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April Banter 2020

George BM

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2 minutes ago, Baltimorewx said:

Lol yeah I’ve had some high gravity stuff before lol I think DFH higher math was 18%. I’ll give it a try next time I see it. Thanks 

Ever try Raison D'Extra? Its a Belgian dark and is also superb. 15-17%. Another high gravity one I love is Fruit-full Fort. They make some really good high gravity ales, and that is my thing.

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Just now, C.A.P.E. said:

Ever try Raison D'Extra? Its a Belgian dark and is also superb. 15-17%. Another high gravity one I love is Fruit-full Fort. They make some really good high gravity ales, and that is my thing.

Yes I forgot to mention that too. I’ve had it in bottle and on draft. I like it, it’s good. I’ve had world wide stout once too I believe 

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36 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

I’ve really struggled to comprehend the mindset of some of the covid arguments I’ve been hearing lately.  I try to be empathetic to all points of view so in an effort to better relate I have decided to stick my head as far up my own ass as possible.  

Lol. Your willingness to go above and beyond is admirable. 

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39 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

I’ve really struggled to comprehend the mindset of some of the covid arguments I’ve been hearing lately.  I try to be empathetic to all points of view so in an effort to better relate I have decided to stick my head as far up my own ass as possible.  

At least that’s easier than trying to keep six feet away from yourself. As always ....

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4 hours ago, WxUSAF said:

Just had a red shouldered hawk fly full speed into our front window. Then sat on the ground dazed for 30 seconds.

Some years ago when living in Germany we hit a hawk with our Toyota Van at 105mph on A8 by Ulm, Germany.  Saw it swooping down and couldn't do a thing about it.  Wife and daughter were asleep and woke up with the impact, which sounded like a cannon.  Hit the top center of our windshield, bounced up in the air and then hit the windshield of the car behind us square in the middle of their windshield.  By some miracle it didn't even crack our windshield. Probably because it hit near the edge.  It destroyed the windshield of the car behind us.  One of those things you never want to experience again and will never forget. 

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8 hours ago, psuhoffman said:

I’ve really struggled to comprehend the mindset of some of the covid arguments I’ve been hearing lately.  I try to be empathetic to all points of view so in an effort to better relate I have decided to stick my head as far up my own ass as possible.  

Really don't know what to say. But was this really necessary? What point could it possibly have except to further disparage and alienate Conservatives on this forum? And why would you even bring it into the banter thread which should be at least be one safe haven for Conservatives from all this political BS? 

I am not even sure why I am bothering at this point. I guess call it stubborn and refusing to give up on this forum after so many years of following it through its different migrations. Something I have looked forward to each winter to follow the passion of snow with others. But it has become quite obvious for a few years now that this has become nothing more then a liberal Country Club. Where the <wink, winks> and the <poke, pokes> about 'those people' have become outright shoves into the mud. A liberal Country Club with bylaws that state, 'Conservatives know your place'. By laws that are now being strictly enforced as we are dealing with the politics of covid.

I have argued for quite some time now that we should leave politics out of this forum because from experience I realized it would most likely spiral out of control. The Forum is about weather after all. But seeing as many wanted politics to intrude I was willing to give it a shot and hope that we could keep it civil. But when I see the multitude of unmerciless and personal attacks and the full blown hatred displayed by some I realize that this was a false hope.

Now I am sure this post will go over like a ton of bricks. At this point though it really doesn't matter. Many/most have already basically unfriended me already where they no longer engage or even respond to me. Unfriended for nothing more then having a differing opinion that I present in a objective,thoughtful and civil manner backed by facts. But really, what is the point of being on a Community board if you are for the most part an unwanted outcast?

I apologize for calling you out in particular as there are many on here that deserve it as well. But honestly these comments from you feel like a knife in the back from someone I consider a friend. Now this is something that needs to be brought out in the open and discussed in a civil manner. And that is, will this board, that is supposed to be about weather, become nothing more then another political shit-show as so many other boards have become in recent years?

As it is, I am on the razors edge on just quiting this board altogether. Which I am sure many would welcome. But maybe ask yourselves, how many of the better posters that have left this board in recent years have actually left for the reasons I am now mentioning?

It really comes down to, do those on this board want a welcoming board for all to enjoy the experience of weather? Or do they want a board where they can vent their hatred of those that have a differing view. One board I can embrace once again. The other I will run from as I have done far too often in recent years.

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Not sure what "having ones head up their ass" has to do with conservatives specifically. Doesn't it mean 'being oblivious to what is happening around you'?  In my experience, that is not limited to any particular political affiliation.

I might be wrong, but I don't think PSU was directing that post at all conservatives, but rather a few posters who continue to make silly arguments about COVID, with little or no supporting data.


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Sometimes there is just no way to make some people understand their own role in how things have come to be.  Yes, I mean you, Showme.

Randy told us(mods and helper mods) that he didn't want any COVID stuff on the wx side.  But as the crisis unfolded and demand from people here to try and have a fact based discussion grew we let the one thread exist.  The hope was that people would stick to facts.  It was a naive thought.  This crisis has and always will be political due to the current climate.  We asked that people try to remain above it.  but here's the problem.

Everyone comes at it with a bias that is shaped by their political beliefs.  Some can hide this agenda better than others, some can't.  You might have thought you didn't show any bias, Showme, but you did.  And when you got pushback and it veered into a political tangent things were done that you didn't like.  And you stomped off.

If you want an echo chamber that gives you the feels so that your view on this stuff can be cheered then I'm sure you can find one.  Calling this place a "liberal country club" when there have been less than 5% of posts hidden is just lol.  Yes, the current admin is frowned upon here by most.  Why?  Its a science board and for the most part science is under attack because of how it usually disputes what is being said by a certain group of people.  But you and others have been allowed to speak and post without bannings or suspensions or the like.

If people are acting towards you and treating you different than before its your responsibility to ask yourself what did YOU do to cause that.  Its not always everyone else that is intolerant or in the wrong. 

This is like your third post where you dramatically threaten to leave.  If you need to make that choice then so be it.  Go and continue to live your life.  Or realize what this board is and make the best of it.  There are places to post and discussions that can be had w/o venturing into an area you disagree with.  I don't go into the Climate Change threads because of that. \

I had other thoughts to add to refute most of what you said but its early and the coffee hasn't kicked in.

To sum up, you risked any alienation you now have when you decided to put your input and bias into a discussion and it didn't go well.  Plain and simple.  if you didn't like the response then own up to how you did it.  No one made you join in the discussion. You did so freely and it was because the people in charge allowed it to happen so that people could have a chance to discuss stuff. 

Now if you choose to leave then just do it.  if no then find places to post the stuff that you liked to post about before.  If there are bridges you want rebuilt then make the effort to rebuild them instead of further burning them by throwing out accusations like you just did.

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Who was the great prophet that first said, “Weather is serious business”?


1 hour ago, leesburg 04 said:

So sitting at almost 47k on Thursday April 23rd and it seems possible we are close to 50k after Friday. So only another 10k deaths until the end of May? I don't know folks...I think the gfs is toying with us again 

Also, I didn’t want to put a big, insensitive, lol in the covid thread while talking about deaths, but this post made me do just that.

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