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July pattern(s) and discussion

Typhoon Tip

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41 minutes ago, weathafella said:

Regarding Schwoegler’s penchant to make something out of nothing....one episode sticks out to me.  There was a hurricane off the SE coast and his reasoning for why it would hit us was SE winds at MWN which was the “upper level steering”.   What a weenie...

I think Schwoegler and DIT are related.


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1 minute ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

He hates her music lol. And money and fame do not mean someone has accomplished all that much. 

That's true. 

I'm only busting anyways haha since I like Taylor Swift. 

I'm not all that crazy about her newer music though. Outside of Delicate some of her newer stuff is ehhh 

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Just now, weatherwiz said:

I can assure she probably accomplished more in the last 12 years than your friend would accomplish living a life 5 times over. 

hmm... interesting..  Depends on what one considers "accomplishment" I guess -

If the amassing of wealth and fame are the same things as accomplishing?  ...perhaps.  

I suppose when those are goals ... and one's destination lands on them, they've accomplished. In a dry, unqualified definition of the word, they accomplished their goal.   

The way you've couched this above, makes it sound like "the friend" is intrinsically unworthy of wealth and fame 'accomplishments' - what if that dude/gal is a bus driver that carts back and forth, the next Einstein that goes on to prove that yes, the speed of light is the limit velocity in the fabric of the space time continuum ...but, if divide by the semi-set and accept the plausibility of a 5th dimension sharing reality, we can get around that and go faster ... Effectively changing the course of human evolution with technologies more profound than we could ever currently quantize ...let alone fathom. ... and so and so on...  

If that person didn't drive that bus... that kid couldn't afford to go to school.  

I mean, what else has Taylor Swift done -from what I gather on Wiki' and the like, she's primarily a singer of songs centered around her personal life.  Okay - but she's no hero. 

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2 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Big difference of temps at dinner a few miles up the GSP with trees and grass compared to the short term parking lot at the airport. It felt like a good 5 degree swing. 

Probably was.  I routinely lose 5 degrees from work to home...3 miles from concrete to wooded.

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Just now, Typhoon Tip said:

hmm... interesting..  Depends on what one considers "accomplishment" I guess -

If the amassing of wealth and fame are the same things as accomplishing?  ...perhaps.  

I suppose when those are goals ... and one's destination lands on them, they've accomplished. In a dry, unqualified definition of the word, they accomplished their goal.   

The way you've couched this above, makes it sound like "the friend" is intrinsically unworthy of wealth and fame 'accomplishments' - what if that dude/gal is a bus driver that carts back and forth, the next Einstein that goes on to prove that yes, the speed of light is the limit velocity in the fabric of the space time continuum ...but, if divide by the semi-set and accept the plausibility of a 5th dimension sharing reality, we can get around that and go faster ... Effectively changing the course of human evolution with technologies more profound than we could ever currently quantize ...let alone fathom. ... and so and so on...  

If that person didn't drive that bus... that kid couldn't afford to go to school.  

I mean, what else has Taylor Swift done -from what I gather on Wiki' and the like, she's primarily a singer of songs centered around her personal life.  Okay - but she's no hero. 

bad songs at that lol


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1 hour ago, weathafella said:

Regarding Schwoegler’s penchant to make something out of nothing....one episode sticks out to me.  There was a hurricane off the SE coast and his reasoning for why it would hit us was SE winds at MWN which was the “upper level steering”.   What a weenie...


It's kind of like he was born in the wrong era ... He would have a celebrated hero the day after September 9, 1938 if he'd had that observational insight.   

He did have that tendency to conjure visions of dystopia from innocuous observational components.  Ha ha.  funny way to put that - maybe James shares a gene. 

I liked his enthusiasm for that sort of thing though...

I mean, if you were an on-camera Met around Miami ... hell, Phoenix AZ - ...?  wow.   Here's your 7 day:  103/81 103/81 103/81 103/81 103/81 ... revelation! 102/83 103/81   .. 

Schwag' brought sort of "Inquirer" versions to otherwise dull scenarios.

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15 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

bad songs at that lol


I like the production/engineering actually in this current pop she's got ...something, 'you gotta calm down' I think.  Not particularly clever in the words ..but it's an interesting social commentary on how we've become a society of too much access to pulpits ...and that everyone's forgotten the old adage, " O-pinions are like assholes: we all got 'em, they all stink"  ... and that stink is actually becoming damaging - although she keeps it light.   Anyway, back beat and base are layered with a slick groove there ...

Other than that ...I don't have much interest.. 

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6 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:


It's kind of like he was born in the wrong era ... He would have a celebrated hero the day after September 9, 1938 if he'd had that observational insight.   

He did have that tendency to conjure visions of dystopia from innocuous observational components.  Ha ha.  funny way to put that - maybe James shares a gene. 

I liked his enthusiasm for that sort of thing though...

I mean, if you were an on-camera Met around Miami ... hell, Phoenix AZ - ...?  wow.   Here's your 7 day:  103/81 103/81 103/81 103/81 103/81 ... revelation! 102/83 103/81   ..   

Remember that Steve Martin movie (LA Story?) where he was a TV met and put up the extended despite the fact that he was going away on vacation....lol.

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1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

This is when you see folks true colors...not when they have to be nice. It’s when they don’t have to be, who are they really?

Although he may have had a bad meal and was grunting at his backdoor flaring up. You just never know, so I tend to give people a free pass until proven otherwise. 

I have no issue with him and follow on twitter. It was here in PSM. I had just left a nice anniversary lunch with the wife and kids and he was coming up the street with his wife. I think they were just up for the day. But, yeah. maybe his lunch wasn't as enjoyable. ;)

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2 minutes ago, Spanks45 said:

84.6/67 right now, hardly a cloud in the sky...borderline hot right now

I was thinking last night of staying in Branford tonight at a hotel since I think there is a better shot down here. But I have to do laundry and won’t be able to any other day this week...except Thursday maybe 

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3 hours ago, dendrite said:

What's the POR of these stations breaking mins? If a station started in the 1950s or 60s there will be more mins broken. (a site like JFK)

Those shorter PORs would also miss out on all the heat records of the 1930s.  Nearly half (24) of state's all time hottest days came in that decade; no other decade notched more than 5.  (My numbers are dated somewhat, so any state records since about 2012 aren't included.)

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