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1 hour ago, fujiwara79 said:

we're having the same issues with the vaccine rollout that we had with testing.  federalism doesn't work for crisis management.  

The federal government does a terrible job pretty much.  It doesn't matter which party is in charge as has been proven time and time again.

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5 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

Gotta figure out where the breakdowns in the system are.  How much has been shipped out vs. how many people have been vaccinated?  Is it possible that the low numbers of vaccinations are in part due to reluctance? 

Didn't the polls say 50% of the country would refuse to get the vaccine? I have a friend who is a Physicians Assistant and even he isn't getting it.

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4 minutes ago, Angrysummons said:

Truth hurts. This is a old persons disease. The total amount under 60 that have died is like a bad flu season. 1.9 million in total, 1.6 between the age of 20-40 died from the Avian "Spanish" Flu in the 1918-20 period when adjusted for population. That blows this away in terms of the age it attacked and the amount that died. 50 million died globally. This isn't coming close.

Its sucks old people are getting so sick from it and clogging up the medical system, but lets not get carried away. You don't take rushed vaccines for nothing. Its not the measles, polio, whooping cough and the countless other of sicknesses.

We have been fortunate that this virus has not mutated to a much deadlier form. This is what made the 1918 pandemic so extremely deadly 

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federalism means most management, governance and coordination is delegated (federated) to the states.  my point was that this doesn't work when managing a crisis.  the government should play a more central role but it currently doesn't.

germany employs federalism as well, but they coordinate much better amongst their regions than we do.

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1 hour ago, Angrysummons said:

Federalism??? What federalism??? I just see states fighting over limited supplies why the "task force" just lets vaccines sit in a freezer somewhere. Listen, nobody except for a preexisting condition need this vaccine under 60. No healthy 40 year old should even think about it.

if all people need to care about is the risk of dying, then you're probably correct. however, long-term covid symptoms is a very real thing people are experiencing.  it appears similar to chronic lyme disease.  and if you talk to people who have chronic lyme -- their lives are miserable.  hopefully chronic covid doesn't become a big problem, but it definitely lingers in some people longer than the flu.

measles has a much lower ifr than covid and we vaccinate for that.

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1 hour ago, Angrysummons said:

Federalism??? What federalism??? I just see states fighting over limited supplies why the "task force" just lets vaccines sit in a freezer somewhere. Listen, nobody except for a preexisting condition need this vaccine under 60. No healthy 40 year old should even think about it.

Tell that to the Representative elect in Louisiana who just died at 41. Like is there ever a time you aren't shockingly wrong about everything.

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23 minutes ago, Stebo said:

Tell that to the Representative elect in Louisiana who just died at 41. Like is there ever a time you aren't shockingly wrong about everything.

And LSU Shreveport literally confirmed he had no pre existing conditions, this is a nasty, nasty virus. Father of a kid on my nephews basketball team(mid 40s) has been in hospital over a week now with covid.

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2 hours ago, Hoosier said:

Congressman-elect Luke Letlow has died from covid.  He was only 41.



A local 18 year old died only a few days after starting to feel symptoms.


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1 hour ago, Angrysummons said:

Again, at this rate, your talking about the seasonal flu. I am sure you can find some younger people who died of it. But the rate isn't impressive. They clearly had a genetic flaw and it was deadly. Compare it to old people and you see the difference.



As of September 6, 2020, 74,027 all-cause deaths occurred among persons ages 25-44 years during the period from March 1st to July 31st, 2020, 14,155 more than during the same period of 2019, a 23% relative increase (incident rate ratio 1.23; 95% CI 1.21–1.24), with a peak of 30% occurring in May (IRR 1.30; 95% CI 1.27-1.33). In HHS Region 2 (New York, New Jersey), HHS Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas), and HHS Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada), COVID-19 deaths exceeded 2018 unintentional opioid overdose deaths during at least one month. Combined, 2,450 COVID-19 deaths were recorded in these three regions during the pandemic period, compared to 2,445 opioid deaths during the same period of 2018.

Meaning We find that COVID-19 has likely become the leading cause of death—surpassing unintentional overdoses—among young adults aged 25-44 in some areas of the United States during substantial COVID-19 outbreaks.

What's the leading cause of death for those aged 25 to 44 in hard hit areas during the pandemic? - Most likely Covid. And this is before the winter surge occurred.


23% relative increase in death in this age range during the pandemic compared with the same period last year.


These are the facts. IFR may be low for this virus in this age range but so is the IFR for almost everything for this age range. This age range mostly dies from things like accidents, drug overdoses, etc.


Enough with your nonsense about this is only an old person's disease, the oldest suffer the worst of it and they are rightly being prioritized for the first vaccinations but make no mistake this disease is not one to be gambling with even if you're young and healthy. We have the means to safely vaccinate enough people to squash this virus to oblivion and we will.

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Never mind the many younger people who end up in the hospital/ICU and survive or are dealing with medium/long term effects. People get too fixated on the mortality rates when discussing the impacts. Just in Arizona, for example 7500 people 20-44 years old have been hospitalized to date. That's ~3% of positive cases in this age group.

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6 hours ago, mattb65 said:

but make no mistake this disease is not one to be gambling with even if you're young and healthy. We have the means to safely vaccinate enough people to squash this virus to oblivion and we will.

Says you.  I took the gamble, got it, got over it.  Just doing my part to contribute to herd immunity, which I thought was looking good in the Midwest with ~10% of the population in ND, SD, WI, IA that have now returned positive tests and an immune population that is surely much higher.  Except now I'm being told that natural immunity doesn't count toward herd immunity, only vaccinations.  Really makes you think.


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22 minutes ago, ikcarsky said:

Says you.  I took the gamble, got it, got over it.  Just doing my part to contribute to herd immunity, which I thought was looking good in the Midwest with ~10% of the population in ND, SD, WI, IA that have now returned positive tests and an immune population that is surely much higher.  Except now I'm being told that natural immunity doesn't count toward herd immunity, only vaccinations.  Really makes you think.


this guy gets infected

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12 hours ago, Angrysummons said:

Federalism??? What federalism??? I just see states fighting over limited supplies why the "task force" just lets vaccines sit in a freezer somewhere. Listen, nobody except for a preexisting condition need this vaccine under 60. No healthy 40 year old should even think about it.

you clearly have no idea how to eradicate a disease in the long run

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Who said natural immunity doesn't count? It's just just natural immunity is a terrible way to go for immunity for something with as high a mortality rate as Covid when you have a vaccine. North Dakota had ~0.15% mortality in 3 months. That's close to what New Jersey experienced in the Spring (~-0.17% in 3 months). Only reason their health care system didn't collapse was because they have high number of beds/capita and with their low population they were able to find beds in neighboring states for the small numbers of patients elsewhere.

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22 minutes ago, mississaugasnow said:

Ontario sees nearly 3000 new cases today. Hospitalization and ICU are at record levels beating the previous peak in the spring. 

Just crazy. I wonder if it has to do with people gathering for Christmas pre lockdown. The positivity rate is 8% today too. 

Not impressed with our current vaccination program. I understand it's about being fair and ensuring all Canadian's have the right and access to the vaccine. However, most of Canada's cases have been confined to 4 provinces (AB, BC, ON and QC). More than 80% of our entire country lives in these 4 provinces and half that in ON alone. They should be prioritizing 75% of the vaccine to these provinces where cases are surging not the Yukon for example. Target the vulnerable, elderly, nurses, doctors, etc. in these 4 provinces and have them all vaccinated by mid-January before you distribute a portion to other provinces. But what can you do? It's all bureaucratic bs. You can’t expect society to adhere to lockdown protocols if politicians themselves refuse to do the same. You can’t expect changes in cases if you’re not implementing proper lockdown procedures and vaccination rollouts. Everything since this pandemic began has been a complete mess and now were at record levels and trapped in our homes. 10 months in and people are going crazy mentally sitting at home. That one-month Toronto and Peel lockdown was completely unnecessary unless they locked the entire province down. And these lockdowns are half-ass too. Cases are surging because factories, warehouses and these big stores like Walmart continue to operate as normal not because of our average small one stop clothing store. Sorry for the rant but this is ridiculous now.

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4 hours ago, ikcarsky said:

Hey I'm done with it and it's great.  Maybe I'll try again with Strain B.1.1.7.  Hm, that has a terrible ring, too dystopian.  COVID-21?  There we go.

There's always a new strain :axe: they will scare the general population in any way possible to take the vaccine. 

At least face masks are lowering numbers....o wait..

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3 minutes ago, dta1984 said:

There's always a new strain :axe: they will scare the general population in any way possible to take the vaccine. 

At least face masks are lowering numbers....o wait..

Theres also always a communist bogeyman hiding whenever conservatives feel upset or scared. 

1960s civil rights- you bet commies are coming to integrate the south

Late 1960s anti-vietnam- you bet commies are the main organizers 

1980s-pro abortion- nailed it again with those atheist commies 

2010s tax increase and affordable care act/occupy Wall Street/black lives matter- You bet every one of those was orchestrated by commies 

How else would conservatives rile up the base without yelling communists? 


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