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2019 Mid Atlantic Lawn, Garden, Pool, etc. Thread

Eskimo Joe

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14 hours ago, Eskimo Joe said:

Guess it's time for fall seeding and aeration?

Upcoming time period might possibly be the best in recent memory to over seed cool season lawns in this area .

Diminishing competition from weeds, lowering dew point with reduced disease risk,  combined with ideal decreasing soil temps.

Target for fescue and other cool season grass seeds are soil temps between 50 and 65 degrees F. , and your corresponding air temps between 60 and 75 degrees F. 

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28 minutes ago, frd said:

Upcoming time period might possibly be the best in recent memory to over seed cool season lawns in this area .

Diminishing competition from weeds, lowering dew point with reduced disease risk,  combined with ideal decreasing soil temps.

Target for fescue and other cool season grass seeds are soil temps between 50 and 65 degrees F. , and your corresponding air temps between 60 and 75 degrees F. 

Cool. We're ripping out two garden beds that are just not successful and going to flatten out and seed with grass this weekend then.

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Would have preferred to wait a few more weeks to put the plastic on.  Point and click has a low of 38 the next several nights...which means 34/35 in this valley with prime evap cooling.  Seedlings are just sprouting and dont want to risk it. Cool/cold hardy plants but they are just poking up....



And here is a random pic of a squirrel swimming across the river yesterday.  200+ yard swim from the other side.  In all my years fishing I have yet to see a squirrel swimming in the river....until yesterday.  I'll consider this a sign of a very harsh winter on the way!  He made it to the bank and scampered up a tree like he wasnt even winded...lucky he didnt get snagged by a muskie while on his journey. 


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On 8/16/2020 at 8:25 AM, CAPE said:

A week later it looks like this. I am working generally right to left. That area of clover in front of the fire pit I am going to leave until later, then I will mow it super low.chop up the soil and loosen it with a shovel, seed it, and let the remnant clover contribute to feeding. I am working on the back side of the fire pit area now, then I will go left(out of the photo) and come forward, and hit that larger clover area last. Its keeping some green there for now lol.


It has been a protracted process, but pretty much going according to plan. Still plenty of clover mixed in, but hey, its green, and it loves to grow here, so I wont complain. You can see the most recently seeded areas, just greening up now. Mostly in front of the fire pit area, which was all clover before.


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