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Occasional Thoughts on Climate Change


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On 11/1/2021 at 7:54 PM, LibertyBell said:

Manchin takes six figures from the coal cartels, therefore he wants no climate change legislation.....Sinema takes six figures from PhRMA so she doesn't want to allow medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Money talks triggers rapacious instincts, we falsely believe we do not posses as animals that we are, inside who ever owns it - or perhaps 'gets a taste of it'

The rapacity of human nature is primal and it still lurks in us at all times. It pervades our everything and what we do in our everyday; suppressed as it may be during say, Sunday congregates, or be it out in the wellness intents and purposes of civility-meccas.  We are still just a vastly more sophisticated model; like, the Lion pride in this regard. Both Lion prides, as well as human have order intelligentsia, manifest as organization into complex, cooperative social machinery.

Social -oriented species: it is an evolutionary adaptation that provides greater success probability, 'teamwork' toward a common goal increases survival prospects for the whole group.  However, upon the realization of the goal, ... that's when things get complicated. The spirit of cooperation tends to break down after fact -

On a planet with one species that has innovated its way to 7 1/2 billion populate density - ...I think the "fact" that is after, is winnable, ( albeit not won yet - not by choice ). We can let the foot off the throttle!  Rapacity as a primal drive is a survival instinct that doesn't turn off as such. It's going to tug at people's intents and purposes, such that it pervades everything Humanity does et al.  Proof?  It is why we have provisionally allowed population to explode to 7.5 orders of magnitude, yet and while poverty still exists.  

Sorry, we don't really believe in equality.   We don't. We recognize the idealization and value therein; we are not here to practice it.  We are not intelligent enough to stop ourselves from allowing 1% from owning 99% the wealth.  That is the Lion metaphor, that "flat headed" resolve after the kill, around the carrion... fighting one another for a position at the head of the blood lust table.

Reenters or perhaps "releases," the seeded primal urges, reorganizing motivations into 'self,' and the growing ulterior motivations manifest as the snark above that I abused your post with -LOL.  But they were always there, held at bay, while the cooperation's machinery was running. The squabbles or fights at the carrion of the Lion pride?  That is the credit grabs, ... the more than one's shares ... to 'moral flexibility' and rationalizations, to crimes.  That is what ultimately leads to 'money talks' - it's not money. It's primal.  These motivated-out-of-insatiable-greed examples ... there is co-drive to procure "meat" at the expense of other's mouthfuls, once there is a sense of certitude of provisional source.


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21 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

looks like the younger generation hates both major political parties


a study was done showing that only 22% support either party with most choosing to be Independent.

Young People Are Over Democrats — and Republicans, New Data Show: What That Means for 2022
New data suggests young voters are growing more frustrated with elected leaders. Some may be on the verge of ditching both political parties altogether.



OT. I'm 47 and registered independent.  Sick of both parties as well. I refuse to let any party push me into a specific way of thinking.  Which is what is happening to the general populace. 

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Bolsanaro stealing the land of indigenous people and burning away the Amazon, promising to stop by 2030, and the Amazon will be long gone by then.

Someone please bomb Bolsanaro out of existence, use the military for something useful for a change.  The guy doesn't deserve to be allowed to live.


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this is alarming
they are cropping images of black and brown people from the climate summit
and removing their names from the list
like, they give them a platform to speak but in media releases they dont mention them and remove them from the images
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8 hours ago, LibertyBell said:



lab grown meat about to grow exponentially, it's real meat, keeps animals from being slaughtered and doesn't adversely impact the environment

All these liberal high-roaders will lose their footing as moral supremacists, though.

We can't have them poking their arm-pits and sniffing them for comfort, while rocking back and forth at the brink of apoplexy because they don't have that focus of elitist recreational outrage.   What will they due without their gaslighting edge over everyone else?

I'm kidding, ... sort of.

But, I easily still imagine some ultra fringe purists, in some future realm where completely artificially engineered, grade AAA quality Tender Loin succulence is better than the real thing and a blow job, but still would not be ideally satisfying to their wanton ethical excoriation.   Because, wait! - even though in such a futuristic realm, the consumption of artificial protein may not directly harm naturally or "organically" occurring life ( as well as other indirect positive feed-backs .. like carbon this, or Zoonotic epidemiology that .. whatever), craving and 'giving in' to the act of consuming those sources must still mean in "spirit," you are a blood lusty piece of shit jerk.

My disenchantment of liberals is for that kind of liberalism.

I mean obviously at a more fundamental and realistic perspective, the better vision for our species, is through a lens of social and economic relative equality.  We know that has to happen within the simple mathematical framework that we cannot survive on a world that has been irretrievably toxified by the anus of Industry... It needs to stop there.  It's either the greatest feat of arresting stupidity in the history of humanity, or, Darwinism at massive scales, but when 40 some odd percent of 7.5 billion attempting to rationalize away from accepting that simple premise in lieu of personal gain, ...well...  that's all a much longer philosophical digression ..

Presumptive ideological superiority over others, isn't that 'mathematical framework' - particularly when the motivation to do so is borne of idiocy masquerading as intelligentsia, whereupon further reflection - usually after one leaves the room - you see holes in their debate.

I realize the following perspective may or may not be in sync with present company's, however:

I have zero/none/nada/no problem with hunting for provisional sustenance. Inside this definition ... also includes and must achieve humane livestock conditions prior to abattoir - broad industrial herding [ enter huge philosophical dissertation here ] is just hunting done at grander scales ...

I have an absolute/unforgivable/useless piece of shit human problem with hunting "for sport,"  or, procuring meat sources inhumanely/entitled demeanor.

I don't have a problem with anyone that chooses to eat animal-based sources, provided the procurement satisfies the above two conditions; therefore, the arrival in technological history ( i.e., perhaps now ...) where human innovation creates provisional sustenance without violating those two basic tenets or principles, inherently moves us toward that goal/directive - yeah.

As an afterthought ... purism and purists views are unrealistic outside of the conveniences bubble that protects them. Operating inside of Industrial civility's enabling machinery, is intrinsically in a state of hypocrisy, when those who uphold such ideological musings as morally superior, do so from a perch of well-nourished codependency.  Pick up a shovel... Pick up a hoe.  Toil eternally, with nothing more - because that's your only existence without that for which you clearly are unwittingly taking for granted.


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On 11/2/2021 at 12:36 PM, Typhoon Tip said:

The rapacity of human nature is primal and it still lurks in us at all times. It pervades our everything and what we do in our everyday; suppressed as it may be during say, Sunday congregates, or be it out in the wellness intents and purposes of civility-meccas.  We are still just a vastly more sophisticated model; like, the Lion pride in this regard. Both Lion prides, as well as human have order intelligentsia, manifest as organization into complex, cooperative social machinery.

Social -oriented species: it is an evolutionary adaptation that provides greater success probability, 'teamwork' toward a common goal increases survival prospects for the whole group.  However, upon the realization of the goal, ... that's when things get complicated. The spirit of cooperation tends to break down after fact -

On a planet with one species that has innovated its way to 7 1/2 billion populate density - ...I think the "fact" that is after, is winnable, ( albeit not won yet - not by choice ). We can let the foot off the throttle!  Rapacity as a primal drive is a survival instinct that doesn't turn off as such. It's going to tug at people's intents and purposes, such that it pervades everything Humanity does et al.  Proof?  It is why we have provisionally allowed population to explode to 7.5 orders of magnitude, yet and while poverty still exists.  

Sorry, we don't really believe in equality.   We don't. We recognize the idealization and value therein; we are not here to practice it.  We are not intelligent enough to stop ourselves from allowing 1% from owning 99% the wealth.  That is the Lion metaphor, that "flat headed" resolve after the kill, around the carrion... fighting one another for a position at the head of the blood lust table.

Reenters or perhaps "releases," the seeded primal urges, reorganizing motivations into 'self,' and the growing ulterior motivations manifest as the snark above that I abused your post with -LOL.  But they were always there, held at bay, while the cooperation's machinery was running. The squabbles or fights at the carrion of the Lion pride?  That is the credit grabs, ... the more than one's shares ... to 'moral flexibility' and rationalizations, to crimes.  That is what ultimately leads to 'money talks' - it's not money. It's primal.  These motivated-out-of-insatiable-greed examples ... there is co-drive to procure "meat" at the expense of other's mouthfuls, once there is a sense of certitude of provisional source.


Im starting to feel that the historical fact/parable/fable of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, depending on your belief base does have a possible bases in truth. Gaia is/was Eden. Our species sinned by developing self awareness. As a punishment for sentience we were condemned to know the difference between right and wrong, yet not give a damn. As always ….

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On 11/5/2021 at 10:28 AM, Typhoon Tip said:

All these liberal high-roaders will lose their footing as moral supremacists, though.

We can't have them poking their arm-pits and sniffing them for comfort, while rocking back and forth at the brink of apoplexy because they don't have that focus of elitist recreational outrage.   What will they due without their gaslighting edge over everyone else?

I'm kidding, ... sort of.

But, I easily still imagine some ultra fringe purists, in some future realm where completely artificially engineered, grade AAA quality Tender Loin succulence is better than the real thing and a blow job, but still would not be ideally satisfying to their wanton ethical excoriation.   Because, wait! - even though in such a futuristic realm, the consumption of artificial protein may not directly harm naturally or "organically" occurring life ( as well as other indirect positive feed-backs .. like carbon this, or Zoonotic epidemiology that .. whatever), craving and 'giving in' to the act of consuming those sources must still mean in "spirit," you are a blood lusty piece of shit jerk.

My disenchantment of liberals is for that kind of liberalism.

I mean obviously at a more fundamental and realistic perspective, the better vision for our species, is through a lens of social and economic relative equality.  We know that has to happen within the simple mathematical framework that we cannot survive on a world that has been irretrievably toxified by the anus of Industry... It needs to stop there.  It's either the greatest feat of arresting stupidity in the history of humanity, or, Darwinism at massive scales, but when 40 some odd percent of 7.5 billion attempting to rationalize away from accepting that simple premise in lieu of personal gain, ...well...  that's all a much longer philosophical digression ..

Presumptive ideological superiority over others, isn't that 'mathematical framework' - particularly when the motivation to do so is borne of idiocy masquerading as intelligentsia, whereupon further reflection - usually after one leaves the room - you see holes in their debate.

I realize the following perspective may or may not be in sync with present company's, however:

I have zero/none/nada/no problem with hunting for provisional sustenance. Inside this definition ... also includes and must achieve humane livestock conditions prior to abattoir - broad industrial herding [ enter huge philosophical dissertation here ] is just hunting done at grander scales ...

I have an absolute/unforgivable/useless piece of shit human problem with hunting "for sport,"  or, procuring meat sources inhumanely/entitled demeanor.

I don't have a problem with anyone that chooses to eat animal-based sources, provided the procurement satisfies the above two conditions; therefore, the arrival in technological history ( i.e., perhaps now ...) where human innovation creates provisional sustenance without violating those two basic tenets or principles, inherently moves us toward that goal/directive - yeah.

As an afterthought ... purism and purists views are unrealistic outside of the conveniences bubble that protects them. Operating inside of Industrial civility's enabling machinery, is intrinsically in a state of hypocrisy, when those who uphold such ideological musings as morally superior, do so from a perch of well-nourished codependency.  Pick up a shovel... Pick up a hoe.  Toil eternally, with nothing more - because that's your only existence without that for which you clearly are unwittingly taking for granted.


I dont have issues with traditional hunting for sustenance....factory farming, however, is disgusting, immoral and unhealthy.  Sustainably doing it is a different matter however, because (for example) indigenous people have been doing that for centuries, and millenia, without driving species to extinction.


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1 hour ago, LibertyBell said:

I dont have issues with traditional hunting for sustenance....factory farming, however, is disgusting, immoral and unhealthy.  Sustainably doing it is a different matter however, because (for example) indigenous people have been doing that for centuries, and millenia, without driving species to extinction.


Yeah.. .agreed, industrial scaled harvesting of heart-beat food sources, doesn't have a very flattering wrap sheet.  What was always out-of-sight-out-of-mind, the world doesn't (or really can't may be apropos) intrinsically keep so under wraps any longer. 

Up throw mm 30 .. definitely say 20 years ago, the general population didn't know about what they were eating... Most importantly, how it got to dinner plate. Leaks about veal seem to start the meme engine of awareness, and chickens followed and ... using monkeys in labs.. All of it. Now?   Virtually ever dimension of reality is disclosed(ing), and I really can't find packaging now that doesn't label, "humanely treated..."   ... degree of truth, notwithstanding.

To me, humane treatment is/was entirely the responsibility of the proverbial shepherd. Nothing more.  If finding a vaccine for COVID-19 is say, 5 on the scale of 1 to 10, doing the former is 1.5...

What can't be cleaned up?                   CO2 and CH4

- at least not without putting farms inside bio-domes, with 100% processing the air to reduce these greenhouse emissions so that what is inside the dome matches the back-ground Terran atmosphere, before out-gassing/exchanging air.  Not pragmatic when there are technologies on the verge getting to the goal of dinner plates without such wild Sci Fi explorations.

There are two distinctions.   Humane treatment of animals is separate, and doesn't add or take away anthropomorphic GW - the 2nd of the two. 

It's kind of like Azomavian laws of robot conduct ...  you know? the three?   I was after a similar sort of rudimentary moral check-list for harvesting animals.  So long as the factory harvesting did not violate this,  "...Inside this definition ... also includes and must achieve, humane livestock conditions prior to abattoir,..."  

Personally, if "lab grown meat" is based on DNA biota, than it doesn't matter whether it came from a heart-beat or not - it's the same goddamn thing.  ...Good luck explaining that to a society that is comprised of a disturbingly huge population of science deniers... but, if that can be overcome and it can be marketable and sustainable, and mass produced enough to feed the world, that's a big pie slice of the human industrial fart.

Firstly ... can we change the name?  Eating anything that is prefaced by "lab grown ..." is ewww.  Conjures all kind of f'ed up disgusting horrors.

Like, "It turns out ... cat shit is the best fertility medium for growing roast beef..." - kidding


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56 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

Yeah.. .agreed, industrial scaled harvesting of heart-beat food sources, doesn't have a very flattering wrap sheet.  What was always out-of-sight-out-of-mind, the world doesn't (or really can't may be apropos) intrinsically keep so under wraps any longer. 

Up throw mm 30 .. definitely say 20 years ago, the general population didn't know about what they were eating... Most importantly, how it got to dinner plate. Leaks about veal seem to start the meme engine of awareness, and chickens followed and ... using monkeys in labs.. All of it. Now?   Virtually ever dimension of reality is disclosed(ing), and I really can't find packaging now that doesn't label, "humanely treated..."   ... degree of truth, notwithstanding.

To me, humane treatment is/was entirely the responsibility of the proverbial shepherd. Nothing more.  If finding a vaccine for COVID-19 is say, 5 on the scale of 1 to 10, doing the former is 1.5...

What can't be cleaned up?                   CO2 and CH4

- at least not without putting farms inside bio-domes, with 100% processing the air to reduce these greenhouse emissions so that what is inside the dome matches the back-ground Terran atmosphere, before out-gassing/exchanging air.  Not pragmatic when there are technologies on the verge getting to the goal of dinner plates without such wild Sci Fi explorations.

There are two distinctions.   Humane treatment of animals is separate, and doesn't add or take away anthropomorphic GW - the 2nd of the two. 

It's kind of like Azomavian laws of robot conduct ...  you know? the three?   I was after a similar sort of rudimentary moral check-list for harvesting animals.  So long as the factory harvesting did not violate this,  "...Inside this definition ... also includes and must achieve, humane livestock conditions prior to abattoir,..."  

Personally, if "lab grown meat" is based on DNA biota, than it doesn't matter whether it came from a heart-beat or not - it's the same goddamn thing.  ...Good luck explaining that to a society that is comprised of a disturbingly huge population of science deniers... but, if that can be overcome and it can be marketable and sustainable, and mass produced enough to feed the world, that's a big pie slice of the human industrial fart.

Firstly ... can we change the name?  Eating anything that is prefaced by "lab grown ..." is ewww.  Conjures all kind of f'ed up disgusting horrors.

Like, "It turns out ... cat shit is the best fertility medium for growing roast beef..." - kidding


well we have to fix the science denier problem before we can really progress anywhere....without a general belief in science, society is going to be stuck in a rut like it is.

I agree with the stipulations in the Three Laws you set forth, and I would also add for the benefit of human health (and animal welfare) we should be vigilant of the types of chemicals used on these animals (like antibiotics, growth hormones, etc.).  Also having read that we can lower emissions from animals by feeding them lemongrass and without chopping down trees in order to have land for them makes me think the whole process can be made much more sustainable.

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Apocalypse Never. Read it, and allow yourself to be triggered. 

Some of you need to settle down on this board. I mean honestly, you don’t even consider the other side of the coin. We are now holding up third world dumps as the epitome of a perfect energy civilization, yet not one of you would move to these places. Neo-colonialism, AKA conservationism and renewable energy utopia is and will always be a pursuit taken on by rich countries at the expense of poor nations. How retarded do you have to be to state that factory farming meat is unhealthy? Without it you don’t eat, wtf is unhealthier than not having a consistent food supply for you and yours?? Oh, that’s right, it’s higher in saturated fat. 

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1 hour ago, Toro99 said:

Apocalypse Never. Read it, and allow yourself to be triggered. 

Some of you need to settle down on this board. I mean honestly, you don’t even consider the other side of the coin. We are now holding up third world dumps as the epitome of a perfect energy civilization, yet not one of you would move to these places. Neo-colonialism, AKA conservationism and renewable energy utopia is and will always be a pursuit taken on by rich countries at the expense of poor nations. How retarded do you have to be to state that factory farming meat is unhealthy? Without it you don’t eat, wtf is unhealthier than not having a consistent food supply for you and yours?? Oh, that’s right, it’s higher in saturated fat. 

uhm what kind of moron are you?  most consumers refuse to eat factory farmed crap....get the **** out of here with that-- and it's created pressure for most manufacturers to move away from that.  You have NO idea the kind of chemicals they put in that crap, do you?  Now go back to your hole in the ground mister 16 posts (or is that 16 IQ) you dont know shit about this topic.


Another moron from Michigan.

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19 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

uhm what kind of moron are you?  most consumers refuse to eat factory farmed crap....get the **** out of here with that-- and it's created pressure for most manufacturers to move away from that.  You have NO idea the kind of chemicals they put in that crap, do you?  Now go back to your hole in the ground mister 16 posts (or is that 16 IQ) you dont know shit about this topic.


Another moron from Michigan.


That said, heh ... I'm from Michigan :)  I guess since I've lived most of my life in New England I must've been cleansed .. exorcised.  Still, I'd like to think that even if I am ultimately not deemed one of them, ...there are smart people there.  I've joked in my past, admittedly.  But, I did so in snark .. jest; cynical levity is fun, but is meant for droll- not to be taken more than such.

The five universal laws of human stupidity

After I read that, I visualize the three types of individuals they outline, make a pyramid.   The top piece are those of purer intelligentsia, and by geometric convention, are a smaller number compared to the whole.  The boundary between that upper piece and the next tier, the "bandit" stupids, is a fade-through - there are those that share in moments of purity, but pretty readily fail compunction tests... ( this is all hilarious to me, btw).  But once in the the pith of the middle's ... this is where you'll find the type of intelligence that is bogged down with motivations that are detrimental to society.  They can be both toxic negative, and 'toxic positive' ( complex gray area).  But more obviously, it is where lurks white-collar crime for example, or any in the relative Machinations we read about and scoff.  Morality and ethics ... virtuosity are negotiable, usually in favor of a bias. These are obviously the most dangerous group ...Some 30% of all cardiac owners ( heh ).   Remove their nefarium, they actually can join the upper tier, 'capable of not being idiots.' By and larger part of their nature, this ilk of population are compelled ... some with no awareness they are even assholes.  Some that aware, but lack remorse.  Its a matter of what day of the week and/or how egregious the stench.  Usually, it's tolerable...which why Capitalism works - LOL.

The rest, the bottom of the pyramid, is where the vaster population numbers resides. This is the "57%" majority. They are codependent upon the top two sectors ( really..) to keep society's gears lubed and running...etc.  So the pyramid shape sort of coalesces out of the mental ether when thinking about it.  

Unlike Chimps and Dolphins, where intelligence is less varied from one individual to the next, humans can compose symphonies, and others cannot.  Some can solve 4th order tensor equations in an 8-dimensional manifold-reality, while other's cannot. 

That's the thing with intelligence as a "species ownership"  - they higher the order of the former, the more variance there is per capita.  As brain sophistication gets more so ... it tends to differentiate into "talents" ...interesting.  Hard to know if that is environmentally advantageous, or if it is just that the human biological brain is so sophisticated it becomes probablistically vulnerable to capacity variance.   

I also imagine a dark humorous animation, where since the ballast of idiocrasy is heavier on one side, that starts the whole thing spinning, and then perpendicular to that rotation, there is drill bit attached and it is of course pointing down [ enter drill whirring machine sound here], as it bores humanity to hell.  

I've referred to Michigan as "Militiagain" - due entirely to their earned resume.  Texas and perhaps Utah come to mind as largely rural regions where extremists tend to find limited challenges in open spaces.  Left to their own devises.  It is not intended to 'shade' rural backgrounds. It's just that unfortunately, the art in literature, song and cinema re rural zeitgeist is essentially correct. Tough shit - if we don't like it, stop doing that.  Stop communing fringe ideological "weapons research against any government for the sake of organized I hate authority," and you won't earn that unsavory distinction of being creepy.

As a Michigan born citizen ... I am embarrassed at their tendency to engender Timothy McVeigh's. Or be it that 13-person plot to kidnap and do, who-the-hell-knows-what to Governor Whitmer.  I mean, that's a lot of individuals bought into an absurdity, .. like an actual retinue. They have to be absconded away from reality by the same delusion, having [apparently] zero recognition of its ostentatious specter? it's really rather remarkable.  

There's an urban-dictionary entry ( which is like the word-waiting-room to be formally codified into the heritage versions...) called group psychosis.  Quick copy-paste looks something like, "When the mentality of one member of a group causes a group to follow suit. The behavior shown is usually anti-social, brutal and mob-like."  

It may just be my imagination, but whenever I read or hear sentences like,  "...FBI arrested 13 in conjunction with credible suspicion to commit capital crime" against a formal and representation of systemic structure ( to which an agent of high ranking government is symbolic more so than anything else to these half-wits ...) I pretty much just conclude it is group psychosis.  In fact, Jan 6 was also a mob operating on a faux reality/delusion for that matter.  

I further posit that our society has schism problem, based on a separate posit:  Telecommunication is a cultural, evolutionary force that has crossed a 'momentum threshold.'   It is an influence that is modulating inside of generation time spans.  In the last 20 years, ... I believe it is causal ( sociologically ) for the proliferation of all these cultural rest stops for the stimulation wary. Each one has it's own doctrine that then gets embolden as it picks up more and more off these lost Internet traveling loons, who by virtue of the previous model of man kind ( and benefit for mainstream), were separated from one another by the uncertain distance of the hills ..

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4 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:


That said, heh ... I'm from Michigan :)  I guess since I've lived most of my life in New England I must've been cleansed .. exorcised.  Still, I'd like to think that even if I am ultimately not deemed one of them, ...there are smart people there.  I've joked in my past, admittedly.  But, I did so in snark .. jest; cynical levity is fun, but is meant for droll- not to be taken more than such.

The five universal laws of human stupidity

After I read that, I visualize the three types of individuals they outline, make a pyramid.   The top piece are those of purer intelligentsia, and by geometric convention, are a smaller number compared to the whole.  The boundary between that upper piece and the next tier, the "bandit" stupids, is a fade-through - there are those that share in moments of purity, but pretty readily fail compunction tests... ( this is all hilarious to me, btw).  But once in the the pith of the middle's ... this is where you'll find the type of intelligence that is bogged down with motivations that are detrimental to society.  They can be both toxic negative, and 'toxic positive' ( complex gray area).  But more obviously, it is where lurks white-collar crime for example, or any in the relative Machinations we read about and scoff.  Morality and ethics ... virtuosity are negotiable, usually in favor of a bias. These are obviously the most dangerous group ...Some 30% of all cardiac owners ( heh ).   Remove their nefarium, they actually can join the upper tier, 'capable of not being idiots.' By and larger part of their nature, this ilk of population are compelled ... some with no awareness they are even assholes.  Some that aware, but lack remorse.  Its a matter of what day of the week and/or how egregious the stench.  Usually, it's tolerable...which why Capitalism works - LOL.

The rest, the bottom of the pyramid, is where the vaster population numbers resides. This is the "57%" majority. They are codependent upon the top two sectors ( really..) to keep society's gears lubed and running...etc.  So the pyramid shape sort of coalesces out of the mental ether when thinking about it.  

Chimps and Dolphins, where intelligence is less varied from one inviddual to the next, humans can compose symphonies, and cannot.  Some can solve 4th order tensor equations in a 8 dimensional interpretation of reality, and other's cannot. 

That's the thing with intelligence as a "species ownership"  - they higher the order of the former, the more variance there is per capita.  As brain sophistication gets more so ... it tends to differentiate into "talents" ...interesting.  Hard to know if that is environmentally advantageous, or if it is just that the human biological brain is so sophisticated it becomes probablistically vulnerable to capacity variance.   

I also imagine a dark humorous animation, where since the ballast of idiocrasy is heavier on one side, that starts the whole thing spinning, and then perpendicular to that rotation, there is drill bit attached and it is of course pointing down [ enter drill whirring machine sound here], as it bores its way to hell.  

I've referred to Michigan as "Militiagain" - due entirely to their earned resume.  Texas and perhaps Utah come to mind as largely rural regions where extremists tend to find limited challenges in open spaces.  Left to their own devises.  It is not intended to 'shade' rural backgrounds. It's just that unfortunately, the art in literature, song and cinema re rural zeitgeist is essentially correct. Tough shit - if we don't like it, stop doing that.  Stop communing fringe ideological "weapons research against any government for the sake of organized I hate authority," and you won't earn that unsavory distinction of being creepy.

As a Michigan born citizen ... I am embarrassed at their tendency to engender Timothy McVeigh's. Or be it that 13-person plot to kidnap and do, who-the-hell-knows-what to Governor Whitmer.  I mean, that's a lot of individuals bought into an absurdity, .. like an actual retinue. They have to be absconded away from reality by the same delusion, having [apparently] zero recognition of its ostentatious specter? it's really rather remarkable.  

There's an urban-dictionary entry ( which is like the word-waiting-room to be formally codified into the heritage versions...) called group psychosis.  Quick copy-paste looks something like, "When the mentality of one member of a group causes a group to follow suit. The behavior shown is usually anti-social, brutal and mob-like."  

It may just be my imagination, but whenever I read or hear sentences like,  "...FBI arrested 13 in conjunction with credible suspicion to commit capital crime" against a formal and representation of systemic structure ( to which an agent of high ranking government is symbolic more so than anything else to these half-wits ...) I pretty much just conclude it is group psychosis.  In fact, Jan 6 was also a mob operating on a faux reality/delusion for that matter.  

I further posit that our society has schism problem, based on a separate posit:  Telecommunication is a cultural, evolutionary force that has crossed a 'momentum threshold.'   It is an influence that is modulating inside of generation time spans.  In the last 20 years, ... I believe it is causal ( sociologically ) for the proliferation of all these cultural rest stops for the stimulation wary. Each one has it's own doctrine that then gets embolden as it picks up more and more off the Internet highway ..

Interesting and frankly depressing. Perhaps Sol will come to the planets rescue (said t & c) with a series of flares that will cause a world wide EMP. After that natural selection can sort it out. As always ….

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7 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:


That said, heh ... I'm from Michigan :)  I guess since I've lived most of my life in New England I must've been cleansed .. exorcised.  Still, I'd like to think that even if I am ultimately not deemed one of them, ...there are smart people there.  I've joked in my past, admittedly.  But, I did so in snark .. jest; cynical levity is fun, but is meant for droll- not to be taken more than such.

The five universal laws of human stupidity

After I read that, I visualize the three types of individuals they outline, make a pyramid.   The top piece are those of purer intelligentsia, and by geometric convention, are a smaller number compared to the whole.  The boundary between that upper piece and the next tier, the "bandit" stupids, is a fade-through - there are those that share in moments of purity, but pretty readily fail compunction tests... ( this is all hilarious to me, btw).  But once in the the pith of the middle's ... this is where you'll find the type of intelligence that is bogged down with motivations that are detrimental to society.  They can be both toxic negative, and 'toxic positive' ( complex gray area).  But more obviously, it is where lurks white-collar crime for example, or any in the relative Machinations we read about and scoff.  Morality and ethics ... virtuosity are negotiable, usually in favor of a bias. These are obviously the most dangerous group ...Some 30% of all cardiac owners ( heh ).   Remove their nefarium, they actually can join the upper tier, 'capable of not being idiots.' By and larger part of their nature, this ilk of population are compelled ... some with no awareness they are even assholes.  Some that aware, but lack remorse.  Its a matter of what day of the week and/or how egregious the stench.  Usually, it's tolerable...which why Capitalism works - LOL.

The rest, the bottom of the pyramid, is where the vaster population numbers resides. This is the "57%" majority. They are codependent upon the top two sectors ( really..) to keep society's gears lubed and running...etc.  So the pyramid shape sort of coalesces out of the mental ether when thinking about it.  

Unlike Chimps and Dolphins, where intelligence is less varied from one individual to the next, humans can compose symphonies, and others cannot.  Some can solve 4th order tensor equations in an 8-dimensional manifold-reality, while other's cannot. 

That's the thing with intelligence as a "species ownership"  - they higher the order of the former, the more variance there is per capita.  As brain sophistication gets more so ... it tends to differentiate into "talents" ...interesting.  Hard to know if that is environmentally advantageous, or if it is just that the human biological brain is so sophisticated it becomes probablistically vulnerable to capacity variance.   

I also imagine a dark humorous animation, where since the ballast of idiocrasy is heavier on one side, that starts the whole thing spinning, and then perpendicular to that rotation, there is drill bit attached and it is of course pointing down [ enter drill whirring machine sound here], as it bores humanity to hell.  

I've referred to Michigan as "Militiagain" - due entirely to their earned resume.  Texas and perhaps Utah come to mind as largely rural regions where extremists tend to find limited challenges in open spaces.  Left to their own devises.  It is not intended to 'shade' rural backgrounds. It's just that unfortunately, the art in literature, song and cinema re rural zeitgeist is essentially correct. Tough shit - if we don't like it, stop doing that.  Stop communing fringe ideological "weapons research against any government for the sake of organized I hate authority," and you won't earn that unsavory distinction of being creepy.

As a Michigan born citizen ... I am embarrassed at their tendency to engender Timothy McVeigh's. Or be it that 13-person plot to kidnap and do, who-the-hell-knows-what to Governor Whitmer.  I mean, that's a lot of individuals bought into an absurdity, .. like an actual retinue. They have to be absconded away from reality by the same delusion, having [apparently] zero recognition of its ostentatious specter? it's really rather remarkable.  

There's an urban-dictionary entry ( which is like the word-waiting-room to be formally codified into the heritage versions...) called group psychosis.  Quick copy-paste looks something like, "When the mentality of one member of a group causes a group to follow suit. The behavior shown is usually anti-social, brutal and mob-like."  

It may just be my imagination, but whenever I read or hear sentences like,  "...FBI arrested 13 in conjunction with credible suspicion to commit capital crime" against a formal and representation of systemic structure ( to which an agent of high ranking government is symbolic more so than anything else to these half-wits ...) I pretty much just conclude it is group psychosis.  In fact, Jan 6 was also a mob operating on a faux reality/delusion for that matter.  

I further posit that our society has schism problem, based on a separate posit:  Telecommunication is a cultural, evolutionary force that has crossed a 'momentum threshold.'   It is an influence that is modulating inside of generation time spans.  In the last 20 years, ... I believe it is causal ( sociologically ) for the proliferation of all these cultural rest stops for the stimulation wary. Each one has it's own doctrine that then gets embolden as it picks up more and more off these lost Internet traveling loons, who by virtue of the previous model of man kind ( and benefit for mainstream), were separated from one another by the uncertain distance of the hills ..

I love that article!


and you are definitely now from New England!  I believe New England has the highest percentage of writers lol!


Saw something on 60 minutes today that made me super angry.....must look into this further.


wow on 60 Minutes they are talking about an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that hasn't been cleaned in 17 years because the oil company is well liked and the media didn't talk about it they let the oil companies clean themselves up-- in their own time
Taylor Energy, they've had nine oil leaks in 17 years and decided not to clean any of it up because they thought cleaning up the oil spills would harm the environment more haha they said it was only leaking 3 gallons of oil a day lol Louisiana.....I hope that entire state drowns and all the oil facilities go down with it would be fun to see a huge Cat 5 hurricane take down the entire dirty cartel
lmao Taylor Energy tried to sue the coast guard when they tried to clean up the oil spills and said it wasn't their oil haha
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7 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:


That said, heh ... I'm from Michigan :)  I guess since I've lived most of my life in New England I must've been cleansed .. exorcised.  Still, I'd like to think that even if I am ultimately not deemed one of them, ...there are smart people there.  I've joked in my past, admittedly.  But, I did so in snark .. jest; cynical levity is fun, but is meant for droll- not to be taken more than such.

The five universal laws of human stupidity

After I read that, I visualize the three types of individuals they outline, make a pyramid.   The top piece are those of purer intelligentsia, and by geometric convention, are a smaller number compared to the whole.  The boundary between that upper piece and the next tier, the "bandit" stupids, is a fade-through - there are those that share in moments of purity, but pretty readily fail compunction tests... ( this is all hilarious to me, btw).  But once in the the pith of the middle's ... this is where you'll find the type of intelligence that is bogged down with motivations that are detrimental to society.  They can be both toxic negative, and 'toxic positive' ( complex gray area).  But more obviously, it is where lurks white-collar crime for example, or any in the relative Machinations we read about and scoff.  Morality and ethics ... virtuosity are negotiable, usually in favor of a bias. These are obviously the most dangerous group ...Some 30% of all cardiac owners ( heh ).   Remove their nefarium, they actually can join the upper tier, 'capable of not being idiots.' By and larger part of their nature, this ilk of population are compelled ... some with no awareness they are even assholes.  Some that aware, but lack remorse.  Its a matter of what day of the week and/or how egregious the stench.  Usually, it's tolerable...which why Capitalism works - LOL.

The rest, the bottom of the pyramid, is where the vaster population numbers resides. This is the "57%" majority. They are codependent upon the top two sectors ( really..) to keep society's gears lubed and running...etc.  So the pyramid shape sort of coalesces out of the mental ether when thinking about it.  

Unlike Chimps and Dolphins, where intelligence is less varied from one individual to the next, humans can compose symphonies, and others cannot.  Some can solve 4th order tensor equations in an 8-dimensional manifold-reality, while other's cannot. 

That's the thing with intelligence as a "species ownership"  - they higher the order of the former, the more variance there is per capita.  As brain sophistication gets more so ... it tends to differentiate into "talents" ...interesting.  Hard to know if that is environmentally advantageous, or if it is just that the human biological brain is so sophisticated it becomes probablistically vulnerable to capacity variance.   

I also imagine a dark humorous animation, where since the ballast of idiocrasy is heavier on one side, that starts the whole thing spinning, and then perpendicular to that rotation, there is drill bit attached and it is of course pointing down [ enter drill whirring machine sound here], as it bores humanity to hell.  

I've referred to Michigan as "Militiagain" - due entirely to their earned resume.  Texas and perhaps Utah come to mind as largely rural regions where extremists tend to find limited challenges in open spaces.  Left to their own devises.  It is not intended to 'shade' rural backgrounds. It's just that unfortunately, the art in literature, song and cinema re rural zeitgeist is essentially correct. Tough shit - if we don't like it, stop doing that.  Stop communing fringe ideological "weapons research against any government for the sake of organized I hate authority," and you won't earn that unsavory distinction of being creepy.

As a Michigan born citizen ... I am embarrassed at their tendency to engender Timothy McVeigh's. Or be it that 13-person plot to kidnap and do, who-the-hell-knows-what to Governor Whitmer.  I mean, that's a lot of individuals bought into an absurdity, .. like an actual retinue. They have to be absconded away from reality by the same delusion, having [apparently] zero recognition of its ostentatious specter? it's really rather remarkable.  

There's an urban-dictionary entry ( which is like the word-waiting-room to be formally codified into the heritage versions...) called group psychosis.  Quick copy-paste looks something like, "When the mentality of one member of a group causes a group to follow suit. The behavior shown is usually anti-social, brutal and mob-like."  

It may just be my imagination, but whenever I read or hear sentences like,  "...FBI arrested 13 in conjunction with credible suspicion to commit capital crime" against a formal and representation of systemic structure ( to which an agent of high ranking government is symbolic more so than anything else to these half-wits ...) I pretty much just conclude it is group psychosis.  In fact, Jan 6 was also a mob operating on a faux reality/delusion for that matter.  

I further posit that our society has schism problem, based on a separate posit:  Telecommunication is a cultural, evolutionary force that has crossed a 'momentum threshold.'   It is an influence that is modulating inside of generation time spans.  In the last 20 years, ... I believe it is causal ( sociologically ) for the proliferation of all these cultural rest stops for the stimulation wary. Each one has it's own doctrine that then gets embolden as it picks up more and more off these lost Internet traveling loons, who by virtue of the previous model of man kind ( and benefit for mainstream), were separated from one another by the uncertain distance of the hills ..

It's amazing that oil companies in these oil lease areas are allowed to clean oil spills in their own time and Taylor Energy's oil spills have been there for 17 years.  Money makes people more stupid I see.


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They had another interesting piece on what makes some people more altruistic than others.


so in this research a Dr Marsh points to the amygdala as where altruism comes from

so when exposed to scenes where other people were being hurt
the brains of altruistic people lit up in the amygdala
they rescued people from cars on fire
they gave their kidneys
psychotic people had no response in the amygdala
and had no emotional response to scenes of violence and danger
lol I think we would both light up, I feel physical pain even when I see an insect in trouble let alone a person
I'm going to have to look into their online page, they are talking about the psychological cost of heroes
causes burn out among other things
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I have a further conjecture to make in connection with this.....some people say that money just brings out what is already in the human mind.

Let's say that the human mind is more malleable than that though (both for good and bad.)  Is it possible that having an excess of money actually weakens the response of the amygdala and makes people more likely to show no emotions when they see people in trouble (we all know about corporate psychopathy.)  Of course this isn't true in all cases....we know of some rich people who do a lot for society, but what if certain people who are "borderline" tend to go "over the edge" and into psychopathy if they come into a lot of money? An interesting experiment to conduct by analyzing these peoples' brains.


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Something else to consider--

I've seen studies showing that people tend to be more altruistic when they see others do it


so maybe the amygdala is also stimulated by external stimuli like the behavior of others?

it shows that the human brain doesn't exist in isolation and is open to being adjusted by outside factors


I can also see the reverse being true, like a Lord of the Flies scenario or what monstrosity military sometimes does.....if there is psychotic behavior being done by one or some, it causes others to behave the same way, they now consider it okay to do so, so maybe that is how the amygdala gets suppressed by external stimuli

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8 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:


That said, heh ... I'm from Michigan :)  I guess since I've lived most of my life in New England I must've been cleansed .. exorcised.  Still, I'd like to think that even if I am ultimately not deemed one of them, ...there are smart people there.  I've joked in my past, admittedly.  But, I did so in snark .. jest; cynical levity is fun, but is meant for droll- not to be taken more than such.

The five universal laws of human stupidity

After I read that, I visualize the three types of individuals they outline, make a pyramid.   The top piece are those of purer intelligentsia, and by geometric convention, are a smaller number compared to the whole.  The boundary between that upper piece and the next tier, the "bandit" stupids, is a fade-through - there are those that share in moments of purity, but pretty readily fail compunction tests... ( this is all hilarious to me, btw).  But once in the the pith of the middle's ... this is where you'll find the type of intelligence that is bogged down with motivations that are detrimental to society.  They can be both toxic negative, and 'toxic positive' ( complex gray area).  But more obviously, it is where lurks white-collar crime for example, or any in the relative Machinations we read about and scoff.  Morality and ethics ... virtuosity are negotiable, usually in favor of a bias. These are obviously the most dangerous group ...Some 30% of all cardiac owners ( heh ).   Remove their nefarium, they actually can join the upper tier, 'capable of not being idiots.' By and larger part of their nature, this ilk of population are compelled ... some with no awareness they are even assholes.  Some that aware, but lack remorse.  Its a matter of what day of the week and/or how egregious the stench.  Usually, it's tolerable...which why Capitalism works - LOL.

The rest, the bottom of the pyramid, is where the vaster population numbers resides. This is the "57%" majority. They are codependent upon the top two sectors ( really..) to keep society's gears lubed and running...etc.  So the pyramid shape sort of coalesces out of the mental ether when thinking about it.  

Unlike Chimps and Dolphins, where intelligence is less varied from one individual to the next, humans can compose symphonies, and others cannot.  Some can solve 4th order tensor equations in an 8-dimensional manifold-reality, while other's cannot. 

That's the thing with intelligence as a "species ownership"  - they higher the order of the former, the more variance there is per capita.  As brain sophistication gets more so ... it tends to differentiate into "talents" ...interesting.  Hard to know if that is environmentally advantageous, or if it is just that the human biological brain is so sophisticated it becomes probablistically vulnerable to capacity variance.   

I also imagine a dark humorous animation, where since the ballast of idiocrasy is heavier on one side, that starts the whole thing spinning, and then perpendicular to that rotation, there is drill bit attached and it is of course pointing down [ enter drill whirring machine sound here], as it bores humanity to hell.  

I've referred to Michigan as "Militiagain" - due entirely to their earned resume.  Texas and perhaps Utah come to mind as largely rural regions where extremists tend to find limited challenges in open spaces.  Left to their own devises.  It is not intended to 'shade' rural backgrounds. It's just that unfortunately, the art in literature, song and cinema re rural zeitgeist is essentially correct. Tough shit - if we don't like it, stop doing that.  Stop communing fringe ideological "weapons research against any government for the sake of organized I hate authority," and you won't earn that unsavory distinction of being creepy.

As a Michigan born citizen ... I am embarrassed at their tendency to engender Timothy McVeigh's. Or be it that 13-person plot to kidnap and do, who-the-hell-knows-what to Governor Whitmer.  I mean, that's a lot of individuals bought into an absurdity, .. like an actual retinue. They have to be absconded away from reality by the same delusion, having [apparently] zero recognition of its ostentatious specter? it's really rather remarkable.  

There's an urban-dictionary entry ( which is like the word-waiting-room to be formally codified into the heritage versions...) called group psychosis.  Quick copy-paste looks something like, "When the mentality of one member of a group causes a group to follow suit. The behavior shown is usually anti-social, brutal and mob-like."  

It may just be my imagination, but whenever I read or hear sentences like,  "...FBI arrested 13 in conjunction with credible suspicion to commit capital crime" against a formal and representation of systemic structure ( to which an agent of high ranking government is symbolic more so than anything else to these half-wits ...) I pretty much just conclude it is group psychosis.  In fact, Jan 6 was also a mob operating on a faux reality/delusion for that matter.  

I further posit that our society has schism problem, based on a separate posit:  Telecommunication is a cultural, evolutionary force that has crossed a 'momentum threshold.'   It is an influence that is modulating inside of generation time spans.  In the last 20 years, ... I believe it is causal ( sociologically ) for the proliferation of all these cultural rest stops for the stimulation wary. Each one has it's own doctrine that then gets embolden as it picks up more and more off these lost Internet traveling loons, who by virtue of the previous model of man kind ( and benefit for mainstream), were separated from one another by the uncertain distance of the hills ..

John, I love your pyramid "scheme" (heh) it almost perfectly dovetails with my posts on the amygdala and also on some of HG Wells' seminal works on where human society will go in the future.....have you read "The Time Machine"?  The only difference is he had two different species evolving and you have three levels.  I believe you are closer to the truth as there is nuance there and unfortunately some of the bad actually are intelligent people who have a lack of empathy for whatever reason (see my posts on the human brain structure known as the amygdala and what may influence how active it is.....there may be childhood factors involved here too, not just the adult stimuli, both positive and negative, that I mentioned)....which tends people either towards empathy or psychopathy.  

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I believe technology has both positive and negative effects on brain development and society in general but we wont fully realize it until the current generation of children grow up.....for better and for worse.  I don't like the idea that developing brains get overly stimulated in perhaps negative ways as demonstrated by increased metabolism of glucose by the brain.

My conjectures on amygdala stimulation could also be a result of that, as technology can have both positive (empathic) effects as well as negative (mind numbing suppressive) effects on the amygdala....this dovetails with your ideas on group psychosis.  I listed additional stimuli too, like the accumulation of wealth and both childhood and adulthood exposure to empathic situations or the lack thereof.

I chuckled at your creation of the word "militiagan"....I made one the other day too, I call it "crapitalism" lol.


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I believe you may find this interesting.....the self organization factors that developed the human brain have much in common with the self organizational principle that created the superstructure of the universe, so this design is not a one off and may be more common than any of us ever realized.....see the following:


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I also wanted to post the links to what I saw on 60 Minutes



Taylor Energy Oil Spill: Stanching the longest-running oil spill you've likely never heard of

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan brought down a massive oil platform operated by Taylor Energy, in the Gulf of Mexico. For years, oil has been seeping into the Gulf. Jon Wertheim reports on the efforts of a Coast Guard captain and a Cajun engineer to find a solution.

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