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Heavy heavy lawn thread 2019

Damage In Tolland

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I'm not an expert on weeds, but looks like a couple of different ones there? The ones that look more like a seedling (not the stringy running thing) looks like something I get in the torch spots of my yard near the house. By early summer they start to get very woody with their stems. They're easy to completely pull out at that point after a rainfall, but you risk them going to seed. Maybe it's something different though. Do you have a lot of it or just that patch? Looks like a lot of that would pull out easily right now.

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7 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Rip it out old school and apply a Homemade mixture of white vinegar, salt, and lemon juice to the area.


6 minutes ago, dendrite said:

I'm not an expert on weeds, but looks like a couple of different ones there? The ones that look more like a seedling (not the stringy running thing) looks like something I get in the torch spots of my yard near the house. By early summer they start to get very woody with their stems. They're easy to completely pull out at that point after a rainfall, but you risk them going to seed. Maybe it's something different though. Do you have a lot of it or just that patch? Looks like a lot of that would pull out easily right now.

Thanks guys. 

It's a pretty big patch of it, primarily on the strip between the sidewalk and the road (do those strips have a name??).  What's kind of crazy is that 1/2 the strip is lush grass and then it turns to this.  There's a tree that serves as the dividing line so I'm inclined to think they did something intentional.

Meanwhile, from the ornery-complainer department.....why don't they make a simple gas can any more?  Is there really such a demand for new spout designs?  The one I bought (only option as far as I could tell) totally sucks.  Dripping gas everywhere.

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4 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:


Meanwhile, from the ornery-complainer department.....why don't they make a simple gas can any more?  Is there really such a demand for new spout designs?  The one I bought (only option as far as I could tell) totally sucks.  Dripping gas everywhere.

Try Craigslist?

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Most trees are beginning to leaf out. The maples and oaks are in the very early stages, but the beech, willow, aspen, and birch are well ahead. Of my 5 chestnuts, only 1 looks healthy. Of the 4 shaky ones, 1 is definitely dead, 2 show some life to them but the buds aren't swelling, and 1 is leafing out but has a canker around half of the stem which will probably choke off the upper portion of the sapling at some point.

Definitely need to mow, but everything is waterlogged.

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2 minutes ago, dendrite said:

Most trees are beginning to leaf out. The maples and oaks are in the very early stages, but the beech, willow, aspen, and birch are well ahead. Of my 5 chestnuts, only 1 looks healthy. Of the 4 shaky ones, 1 is definitely dead, 2 show some life to them but the buds aren't swelling, and 1 is leafing out but has a canker around half of the stem which will probably choke off the upper portion of the sapling at some point.

Definitely need to mow, but everything is waterlogged.

What happened to the chestnuts?

The dry airmass, breeze, and sun might give you enough drying to mow this afternoon.  Rain was total bust here yesterday/last night, only .04".  I'll be firing up the mower shortly.

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1 minute ago, moneypitmike said:

What happened to the chestnuts?

The dry airmass, breeze, and sun might give you enough drying to mow this afternoon.  Rain was total bust here yesterday/last night, only .04".  I'll be firing up the mower shortly.

The same thing that happened to 4 billion of them a century ago. ;)

The wet, mank spring didn't help. I planted them late last summer so they've been battling a lot of moisture. The root systems are pretty tough though...they'll probably throw up new growth later in the warm season.

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33 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:


Thanks guys. 

It's a pretty big patch of it, primarily on the strip between the sidewalk and the road (do those strips have a name??).  What's kind of crazy is that 1/2 the strip is lush grass and then it turns to this.  There's a tree that serves as the dividing line so I'm inclined to think they did something intentional.

Meanwhile, from the ornery-complainer department.....why don't they make a simple gas can any more?  Is there really such a demand for new spout designs?  The one I bought (only option as far as I could tell) totally sucks.  Dripping gas everywhere.

Welcome to the regulated world of gas cans. they are designed to prevent you from catching on fire from spilled gas. and they suck

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You’d be surprised. Some of my phlox hasn’t bloomed yet. I’m not sure why, maybe all the water. And yes, that does look like phlox to me. But that’s unlikely to just pop up somewhere unless it’s planted somewhere else. 

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1 hour ago, dendrite said:

The same thing that happened to 4 billion of them a century ago. ;)

The wet, mank spring didn't help. I planted them late last summer so they've been battling a lot of moisture. The root systems are pretty tough though...they'll probably throw up new growth later in the warm season.

I've read that oaks can harbor the chestnut blight fungus without taking damage; hence the inoculum remains in the forest waiting for its real food.

Tough roots for sure!  On the state lot (gifted by Gov. Baxter's nephew in 1969) near Merrymeeting Bay in Topsham, there are several American chestnuts.  A white pine plantation was established in 1959 on 15 acres that earlier had been a market garden for about 20 years.  We thinned the plantation early in 1989, and that fall I saw a 5' tall American chestnut growing in a skid trail.  After 50 years (at least) under a plow layer, the roots still had sufficient vigor to sprout 5 feet in one growing season.  22 years later the tree was 11" diameter and over 50 feet tall, but now it's been blighted - dead above 15' and soon down to the root collar as well.  :thumbsdown:

Welcome to the regulated world of gas cans. they are designed to prevent you from catching on fire from spilled gas. and they suck

And the irony is that I've spilled far more gas using the crummy thing that I ever did with the old "unsafe" ones.  They're evidently designed so that one needs to employ both hands to use them (unless one unscrews the entire spout, which I'm tempted to do.)

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2 hours ago, moneypitmike said:


Luke--will this approach keep grass from growing where I put the vinegar stuff down?  I want to put grass there and I don't wand a "Round-up" situation.

Yea, it would. I use this mixture for patios, walkways, and the decorative rock bed to prevent anything from growing. So for your needs, you may have to just rip it out and fix the soil before grass seeding it?

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3 hours ago, mostman said:

You’d be surprised. Some of my phlox hasn’t bloomed yet. I’m not sure why, maybe all the water. And yes, that does look like phlox to me. But that’s unlikely to just pop up somewhere unless it’s planted somewhere else. 

It might be that the former owners planted it.  It's a shame--the other half of that strip is beautiful thick grass.

Anyway--here's my first pic of the year.  Trust me that it looks better live and up close than it does in the photo.



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1 hour ago, moneypitmike said:

It might be that the former owners planted it.  It's a shame--the other half of that strip is beautiful thick grass.

Anyway--here's my first pic of the year.  Trust me that it looks better live and up close than it does in the photo.



Looks great man. Grab a cold one and stare at it 

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Was going to get my third mow in today, but there's a hive of honey bees that decided to take up residence in one of my bushes and it's a bit hairy out there atm. Must be 30-40k of them bearded on it. That said, a gorgeous day. Maples are fully leafed out, bursts of color all over the place.

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45 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

Looks great man. Grab a cold one and stare at it 


45 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

First cut of season is the deepest.


Thanks.  Doesn't compare to Chez Tolland!!

Wait to you see the backyard disaster.......as bad as one could likely imagine.  I'll have to wait for my wife to be around to help with the picutres--you'll need to have a person in the picture to recognize the scale of the disaster it is.

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33 minutes ago, Hoth said:

Was going to get my third mow in today, but there's a hive of honey bees that decided to take up residence in one of my bushes and it's a bit hairy out there atm. Must be 30-40k of them bearded on it. That said, a gorgeous day. Maples are fully leafed out, bursts of color all over the place.

Yikes.....do you have any apple trees need pollinating? 

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Was going to get my third mow in today, but there's a hive of honey bees that decided to take up residence in one of my bushes and it's a bit hairy out there atm. Must be 30-40k of them bearded on it. That said, a gorgeous day. Maples are fully leafed out, bursts of color all over the place.
Take a chance. What could go wrong


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26 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

Yikes.....do you have any apple trees need pollinating? 

I have three hives in my yard that a neighbor maintains (in exchange I get damn good honey from time to time), so pollination is not an issue lol. This is apparently the result of a hive splitting, but my neighbor isn't at home to capture the swarm. The bees seem to have calmed down, but it's a big beard and I have no interest in pissing them off by mowing nearby. We'll wait and live to mow another day haha.

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