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August 2019 Discussion

Torch Tiger

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That's a little strange to be greeted with that information ... out of nowhere, this morning, that so many in this specific pass-time ( interesting) suffer migraines?   I'm having a bit of a "Devil's Tower Closer Encounters" moment here. 

You know ... I'm in and out of unrelated spheres of friends and acquaintances through life and times.  Along that journey, and exposure to others, I find it interesting that I only know of one other soul that agonizes with these maddening Migraines.  Yet .. out of nowhere ... five of them, here. 

I have stood there and listened to others complain about a headache they once had ... how bad of a "migraine" it must've been. Usually ...when they are commiserating my own suffering, as though they "know what I mean". 

Unfortunately, they don't.  ..because upon some simple questions that all true 'grainers know to ask, ...these were not migraines they experienced..  I mean headaches come in vastly different form and magnitudes, for a variety of different reasons.. Injury, life-style, stress, lack of sleep... underlying illnesses.. I have had headaches for these other reasons...too, though rare.  I'll tell ya -I've had a couple of hang-overs that would stop a third-world government...   But Migraines? They are unique.  

Perhaps there is a link with weather and climate and mood.  It's not that big of a stretch ... For those of us who have sought to understand, researched and/or availed of the greater ambit of medicine know ... Neuroscience is replete with research into mood/behaviors as triggers.  Well, if we're being honest...  weather and climate does affect us ( not just in here, but all of Humanity) in that way. It may not be such a coincidence that the crucible of time has sort of brought us together, then.

Or, it's just numbers and probability. As a rough guess...  300 people in the above context of life-spheres... okay, but this site obviously is exposed to the world...  A slightly larger number, huh.  That may simply parlay.  Still.. I can't help but wonder, based in no small part on my 40 years with these f'n things ...if there isn't a cooperative trigger so to speak... where one may set up the other ...then if other happens, one finds them self over a threshold and... WHAM. 

So my first Migraine occurred when I was 10 years old.  10!  You tend to remember what you were doing, where and when, the first time you realize god has chosen you for Migraine uniqueness.  It was 7 AM, and Jane Pauli was co-hosting "The Today Show" along side Tom Brokaw, on a small television mounted mid way up the wall in my grandmother's kitchen. As they murmured away in the back drop, there was still blackness pouring through the window set over the sink.  Michigan...being western end of this time zone, the late autumn sun rises an hour later than we're used to here on the East Coast.  Anyway, in that moment, I looked up toward the small television and my first in countless aura experiences was just in the initial onset stage.  Half of Jane Pauli's face had vanished... 

Blink blink blink.  Whatever was in my eye, was still there... I tried closing.  I tried rubbing.  Nothing... and it grew worse over the ensuing minutes.. Imagine being 10 years old, and encountering that symptom..  Umm..  I had heard of this blindness thing... Soon the affect morphed from a small blind patch into an arc of what for me ... reminds me of when you are watching cable television and the signal gets disrupted ...? The image "checkers" or distorts in a schism of the frame... But with 'graines it also tends to pulsate or wobble.  The arc grows in length, and it moves from the central region of your visual plain...toward the periphery... And you really pretty much cannot resolve imagery within that arc as it travels slowly across.  The total migratory pathway appears to range between 20 and 35 minutes for me, and this is also consistent with known symptomatic spectrum.  

I vividly recall this, and as the middle part of the vision came back and the arc was disappearing ... this was followed by something that I would describe as that seen in "Red Dragon" ...where Hannibal Lector removed the top of Ray Liotta's skull, while Ray was still awake, and began melon balling gray matter ... a cinema the writers undoubtedly borrowed from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" monkey brains scene.  (except they say that actual brain doesn't have any pain receptors ... you get my meaning).  

... So ... the tsunamis of pain. It lasts 4 to 6 hours... for me.  I have read that others can be inundated with pain for 72 hours... I gotta wonder if it is that bad, however, and not just a slower extinguishing rate - which they have my sympathies.  I don't actually believe it is possible to suffer that degree of cephalic horror for that much contiguous time, though.  Because, ...in a microcosm ( which appears to be my form of them...) the height/max of the discomfort is in that first 1/3rd of that 6-hr range... About 2-hours of wondering if your skull is actually just going to detonate like that scene in "Scanners" ( hugely underrated dystopian sci-fi romp from the early 1980s..)  And yeah..there are other symptoms..   Along with this, ...failed description for entirely justifying hatred of god...  nausea crashes the rager..  And at times a 'tingling' sensation in the fingers... I have not suffered the olfactory affects as others, however, I do have the sensitivity to sound. Even conversation volume in the next room seems like a cacophony ... which, it's really impossible to find that kind of quiet solitude during the Migraine cycle/post visual aura phase ...so, that's usually wrapping a pillow around the head and moaning much of the way ... Advil.. joke.  Migraine is not deterred.  

I must echo the sentiments of y'all - I would not wish these on anyone, not as a moral human being.  

There was a two week period in the midst of my teen-age years when I experience a fresh new Mind-grenade ... once per two days.  Different times of the day.. Waking up with aura... Struck with it mid day... While watching T.V. at night... That was a the apex era... Over the years, the frequency dropped... By the time I was 34 years old...I had one, but hadn't had one in the 8 years prior.  I began having them again recently... up to 20 of them over this last year alone... two of which happened within a day of one another. This alarmed me because in the last ten years ... science is suggesting an indirect link between migraine and stroke - though they are not sure what the link is as those two phenomenon do not appear to be the same underlying physiological thing.  Here I am now middle aged and Luke Perry...John Singleton... both also middle aged examples?  Dead.  Dropped by major storke, and I'm now suddenly saddled with Migraine recurrence I had thought I had "out grown". 

So... I began looking more into the dietary aspects ... and made some changes experimentally, based upon the Tyramine amino-acid/processed foods connection, which is all over the literature nowadays..  Low and behold... I am early in the experiment but abruptly, I have not had one in a month and half... Just from tweaking my diet?  We'll see...  But basically, I took the average of multiple reputable source work's guidelines and came up with a dietary plan that does not sans too much fun, but  does compromise in favor of that plan... Seems to be tentatively working. The other aspect... I lost 35 pounds since March.  I work out every day... without exception - I know I know... not everyone can bio-mechanically do that... But, as luck would have it... I can run 4 or 5 miles one day ... do the gym eliptical machine the next, then...take my road bike out and do 25 miles on the third day ... and that rotation allows me to do something every day.  It's possible that this life style "reduced" a tolerance I had built up over the years... sort of re-exposing an underlying condition/intolerance to tyramines.   These are amino acids that occur in aged cheeses...  sausage and process meats ...and some vegetables.  Find out what those are... in your diet, and if they are there, and you suffer Migraines... don't f'n argue with this - cut that shit out.  And, get your ass in shape.  One way or the other.  Eat portioned controlled, organic sources of all food for that matter... Most of your carbs come from complex sources, and your meats are fresh - like ... gobble gobble to gravy is better.. But obviously not everyone can find farm-to-table sources...so stay away from any meat in a box or plastic wrap.  That's a good start...   

I have since learned, however, that the stroke - migraine connection appears to be for people that did not previous experience Migraines ...i,e., new, and that those who were life time sufferers were not part of that statistical group.  

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16 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

That's a little strange to be greeted with that information ... out of nowhere, this morning, that so many in this specific pass-time ( interesting) suffer migraines?   I'm having a bit of a "Devil's Tower Closer Encounters" moment here. 

You know ... I'm in and out of unrelated spheres of friends and acquaintances through life and times.  Along that journey, and exposure to others, I find it interesting that I only know of one other soul that agonizes with these maddening Migraines.  Yet .. out of nowhere ... five of them, here. 

I have stood there and listened to others complain about a headache they once had ... how bad of a "migraine" it must've been. Usually ...when they are commiserating my own suffering, as though they "know what I mean". 

Unfortunately, they don't.  ..because upon some simple questions that all true 'grainers know to ask, ...these were not migraines they experienced..  I mean headaches come in vastly different form and magnitudes, for a variety of different reasons.. Injury, life-style, stress, lack of sleep... underlying illnesses.. I have had headaches for these other reasons...too, though rare.  I'll tell ya -I've had a couple of hang-overs that would stop a third-world government...   But Migraines? They are unique.  

Perhaps there is a link with weather and climate and mood.  It's not that big of a stretch ... For those of us who have sought to understand, researched and/or availed of the greater ambit of medicine know ... Neuroscience is replete with research into mood/behaviors as triggers.  Well, if we're being honest...  weather and climate does affect us ( not just in here, but all of Humanity) in that way. It may not be such a coincidence that the crucible of time has sort of brought us together, then.

Or, it's just numbers and probability. As a rough guess...  300 people in the above context of life-spheres... okay, but this site obviously is exposed to the world...  A slightly larger number, huh.  That may simply parlay.  Still.. I can't help but wonder, based in no small part on my 40 years with these f'n things ...if there isn't a cooperative trigger so to speak... where one may set up the other ...then if other happens, one finds them self over a threshold and... WHAM. 

So my first Migraine occurred when I was 10 years old.  10!  You tend to remember what you were doing, where and when, the first time you realize god has chosen you for Migraine uniqueness.  It was 7 AM, and Jane Pauli was co-hosting "The Today Show" along side Tom Brokaw, on a small television mounted mid way up the wall in my grandmother's kitchen. As they murmured away in the back drop, there was still blackness pouring through the window set over the sink.  Michigan...being western end of this time zone, the late autumn sun rises an hour later than we're used to here on the East Coast.  Anyway, in that moment, I looked up toward the small television and my first in countless aura experiences was just in the initial onset stage.  Half of Jane Pauli's face had vanished... 

Blink blink blink.  Whatever was in my eye, was still there... I tried closing.  I tried rubbing.  Nothing... and it grew worse over the ensuing minutes.. Imagine being 10 years old, and encountering that symptom..  Umm..  I had heard of this blindness thing... Soon the affect morphed from a small blind patch into an arc of what for me ... reminds me of when you are watching cable television and the signal gets disrupted ...? The image "checkers" or distorts in a schism of the frame... But with 'graines it also tends to pulsate or wobble.  The arc grows in length, and it moves from the central region of your visual plain...toward the periphery... And you really pretty much cannot completely resolve imagery within that arc as it travels slowly across.  The total migratory pathway appears to range between 20 and 35 minutes for me, and this is also consistent with known symptomatic spectrum.  

I vividly recall this, and as the middle part of the vision came back and the arc was disappearing ... this was followed by something that I would describe as that seen in "Red Dragon" ...where Hannibal Lector removed the top of Ray Liotta's skull, while Ray was still awake, and began melon balling gray matter ... a cinema the writers undoubtedly borrowed from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" monkey brains scene.  (except they say that actual brain doesn't have any pain receptors ... you get my meaning).  

... So ... the tsunamis of pain. It lasts 4 to 6 hours... for me.  I have read that other can be inundated with pain for 72 hours... I gotta wonder if it is that bad, however, and not just slower extinguishing rate - which they have my sympathies.  I don't actually believe it is possible to suffer that degree of cephalic horror for that much contiguous time.  Because, ...in a microcosm ( which appears to be my form of them...) the height/max of the discomfort is in that first 1/3rd of that 6-hr range... About 2-hours of wondering if your skull is actually just going to detonate like that scene in "Scanners" ( hugely underrated dystopian sci-fi romp from the early 1980s..)  And yeah..there are other symptoms..   Along with this, ...failed description for entirely justifying hatred of god...  nausea crashes the rager..  And at times a 'tingling' sensation in the fingers... I have not suffered the olfactory affects as others, however, I do have the sensitivity to sound. Even conversation volume in the next room seems like a cacophony ... which, it's really impossible to find that kind of quiet solitude during the Migraine cycle/post visual aura phase ...so, that's usually wrapping a pillow around the head and moaning much of the way ... Advil.. joke.  Migraine is not deterred.  

I must echo the sentiments of y'all - I would not wish these on anyone, not as a moral human being.  

There was a two week period in the midst of my teen-age years when I experience a fresh new Mind-grenade ... once per two days.  Different times of the day.. Waking up with aura... Struck with it mid day... While watching T.V. at night... That was a the apex era... Over the years, the frequency dropped... By the time I was 34 years old...I had one, but hadn't had one in the 8 years prior.  I began having them again recently... up to 20 of them over this last year alone... two of which happened within a day of one another. This alarmed me because in the last ten years ... science is suggesting an indirect link between migraine and stroke - though they are not sure what the link is as those two phenomenon do not appear to be the same underlying physiological thing.  Here I am not middle aged and Luke Perry...John Singleton... ?  Dead.  Dropped by major storke, and I'm now suddenly saddled with Migraine recurrence I had though I had "out grown". 

So... I began looking more into the dietary aspects ... and made some changes experimentally, based upon the Tyramine amino-acid/processed foods connection, which is all over the literature nowadays..  Low and behold... I am early in the experiment but abruptly, I have not had one in a month and half... Just from tweaking my diet?  We'll see...  But basically, I took the average of multiple reputable source work's guidelines and came up with a dietary plan that doens't sans too much fun, but compromises in favor of that plan... Seems to be tentatively working. The other aspect... I lost 35 pounds since March.  I work out every day... without exception - I know I know... not everyone can bio-mechanically do that... But, as luck would have it... I can run 4 or 5 miles one day ... do the gym eliptical machine the next, then...take my road bike out and do 25 miles ... and that rotation allows me to do something every day.  It's possible that this life style "reduced" a tollerance I had built up over the years... sort of re-exposing an underlying condition/intellerance to tyramines.   These are amino acids that occur in aged cheeses...  sausage and process meats ...and some vegetables.  Find out what those are... in your diet, and if they are there, and you suffer Migraines... don't f'n argue with this - cut that shit out.  And, get your ass in shape.  One way or the other.  Eat portioned controlled, organice sources where most of your carbs come from complex sources, and your meats are fresh - like ... gobble gobble to gray is better.. But obviously not everyone can find farm-to-table sources...so stay away from any meat in a box or plastic wrap.  That's a good start...   

I have had 2 migraines - one being of the ocular variety as you described above. I was sitting with a client editing music on Pro Tools and all of a sudden my vision appeared to be looking through a drop of water in my left eye. The portion of my vision being effected grew for about 10 minutes or so and then it seemed to 'thin out' and go away. I never really got a headache with that one but went to a doctor as I was really concerned about what had happened, and he said that in some cases a migraine can occur with no pain. The second time I got one it was after a fall and I had hit my head - I instantly got that same vision anomaly and a screaming headache - to the point that I was nauseous, and no it wasn't that I had concussed myself as it wasn't that hard of a blow to my head.

In a few instances I have had a headache that was accompanied by that dizzy, which way is up feeling and a bit of nausea, but they never led to full on migraine.

I have this weird thing called Miniers Disease, which is a really bizarre inner ear condition that can cause vertigo to appear at random and in a flash. I have really only had that happen once, but I usually have a somewhat ambiguous sense of which way is truly up. This is eased by watching caffeine, sodium, and alcohol intakes.

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24 minutes ago, dendrite said:

My dad had one, but it was a PITA for him with tree debris falling on it and rolling it on and off daily. He just went for the propane heater and fires it up for a few hours before anyone is going to use it. They're a little pricey upfront though. I think it was $2700. The thing works awesome though.

Agree, That seems to be some of the draw backs, It has its +/-, We have done a lot of tree work as they were getting a lot of tree debris in the pool, The house had been unoccupied for the last two yrs as the former owner, She had dementia and was moved to a rehab facility, The yard was being maintained, And the pool was closed for several years but has been open the last two with a pool company maintaining it once a week so that was a plus, But there was a lot of overgrowth and pruning that needed to be done that had not been done in years, The biggest issue was there was a crab apple tree that hung out over the pool so i probably don't need to tell you the problems that created, Took care of that though.

Crab Apple.JPG

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6 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

That's a little strange to be greeted with that information ... out of nowhere, this morning, that so many in this specific pass-time ( interesting) suffer migraines?   I'm having a bit of a "Devil's Tower Closer Encounters" moment here. 

You know ... I'm in and out of unrelated spheres of friends and acquaintances through life and times.  Along that journey, and exposure to others, I find it interesting that I only know of one other soul that agonizes with these maddening Migraines.  Yet .. out of nowhere ... five of them, here. 

I have stood there and listened to others complain about a headache they once had ... how bad of a "migraine" it must've been. Usually ...when they are commiserating my own suffering, as though they "know what I mean". 

Unfortunately, they don't.  ..because upon some simple questions that all true 'grainers know to ask, ...these were not migraines they experienced..  I mean headaches come in vastly different form and magnitudes, for a variety of different reasons.. Injury, life-style, stress, lack of sleep... underlying illnesses.. I have had headaches for these other reasons...too, though rare.  I'll tell ya -I've had a couple of hang-overs that would stop a third-world government...   But Migraines? They are unique.  

Perhaps there is a link with weather and climate and mood.  It's not that big of a stretch ... For those of us who have sought to understand, researched and/or availed of the greater ambit of medicine know ... Neuroscience is replete with research into mood/behaviors as triggers.  Well, if we're being honest...  weather and climate does affect us ( not just in here, but all of Humanity) in that way. It may not be such a coincidence that the crucible of time has sort of brought us together, then.

Or, it's just numbers and probability. As a rough guess...  300 people in the above context of life-spheres... okay, but this site obviously is exposed to the world...  A slightly larger number, huh.  That may simply parlay.  Still.. I can't help but wonder, based in no small part on my 40 years with these f'n things ...if there isn't a cooperative trigger so to speak... where one may set up the other ...then if other happens, one finds them self over a threshold and... WHAM. 

So my first Migraine occurred when I was 10 years old.  10!  You tend to remember what you were doing, where and when, the first time you realize god has chosen you for Migraine uniqueness.  It was 7 AM, and Jane Pauli was co-hosting "The Today Show" along side Tom Brokaw, on a small television mounted mid way up the wall in my grandmother's kitchen. As they murmured away in the back drop, there was still blackness pouring through the window set over the sink.  Michigan...being western end of this time zone, the late autumn sun rises an hour later than we're used to here on the East Coast.  Anyway, in that moment, I looked up toward the small television and my first in countless aura experiences was just in the initial onset stage.  Half of Jane Pauli's face had vanished... 

Blink blink blink.  Whatever was in my eye, was still there... I tried closing.  I tried rubbing.  Nothing... and it grew worse over the ensuing minutes.. Imagine being 10 years old, and encountering that symptom..  Umm..  I had heard of this blindness thing... Soon the affect morphed from a small blind patch into an arc of what for me ... reminds me of when you are watching cable television and the signal gets disrupted ...? The image "checkers" or distorts in a schism of the frame... But with 'graines it also tends to pulsate or wobble.  The arc grows in length, and it moves from the central region of your visual plain...toward the periphery... And you really pretty much cannot completely resolve imagery within that arc as it travels slowly across.  The total migratory pathway appears to range between 20 and 35 minutes for me, and this is also consistent with known symptomatic spectrum.  

I vividly recall this, and as the middle part of the vision came back and the arc was disappearing ... this was followed by something that I would describe as that seen in "Red Dragon" ...where Hannibal Lector removed the top of Ray Liotta's skull, while Ray was still awake, and began melon balling gray matter ... a cinema the writers undoubtedly borrowed from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" monkey brains scene.  (except they say that actual brain doesn't have any pain receptors ... you get my meaning).  

... So ... the tsunamis of pain. It lasts 4 to 6 hours... for me.  I have read that other can be inundated with pain for 72 hours... I gotta wonder if it is that bad, however, and not just slower extinguishing rate - which they have my sympathies.  I don't actually believe it is possible to suffer that degree of cephalic horror for that much contiguous time.  Because, ...in a microcosm ( which appears to be my form of them...) the height/max of the discomfort is in that first 1/3rd of that 6-hr range... About 2-hours of wondering if your skull is actually just going to detonate like that scene in "Scanners" ( hugely underrated dystopian sci-fi romp from the early 1980s..)  And yeah..there are other symptoms..   Along with this, ...failed description for entirely justifying hatred of god...  nausea crashes the rager..  And at times a 'tingling' sensation in the fingers... I have not suffered the olfactory affects as others, however, I do have the sensitivity to sound. Even conversation volume in the next room seems like a cacophony ... which, it's really impossible to find that kind of quiet solitude during the Migraine cycle/post visual aura phase ...so, that's usually wrapping a pillow around the head and moaning much of the way ... Advil.. joke.  Migraine is not deterred.  

I must echo the sentiments of y'all - I would not wish these on anyone, not as a moral human being.  

There was a two week period in the midst of my teen-age years when I experience a fresh new Mind-grenade ... once per two days.  Different times of the day.. Waking up with aura... Struck with it mid day... While watching T.V. at night... That was a the apex era... Over the years, the frequency dropped... By the time I was 34 years old...I had one, but hadn't had one in the 8 years prior.  I began having them again recently... up to 20 of them over this last year alone... two of which happened within a day of one another. This alarmed me because in the last ten years ... science is suggesting an indirect link between migraine and stroke - though they are not sure what the link is as those two phenomenon do not appear to be the same underlying physiological thing.  Here I am not middle aged and Luke Perry...John Singleton... ?  Dead.  Dropped by major storke, and I'm now suddenly saddled with Migraine recurrence I had though I had "out grown". 

So... I began looking more into the dietary aspects ... and made some changes experimentally, based upon the Tyramine amino-acid/processed foods connection, which is all over the literature nowadays..  Low and behold... I am early in the experiment but abruptly, I have not had one in a month and half... Just from tweaking my diet?  We'll see...  But basically, I took the average of multiple reputable source work's guidelines and came up with a dietary plan that doens't sans too much fun, but compromises in favor of that plan... Seems to be tentatively working. The other aspect... I lost 35 pounds since March.  I work out every day... without exception - I know I know... not everyone can bio-mechanically do that... But, as luck would have it... I can run 4 or 5 miles one day ... do the gym eliptical machine the next, then...take my road bike out and do 25 miles ... and that rotation allows me to do something every day.  It's possible that this life style "reduced" a tollerance I had built up over the years... sort of re-exposing an underlying condition/intellerance to tyramines.   These are amino acids that occur in aged cheeses...  sausage and process meats ...and some vegetables.  Find out what those are... in your diet, and if they are there, and you suffer Migraines... don't f'n argue with this - cut that shit out.  And, get your ass in shape.  One way or the other.  Eat portioned controlled, organice sources where most of your carbs come from complex sources, and your meats are fresh - like ... gobble gobble to gray is better.. But obviously not everyone can find farm-to-table sources...so stay away from any meat in a box or plastic wrap.  That's a good start...   

There are “classic” and “common” migraines.  I suffered from the common variety for decades but one of the few good things about getting old is the fact that migraines become far less frequent-I probably get one a year now and the intensity is no where near what it used to be.   For decades a migraine was the only cause of sick time from work.  

Interestingly enough-my migraines would always lift out quickly around 12:30 PM local time regardless of the time zone.  No one could figure that out.   The. I’d feel super hyped up the rest of the day.

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Yes Tip.. that was a fantastic description of exactly how my migraines unfold. That visual aura where it’s initialy a blind spot where you lose vision. That’s when you know what is about to happen and are overwhelmed with dread and fear for what’s about yo transpire. You can be having a great day and the second that hits, a dark cloud consumes you. Then the wavy lines and weird shapes and colors like looking thru a kaleidoscope. That lasts 20-30 minutes for me. Smells, sounds, any human contact is not wanted. Darkness is the only help until vision returns. Then the massive , pounding headache begins. Starts as a low throb and escalated quickly to hammer pounded over head. I used to throw up and get nauseous in younger days. Can recall pulling over on roads and highways after having to leave work and vomiting. I used to get 20-30 a year. When I hit my mid 30’s.. they stopped for several years. They then started up again late 30’s and continue now. I had one just last week . But they now generally do not cause nausea. I have a Triptan pill I take at aura onset and it helps minimize the effects to some degree. I have found my triggers are mainly due to light. Flashing lights, sunlight while driving thru the trees are huge. The other one is when strong high pressure is building in. Always on a bright, dry clear day when HP is pressing in. And usually in the mid morning. The one last week was no exception. Barometric triggers for me are huge. All related to the brain. They are completely dehabilitating  and force you to alter your work , your life, and for me.. it’s a constant “in the back of my mind “ fear. 

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4 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

Yes Tip.. that was a fantastic description of exactly how my migraines unfold. That visual aura where it’s initialy a blind spot where you lose vision. That’s when you know what is about to happen and are overwhelmed with dread and fear for what’s about yo transpire. You can be having a great day and the second that hits, a dark cloud consumes you. Then the wavy lines and weird shapes and colors like looking thru a kaleidoscope. That lasts 20-30 minutes for me. Smells, sounds, any human contact is not wanted. Darkness is the only help until vision returns. Then the massive , pounding headache begins. Starts as a low throb and escalated quickly to hammer pounded over head. I used to throw up and get nauseous in younger days. Can recall pulling over on roads and highways after having to leave work and vomiting. I used to get 20-30 a year. When I hit my mid 30’s.. they stopped for several years. They then started up again late 30’s and continue now. I had one just last week . But they now generally do not cause nausea. I have a Triptan pill I take at aura onset and it helps minimize the effects to some degree. I have found my triggers are mainly due to light. Flashing lights, sunlight while driving thru the trees are huge. The other one is when strong high pressure is building in. Always on a bright, dry clear day when HP is pressing in. And usually in the mid morning. The one last week was no exception. Barometric triggers for me are huge. All related to the brain. They are completely dehabilitating  and force you to alter your work , your life, and for me.. it’s a constant “in the back of my mind “ fear. 

One thing that reduces migraines is running- st least it did for me.  My brother had the type you describe and I fear my daughter is heading there.  Hopefully with your running and aging they will diminish in frequency and intensity.

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4 minutes ago, weathafella said:

One thing that reduces migraines is running- st least it did for me.  My brother had the type you describe and I fear my daughter is heading there.  Hopefully with your running and aging they will diminish in frequency and intensity.

Listen to this. I got the aura during running one summer morning 2 years ago. It was light out and sun was up, so it had to have been June or July. I was several miles from so had no other choice but to keep going. The aura stopped after the 20-30 minutes and I never got the headache afterwards. The only time that has ever happened. Both my daughters have had one each so far, describing exactly what happens to me. But none for them in a long time. I know they are hereditary and I just pray I haven’t passed these onto them . 

I also have noticed over the years that I get many more in the fall and winter months than I do in the summer. I have attributed that to the stronger HP we get in winter

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2 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

Listen to this. I got the aura during running one summer morning 2 years ago. It was light out and sun was up, so it had to have been June or July. I was several miles from so had no other choice but to keep going. The aura stopped after the 20-30 minutes and I never got the headache afterwards. The only time that has ever happened. Both my daughters have had one each so far, describing exactly what happens to me. But none for them in a long time. I know they are hereditary and I just pray I haven’t passed these onto them . 

I also have noticed over the years that I get many more in the fall and winter months than I do in the summer. I have attributed that to the stronger HP we get in winter

I got the same - the aura and no headache. Very scary at the time. My doc called it an 'ocular migraine'.

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23 minutes ago, weathafella said:

There are “classic” and “common” migraines.  I suffered from the common variety for decades but one of the few good things about getting old is the fact that migraines become far less frequent-I probably get one a year now and the intensity is no where near what it used to be.   For decades a migraine was the only cause of sick time from work.  

Interestingly enough-my migraines would always lift out quickly around 12:30 PM local time regardless of the time zone.  No one could figure that out.   The. I’d feel super hyped up the rest of the day.

Yeah ...mine were always distinctively phased ... always the same - 



...mike tyson boxing match fugue for 12 hours after pain subsides.

without exception... 

Until these recent ones. I didn't go into it because that was already getting too long for people's preferences in here... ( understood ) but for the first time in my life, the pain phase has been more manageable ...and by that, I mean tolerable.  In fact, I have been able to continue with whatever I was doing ..with just a "time out" interruption while I waited on the aura to cycle through. The pain that came on the heel of the aura clearing up was minor... Just dullard ache, ...perhaps lower-moderate intensity in a wave that lasted 30 seconds, followed by extended moments where I even forgot I was Migraine... I never thought that was possible. 

That had never happened like that before... That is another reason why I wonder if these recent ones were more having to do with life style change.  Like its partially triggering a Migraine but the complete physiological aspects are not taking place.  

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20 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

I’ve lost a considerable amount of vision in my left eye from frequent left sided headaches. Call them cluster or migraines but I can see 20ft with my right and down to 2ft with my left. Scary.

Check your pms.

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1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:

Listen to this. I got the aura during running one summer morning 2 years ago. It was light out and sun was up, so it had to have been June or July. I was several miles from so had no other choice but to keep going. The aura stopped after the 20-30 minutes and I never got the headache afterwards. The only time that has ever happened. Both my daughters have had one each so far, describing exactly what happens to me. But none for them in a long time. I know they are hereditary and I just pray I haven’t passed these onto them . 

I also have noticed over the years that I get many more in the fall and winter months than I do in the summer. I have attributed that to the stronger HP we get in winter

Low D3 in the winter maybe with low sun? I sometimes supplement it in the winter. 

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