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Upstate NY Banter and General Discussion..


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Germany getting ready to open back up (edit: partially, carefully). Biggest difference appears to be their ability to test up to 500,000 ppl per week. So they know where they really stand. Much like S Korea.  UK and US a small fraction of that, just blundering around...arguing about ventilators and panicking the public.

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OSWEGO, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — With 36 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county, Oswego County Legislature Chairman Jim Weatherup asked residents on Wednesday to follow a voluntary shelter-in-place order, similar to Onondaga County.

Weatherup asked the residents of Oswego County to do their essential travel on an every-other-day basis.

The rules for Oswego County’s voluntary shelter in place are as follows:

  • Residents born during an odd year – Only travel on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • Residents born during an even year – Only travel on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 
  • Sundays – Weatherup asks everyone to stay home

The Chairman admitted he did not have any jurisdiction to enforce the recommended travel restrictions, but he said, “In the interest of public health and safety, we can police it and keep track of those who ignore it.”

As of Wednesday, Oswego County has reported 36 cases of COVID-19, with 18 of those individuals recovering from the virus. Two people in Oswego County have also died from COVID-19.

Chairman Weatherup also sent a warning ahead of Easter Sunday, urging his residents to celebrate Easter only within the confines of their own home.

Family traditions are important to us all and Easter is an important holiday, but it’s not worth putting your family at risk, or the public if you work in an essential job with the public. I am not suggesting that you not celebrate Easter, I am however strongly encouraging you to do so in the confines of your own home with only the members of your own household present.


For the latest news related to COVID-19 in Oswego County, click here. The health department’s COVID-19 hotline number is 315-349-3330.

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Coronavirus leaves at least 10% of the American workforce unemployed in three weeks: 6.6 million file new claims in a week bringing the total out of work to 16 million 


Up to 50 million jobs are vulnerable to coronavirus-related layoffs, economists say - about one-third of all the jobs in the United States. 

That figure is based on a calculation of positions that are deemed non-essential by state and federal governments and that cannot be done from home.

It's unlikely all those workers will be laid off or file a jobless claim but it suggests the extraordinary magnitude of unemployment that could result from the pandemic. 

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Interesting Plot Twist regarding source of NY-based Coronavirus infections...Europe!  If confirmed, we really had no realistic chance to limit this once it got out of China, which was inevitable...


New research indicates that the coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February, weeks before the first confirmed case, and that travelers brought in the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia.

“The majority is clearly European,” said Harm van Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who co-wrote a study awaiting peer review.

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1 hour ago, Syrmax said:

Interesting Plot Twist regarding source of NY-based Coronavirus infections...Europe!  If confirmed, we really had no realistic chance to limit this once it got out of China, which was inevitable...


New research indicates that the coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February, weeks before the first confirmed case, and that travelers brought in the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia.

“The majority is clearly European,” said Harm van Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who co-wrote a study awaiting peer review.

Maybe people from China traveling to Europe in Nov-Dec...infecting Europeans and mutating to the 'European' strain, then Europeans traveling to NYC in Jan-Feb. Sneaky virus.

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18 hours ago, DeltaT13 said:

Thats a very interesting article.  A damn shame it had to be spun into a strange trump dick sucking direction.  Trump doesnt know an ion, from an electron, or how iron has any part of human blood chemistry.  Someone much smarter probably told him it had hope and now he is somehow getting praise as if he came up with the medicine or idea to use it as a treatment himself.  We don't need any medical advice from any president, Whether its Trump or Obama.  Leave that shit to the professionals who have spent decades working and studying in a lab.

Cool article, shitty spin.  Hope we can get this virus figured out soon. 

Bro, we know you hate our President. We know he obviously heard about HydroxyC from doctors and we know he mentioned it at a presser. We also know the press & some Govs freaked out about it and we know they have since changed or changing their tunes. It is what it is. Move along and embrace the good news as we learn more about this killer and be thankful the Fed emergency-approved it for use as it appears to be saving lives.

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On 4/7/2020 at 9:53 AM, rochesterdave said:

I’m very liberal and even I think that extra $ is a mistake. I mean, someday we HAVE to pay this back, right? I’m definitely not opposed to giving someone a decent unemployment check, but when it rivals what you’d actually make- you lose all incentive to return. 
Hope this is over soon. I think April will just about wrap it up. The normalization process will take must of May, but then we’ll be looking good for summer. 

This weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter to colleagues saying: "CARES 2 must go further... extending and strengthening unemployment benefits."

Several GOP lawmakers, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had tried to change the language in the $2 trillion-plus stimulus bill last month to remove any incentive for workers to leave their jobs in order to make more on unemployment. The effort failed.

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24 minutes ago, vortmax said:

This weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter to colleagues saying: "CARES 2 must go further... extending and strengthening unemployment benefits."

Several GOP lawmakers, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had tried to change the language in the $2 trillion-plus stimulus bill last month to remove any incentive for workers to leave their jobs in order to make more on unemployment. The effort failed.

Who would ever leave their job to get unemployment? Only those who are dumb would... UI is temporary, not guaranteed. You lose your health insurance, vacation time, seniority, relationship with your company and colleagues. Unless you make under $50k a year you actually make less money. There would be ZERO incentive for me to quit and go on UI. This post makes ZERO sense. Lindsey Graham is an idiot, as is typical with most of the GOP. Pelosi is an idiot too though. Cannot stand that lady.

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Just now, BuffaloWeather said:

Who would ever leave their job to get unemployment? Only those who are dumb would... UI is temporary, not guaranteed. You lose your health insurance, vacation time, seniority, relationship with your company and colleagues. Unless you make under $50k a year you actually make less money. There would be ZERO incentive for me to quit and go on UI. This post makes ZERO sense. Lindsey Graham is an idiot, as is typical with most of the GOP. Pelosi is an idiot too though. Cannot stand that lady.

A local large union electrical contractors employees bitched enough about it to get them to lay off everyone...there are people who will do anything to sit at home and collect a check. A couple of my projects are now on hold as I wait for them to collect their cheese.

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More than 1 in 5 patients develop heart damage as a result of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, one small study published March 27 in the journal JAMA Cardiology suggested.

Cardiologists say several scenarios could be unfolding: The heart may struggle to pump blood in the absence of enough oxygen; the virus may directly invade heart cells; or the body, in its attempt to eradicate the virus, may mobilize a storm of immune cells that attack the heart.


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44 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

More than 1 in 5 patients develop heart damage as a result of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, one small study published March 27 in the journal JAMA Cardiology suggested.

Cardiologists say several scenarios could be unfolding: The heart may struggle to pump blood in the absence of enough oxygen; the virus may directly invade heart cells; or the body, in its attempt to eradicate the virus, may mobilize a storm of immune cells that attack the heart.


That article linked by LakeEffect would support the first scenario - and the most likely, in my non-professional opinion. Hopefully it's not autoimmune, but that would be leading to more sepsis deaths - don't think we're seeing that in the data. Scenario #2 is freaky, but I would imagine autopsies would be showing evidence of this.

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5 hours ago, vortmax said:

Maybe people from China traveling to Europe in Nov-Dec...infecting Europeans and mutating to the 'European' strain, then Europeans traveling to NYC in Jan-Feb. Sneaky virus.

Yes, undoubtedly it was travelers from China into Europe as indicated by natural changes in the virus over time enableing it to be tracked etc.  I kind of suspected this was going on in Jan/Feb as we were seeing covid-19 cases springing up everywhere after the initial northern Italy outbreak (possibly linked to a manufacturing facility there that apparently uses Chinese workers).  Regardless, what this indicates is that we (the globe) realistically had no way of containing this, maybe only delaying it a bit.  It would have taken some real global preplanning to enable tests of an previously unknown virus to be created and then manufactured and disbursed in large quantities within a matter of days/weeks.  The Chinese government delaying and fumbling around looks like it removed any hope of containment although I wonder whether it would have made much of a difference in the end as reaction time was going to be somewhat slow, in the pre-covid-19 world...

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4 hours ago, Luke_Mages said:

A local large union electrical contractors employees bitched enough about it to get them to lay off everyone...there are people who will do anything to sit at home and collect a check. A couple of my projects are now on hold as I wait for them to collect their cheese.

I mean I guess but this is an odd situation. Most union electricians are pulling in 35 an hour. Not sure I would want to give that up. Especially as they are most likely entering their busy time of the year. With OT they are pulling in 50+ an hour.

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I think the $600 is needed and necessary. My wifes lawfirm of 150 employees was closed due to this virus. Majority of people in this law firm make over $45k a year. They work in foreclosure law which is non existent since Cuomo said no foreclosures for at least 3 months. Without that $600 there would be a lot of people not paying their monthly bills. This was to no fault of their own. It's only for 4 months...I don't see many people becoming that lazy for 4 months of $600 a week...

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32 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

Well I just booked my first trip after this virus is all over. Mt. Kilimanjaro in July of 2021. 8 day hike up the mountain and 2 day safari! Going with 7-8 friends. If anyone is interested we are looking for a few more people.

Going to use my $600 a week from UI to pay for it. ;)


I did a Kenya and Tanzania safari back in 2014 - well worth every penny. Only saw Killi from the ground, however. You're gonna love it! If you're looking to add on a couple relaxing days at the end - look to spend a few days in Zanzibar....awesome place. 

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I feel like the social distancing is working but once we get out and about again is the virus just going to disappear? Without a vaccine or herd immunity, what is to say we just end up exactly where we are now or even worse? I don't really see a short term solution in all of this. We already have proof of warmer weather climates that it does not stop the virus. Once we start having our outdoor concerts, fairs, parties,etc... What will happen then?

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Just now, BuffaloWeather said:

I feel like the social distancing is working but once we get out and about again is the virus just going to disappear? Without a vaccine or herd immunity, what is to say we just end up exactly where we are now or even worse? I don't really see a short term solution in all of this.

Supposedly when the infection rate is Lower then a 1 it just gradually disappears, but I do wonder the same thing lol

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1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

I mean I guess but this is an odd situation. Most union electricians are pulling in 35 an hour. Not sure I would want to give that up. Especially as they are most likely entering their busy time of the year. With OT they are pulling in 50+ an hour.

#humansarelazy lol. TBH I wouldn’t mind sitting at home for 50% of my pay, but all my work would just be sitting here waiting for me. 

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14 minutes ago, Luke_Mages said:

It’s artificially lowered because we’re on lockdown. The problem is it won’t disappear quickly. So how long can we afford to stay locked down?

Exactly. The subsequent wave of cases could be double, triple what we have already experienced the last few weeks. As soon as I'm let free I'm going to the gym. That place will be a cesspool of COVID.

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