenomenon is repeated at family functions and work. I have worked with both crazy nutball liberals and conservatives. For years I would point out the crazy from someone who just happened to be liberal and none of the other liberals ever made it a group thing. But one time I did something similar with one of the conservatives and the other conservatives suddenly took it as a personal attack on them also when they didn’t even agree with the crazy stupid thing I was making fun of. WTF???

The liberals at work may be closet moderates. As always ....

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1 minute ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

Gah...what a SNOWFLAKE!! :lol:


My comment just above was meant as a joke, too, obviously!! :D

there needs to be some ground rules for the liberal country club. if you're nice ill let you in regardless of party affiliation

Just now, H2O said:

i'd gladly trade RR to the Philly forum for Ralph Wiggum

No way. RR > Ralph 

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