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July pattern(s) and discussion

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30 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

Why would anyone hire someone who they think will be a problem?  I don't hire people with demonstrated ability if I don't think they will be positive addition  to my company (team).  I view the need for competency and chemistry in my hires. 

No pun intended but the issue is not black and white.  It is nuanced and we’ll have to agree to disagree.  Kapernick will go down in history as a vessel for change imho.

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13 minutes ago, weathafella said:

No pun intended but the issue is not black and white.  It is nuanced and we’ll have to agree to disagree.  Kapernick will go down in history as a vessel for change imho.

I guess it all depends how historians paint him. The sons of liberty are an integral part of America's independence but would probably be considered terrorists in our modern climate. 

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Beautiful day on the ponderosa.  Hammocks all in use.  We’re dog sitting a 2  year old golden and he’s a great companion for our old 11 year old with a torn acl.  Will probably fork over 3-5k for surgery sometime this summer.  We love our dogs!

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3 hours ago, weathafella said:

What was the value in waiting?  I’m curious.  Although admittedly I had days in the 80s while you struggled to hit 70...

Yeah, right here on the water the days were still relatively cool which would result in relatively cool enough nights even with the urban setting now allowing temp to drop much at night. The other night was too much though.

I'll admit that I was trying to hold out until we got into July for my own satisfactory record ;)

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4 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:

Didn't expect to drop into this kind of conversation here.

I once went to a justice march carrying my American flag, and while I was nervous at first about the reaction I'd get, it was the exact opposite. People were glad that the flag was present, because it symbolizes (IMO) hope and the promise that if we don't like something we have the ability to change it.

At one point, everyone suddenly stopped and began kneeling. Out of all the people there, I was one of the few that didn't. I wasn't offended that they knelt. They weren't offended that I stood. The march continued and that was that. 

I'm unapologetic about my love for this country. That's fully knowing that when colonists were fighting for their freedom they kept my ancestors were in chains and while my grandfather was fighting for his country in WWII he was in law and in practice a second class citizen contrary to our Constitution. Hell, about 15 years ago hooded klan tried to intimidate me and my family. But I can't help but look at where I am compared to where all those before me were and be grateful that through all of that our people and institutions evolved to make this country better. 

We're not where we need to be but damn it if we're not a little closer today. 

And that is what the 4th means to me lol

Exceedingly well said, as others have already stated.  What gets my goat is people who seem to spend their days searching for reasons to be offended.  Earlier today I read a story (MSNBC?  Can't recall) on the Betsy Ross flag, and within the story it was noted that ADL had classified nearly 200 symbols as racist or hatemongering, but had yet to receive a single complaint about that flag.

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2 hours ago, weathafella said:

Beautiful day on the ponderosa.  Hammocks all in use.  We’re dog sitting a 2  year old golden and he’s a great companion for our old 11 year old with a torn acl.  Will probably fork over 3-5k for surgery sometime this summer.  We love our dogs!

That Sucks! Bruin our 8 year old boxer tore his left when he was 2 and this spring his right 


2 hours ago, weathafella said:

Beautiful day on the ponderosa.  Hammocks all in use.  We’re dog sitting a 2  year old golden and he’s a great companion for our old 11 year old with a torn acl.  Will probably fork over 3-5k for surgery sometime this summer.  We love our dogs!

ughh! We are also watching my sister in laws 7 year old shepherd who also has torn her left ACL. Surgery for both soon.

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19 minutes ago, dendrite said:

Max 86.6F...not too bad


MET and MAV are 92/59 for CON tomorrow. July warmth of yore so far this month. Hot days and comfy nights in radville.

Yeah had a low of 53F last night with a lot of time in the 50s to cool off the house.  Meanwhile over in BTV they seem to barely dip below 65F these days.

Hot day today though... at least this hot:




Works our nicely based on the elevations of each station.  

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12 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Anyone who gives up their professional career to fight for justice or whatever they want to stand for is ok my book.... regardless if I agree with him or her. People tend to be short sighted and either agree/like or disagree/dislike someone because it doesn’t fit their beliefs. It’s why we are divided more than ever. Sad.


He gave up nothing. He got a huge endorsement deal from Nike and became the darling of the far left. He turned down an offer from the Niners which was the best he was going to get on the market because of the crap season he had. His girlfriend is a radical and turned him into an activist. So you can agree with his message but he's far from genuine. 

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