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April Banter 2020

George BM

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8 hours ago, mappy said:

my favorite! you remembered! :) 

But of course!:thumbsup:  Tulips have just come up around here and there are a couple of places nearby that have really nice beds of them.  So I grabbed a bunch of photos of those and some other things that are blooming.  I'll see if I can scrounge up another one that I took for you, too, when I have a chance!

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1 hour ago, showmethesnow said:

Dear Diary,

Day 13 of the lock down. 

Have made a new friend today. His name is Sam. Had some wonderful stories to tell. Also had a tragic story about losing most of his family to a mysterious mist.

Note to self. Throw the spray can of Raid away.

I'm reminded of this scene from "Count of Monte Cristo" (yeah, not completely faithful to the novel, but a pretty good dramatization all the same!)...


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1 hour ago, showmethesnow said:

Dear Diary,

Day 13 of the lock down. 

Have made a new friend today. His name is Sam. Had some wonderful stories to tell. Also had a tragic story about losing most of his family to a mysterious mist.

Note to self. Throw the spray can of Raid away.

Hey Wall-E, I think Sam wanted a twinkie...

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6 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

Dear Diary,

We are now 2 weeks into our lock down.

Supplies are running low.

Trying to decide if I want a sardine and jelly sandwich or whether I prefer a cake icing and capers one. 

Now if I only had bread.

Using my experience as a widower, I can say that you have covered all the basic foos groups. As always .....


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21 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

Dear Diary,

We are now 2 weeks into our lock down.

Supplies are running low.

Trying to decide if I want a sardine and jelly sandwich or whether I prefer a cake icing and capers one. 

Now if I only had bread.

two weeks? we are in week 4 in the mappy household. at least two more weeks after this

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11 minutes ago, mappy said:

two weeks? we are in week 4 in the mappy household. at least two more weeks after this

Talking 2 weeks where we have had no contact with anyone outside the household (we have stayed totally at home). We were practicing social distancing and limited stay at home the 2 weeks or so prior though. I had pretty much stocked up on everything we would need to ride this out for up to 2 months about 6/7 weeks ago (so I missed the TP hysteria :lol:). So the 2 weeks prior to our total lock down my wife did go into work a few days (short work days) and I made a couple quick trips to the grocery storm for fresh/perishable food items. Oh, and there was a couple of Dominoes runs thrown in there as well :o. As far as how much longer we continue this total lock down I am looking at the end of April before we start peaking our heads out of the bunker.

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20 minutes ago, mappy said:

two weeks? we are in week 4 in the mappy household. at least two more weeks after this

Wanted to also add to my previous post as far as when we will start lifting containment of the Showme household. End of April is pretty much the earliest that we will start this as it is based on the best case scenario based off the national peak average. Unfortunately we are seeing dates of roughly mid-May for the peak in MD. And like it or not Hanover is more associated with MD then the much earlier date that we are seeing in PA. So we could very well be locked up for an additional several weeks if not longer.

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10 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

Wanted to also add to my previous post as far as when we will start lifting containment of the Showme household. End of April is pretty much the earliest that we will start this as it is based on the best case scenario based off the national peak average. Unfortunately we are seeing dates of roughly mid-May for the peak in MD. And like it or not Hanover is more associated with MD then the much earlier date that we are seeing in PA. So we could very well be locked up for an additional several weeks if not longer.

oh yeah, we are home as long as schools are closed. only said at least 2 more weeks because as of now, school is set to reopen April 27th, though we dont believe that will actually happen. 

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16 minutes ago, mappy said:

oh yeah, we are home as long as schools are closed. only said at least 2 more weeks because as of now, school is set to reopen April 27th, though we dont believe that will actually happen. 

Haven't really been following it for awhile about peak dates per state but the last I checked I believe the IHME had a peak date of May 14 for MD. That was roughly a week or so ago but I just looked now and if I am reading it right it is now showing the peak to occur just past the mid point of April (the 18th) much closer to the National avg. of April 15th. I really am not sure to what to say at this point. That is a huge difference (month) in just roughly a weeks period of time. I have already stated my doubts about the model and this puts further doubt in my mind on its accuracy. But they get paid the big bucks so they are more likely right then this average Joe's opinion. Now these peaks are based off of projected resource use so it won't completely align with affection rates but it does give us a pretty decent ballpark figure to base max infections are at.

eta: I also question if this might argue for a higher infection rate (at least through the general MD region) then the model has been projecting. I will have to let this percolate through my mind for awhile though before I would jump to this conclusion.

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Uhmm, I went to the grocery store in Westminster this morning.  Not busy.  I wore a mask and had a disinfectant wipe with me.  I picked up some chicken thighs and few other things to make pressure cooker chicken casserole type dish.  No way can I not go grocery shopping for two to four weeks like some of y'all.   Yes, it's worrisome as an older gent with some health issues but still gotta eat healthy.

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30 minutes ago, Sparky said:

Uhmm, I went to the grocery store in Westminster this morning.  Not busy.  I wore a mask and had a disinfectant wipe with me.  I picked up some chicken thighs and few other things to make pressure cooker chicken casserole type dish.  No way can I not go grocery shopping for two to four weeks like some of y'all.   Yes, it's worrisome as an older gent with some health issues but still gotta eat healthy.

Actually, I have stocked up sufficiently with non-perishable foods where we can ride this out for up to 2 months as well as stocking up and freezing a couple weeks worth of fresh meat. But I did leave the option open for going to the grocery story depending on what we were seeing. Still very hesitant about going to the store but I am probably going to make a compromise later this week of ordering online and having the groceries (fresh foods) delivered. I have a system in place where I was quarantining items bought before our lock-down. Basically everything gets put into the garage where I give it 72 hours before I bring it into the house. Have a full sized fridge there so I could put fresh in. I am hearing some good things about Aldi's and their deliveries so I will probably place an order later this week. https://www.instacart.com/aldi After all there is only so much canned meat (spam, tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages, etc...) one wants to exist on.


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1 hour ago, Sparky said:

Uhmm, I went to the grocery store in Westminster this morning.  Not busy.  I wore a mask and had a disinfectant wipe with me.  I picked up some chicken thighs and few other things to make pressure cooker chicken casserole type dish.  No way can I not go grocery shopping for two to four weeks like some of y'all.   Yes, it's worrisome as an older gent with some health issues but still gotta eat healthy.

I actually have been meal planning for close to 12 years now. Base my major grocery runs off of bi-weekly payday. I just put together my 2 week plan for this Friday. One thing we have had to change is getting the fresh stuff and keeping it for the two weeks. Have switched to Milk delivery and get our eggs and bread that way also. Lunch items seems to be what we are struggling on. With everyone home and the household not a fan of lunch meat all the time we have had to get creative. And we are glad we have had it this way for awhile as the husband has to do the shopping because I am Immune compromised.

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