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August 2019 Discussion

Torch Tiger

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6 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

This August will go down as one of the driest months too. LOL. My own fortunate dry pocket. 

Yea you have gotten hosed so to speak. You and hippy angrily taking  pick axes to the rock hard dirt while the rest of us enjoy lush lawns and gardens. The result of summer convective processes,  some winnners, some losers.

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2 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Yea you have gotten hosed so to speak. You and hippy angrily taken  pick axes to the rock hard dirt while the rest of us enjoy lush lawns and gardens. The result of summer convective processes,  some winnners, some losers.

It was so lush in July.  Now it’s showing signs of stress and burn,  but it’s late August so not too concerned. July is the month we need rain and we got soaked. 

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5 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

It was so lush in July.  Now it’s showing signs of stress and burn,  but it’s late August so not too concerned. July is the month we need rain and we got soaked. 

Massive leaf drop today from the Ash and birches. Took me an hour to clean the pool. First time since June I have long pants on. Sad

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3 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

July and August average has been warm. Are we going to ignore record and near record July? August much more tamer, but still warm. September probably somewhere +1 ish. Maybe +2 most.

Man different world up north.  July was about as warm as June was cold...but the JJA mean is likely going to be very close to spot on average. 

June... -1.6

July... +1.8

August... -0.5

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1 hour ago, Hoth said:

Agree. We are far more likely to come to grief via other means. Climate change will introduce strains, but we're a pretty adaptable species. I mean, we survived 100,000 years of brutal ice age with primitive tools and tech. Doesn't mean it's a challenge we should brush off, or that I don't support conservation and adoption of environmentally friendly tech. I do. But yeah, I would put global financial meltdown and the breakdown of civil society that comes with it--usually accompanied by civil or world war--as my top and most likely threat. Even as we speak, things look increasingly alarming. Setting aside the disruption of supply chains this trade kerfuffle with China is causing, we're seeing the break down of trade ties across the globe and a move to towards de-globalization and balkanization. To make matters worse, we have several systemic risks flashing red at the same time. China's banking system is like a much larger and more dangerous version of ours in '08, Australia, Canada, South Korea all have deflating property bubbles and likely face a credit crunch, Europe's banking system is insolvent and has absurdly high NPLs (and will be hurt even more by the ECB's move towards negative rates), the U.S. has built the mother of all corporate credit bubbles, emerging markets have record dollar denominated debt and will be in deep shite when recession kicks in in earnest and makes the dollar appreciate against their home currency, Italy is a 10x bigger version of Greece and populists there are fixing for a fight with the EU, changes in market dynamics over the last decade (momentum enhancing passive vehicles, corporate buybacks draining liquidity, algorithmic trading) could greatly exacerbate any fall in asset prices and, finally, the central banks are largely tapped out after trying to right the ship for the last decade. The odds of something exceptionally ugly happening to global economy are exceptionally high IMO. 

Mmm...  depends on what one means by "...We're adaptable..."

You may not be in that group if something were to happen tomorrow related to climate crisis.  ;)

Fact of the matter is.... a 70 ...80 ...99 percent extinction rate ...that's not really adapting... It's killing a lot of people.... To mention, the other species we take down with it... ( We are in mass extinction btw... an aspect merely not popularized by big media and/or the inter-connectivity of all this other tech)

Beyond... for a select few, adaptation "might" precipitate out of that... but that doesn't come until much later after the dust settles...  You and your progeny are highly likely NOT a part of the dystopian recovery/reality. 

But you know... maybe all infantile technological species - which for all our conceits...we're amoebae compared to what's likely out there... or plausibly so - go through these correction events, self-inflicted?  We start out... we get smart enough to blow ourselves to kingdom come... And some few manage not to, that's why the cosmos is "teeming with advanced sentience"   ... easily detectable heh...yeeeeah.

Here's a thought experiment:   Human adaptation includes something that no other species that has existed on this planet ( that we are presently aware) also possessed ... 

Ingenuity.  Oooh

But how far does "outfoxing one's ecological proxy" really go?  Or, most important should be the question, should it go -

Ingenuity and creative manipulation of environment to "improve" survival prospects might just have outpaced any kind of collateral "checks-and-balances" evolving along the way ... We are certainly capable of seeing cause-and-effect... Obviously. But, that ability is still not built in enough?  Certainly insufficient to stop and or provide some sort of fore-spectrum of consequences ... in using ingenuity. Part of the catch-22... Nature doesn't preserve species' characterizations through successive generations where said genetic mutations do not serve to improve the survival prospects of successive generations.   ... Up to this point, the advances ( technologies ) we've achieved did just that - but when you up-pace ?  You end up with a Plastic problem.  A global warm problem.  I rare and untenable mass pandemia threat...  Nuclear wars... And by the way...these aspects are subjective of one another... It's naive and almost child like to think of these corrective events as one or the other being more likely...when they are interconnected.  Global warming --> dwindling resource and migratory has already destablized Baltic states ... and is at least partial destablizing Europe.  etc..etc...  

We're walking DNA-micro-plastic paradigms.  And we don't even know what that may mean at a "molecular machinery" level, either. Oh, arrogantly? Of course we know... micro plastic is inert.  ...Until it's not...  There are crustaceous organisms at the bottom of the f'um Mariner Deep trench in the western Pacific... like 6.5 miles deep where the Pac geologic plate is subducting into the bowls of the Mantle ... and they scurry about with micro plastic in their digestive tracts.  Boulder Colorado... and University scientists have found micro-plastic in thunderstorm rains... 

Saying we're adaptable as a species isn't false....  but that's not rescuing anything...  not proportionally and responsibly...


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54 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Cuz summer starts July 1 and ends July 31, we all acknowledge July was hot in the temp dept, June not so much, August not so much.  How many Sds is plus 1 anyways


Looks right.  

All the interior VT ASOS sites are slight below normal for MET summer compared to 30-year means. 

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Wow as a scientist and this being a weather science board, I am quite alarmed. I really cannot believe there are people that do not understand the Laws of Thermodynamics. It seems they love to believe that the first law does not apply to the burning of fuel. You know the whole, 'energy can be created nor destroyed'. I also do not understand how we can claim we have not had an effect on the environment when our population has literally exploded over the last few centuries. Modern medicine, the green revolution (agriculture not the anti-fossil fuel people), and fossil fuels have allowed humanity to reach amazing heights. Further, do high overnight lows not matter anymore? Yes we didn't set record high temperatures, but July was a very warm month, as was the second half of June. August is still averaging above normal as well.  I get that many on this board love winter, as do I, but ignoring the scientific data is just downright alarming. We can see sea levels rising and measure it. We also have not strung together very many below average months this whole decade. We have had a few here and there, but truly nothing like what we have seen for above normal months. Ignore at your own risk, but I choose to let the data stand for itself. The planet overall is warming and the greatest departures from normal have been in the arctic. 

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12 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Looks right.  

All the interior VT ASOS sites are slight below normal for MET summer compared to 30-year means. 

Looks like Mitch has enjoyed AN. That just seems weird how BTV is above and the others just a bit BN. I guess overall you could say near average up north if you smooth out the noise. Pretty clear SNE is well AN. But I enjoyed it.

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34 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

Looks like Mitch has enjoyed AN. That just seems weird how BTV is above and the others just a bit BN. I guess overall you could say near average up north if you smooth out the noise. Pretty clear SNE is well AN. But I enjoyed it.

I don’t think it’s weird at all... BTV runs a baseline +2 to +3 it seems all year round.  I know Dendrite and Will discusses it recently too.  

Like July had us +1.8 and BTV at +4.6.  June was -1.6 while BTV was +0.2.  August is -0.5 and BTV is +1.6.  

You can literally run like 2-3 years worth of departures and BTV is without fail +2 to +3 more than the other VT sites.  If MPV/MVL/1V4 are -5, BTV will be -2.  Will was saying that even the new normals won’t full grasp it but by 2030 it should fix itself.

To me this summer felt dead on normal.  We had one day of 91F and one morning of 43F in July, some hot days, some cool ones.  Just tons of Chamber weather though as July averaged 82/56 as the hottest month.  

June was cold though for sure and August likely near normal.  

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2 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

I don’t think it’s weird at all... BTV runs a baseline +2 to +3 it seems all year round.  I know Dendrite and Will discusses it recently too.  

Like July had us +1.8 and BTV at +4.6.  June was -1.6 while BTV was +0.2.  August is -0.5 and BTV is +1.6.  

You can literally run like 2-3 years worth of departures and BTV is without fail +2 to +3 more than the other VT sites.  If MPV/MVL/1V4 are -5, BTV will be -2.  Will was saying that even the new normals won’t full grasp it but by 2030 it should fix itself.

That’s what I mean when I said that. How they’re baseline is so warm. BOS is doing that now too. It just looks weird from whatever reason is causing. 

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5 minutes ago, Hoth said:

Emphatically agree. Land mines are all over the place and public faith in the omnipotence of central banks will prove a very costly error IMO.

I'm not into economics ...other than a person belief that money is merely a shared delusion of principle value that is not really based upon anything in nature -

That said, since economics is based ultimately on the industrialization ( profligate as it may be most of the time ....) ... of natural resources... there is an obvious inter-dependence here with the ecology and the climate, both. Sounds like y'all are trying to ignore or elide the climate aspect in the overall gestalt of the problem we face as a species... Hopefully I'm wrong - because we cannot afford to have the faux realities inertial in the general population - even though we do...hahaha

All these system can serve to destablize one another. Just sayn'

There is synergy in failure, too 

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1 minute ago, CoastalWx said:

That’s what I mean when I said that. How they’re baseline is so warm. BOS is doing that now too. It just looks weird from whatever reason is causing. 

It has to be the growth near the airport.  South Burlington has exploded in the last 20 years.  The other local sites all mirror each other pretty closely in departures so it makes you feel confident in the BTV effect.   Crazy to essentially start each month +2.0 and see where it goes from there.

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8 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

You guys are like a fart in ax oxygen tank. 

They are simply caution flags ...you seem to treat them like impending doom in order to dismiss them outright 


Why don’t you share w us your winter forecast....let me guess “chilly” 


Taate of fall currently in moonshine central, NH ...gorgeous day in Washington 

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5 minutes ago, Hoth said:

No, this was purely a finance discussion without any tie in to climate. There are plenty of destabilizing elements without a climate catalyst at the moment. Anyway, seeing as all of this has zero to do with weather, mods may feel free to delete if they choose. I don't want to foul anyone oxygen tanks...

I see...

yeah..that's true - greed is not a stable motivator...    either -



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