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Weather is gnarly out there today.   Stiff winds are humming along WSW @ 16+mph sustained.   Windchill at noon is in the mid-upper 40s with sheets of drizzle sweeping through continuously.  This is the type of weather I normally see above 4,000'.  Feels like late February and not end of April.  Soil temps continue to be cold as the upcoming growing season will surely be delayed.  I have tried to find straw to hill-up my potatoes, but farmers are unable to get into their fields.  I managed some, but it took several phone calls to find anyone who had decent straw that wasn't moldy.  TRI is now at -0.8 for the month of April.  Remarkably, that is still only .7 more than all of March.  What does that mean?  It means that temps have not continued to warm in a traditional spring manner for about three weeks.  The good news?  Looks like we are going to resume warming in a typical fashion this week!  Bring it on.  A day like this is fun now and then...but being quarantined during crap weather pretty much stinks.   Shew!  We have been overdue for some truly crappy spring weather...seems we have made up for it.  All is not lost, however, as we have had several days as well that felt like late fall with blue skies and comfortable temps.  

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The 12z NAM had me at 35 degrees with calm winds tomorrow morning.  Hoping that was a blip and we don't get a surprise frost.  NWS isn't sounding the alarm so that's good.

@Carvers Gap I'm jealous that you found wheat straw.  I'm all out of wood chips and desperately need something to mulch with.  I'm going to call around tomorrow and see if I can bird dog a few bales.


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My heat pump came on a few times last night. Cloudy cool day then clear cold night. Holston I was counting on you bringing me a Rockies trough in May, lol!

I'm guessing Kansas will be open by late May, if Tennessee is opening now. Texas is on the Tennessee time table. I don't care about Oklahoma and the chaser crowds, lol!

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On 4/27/2020 at 10:37 AM, nrgjeff said:

Holston I was counting on you bringing me a Rockies trough in May, lol!

I know. I wish I could! I would appreciate even the cold and snow out there, if it meant things were back to normal. I'm sure now that there is a nice ridge over the SW, next year will be troughs again, lol. 

Some of my friends and I are going to try to do our own SW Trip in July, even though the college's trip is cancelled. We usually go through OK, but I want to see KS more, so will be heading through its underbelly. Like a Fayetteville, AR (friend lives there) to Wichita to Dodge City to Pueblo type route.  

OBS today = Pollen of Doom + some wind that reminds me of N Arizona. I don't know how things are down in the valley, but it has been rough with some wind (very minor) damage on the plateau 

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Seeing that Wise, Va, is now at 37.   The cold is almost working in like a backdoor cold front.  Front just pushed through here.  Waited for the wind to push trough per Stovepipe's earlier post.  Looks like winds are subsiding now.  Stage is now set for a cold night if the wind dies down.  I think tomorrow is going to be more widespread in terms of frost in NE TN.  Tonight is a wildcard, but things are now lining up for frost.  The overall coverage of the freeze and frost advisories this evening for TN is impressive.  Nearly the entire forum area is covered, even 2-3 counties deep into Mississippi.  

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I wasn't expecting this much additional rain.  Some of my coverings are getting the coffee filter effect and sagging.  At least minimal wind so far (in terms of keeping coverings on).  Just hoping to bust high here on the temps.

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31 currently here at my house, 32 and 33 on two nearby stations. Very frosty. I'm hoping to stay out of the 20s, have about 2 hours to go before the temp should start rising. So I've at least avoided one of those 5 hours in the 20s kind of hard freezes that kill everything. Hopefully this doesn't blister the acorn sized apples on my trees. 

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Bottomed out at 33 not officially a freeze, but there is ice on the cover of the trampoline. Tonight has me more concerned than last night with the ridge moving overhead. Like MRX said, there will be excellent radiational cooling. 

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Went out and checked the yard.  Definitely had a flash freeze right before dawn.  Low lying areas were covered in a thin layer of frost and leftover rain.  Just a quick check shows my roof, grass, top of the grill, patio furniture, and tops of cool crops had a fairly thick coating of ice.  The tarps had water in them from the rain which Stovepipe mentioned.  There were ice crystals building in the puddles on the tarp.  That is not glare reflecting back on the strawberries.  That is ice building up on the leaves.  Those leaves are frozen in place.  The plants crashing the picture in the back are Jerusalem artichokes.  There is so much ice on those leaves, they will barely bend. FYI...strawberry plants will be fine.  They handle cold down to well below zero.  Photo was taken just after 8:00AM.


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