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June 2019 Discussion


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3 minutes ago, MetHerb said:

He doesn't cool off there though.  He's on a hill top.  I'm often in the 50s and he's near 70 lol

And he has high temps closer to ORH during the day with a decent breeze even on most nights.

Tolland STEM, below him, is 85/55 right now. It's 85 here, 86/57 at LCI, and 87/56 at CON.

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3 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:

Just this morning I had to disassemble my window unit for a deep cleaning after it started smelling musty. Drip pan was clogged with decomposing pine needles and filled with water... yuck. But now clean as a whistle, and I can say I've installed twice in one summer.

What a summer! Congrats 

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well...all fun and games aside, it's hot here at mi casa -

91 appears to be the concensus/mean of Davis' within a couple three miles and judging by ambles around the yard and such, ...that's probably nuts on.  normally i'm kickin' it in a typical env-controlled office, but working from home on friday's ...figures it would time for the first 90 of the year.  basically ... it's hammock drowsy hot...   it's making me wanna take a nappy wappy

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1 hour ago, Juliancolton said:

Just this morning I had to disassemble my window unit for a deep cleaning after it started smelling musty. Drip pan was clogged with decomposing pine needles and filled with water... yuck. But now clean as a whistle, and I can say I've installed twice in one summer.

wanna hear sumpin' funny ...?

about eight years ago ... mm hm, eight, i installed in the bedroom upstairs.  here's the thing, i never 'UN'installed in any of the intervening autumns or winters.  left the unit in there.  why?  ...oh, the conceit of being a meteorologist of course. 

yes...that's right... i know better than the average shnook how to manage warm vs cool air - i'll show 'em.   i mean, with warm air always ...always... always, perpetually exerting a buoyancy force pointed up, there's really no reason to remove a top-floor a.c. unit, because the pressure is always squeezing the atmosphere through the window - such that drafting doesn't really happen appreciably enough to matter.  

this was true... worked like a charm. year after year, including the cryo bomb years of 2013 -2015, i almost never felt even cool air coming through or around the a.c. unit.  ...ah yes.  benefits of a classical education... 


because.... one afternoon last august, ...i noted that the a.c. was sagging slightly as it was housed in the window.  upon noticing...i also noticed a nasty hornet's nest filled with eggs and yellow-black striped migs with their big creepy compound eyes focused on me from the other side of the glass.  as i moved my head back and forth... they shifted slightly...following my ever move with the precision of a high-grade military LIDAR installation... stingers cocked and ready and all.. it was like, 'red alert, red alert! he's found us'

so as i stood there ... studying how to pest control out of that situation without a double-session with an epi-pen ...it occurred to me with a temple scratch, 'how the f* are they getting inside the glass in the first place. oh. right. must be the sag -'  the unit was sagging on one side, and they were entering and egress through the gap to the outside that allowed on the one side that sloped down from the exterior storm window pane. 

very carefully, real, real slowly... i managed removed the a.c. unit. the migs did several recon flights inside the gap of the windows  ...but, turns out, they're morons with tiny insect brains. because they didn't understand how to come around the other side to sortie me.  phew!  unfortunately however, this all revealed that the entire bottom of the window frame was gone! 

rot obliterated...it had fallen into the bowls of the wall...exposing the interior.  and...the rot was starting to eat its way up the side frame pieces, too.  

you know that feeling when you turn white?  like when you're a kid and a car honks, and you realize simultaneously that you are in the road and almost got hit ?

1,200 ... $ that's what it cost to learn that lesson that leaving a.c. units in an improperly housed window install.. can lead to a costly restoration.  the condensation off the unit was pooling in the bottom of the window frame...and, because this house's upstairs windows were still circa 1969 standard storm and glaze ... there was no drainage channel ..so the water just ate everything.  they had to get a raised platform outside of the house and replace some of the wall pieces ... which is why it cost that much... 

but hey, new window with a standard run-out drain... and it's all product that can't rot.  what i really need to do is pony up 2,500 and do all the windows and update this bitch. jesus

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16 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

wanna hear sumpin' funny ...?

about eight years ago ... mm hm, eight, i installed in the bedroom upstairs.  here's the thing, i never 'UN'installed in any of the intervening autumns or winters.  left the unit in there.  why?  ...oh, the conceit of being a meteorologist of course. 

yes...that's right... i know better than the average shnook how to manage warm vs cool air - i'll show 'em.   i mean, with warm air always ...always... always, perpetually exerting a buoyancy force pointed up, there's really no reason to remove a top-floor a.c. unit, because the pressure is always squeezing the atmosphere through the window - such that drafting doesn't really happen appreciably enough to matter.  

this was true... worked like a charm. year after year, including the cryo bomb years of 2013 -2015, i almost never felt even cool air coming through or around the a.c. unit.  ...ah yes.  benefits of a classical education... 


because.... one afternoon last august, ...i noted that the a.c. was sagging slightly as it was housed in the window.  upon noticing...i also noticed a nasty hornet's nest filled with eggs and yellow-black striped migs with their big creepy compound eyes focused on me from the other side of the glass.  as i moved my head back and forth... they shifted slightly...following my ever move with the precision of a high-grade military LIDAR installation... stingers cocked and ready and all.. it was like, 'red alert, red alert! he's found us'

so as i stood there ... studying how to pest control out of that situation without a double-session with an epi-pen ...it occurred to me with a temple scratch, 'how the f* are they getting inside the glass in the first place. oh. right. must be the sag -'  the unit was sagging on one side, and they were entering and egress through the gap to the outside that allowed on the one side that sloped down from the exterior storm window pane. 

very carefully, real, real slowly... i managed removed the a.c. unit. the migs did several recon flights inside the gap of the windows  ...but, turns out, they're morons with tiny insect brains. because they didn't understand how to come around the other side to do have at me.  phew!  unfortunately however, this all revealed that the entire bottom of the window frame was gone! 

rot obliterated...it had fallen into the bowls of the wall...exposing the interior.  and...the rot was starting to eat its way up the side frame pieces, too.  

you know that feeling when you turn white?  like when you're a kid and a car honks, and you realize simultaneously that you are in the road and almost got hit ?

1,200 ... $ that's what it cost to learn that lesson that leaving a.c. units in an improperly housed window install.. can lead to a costly restoration.  the condensation off the unit was pooling in the bottom of the window frame...and, because this house's upstairs windows were still circa 1969 standard storm and glaze ... there was no drainage channel ..so the water just ate everything.  they had to get a raised platform outside of the house and replace some of the wall pieces ... which is why it cost that much... 

but hey, new window with a standard run-out drain... and it's all product that can't rot.  what i really need to do is pony up 2,500 and do all the windows and update this bitch. jesus

I actually read this all the way thru.

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