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4 minutes ago, madwx said:

oh believe me, I've lost 60 pounds in the past year and exercise much more frequently now.  But to actually get health changes in this country we would have to divest from the corporate attitude of selling products that detract from personal wellbeing

That's awesome man, 60 pounds is a ton of weight.

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12 minutes ago, schoeppeya said:

That's awesome man, 60 pounds is a ton of weight.

thanks,  the pandemic was the wakeup call I needed to make changes in my life to be healthier, but unfortunately many don't have the means or education to make those changes.

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2 hours ago, schoeppeya said:

You may be correct, but its strange to me that self directed health improvements don't get the same attention as other prevention methods. I.E., "wear a mask, social distance" to minimize the risk you catch it ALONG with "exercise, eat better" to minimize the risk of getting a serious case if you do. 

That seems far too simple and reasonable :). But seriously, it's truly amazing how little coverage the obesity factor has received. Perhaps its a result of people becoming overly sensitive... wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by telling them they need to lose weight. 

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10 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

Wow. Just wow

Can't come up with anything more thoughtful than that?

If you want to talk about how language like the post I quoted and gross over-generalizations and saying things on the internet you would never say to somebodies face leads to a lot of the behavior you claim to despise, we can talk about that. If you disagree, we can talk about that too. But regardless of how I feel about those "selfish" peoples politics (I don't agree with most of it), a lot of those people are my friends, family, people I grew up with, and people I know. And a lot of those people are the most caring, thoughtful, giving, selfless people I know. 

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8 minutes ago, Malacka11 said:

Or perhaps it's the fact that obesity is an industry in this country.

We can definitely agree with that. And eating healthy food is a luxury in this country that even a lot of middle class families can't afford. 

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4 hours ago, Hoosier said:

So when you look at numbers per million, Florida has a higher death rate than California but California has more cases.  I don't know for sure but I am going to guess that Florida has a higher percentage of senior citizens in their population than California, which doesn't help in this situation.

A lot of people in California that have been treating this like it is no big deal, so it isn't surprising, though per capita Florida is still worse.

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3 hours ago, dta1984 said:

We are a year in now.  Health improvements that should have been pushed from early on could be well under way by now. 

Easier said than done in the middle of a highly stressful pandemic among other things going on in the last year.

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2 hours ago, madwx said:

thanks,  the pandemic was the wakeup call I needed to make changes in my life to be healthier, but unfortunately many don't have the means or education to make those changes.

I have lost about half of what you have and I have a long way to go myself still but you are correct, it is what only some have the ability to do right now. This assumption that people pop out of bed one day and can start a massive lifestyle change is a bit of leap.

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1 hour ago, Angrysummons said:

Eating healthy food is a luxury anybody can afford. They don't too because of the need for stimulation and dopamine release.

As someone who tracks their budget and does a LOT of grocery shopping, it costs over double/month to a eat diet based in whole foods (what I would consider "healthy") than it does based in processed foods. To your point though, doesn't mean you can't lose weight or cut back consumption.

52 minutes ago, Stebo said:

A lot of people in California that have been treating this like it is no big deal, so it isn't surprising, though per capita Florida is still worse.

So then you're admitting strict government mandates don't work? Great, we agree they should be lifted then.

44 minutes ago, Stebo said:

As for anyone here who doesn't think there are selfish people doing whatever the hell they want, climb out from under the rock you have been under.

I haven't seen anybody claim there aren't some people doing that. 

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As much as I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, we really can't just blame people for our country's horrible dietary habits. There are so many things we could do to control companies and corporations and limit how much unhealthy shit is everywhere. But I think it runs even deeper than that. I feel like there's just this culture of eating in America, where food is not just a means to stay alive, but also a source of entertainment; a way to destress, take a break. Sadly, the exact people that would probably benefit the most from being able to cook healthy stuff are the exact people who don't have that luxury of time. 

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The unhealthy eating is a big part of the problem, but so is the lack of exercise. You can burn a lot of calories with exercise which obviously helps to take off weight. Each mile you run burns about 100 calories, and more than that if you can run at a faster pace. So a good running program can make a huge difference. If you can run 5 miles 5 days a week, you're burning about 2500 calories per week. Personally I burn about 4000 calories each week with the amount of exercise I do.  That goes a long way in taking weight off and allows you to not have to be as strict with diet.


It's certainly understandable that people don't want to be hungry all the time and not enjoy some unhealthy foods. Exercise does not allow you to eat unhealthy foods all the time obviously, but it does allow you to eat them in moderation. I usually have 2 days each week that I allow myself a decent amount of junk food, and the other 5 days I eat extremely healthy. That 5 healthy and 2 unhealthy system along with lots of exercise works well for me, as I stay on the lower end of the normal weight range. The exercise is really the critical thing in my view. Before I started exercising I was more than 30 pounds heavier, despite my diet being the same as it is now.


And the exercise also strengthens the heart, lungs and immune system, which also lowers risk of getting severe Covid. Exercise also causes the body to produce a special antioxidant that helps fight the damaging effect of viruses.  I completely agree that it was a huge mistake that health authorities didn't include eating healthier and exercising in the guidelines earlier in the pandemic. Making people realize that getting into shape helps prevent severe Covid would have saved a lot of lives. The odd thing is Dr. Fauci is a health and exercise nut himself, so you'd think he would have wanted to get that message out. 

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2 minutes ago, Malacka11 said:

As much as I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, we really can't just blame people for our country's horrible dietary habits. There are so many things we could do to control companies and corporations and limit how much unhealthy shit is everywhere. But I think it runs even deeper than that. I feel like there's just this culture of eating in America, where food is not just a means to stay alive, but also a source of entertainment; a way to destress, take a break. Sadly, the exact people that would probably benefit the most from being able to cook healthy stuff are the exact people who don't have that luxury of time. 

I don't think you have to make it a conspiracy theory to come to the conclusion that excess food consumption is part of American culture, just like excess consumerism is part of American culture. 

The reason this thread triggers me (for those of you talking about my post count and why I am commenting in this one) is I honestly never realized how many people there are in the country that truly want to sit on their ass, blame other people for their problems, and wait for the government to pass more regulations to fix their lives. I am as "progressive" as they come-a self labeled liberal who thinks healthcare costs are ridiculous and would love to see it be free, supports free college, and thinks life is harder on average for African Americans than white people.

But damn, at some point people have to take their own lives into their own hands. Yeah, it takes discipline, its hard, but you always have the power to take responsibility for your own life. This is coming from a former alcoholic who now spends about 14 hours a day making sure I can take care of myself and my family. And honestly, its exhausting to hear somebody wanting me to make ANOTHER change in my life for their protection or to keep them safe because they don't have the discipline or willpower to make ANY steps themselves to keep themselves safe. 

At some point, it doesn't matter whose fault it is that its easy to get fat, you just have to lose weight. At some point, it doesn't matter what mandates the government has or hasn't passed, you just have to wear your mask, keep your distance, and take the precautions you can to keep yourself and your family safe. 

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16 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

Cant wait! Chemo and radiation did not work for my mom last year and we almost lost her over winter. However, the immunotherapy Keytruda has been incredible and she is making steady progress.

Best wishes for your mom, glad she's making progress.  

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Got my first shot (Pfizer) this morning at the Will County Health Dept and so far, so good. Just very minor arm soreness thus far. Got a little emotional because I could sense how happy the seniors there getting the shot were. For people who haven't seen their loved ones much over the past year, this means a lot to them, in addition to the peace of mind of not having this virus as a threat for them anymore.

When I scheduled the appointment for my second shot, the receptionist said the vaccination clinic is the happiest place in the health dept. I think there needs to be more optimism portrayed in public health messaging about what these vaccines mean to help ease some of the reticence that some have. They're really an amazing thing.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, Hoosier said:

You'd have to be living under a rock to not know that obesity is a major risk factor for serious illness from covid.  Then again, perhaps I shouldn't underestimate the general obliviousness of the population.

I'd like to see the study. But Spain, Italy, France and some South American countries are clear counter examples. 

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1 hour ago, OSUmetstud said:

The same folks who were against/skeptical of social distancing, masks, vaccines, and any restrictions are the same folks pushing for excercise/diet mitigation. Just would like to point that out lol. 

Yes and your counter arguments are definitely valid, hell some of those countries are some of the healthiest.

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4 hours ago, schoeppeya said:

As someone who tracks their budget and does a LOT of grocery shopping, it costs over double/month to a eat diet based in whole foods (what I would consider "healthy") than it does based in processed foods. To your point though, doesn't mean you can't lose weight or cut back consumption.

So then you're admitting strict government mandates don't work? Great, we agree they should be lifted then.

I haven't seen anybody claim there aren't some people doing that. 

Just because they don't work 100% doesn't mean they don't work for the most part. California is a special case because there is a lot of entitled people who think they are invincible out there.

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