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April Banter 2020

George BM

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3 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

He fancies himself as some sort of an intellectual- an arrogant know it all, and he comes here to "own" people. Problem is he doesn't know as much as he thinks he does, as everyone who has been paying attention here can attest to. When he is called out, he gets triggered, becomes a condescending ass, might hurl an insult or two, and eventually he disappears.

Have you ever read your own posts in the snow threat threads?

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16 minutes ago, Chris78 said:


Coming from a redskins fan Lamar is a much better passer than what rg3 ever was. The first year for rg3  it was all smoke and mirrors with the perfectly designed offense from the shannahans. Once the fame went to his head it was downhill,from there.

The Ravens offense was entirely built around Lamar. He would have not done nearly as well on another team.

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1 minute ago, C.A.P.E. said:

I have.

Read yours too- the occasional drive-bys that is. They serve no purpose and add zero value, unless being an intentionally abrasive asshole counts.

Yeah, the shitposting going on before I showed up today was top-notch and adding tons of "value." You are just as much of an arrogant prick as me and have been since you got your start taking unwarranted shits on every single weather threat. 

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7 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

The Ravens offense was entirely built around Lamar. He would have not done nearly as well on another team.

That’s part of the point. Unlike the other QBs you mentioned, the Ravens made an effort to build around Lamar which is important. And will continue to do so. Which will automatically make him more successful than some of the other QBs you mentioned, along with his elite athletic ability 

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3 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Yeah, the shitposting going on before I showed up today was top-notch and adding tons of "value." You are just as much of an arrogant prick as me and have been since you got your start taking unwarranted shits on every single weather threat. 

Naw, he is bitter though 

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3 minutes ago, Baltimorewx said:

That’s part of the point. Unlike the other QBs you mentioned, the Ravens made an effort to build around Lamar which is important. And will continue to do so. Which will automatically make him more successful than some of the other QBs you mentioned, along with his elite athletic ability 

Sounds like another MVP season upcoming with no issues on the horizon. Why even worry about my posts? Get those SB tickets now for cheap.

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Just now, psuhoffman said:

I can’t believe people are still arguing with him in the covid thread.  

Go ahead and plug your ears and hunker down. Literally no one is stopping you from believing worst-case scenario data and staying locked down indefinitely. No one. Why even come here? Just read the daily death stats and get scared, man.

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16 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

The Ravens offense was entirely built around Lamar. He would have not done nearly as well on another team.

That's great. That's what smart teams do. From watching pretty much every skins game rg3 started Lamar is a much better passer...... coming from someone who cant stand the ravens.

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14 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Go ahead and plug your ears and hunker down. Literally no one is stopping you from believing worst-case scenario data and staying locked down indefinitely. No one. Why even come here? Just read the daily death stats and get scared, man.

No thanks I’m good


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57 minutes ago, Chris78 said:

That's great. That's what smart teams do. From watching pretty much every skins game rg3 started Lamar is a much better passer...... coming from someone who cant stand the ravens.

Absolutely. The Redskins won a Super Bowl with Mark Rypien. Who the hell is Mark Rypien? If they didn’t have the best offensive line in the nfl that year, that team would have been nothing. They had fast receivers that could get open deep, and Rypien just laid the ball out there for them to run under, not possible without that amazing offensive line.

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4 minutes ago, nw baltimore wx said:

Absolutely. The Redskins won a Super Bowl with Mark Rypien. Who the hell is Mark Rypien? If they didn’t have the best offensive line in the nfl that year, that team would have been nothing. They had fast receivers that could get open deep, and Rypien just laid the ball out there for them to run under, not possible without that amazing offensive line.

Certainly didnt hurt having Art Monk, Gary Clark, and Ricky Sanders to throw to.

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@losetoa6 Ever been responsible for a bench clearing brawl during a game? I can lay claim to that. :lol: We were playing Millford Mill and lets just say there was no love lost between our teams. Anyway, the Millford player was rounding second heading to third when I took a throw from the outfield and I had him dead to rights. Normally the player will just ease up at that point and be tagged. Not this guy. Came at me feet first aiming for my crotch with his cleats. And back then most of us had steel cleats. Was able to turn just quickly enough as to where he caught me in the upper thigh instead of my all important parts. Needless to say he tore a long deep gash into my leg. Well I took issue with his actions so I sprung into action. As he was trying to get up off the ground I knocked him good a couple of times across his head (probably wasn't the smartest move on my part as this Dude was BIG). That is when all hell broke loose, as both benches cleared and proceeded to engage. We did the Majors proud. Me and this one Millford player were going at it with scrums circling all around us as coaches and umpires were trying to break everything up. Can't recall though if the game ended up being suspended or if we resumed play after things settled down. To this day I look at my scar on my leg and it brings back fond memories. :lol:

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3 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

Great story !! Showme .I was involved in many many brawls.  I never personally started any because I loved the game for what it was ..is but yea i came to the rescue of many of my teammates through the years and the same went  for me . Since i pitched alot and threw hard and was wild for the first couple years I hit alot of batters in the head/ ribs/back/ hands lol....but never did I intentionally do it . I didnt believe in "Mickey mouse" or "dirty"  baseball . And as a batter I sure as heck didn't want some hard throwing pitcher aiming at my head but I got thrown at alot mostly because I was a pitcher . Usually if the opposing pitcher threw at me I'd get em back by striking his ass out the following inning B)

2 of the worst things I've seen on the field were a guy breaking his Femur bone and a close friend shattering his leg and ankle sliding into home . 

Yea...and we all wore steel cleats.  You were called a sissy if u didn't. 

If you recall I mentioned that I was a hard thrower but my control was somewhat lacking. Anyway, playing one game against Hereford I nailed this Dude (Poor guy was like half my size) squarely in the back and the sound it made was like someone had slammed on a big bass drum. He collapsed like a puppet whos strings had been cut. Benches cleared and their was pushing in shoving all around. Where was I when all this was going down? I was up there as they were attending the guy trying to make sure he was alright. I was half scared I had killed this guy. He ended up being fine after a few minutes, he just had had the wind knocked out of him. Earned the name 'Hereford Slayer' after the fact. :whistle:

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6 minutes ago, losetoa6 said:

Yea...and we all wore steel cleats.  You were called a sissy if u didn't. 

I wore plastic cleats.   :(

We didn’t have much money, so there was at least one year where I had to wear my brothers hand-me-downs. They were huge and I looked like a clown. I remember going to Irving’s Sport Shop in Landover Mall and buying my own pair with my paper money. Probably the first major purchase of my young life and I was so proud to wear them. I also bought my own red baseball glove too.

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14 minutes ago, nw baltimore wx said:

I wore plastic cleats.   :(

We didn’t have much money, so there was at least one year where I had to wear my brothers hand-me-downs. They were huge and I looked like a clown. I remember going to Irving’s Sport Shop in Landover Mall and buying my own pair with my paper money. Probably the first major purchase of my young life and I was so proud to wear them. I also bought my own red baseball glove too.

Living in a one parent household (mother), we had no money for extras. So if I wanted anything for myself it came out of my own pocket from money I had earned. Needless to say I did without a lot that most other kids took for granted because I couldn't justify spending my limited money on such things. But when it came to baseball equipment I splurged. Never skimped on getting inferior products and went with the best I could find. 

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1 minute ago, losetoa6 said:

Hereford  Slayer lol...sounds like a serial killer.  I remember hitting some poor sap in the head and his helmet flew off and he sunk like a sack of potatoes.  I actually ran to home plate to check on him . It took him about  a minute to wake up and he actually stumbled up eventually and jogged to first lol. 

Just 2 years ago I hit some guy around 60 years old in the back in that wooden bat league and we never some him again that season :lol:

You young whippersnappers abusing us old folks. You should be ashamed of yourself. :D

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10 hours ago, PhineasC said:

Yeah, the shitposting going on before I showed up today was top-notch and adding tons of "value." You are just as much of an arrogant prick as me and have been since you got your start taking unwarranted shits on every single weather threat. 

but he's is liked a lot more than you are, which goes a long way.

not sure you've got any fans here. :( 

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Not sure if anyone jumped back into the Stock Market at this time but if you are, now may be a good time to bail for awhile. Pretty much in uncharted waters with this virus so this can't be said with certainty but we will see Company earnings coming out this week and they look to be worse then was projected, potentially much worse. Typical reaction would normally be to see a fairly significant drop across the board in the Market. But again, virus, uncharted waters, etc...

eta: There are other considerations as well. Plunging oil prices, nations now starting to open back up, etc... But I think the Company earnings will be the driving force for this week and we could see a significant drop.

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