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June 2019 Discussion


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5 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Suns out, tan time commences, garden work, play with the dogs, then we pool with tunes blasting, some Netflix under the deck umbrella,  some grillin, some poolin rinse repeat. I could not wait to retire, people said you will be bored, um no. 

I never understood that thought process of you will be bored either. I can think of many things to do with my free time. My goal is to retire early, at like 55, if all goes to plan. Yea....give me golf, skiing, and just hanging out on my deck puffing, grilling....over this. My dad died relatively young he couldn’t retire properly, just give me 10 great years and 5 good ones.

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2 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

I never understood that thought process of you will be bored either. I can think of many things to do with my free time. My goal is to retire early, at like 55, if all goes to plan. Yea....give me golf, skiing, and just hanging out on my deck puffing, grilling....over this. My dad died relatively young he couldn’t retire properly, just give me 10 great years and 5 good ones.

I know a lot of retirees-including many work colleagues now retired.  You ask “how’s retirement?”  No one complains.  I’m out the second the last tuition check is written and more likely before.  I’d pick a date in late winter and drive down to spring training-stay until they break camp.  Been a lifelong goal.  Then I’d do all the things I don’t have time to do.  Most importantly, I’d get enough sleep during the week.  Hopefully my body will allow hiking, snow shoeing, and reading.

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38 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Anyone surprised JB uses the worst Tornado in Mass history as an analog. Go big or go home.

that's just absolutely ridiculous....did he really say that tornado specifically?

I didn't see his post, but I saw reference to it. Someone had said that he was referencing June of 53 and the weenies took that out of context. 

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32 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Suns out, tan time commences, garden work, play with the dogs, then we pool with tunes blasting, some Netflix under the deck umbrella,  some grillin, some poolin rinse repeat. I could not wait to retire, people said you will be bored, um no. 

Glad your enjoying retired life bud, I'm going 3 more years.

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42 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

JB over the years employs 'shock-jock' strategy to gain a followship via mass-media circuits. 

Basic strategy that is exquisitely proficient in generating a reactionary-based following ... plying a society of minds too addled by conveniences and/or distracted by bombarding information stimulous...to think critically about said information that attempts to stimulate.  Simply put ...we live in an era where it is easy to woo large segments of masses, and the Internet is a perfect means for which to reach a lot of them all at once. 

In fact, the Trump social-engineering campaign machine actually tapped JB on the should prior to 2016, for his checklist on how to use awe and mid brain primal fears to woo the "shimmering gallery of mediocrity" that really is our best deserving accolade as a peoples... those who also by democratic process gets to determine the "best"course of action in all scenarios. I love it  

Didn't ya'll know that?  

Seriously, he says that... 55% ( or so...) of people don't filter that objectively, ...they click and follow him,... he gets rich .. or earns a living anyway.  Not complicated.  We then have to field posts in here that resent his Tweets for twits antics... rinse repeat over and over and over again.  He'll always win in this culture with his tactic... best you can do? Ignore it- period.

While I agree with much of what you state here, this mass hysteria, listen to me /vote for me or else mass Social Media outreach was weaponized by the Obama campaign in 2008 to get him elected. Realizing it's effectiveness, other's have attempted to emulate it since. Back to the pool on this summery, somewhat humid morning.... 

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48 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

that's just absolutely ridiculous....did he really say that tornado specifically?

I didn't see his post, but I saw reference to it. Someone had said that he was referencing June of 53 and the weenies took that out of context. 

I don’t subscribe to Weatherbell, so I couldn’t read his blog post about it.

He was specifically mentioning 6/9/53 in the tweet but I’m not sure of his reasoning. 

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1 minute ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

I don’t subscribe to Weatherbell, so I couldn’t read his blog post about it.

He was specifically mentioning 6/9/53 in the tweet but I’m not sure of his reasoning. 


Perhaps the synoptic pattern is similar and that's what he meant and the weenies just took that as correlating to a tornado outbreak lol. 


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34 minutes ago, West Mtn NY said:

While I agree with much of what you state here, this mass hysteria, listen to me /vote for me or else mass Social Media outreach was weaponized by the Obama campaign in 2008 to get him elected. Realizing it's effectiveness, other's have attempted to emulate it since. Back to the pool on this summery, somewhat humid morning.... 

Took the bate, didn't cha ?  

Trump may be benefiting from an Obama tactic, or not ... , who knows. I would rather jam an ice-pick through my eye-sockets than engage in political vitriol with strangers on social media... Nothing anyone says about their tenets will convince others in a face-less medium of hide-and-go seek intents and purposes, so to do so could not be a bigger act in utter futility.. 

I was just ribbing Trumpsters... 

The point I was making, is a society of numb-nuts has been created, and it seems easier to ply that lack of critical thinking ability, overall, in any agenda that requires or wants to gain a following.  I sense that JB either does that knowingly, or is just happened to stumble into a favorable time in history where he can use sensationalism tactics to gain his - 

Nothing else. 

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2 hours ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

How's it looking up North?  I have a wedding to go to at Sunday River on Saturday.  Found a cool AirBnB to stay at in Bethel off of Flat Rd.

P&C forecast for Bethel, from the GYX site:

Showers likely, mainly after 7am. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 74. Calm wind becoming west around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%.


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Here is something I've never fully understood (although I am not sure why...probably overthinking) but it has to do with wave patterns...I see this mentioned quite a bit on twitter from guys like HM and Mike Ventrice...they'll say like wavenumber pattern 2 or 1 or 3...is that just referring to how many I guess trough axis are occurring within the hemispheric flow? 

anyways...isn't it a bit unusual to see so many troughs within the hemispheric configuration this time of year? That configuration across the far north latitudes with the omega block is quite interesting too. That's extensive ridging from the GoA to Santa's fanny 


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1 hour ago, West Mtn NY said:

While I agree with much of what you state here, this mass hysteria, listen to me /vote for me or else mass Social Media outreach was weaponized by the Obama campaign in 2008 to get him elected. Realizing it's effectiveness, other's have attempted to emulate it since. Back to the pool on this summery, somewhat humid morning.... 

I think the everlasting campaigning and accompanying crisis-panic tactics began in the Clinton administration, possibly beginning with (or at least triggered by) Newt's Contract With America, but coming to full flower after the 1994 midterms as left-of-the-aisle PACs went berserk trying to undo that election.  (Worked in Maine, where probably the last non-Democrat Representative ever for the 1st district, James Longley, Jr., was voted out in '96 for doing exactly what he pledged to do 2 years earlier.)

Still haven't installed here.

Probably time for me to haul the fan up from the cellar.
Still cloudy 60s in Augusta, after yesterday's illustration of what late June sun can do.  My high under the clouds was 62 while BML, about 50 miles west, reached 84.

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1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

I never understood that thought process of you will be bored either. I can think of many things to do with my free time. My goal is to retire early, at like 55, if all goes to plan. Yea....give me golf, skiing, and just hanging out on my deck puffing, grilling....over this. My dad died relatively young he couldn’t retire properly, just give me 10 great years and 5 good ones.

I totally thought of my Dad when I said fuk it and did the deed. Being pretty screwed up bones wise just helped me pull the trigger.  In 6 months number of times I have been bored from not being busy, enjoying my life....0

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