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Happy Birthday Old Man Winter storm obs

Ginx snewx

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18 minutes ago, subdude said:

I was at 24.5" but i'm sure there's an inch or two since last measurement at 7:30am (14"). I'm at work in The Burg doesn't look like as much as us further W,  still a good dumping. 

Double over-performer. 

A spotter in N Fitchburg who I know was at 24.8.  He is meticulous 

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Is this Fujiwawa 2013 #2!?  


As far as the 24 hour Radar goes back (Love Weather.Cod), it's from THERE until 9 Hours later that NE Rhode Island gets almost no Snow.  HOW does RI Snow Hole this happen??  Still I think I'm at 11" from my spotters back in Cumberland.  But How, HOW DOES this Happen!!  Look at that Radar!  



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14 minutes ago, jm1220 said:

No way I would give up on a dynamic system like this tracking south of me. Boston often finds ways to cash in on those. The short range models were complete garbage. There were models giving my area over 10” and others practically none. The radar and common sense were much more useful. 

Yeah, leaned too much on the short range models and trends. Normally when they start showing an East trend less than 12 hours out, you can take it to the bank.  Kudos to BOX for sticking with their guns for most of it.

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Last moderate burst coming through Boston? Big fluff balls. Should put me over 6in for round 2 and about 7.5” total for the storm. 

Pretty damn good for the first few days of December in the coastal plain. 

Congrats to everyone in the Worcester Hills on West especially the Pioneer Valley! An all-timer there. In my 4 years in Amherst the most I ever saw in one storm was 15”. That place is usually a sucker hole. Not this time. 

Congrats everyone!!!!

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From the Valley Girls:


********************STORM TOTAL SNOWFALL********************

                     SNOWFALL           OF
                     /INCHES/   MEASUREMENT


...Hartford County...
   2 WNW North Granby    18.0   645 AM 12/03  Trained Spotter
   North Granby          16.3   715 AM 12/03  Trained Spotter
   Bradley AP            16.3   650 AM 12/03  Airport
   West Granby           15.3   941 AM 12/03  Public
   Canton                14.0   810 AM 12/03  Trained Spotter
   Simsbury              14.0   529 AM 12/03  Ham Radio
   Avon                  12.2   753 AM 12/03  Trained Spotter
   West Hartford         12.0   713 AM 12/03  Public
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Obviously ME not done, but pales in comparison to SNE

National Weather Service Gray ME
1203 PM EST Tue Dec 3 2019


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           1.6 in    0700 AM 12/03   COOP

...Cumberland County...
3 SSE Gorham                 7.5 in    1019 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 WSW Portland               6.0 in    1019 AM 12/03   ASOS
1 N Cumberland               5.1 in    1141 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 W Falmouth                 4.2 in    0939 AM 12/03   NWS Employee
3 W Portland                 3.0 in    0715 AM 12/03   ASOS
Portland 5.5 WNW             2.3 in    0730 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Sebago 2.4 ESE               2.0 in    0830 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Pownal 4.1 S                 1.8 in    0740 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Windham 3.9 NW               1.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        1.2 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Knox County...
1 SSW Camden                 2.0 in    1135 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Hope                         2.0 in    1020 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...Lincoln County...
Westport Island 2.2 SSW      3.2 in    0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
1 SE Otisfield               2.0 in    1041 AM 12/03
Buckfield                    2.0 in    1039 AM 12/03   Public
1 SE Otisfield               2.0 in    1038 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...York County...
York                         12.4 in   0926 AM 12/03   Public
2 WSW Ogunquit               12.4 in   0911 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
2 ENE Kennebunk              11.5 in   1052 AM 12/03   Public
Kennebunk                    11.0 in   0924 AM 12/03   Public
Kittery                      10.0 in   0925 AM 12/03   Public
North Berwick 5.3 W          8.9 in    0720 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 NE Kennebunk               7.0 in    0825 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 NE Kennebunk               5.8 in    0559 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Biddeford 1.5 NNE            5.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Old Orchard Beach            5.0 in    0535 AM 12/03   Public
North Waterboro 1.2 NE       3.0 in    0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
5 NW Hollis                  2.5 in    0910 AM 12/03   NWS Employee
5.0 NW Hollis                2.5 in    0600 AM 12/03   COOP
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          1.5 in    0820 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Cornish 5.6 ESE              1.4 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
Gilmanton                    8.5 in    1055 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 N Strafford                8.0 in    1031 AM 12/03   Public
Belmont 1.7 SW               3.9 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     3.6 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 WNW Sanbornton             3.2 in    1100 AM 12/03   Public
Laconia 7.9 E                3.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Meredith 2.9 SSW             2.8 in    0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Carroll County...
East Wakefield 1.2 SE        3.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Wolfeboro 0.6 SW             2.4 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Madison 1.7 SE               2.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
3 SE Ossipee                 2.2 in    1109 AM 12/03   Public
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        2.2 in    0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 NW Jackson                 1.5 in    1106 AM 12/03   Public

...Cheshire County...
Rindge 3.2 ESE               23.5 in   0550 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    17.2 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Keene 2.5 NNW                11.8 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
1 NE Randolph                1.2 in    1121 AM 12/03   Public

...Grafton County...
2 NNE Orange                 4.5 in    1130 AM 12/03   Public
Ashland 2.4 NNW              4.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Bristol 0.4 SSE              4.2 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 N Plymouth                 3.5 in    1119 AM 12/03   Public
Plymouth 1.6 NNE             3.2 in    0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
Greenville 1.1 ENE           29.0 in   0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Antrim                       27.0 in   1049 AM 12/03   Public
Temple                       26.5 in   0945 AM 12/03   Broadcast Media
Temple                       25.0 in   1038 AM 12/03   Public
Mason                        24.0 in   0944 AM 12/03   Public
2 SW Brookline               23.5 in   0800 AM 12/03   Cocorahs
2 SSE Amherst                23.0 in   0952 AM 12/03   Amateur Radio
1 WSW Brookline              23.0 in   0930 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          21.1 in   0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 ESE Milford                21.0 in   0907 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Amherst 3.7 NNE              20.3 in   0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 S New Boston               20.2 in   0822 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 NW Peterborough            17.0 in   1126 AM 12/03   Public
Hollis                       17.0 in   0932 AM 12/03   Public
Bedford                      17.0 in   0646 AM 12/03   Public
2 WSW Nashua                 15.0 in   0816 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
1.1 SE Nashua                14.8 in   0700 AM 12/03   COOP

...Merrimack County...
Hooksett                     19.0 in   1000 AM 12/03   Public
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             12.8 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   9.8 in    0705 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Newbury 1.6 NW               9.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 ENE Bradford               8.5 in    1048 AM 12/03   Public
1 SSE Henniker               8.0 in    0843 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Sutton Mills 0.1 ENE         7.5 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
South Sutton 2.5 SSE         7.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 ESE Danbury                6.3 in    1036 AM 12/03   Public
Concord 3.8 SSE              5.7 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Pittsfield                   5.5 in    1041 AM 12/03   Public
Canterbury 2.5 SSW           5.5 in    0750 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 ENE Concord                5.2 in    0714 AM 12/03   ASOS
Northfield                   3.2 in    1002 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...Rockingham County...
Londonderry                  22.8 in   1128 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Auburn 1.8 E                 22.5 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Epping                       21.0 in   0927 AM 12/03   Public
Derry 5.7 N                  20.0 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Chester                      20.0 in   0545 AM 12/03   Public
1 SW Sandown                 19.8 in   0711 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
Fremont                      18.0 in   0635 AM 12/03   Public
1 NNE Deerfield              13.0 in   1142 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 ENE Stratham               12.8 in   0742 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Stratham 1.9 ESE             12.3 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 S Greenland                11.6 in   0844 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
Deerfield 3.2 WSW            10.9 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Northwood 2.9 WSW            8.7 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Northwood 1.9 WSW            6.7 in    0650 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Strafford County...
Rollinsford 2.0 WSW          11.2 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Barrington 3.2 E             10.8 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
3 SE Dover                   7.0 in    0652 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Strafford              6.5 in    0920 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
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26 minutes ago, BombsAway1288 said:

Last moderate burst coming through Boston? Big fluff balls. Should put me over 6in for round 2 and about 7.5” total for the storm. 

Pretty damn good for the first few days of December in the coastal plain. 

Congrats to everyone in the Worcester Hills on West especially the Pioneer Valley! An all-timer there. In my 4 years in Amherst the most I ever saw in one storm was 15”. That place is usually a sucker hole. Not this time. 

Congrats everyone!!!!

See, you did alright after all.  Not too bad.

 This storm seemed to redeem itself in the end for those of us outside the massive amounts..that way we all feel like we were part of the fun.  

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2 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

Obviously ME not done, but pales in comparison to SNE

National Weather Service Gray ME
1203 PM EST Tue Dec 3 2019


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           1.6 in    0700 AM 12/03   COOP

...Cumberland County...
3 SSE Gorham                 7.5 in    1019 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 WSW Portland               6.0 in    1019 AM 12/03   ASOS
1 N Cumberland               5.1 in    1141 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 W Falmouth                 4.2 in    0939 AM 12/03   NWS Employee
3 W Portland                 3.0 in    0715 AM 12/03   ASOS
Portland 5.5 WNW             2.3 in    0730 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Sebago 2.4 ESE               2.0 in    0830 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Pownal 4.1 S                 1.8 in    0740 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Windham 3.9 NW               1.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        1.2 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Knox County...
1 SSW Camden                 2.0 in    1135 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Hope                         2.0 in    1020 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...Lincoln County...
Westport Island 2.2 SSW      3.2 in    0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
1 SE Otisfield               2.0 in    1041 AM 12/03
Buckfield                    2.0 in    1039 AM 12/03   Public
1 SE Otisfield               2.0 in    1038 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...York County...
York                         12.4 in   0926 AM 12/03   Public
2 WSW Ogunquit               12.4 in   0911 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
2 ENE Kennebunk              11.5 in   1052 AM 12/03   Public
Kennebunk                    11.0 in   0924 AM 12/03   Public
Kittery                      10.0 in   0925 AM 12/03   Public
North Berwick 5.3 W          8.9 in    0720 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 NE Kennebunk               7.0 in    0825 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 NE Kennebunk               5.8 in    0559 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Biddeford 1.5 NNE            5.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Old Orchard Beach            5.0 in    0535 AM 12/03   Public
North Waterboro 1.2 NE       3.0 in    0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
5 NW Hollis                  2.5 in    0910 AM 12/03   NWS Employee
5.0 NW Hollis                2.5 in    0600 AM 12/03   COOP
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          1.5 in    0820 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Cornish 5.6 ESE              1.4 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
Gilmanton                    8.5 in    1055 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
3 N Strafford                8.0 in    1031 AM 12/03   Public
Belmont 1.7 SW               3.9 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     3.6 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 WNW Sanbornton             3.2 in    1100 AM 12/03   Public
Laconia 7.9 E                3.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Meredith 2.9 SSW             2.8 in    0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Carroll County...
East Wakefield 1.2 SE        3.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Wolfeboro 0.6 SW             2.4 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Madison 1.7 SE               2.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
3 SE Ossipee                 2.2 in    1109 AM 12/03   Public
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        2.2 in    0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 NW Jackson                 1.5 in    1106 AM 12/03   Public

...Cheshire County...
Rindge 3.2 ESE               23.5 in   0550 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    17.2 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Keene 2.5 NNW                11.8 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
1 NE Randolph                1.2 in    1121 AM 12/03   Public

...Grafton County...
2 NNE Orange                 4.5 in    1130 AM 12/03   Public
Ashland 2.4 NNW              4.3 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Bristol 0.4 SSE              4.2 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 N Plymouth                 3.5 in    1119 AM 12/03   Public
Plymouth 1.6 NNE             3.2 in    0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
Greenville 1.1 ENE           29.0 in   0800 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Antrim                       27.0 in   1049 AM 12/03   Public
Temple                       26.5 in   0945 AM 12/03   Broadcast Media
Temple                       25.0 in   1038 AM 12/03   Public
Mason                        24.0 in   0944 AM 12/03   Public
2 SW Brookline               23.5 in   0800 AM 12/03   Cocorahs
2 SSE Amherst                23.0 in   0952 AM 12/03   Amateur Radio
1 WSW Brookline              23.0 in   0930 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          21.1 in   0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 ESE Milford                21.0 in   0907 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Amherst 3.7 NNE              20.3 in   0630 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 S New Boston               20.2 in   0822 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 NW Peterborough            17.0 in   1126 AM 12/03   Public
Hollis                       17.0 in   0932 AM 12/03   Public
Bedford                      17.0 in   0646 AM 12/03   Public
2 WSW Nashua                 15.0 in   0816 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
1.1 SE Nashua                14.8 in   0700 AM 12/03   COOP

...Merrimack County...
Hooksett                     19.0 in   1000 AM 12/03   Public
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             12.8 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   9.8 in    0705 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Newbury 1.6 NW               9.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
4 ENE Bradford               8.5 in    1048 AM 12/03   Public
1 SSE Henniker               8.0 in    0843 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Sutton Mills 0.1 ENE         7.5 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
South Sutton 2.5 SSE         7.0 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 ESE Danbury                6.3 in    1036 AM 12/03   Public
Concord 3.8 SSE              5.7 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Pittsfield                   5.5 in    1041 AM 12/03   Public
Canterbury 2.5 SSW           5.5 in    0750 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
2 ENE Concord                5.2 in    0714 AM 12/03   ASOS
Northfield                   3.2 in    1002 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

...Rockingham County...
Londonderry                  22.8 in   1128 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Auburn 1.8 E                 22.5 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Epping                       21.0 in   0927 AM 12/03   Public
Derry 5.7 N                  20.0 in   0600 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Chester                      20.0 in   0545 AM 12/03   Public
1 SW Sandown                 19.8 in   0711 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
Fremont                      18.0 in   0635 AM 12/03   Public
1 NNE Deerfield              13.0 in   1142 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 ENE Stratham               12.8 in   0742 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
Stratham 1.9 ESE             12.3 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
1 S Greenland                11.6 in   0844 AM 12/03   CO-OP Observer
Deerfield 3.2 WSW            10.9 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Northwood 2.9 WSW            8.7 in    0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Northwood 1.9 WSW            6.7 in    0650 AM 12/03   COCORAHS

...Strafford County...
Rollinsford 2.0 WSW          11.2 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
Barrington 3.2 E             10.8 in   0700 AM 12/03   COCORAHS
3 SE Dover                   7.0 in    0652 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Strafford              6.5 in    0920 AM 12/03   Trained Spotter

It was clear 5 days ago that the storm would evolve in a way that would slam most of SNE (snow holes here and there). Closed off lows like this don’t roll underneath without much of SNE getting buried-this was a classic setup.  Boston/coastal MA took its share today as the storm’s leaving and would’ve had 6” more if it was a few degrees colder. The short term models keeping all that offshore this morning were garbage. 

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