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The Redemption Room


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12 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:


In order to know the true depth of despair, one must first have hope. 

When facing an unknown future, hope is as reasonable as despair. Do not be swayed by those who offer trinkets of despair in exchange for hope.

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It has come to my attention that there are those who are hoping to sow seeds of despair by pointing out days will be getting longer in the not so distance future. Fear not my friends. This will only provide the opportunity to watch the copious amounts of snow we surely shall receive this winter season during the daylight hours.

This will be followed by the Daylight Savings Time conspiracy hoax later in the year. Don't take the bait.

We will be offering a program to address these issues as well.

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Obviously, changing the number on a clock doesn’t actually add any time onto our days. That point was eloquently made in this old joke:

When told the reason for daylight savings time the Old Indian said,

“Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”


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In attempt to remain proactive, we are currently looking into offering the following programs and courses.

- The Friendly Mountains: How CAD is your friend

- Model Waffling: How to pick the best IMBY model

- Creating your own Cold Air: Precipitation rates and how they effect the Column

- Coping with White Rain: Justifying the need for White Rain Events

- Ground Temps: Dispelling myths regarding Car Tire Heat

- Radar Hallucinations:  Are they Real?

- Virga with Benefits: Advancing your relationship with Virga


This is just a small sampling. We would appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions.




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I found a photo of the Reaper here in the Redemption Room recently...though it was rain, not snow! :lol:

(ETA:  I use this as a joke, but an awesome movie!!  One of my all-time favorites, and too bad Morgan Freeman didn't get an Oscar for his performance in "Shawshank Redemption"!!  In fact, too bad that movie didn't earn any despite several nominations.)

Image result for shawshank redemption

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I am now in damage control mode. This cost was more than I could bear.

The green catalpa tree has turned
All white; the cherry blooms once more.   
In one whole year I haven’t learned   
A blessed thing they pay you for.   
The blossoms snow down in my hair;   
The trees and I will soon be bare.
The trees have more than I to spare.   
The sleek, expensive girls I teach,   
Younger and pinker every year,   
Bloom gradually out of reach.
The pear tree lets its petals drop   
Like dandruff on a tabletop.
The girls have grown so young by now   
I have to nudge myself to stare.
This year they smile and mind me how   
My teeth are falling with my hair.   
In thirty years I may not get
Younger, shrewder, or out of debt.
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12 hours ago, Vice-Regent said:

I am now in damage control mode. This cost was more than I could bear.

The green catalpa tree has turned
All white; the cherry blooms once more.   
In one whole year I haven’t learned   
A blessed thing they pay you for.   
The blossoms snow down in my hair;   
The trees and I will soon be bare.
The trees have more than I to spare.   
The sleek, expensive girls I teach,   
Younger and pinker every year,   
Bloom gradually out of reach.
The pear tree lets its petals drop   
Like dandruff on a tabletop.
The girls have grown so young by now   
I have to nudge myself to stare.
This year they smile and mind me how   
My teeth are falling with my hair.   
In thirty years I may not get
Younger, shrewder, or out of debt.

Fear not... you too, shall be redeemed.

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Temporarily Closed.

Turns out Barney and Snowmiser were hanging out in the bar and got into a big drunken argument about -AO and intervals of +PNA... then something about NAO and crap pac.

They destroyed the place.

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Attention all snow weenies who are on the Ledge:

There IS Hope. This is going to be one of the frigidest, snowiest winters in Mid Atlantic History. Christmas is just around the corner and then New Years, which will usher in a truly WINTRY SNOW FILLED New Year here in the Mid Atlantic!

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On 12/18/2019 at 12:23 AM, Jebman said:

Attention all snow weenies who are on the Ledge:

There IS Hope. This is going to be one of the frigidest, snowiest winters in Mid Atlantic History. Christmas is just around the corner and then New Years, which will usher in a truly WINTRY SNOW FILLED New Year here in the Mid Atlantic!

Welcome to the Redemption Room, Jebman (King of Redemption)!!! Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am sure they will help countless weenies seeking counseling. Please visit again. We have a stock pile of snow shovels and surely will be scheduling Jeb walks in the near future. Also, I have reserved special VIP seating for you here. See ya soon.



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On 12/19/2019 at 6:48 PM, MountainGeek said:

Weenies DO NOT JUMP due to shutout period coming up, and don't let long-range NWP drive you to despair....


May I suggest an additional elective: 

Guru Mashups: How to cherry-pick expert commentary to support your desired outcome

Thanks for this wonderful suggestion. This will go well with Model Waffling: How to pick the best IMBY model.

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It is that time of year... Almost everyone wants to have a White Christmas but it is rarely in the cards for us. Consequently, we have opened up the Weenie Suicide Prevention hot lines.



Don't be a victim. Victory is right around the corner.

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Weenies take heart!

A White Christmas is NEVER out of reach:

Santa needs a runway!


The SNOWatHOME™ web site is for anyone who is interested in home snow making for any reason. SNOWatHOME has been in business nearly 20 years! We have done extensive research on making man made snow and designing home snow machines that can produce a blizzard of snow just like the snow makers at ski resorts.


•    You live in a area that occasionally has freezing temperatures but rarely has natural snowfall.
•    Create your own snowboard and ski terrain park!
•    Guarantee a White Christmas, home decorating like never before!
•    Businesses, attract holiday customers and free media attention!
•    Scientific testing.
•    Backyard sliding and skiing hill, be the envy of the neighborhood!
•    School science project, win best of show!
•    Or just for fun, the list goes on.
•    Not cold enough to make snow? Try our Blizzard Wizard Special Effects snowmakers for year round indoor and outdoor fun!


@Jebman you should be installing one of these to tide you over while you suffer the snow drought in TX. 

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On 12/19/2019 at 6:31 PM, MountainGeek said:

PSU sez this is a lock!


This is definitely in the Mid Atlantic Region's future this low sun season, except it will extend much farther south and the snow totals will be deeper. It wont be the only snowstorm either! You guys' time is comin!

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