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June 2019 Discussion


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21 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

I seem to remember reading on here that a -NAO doesn’t have much effect on NE wx in the summer months? IE, can still be warm and humid.. Tip maybe can expound on this?

Speaking of the NAO there is this project I've always wanted to work on but I am just not smart enough math wise to do it...and not entirely sure how to go about it.

I understand at the end of the day the structure and placement of the anomalies are more important than the raw number but...

I am not a huge fan of just a monthly average value. I would like to construct like bi-weekly values. The CPC does have daily values available for the NAO, AO, PNA, and maybe others...now you would think it would be as simple as just taking like two weeks worth of values, adding them up, and then dividing by 14...but I don't think it works like that. If you take the monthly daily values, add up, and then divide by how many days are in that month you don't get a value which equals the monthly value. 


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15 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

Speaking of the NAO there is this project I've always wanted to work on but I am just not smart enough math wise to do it...and not entirely sure how to go about it.

I understand at the end of the day the structure and placement of the anomalies are more important than the raw number  is the entire everything and nothing else matters.. but...

I am not a huge fan of just a monthly average value. I would like to construct like bi-weekly values. The CPC does have daily values available for the NAO, AO, PNA, and maybe others...now you would think it would be as simple as just taking like two weeks worth of values, adding them up, and then dividing by 14...but I don't think it works like that. If you take the monthly daily values, add up, and then divide by how many days are in that month you don't get a value which equals the monthly value. 


A little snark crossin' ya out like that, perhaps ... but it's really true. 

Numbers don't mean shit... They only "suggest"  ... you have to then observe the mass-field distribution and just think of it this way...  We've identified in the past, western versus eastern limbed  anomaly distribution and what they mean for 'forcing' pattern constructs here ...  Not just in the parlance of on-line weather-related social media but all the way up to officiate offices too...   

And all that is true for all domain spaces, for that matter...  -(+) EPO's out near the the western region of that domain space can make a world of difference where the cold loading into N/A takes place...for example...  etc...etc..

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3 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

Proper edit haha...and speaking of that...that is where knowing how to computer program is awesome b/c then you can just create plots. I'm going to try super hard to learn Python 

I added some notes to that ... ( I inadvertently posted before finishing typing )

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5 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

A little snark crossin' ya out like that, perhaps ... but it's really true. 

Numbers don't mean shit... They only "suggest"  ... you have to then observe the mass-field distribution and just think of it this way...  We've identified in the past, western versus eastern limbed  anomaly distribution and what they mean for 'forcing' pattern constructs here ...  Not just in the parlance of on-line weather-related social media but all the way up to officiate offices too...   

And all that is true for all domain spaces, for that matter...  -(+) EPO's out near the the western region of that domain space can make a world of difference where the cold loading into N/A takes place...for example...  etc...etc..

For the bolded...no snark at all...it's incredibly true. 

We have heavily seen how the placement and structure of the anomaly centers matter more than anything else. This is even true for ENSO...it's more than just La Nina and EL Nino. 

What I like to do sometimes is throw up 500 height anomalies for like negative NAO winters and then look at each one (I'll do like the top 10 strongest episode so you can see the signal clearer) and you can see exactly how the placement of the anomaly dictates things...you can sort of visualize what the pattern would look like if the anomaly was displaced elsewhere. 

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18 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

For the bolded...no snark at all...it's incredibly true. 

We have heavily seen how the placement and structure of the anomaly centers matter more than anything else. This is even true for ENSO...it's more than just La Nina and EL Nino. 

What I like to do sometimes is throw up 500 height anomalies for like negative NAO winters and then look at each one (I'll do like the top 10 strongest episode so you can see the signal clearer) and you can see exactly how the placement of the anomaly dictates things...you can sort of visualize what the pattern would look like if the anomaly was displaced elsewhere. 

Right ...adding, "moving" anomaly "nodes" around ... that's what creates weather...  

well, at a fundamental level, differential heating along a curved surface does, but you get what I mean.    If the NAO is an east limb variation, and then the anomaly starts retrograding toward a west one, that in its self can create winter storm track changes that effect the latitude where they move off eastern N/A ...etc.. 

I like to look at the changing numerical values of the teleconnectors combined with the observations of mass-field distribution ... ( just mean where the ridges and troughs are migrating...)    

This is actually a good point and time to point out why a -NAO may not mean as much for our temperature biases over the next week.   Kevin was asking earlier... 

Firstly, the mean R-wave length in the summer is difficult at times to ascertain ..because they are more amorphously structured in the summer/warm season months...  That said, what are identifiable, they tend to be shorter in wave-length.  Well... consider that logically:  the correlations to the pattern have to thus be different compared to winter, when the coherency of the wave spacing/structures is much clearer, ...and, longer.   Thus, a -NAO wester limb blocking is not really the same in June as it is at Christmas... I mean, I should say "doesnt' tend to be"  

But, this particular week coming up... the Euro's deep lower Maritime gyre doesn't have a very strong over -arcing high height block ... But, because that gyre is so deep, the total anomaly is pulling the -NAO very deep... But that is a situation where the raw -NAO numbers kind of  lie ( for lack of better word ) about it's ability to keep our region very cool.  In fact, the Euro has 12 C or warmer 850 mb temperatures from D4.5 to almost the end of the run. If the wind stays offshore and it's sunny... it will get into the 80s assuming that sort of scenario verified.. 


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may very well be a temperate summer ... then we get that one mandatory four days of 94 to 96 to make up for it circa Sep 1 through the 10th before we cave toward a blocking early October that gins up lots of good feelings for a winter just before it all rolls-back into a no show  :axe:  

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3 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

may very well be a temperate summer ... then we get that one mandatory four days of 94 to 96 to make up for Sep 1 through the 10th before we cave toward a blocking early October and lots of good feelings for a winter that rolls-back into a no show  :axe:  

Tip you managed to ruin a certain someone's summer and winter all in 1 sentence …..good work!

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14 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

Tip you managed to ruin a certain someone's summer and winter all in 1 sentence …..good work!

Hey ...don't blame the realist ...much less the messenger - 

I bet if you put 100 winters on graph that has a y-axis = licking donkey balls ... 0 being no balls ... 10 a full bj ... > 50 of them are in the 6 or 7 range.   It's one of the reasons why I'm usually mailin' it in around the 10th of March and start looking forward to 66 days of mist instead ... because by that point in time, I don't know which is worse - the bj or the north atlantic prison scene.  

But yeah...that was my goal..  

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2 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

Hey ...don't blame the realist ...much less the messenger - 

I bet if you put 100 winters on graph that has a y-axis = licking donkey balls ... 0 being no balls ... 10 a full bj ... > 50 of them are in the 6 or 7 range.   It's one of the reasons why I'm usually mailin' it in around the 10th of March and start looking forward to 66 days of mist instead ... because by that point in time, I don't know which is worse - the bj or the north atlantic prison scene.  

But yeah...that was my goal..  

He was planning on a cold , wet summer , so your mention of a slightly warmer than normal summer did not sit well . These cold , wet summer freaks are just mind bogglers

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2 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

He was planning on a cold , wet summer , so your mention of a slightly warmer than normal summer did not sit well . These cold , wet summer freaks are just mind bogglers

Find where I posted that....lol As usual made up jr high stuff. 


 And I meant he ruined YOUR summer and Winter all in one sentence!! 

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I got a question for all you Davis and/or what-have-you home weather station techies: 

what do you do about officiate calibration ?   

I'm not asking to impugn anyone's data, but... take last June 30 through the 5th of July... there was a 93-96 sort of heat wave ... during which most of the Davis' on Wunder' were consummately higher than any of the 4 major NWS climo ... by hourly and on the 2s...  In fact, any station on the site that was equal to NWS were outliers relative to Wunder's site.  

I'm wondering why that is.  It seems logical to assume that the technology its self is not designed to be 3 to 5 F warmer in DP than the NWS calibration technique so... I'm not sure it's a station placement issue or what's up with that. 

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2 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

I got a question for all you Davis and/or what-have-you home weather station techies: 

what do you do about officiate calibration ?   

I'm not asking to impugn anyone's data, but... take last June 30 through the 5th of July... there was a 93-96 sort of heat wave ... during which most of the Davis' on Wunder' were consummately higher than any of the 4 major NWS climo ... by hourly and on the 2s...  In fact, any station on the site that was equal to NWS were outliers relative to Wunder's site.  

I'm wondering why that is.  It seems logical to assume that the technology its self is not designed to be 3 to 5 F warmer in DP than the NWS calibration technique so... I'm not sure it's a station placement issue or what's up with that. 

That's a question better suited for others. I use a FARS and also a siting that avoids too much radiation. The solar input is mostly early in the day. Not sure of the latest and greatest with the tech stuff anymore, but the fars (in working order heh) improves accuracy to some end.

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