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Upstate NY Banter and General Discussion..


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They have had only 1 lawsuit in either NC or AZ and it was "sharpiegate" lol


WASHINGTON, D.C.— On behalf of two Arizona voters, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a right-wing nonprofit, sued the Maricopa County Recorder and the Board of Supervisors in Arizona Superior Court, claiming that the use of Sharpie permanent markers at some polling sites “deprived” voters of their right to have their ballots counted.  The lawsuit seeks to: 1) identify ballots impacted by the Sharpie markers and allow them to be corrected; 2) allow members of the public who were given Sharpies to be present in person to observe the counting of ballots; and 3) obtain a Declaration by the Maricopa County Recorder and the Board of Supervisors saying that their actions had “deprived voters of their right to have their votes read with perfect accuracy by an automatic system”

Today, the Arizona Democratic Party intervened in the case, calling the lawsuit “a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing.” In their motion to intervene, the Arizona Democratic Party called out the blatant attempt by the Public Interest Legal Foundation “to throw the processing of ballots in Arizona’s largest county into disarray at the eleventh hour.”

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11 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:

Biden's popular vote win is even bigger. Once all the votes are counted (and there are plenty outstanding), Biden's probably going to win somewhere between 51% and 52% of the popular vote. The only challenger to score a higher percentage over the last century was Roosevelt in 1932.

I dont think this is right...

Unless it’s only counting against incumbents?

Kind of a weird stat, this vote was pretty damn close and that stat seems to imply that Biden ran away with it  


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Well trump called his win a landslide no? Biden is projected 306 EV, the same as trump, but he actually won the popular vote by millions lol

Trump also won MI,WI and PA by 77k votes, Biden will win those states by much more..

He also potentially flipped 2 republican states, GA(28years) and Arizona (24 years)..

This is much more of a "landslide" than 2016..

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Two key U.S. Supreme Court justices indicated they are inclined to uphold the bulk of the Affordable Care Act as the court weighed the fate of a landmark law that provides health-insurance to 20 million people.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh both suggested during oral arguments Tuesday that they won’t vote to strike down the entire law even if the court invalidates a provision that requires people to acquire insurance. A key question is whether the court would “sever” that so-called individual mandate so that the rest of the law remains intact.

“I tend to agree with you that it’s a very straightforward case for severability under our precedents, meaning that we would excise the mandate and leave the rest of the act in place,” Kavanaugh told a lawyer defending the law on behalf of the House of Representatives.

President Donald Trump’s administration is joining Republican-led states in challenging the law, known as Obamacare, which the GOP has been trying to wipe out since it was enacted in 2010.

The mandate originally carried a tax penalty for noncompliance, a provision that was central to a 2012 Supreme Court ruling that upheld the law. A Republican-controlled Congress zeroed-out the tax in 2017, and opponents now say the whole ACA must be invalidated.

Roberts, who wrote the 2012 ruling, signaled he disagreed.

“I think it’s hard for you to argue that Congress intended the entire act to fall if the mandate were struck down when the same Congress that lowered the penalty to zero did not even try to repeal the rest of the act,” Roberts said.

Read More: Obamacare Stakes Rise at High Court as Election Dooms Easy Fix

With health care accounting for a sixth of the U.S. economy, the stakes are massive. Advocates for patients, doctors, hospitals and insurance companies are urging the court to uphold the law, warning of chaos should the measure be invalidated in the midst of a pandemic. A ruling is likely by June.

The ACA, signed into law by President Barack Obama, expanded the Medicaid program for the poor, provided consumers with subsidies, created marketplaces to shop for insurance policies, required insurers to cover people with pre-existing conditions, and let children stay on their parents’ policies until age 26.

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Sweeping Law

Republicans are banking on the Supreme Court’s 6-3 conservative majority, including new Justice Amy Coney Barrett and fellow Trump appointees Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch.

The Trump-appointed justices suggested they were inclined to invalidate the mandate now that it no longer carries a tax penalty. Gorsuch said Roberts’s 2012 opinion was premised on the notion that the tax penalty would produce revenue. “That seems to have withered away,” Gorsuch said.

In a separate part of the 2012 opinion, Roberts said the mandate couldn’t be justified as an exercise of Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce.

Barrett questioned California Solicitor General Michael Mongan’s contention that the mandate is now an “inoperative provision” that doesn’t bind anyone.

“You are asking us to treat it as if it functionally has been repealed, but that’s not what Congress did,” Barrett said. “Does that matter?”

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Some of the president’s closest allies seem to have lost touch with how elections work. Last Saturday, shortly after networks projected that Biden would become the 46th president, Rudolph Giuliani accused the Democrats of trying to steal the election. “Networks don’t get to decide elections,” he lamented. “Courts do.”

Actually, voters decide elections, and in this case they have. Courts step in when necessary to adjudicate disputes. In 2000, the Supreme Court effectively decided the election by stopping the Florida recount with George W. Bush 537 votes ahead of Al Gore. No one thought it was good that the court decided the election.

This year, no state count is anywhere as close as Florida was on the day the recount battle started in 2000. The Trump team hasn’t produced anything that would suggest that the president can reverse the margins where he is disputing the result


Giuliani conveniently ignored the fact that, four years ago, these same networks called the election for Donald Trump, and a lot sooner than they did for Biden this year. Not every vote had been counted then, but the world — and Hillary Clinton — accepted the reality that was clear from the numbers. Clinton conceded the next morning.

The above is from Microsoft news
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I still would like to know how they are really going to enforce this 10 person limit on gatherings at a private residence?  

Not to be superstitious or anything... but the last time we had a Friday the 13th was in March.  Same weekend we went into lock down #1... what are the odds this Friday the 13th we will probably be doing the same thing...


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5 minutes ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

I still would like to know how they are really going to enforce this 10 person limit on gatherings at a private residence?  

Not to be superstitious or anything... but the last time we had a Friday the 13th was in March.  Same weekend we went into lock down #1... what are the odds this Friday the 13th we will probably be doing the same thing...


I'd be surprise if a lockdown went into place on Friday. There would be a period of time for business owners to make plans.  That happened in Massachusetts prior to the lockdown.

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12 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

Yesterdays updated numbers were over 142k new cases and nearly 1500 deaths... It's going up quick.

Wave 2 is going to be far worse then wave 1, just like in 1919.

Sucks there's nothing we can do until Jan 20th when Biden walks in White House, that's when he will do national wide lockdown so it will be too late for that. 

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