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Global warming spike


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Many countries are already affected by the climate change.

Extreme heat and unconditional weather.

I'm not really in the position to complain but instead of spending billions of cash just to take a picture of other planets why not focus more on the planet that we have now.


Climate Change May Have Claimed A Significant Victim – The Barents Sea

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I firmly believe we need to take drastic steps towards preventing climate change but allocating funds away from space exploration is not the answer. We need to start reaching out into space ASAP as should worse come to worst our civilization can live on outside the bounds of our planets atmosphere.

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On 7/6/2018 at 11:25 PM, sophiewilson0191 said:

Many countries are already affected by the climate change.

Extreme heat and unconditional weather.

I'm not really in the position to complain but instead of spending billions of cash just to take a picture of other planets why not focus more on the planet that we have now.


Climate Change May Have Claimed A Significant Victim – The Barents Sea

It's an interesting question... how much 'big economics' plays a role in the non-sustainability of human existence in the present era -majority masses ... one that takes a leap of philosophy ( I think..). 

Money is an illusion?   It only has value because humanity chooses to assign value to it... Trying to explain this to my friends who cultivate their living via the economic sphere of industry is down right comical - draws a lot of blank stares that end in three blinks, before the conversation treats the logic like a robot trapped in a mobius loop .. 'does not compute'. In any case,  by engaging in the collective delusion, we can thus barter and trade amid a commonly agreed social construct; which in theory is proficient and fair in said collective illusion of value ('fairness' as a state of mind, and practice, parting company of course..) 

It's odd to me to assign that, a monetary value, to an attitude ...  and that is what it takes to change humankind's presumption of dominance and entitlement over the environment - a change of attitude. I am not sure money can alter those ethos. 

There seems to also be a bit of evolutionary paradox in play. Humans traditionally only respond to urgency, if/when said urgency is being exposed to their senses... So far, the climate catastrophe that's looming ..perhaps even nearer in time than the collective sciences even predict, is 'invisible.'  

Hence the paradox ... a sort of 'catch-22.'  Humans have difficulty taking perceived threat to heart, when those perceptions are not rooted in their senses.  So by nature ...they bide time ... waiting for those physical cues to manifest. But, by the time those physical cues emerge more readily in the observable plain of their immediate natural environment, ...it's effectively too late.  We don't have time to wait for the convenience of the sensible impact to dose us is kind measure, in order to prove the perception of threat is actually real.  

All the money in the world ...I'm not sure that can tunnel a hole big enough through evolution's built-in inability for abstract realism.  Perhaps it can... but it's an interesting question.   


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1 minute ago, Sophisticated Skeptic said:

Why fix it, when bombarding the planet with chemicals brings in an additional revenue source?  The elite only care about making money, even if it's making people sick...which makes it even better for the medical economy. 

wake up......

they wanna milk us to the end, then hide in their bunkers for a bit. 

Sometimes it's hand throwing ...  Like, what?  Are these [enter head's of state here] now in on it?!  As in, actually trying to ignite a holocaust? 

There are particular evidence abounding that offer more than mere fodder for wild cabal conspiracies... Some of the moves that have been made, actions taken ... are bizarre.  It's hard not to wonder some times. 

We live and breath now in a "Rubicon" esque realm where information is the real power, and that power uses misdirection as the engine to push the vehicle of humanity forward ...   

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On 7/6/2018 at 8:25 PM, sophiewilson0191 said:

Many countries are already affected by the climate change.

Extreme heat and unconditional weather.

I'm not really in the position to complain but instead of spending billions of cash just to take a picture of other planets why not focus more on the planet that we have now.


Climate Change May Have Claimed A Significant Victim – The Barents Sea

Anyway, if you think that is bad, check this out





It's been happening for so long... 

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Hi StormchaserChuck!,

You post these pictures of 500mB anomalies as if they were self explanatory.

They are not, at least to ordinary mortals such as myself, so I have no way of judging whether they are meaningful or just pretty pictures.

Please help make your message more comprehensible.

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On ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 11:25 PM, sophiewilson0191 said:

Many countries are already affected by the climate change.

Extreme heat and unconditional weather.

I'm not really in the position to complain but instead of spending billions of cash just to take a picture of other planets why not focus more on the planet that we have now.


Climate Change May Have Claimed A Significant Victim – The Barents Sea

Wait a Gosh dern second...

I started reading the Articall. This caught My eye..

[QUOTE:] This occurrence may also be responsible for a steady increase in salinity in the Barents. In other words, this sea is becoming more like the Atlantic than the frozen North.[/quote]

Then in the introductory paragraph, you have this..

The scientists claim that not only is the Barents Sea getting less salty, but also less stratified.


What Kind of Parsel Tounge is this?

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19 hours ago, etudiant said:

Hi StormchaserChuck!,

You post these pictures of 500mB anomalies as if they were self explanatory.

They are not, at least to ordinary mortals such as myself, so I have no way of judging whether they are meaningful or just pretty pictures.

Please help make your message more comprehensible.

Chuck is smart, but he does this all the time.  That's why he mostly just talks to himself.  It's like going to a Star Wars convention and giving a presentation in Klingon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, StormchaserChuck! said:

Composite Plot


Peculiar, it shows a huge surplus around west Africa, where there are reportedly major dust storms severe enough to impact the US Gulf coast.

It also shows a major deficit in the southern part of Africa, which seems in conflict with recent rains that have materially replenished the Cape Town reservoirs. 

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On 7/21/2018 at 3:27 PM, StormchaserChuck! said:

I don't know, everyone is role playing I guess. (so someone would open up)

It's pretty much a ridiculous thing to hold out hope at this point. It's long gone.. (silly in the context of truth.)

There's hope...  In a universe whose underpinning Laws of nature allows infinite plausibility ...nothing, then, can be truly hopeless.. 

That does little to allay valid fears, I know - but fact remains, there's ways out of this mess. 

For one, stop!  I get it that when people say "hopeless" they are in part just being sort of negatively hyperbolic in a form of hand throwing.  But, if in some idealistic plain of imagery reality (...as I throw my own hands...haha), if all of Humanity abstained from exploitation before research and consequences ways and means, the 'system' at large would correct - perhaps not in our lifetimes, not in total, but some many generations down wind the winds become breathable again.  The normal process of both geology and biology ...erode contamination in time...  etc etc.  

But the problem is, that's idealized.  It is more likely that we will have to suffer some form of population correction, either self-imposed for the purpose of tenably handling the logistics of the world, or... enforced by circumstances... Such as, the pillars that support humanity crumbling due to us not heeding the warnings...  Perhaps, 'incapable' of heeding could be apropos.  Most likely, some combination of both.

I was just reading a random news article about Kalamazoo, County, Michigan... where officials of Parchment township have had to issue a statement warning not to use public water for consumption of any kind.  The reason...?  The detection of these so -called PFAS' ... so, I did a quick research on the "highly trusting" World Wide Web .. According to: 


"...Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a diverse group of compounds resistant to heat, water, and oil. For decades, they have been used in hundreds of industrial applications and consumer products such as carpeting, apparels, upholstery, food paper wrappings, fire-fighting foams and metal plating. PFAS have been found at very low levels both in the environment and in the blood samples of the general U.S. population.

These chemicals are persistent, and resist degradation in the environment. They also bioaccumulate, meaning their concentration increases over time in the blood and organs. At high concentrations, certain PFAS have been linked to adverse health effects in laboratory animals that may reflect associations between exposure to these chemicals and some health problems such as low birth weight, delayed puberty onset, elevated cholesterol levels, and reduced immunologic responses to vaccination...."


Boy ...that's f'n beautiful, eh?  Here we are ...moving along in our daily distractions, when all the while, we are being written up in contexts like the above in, "..Of the general U.S. population." 

Whenever I read terms like 'bio-accumulate' ... I think of Swordfish in the oceans.  What was once a delicacy ...now is a delicacy+industrial pap. This has become ubiquitously known - there have been warnings for over a decade about eating these so called, "apex species," due to those being the 'end of the line' of predation and prey.  They are toxic pooled tumors with fins... biological catch-basins that represent the sum-total of the oceanic uptake of Humanity's delicious assortment of 'Industrial rectal leaching'... Yes, as we read that above, and think of the Swordfish, we have become the Swordfish of the land at this point... We are walking talking 'chemical' cyborgs, a new species paradigm of organism - call us: Homo Sapionic Polysaccharidal Maniacal PerFlorouralhectanes.. 

The jokes on them -

It's almost comical to me ... in a darkly satirical way... as I amble along with my fellow Whole Foods (..lovingly referred to as "Whole Paycheck") affording denizens... doing what 99.9999999% of Humanity's evolutionary past was spent doing ... Prior to the advent of the wheel, let alone ...the Industrial 'Revolution,' the majority of our species evolved in berry bushes, in between probing our socialites for parasitic tasty little morsels. Occasionally.. ambling across a carcass when we dared roam from our hiding.. partaking in a Saber Tooth's refuse ... This carried for veritable eons... a long while, while we awaited patiently for our turn. Then it came. One in particular of those every 15,000-year polarity shift of the Earth's magnetic field; during which an ~ 200 year time frame the field strength became so weak that the electromagnetic bombardment of god tickled the surface of the planet ... and  triggered one of two things: Extinction of a species; favorable mutation and rapid evolutionary leap forward of a species.  We were lucky enough to be in the latter group at that crucial point in the past... probably, resulting in huge leap in brain pans ...ironically, big and intelligent and unstoppable enough to then serve unto their own annihilation ... A ticking time bomb that started counting down that faithful day the DNA of our progenitors was irrecoverably altered. 

Perusing the aisles of Whole Foods, it's kind of like that 30-year old campy Sci-Fi romp, "They Live," 1988. If I could don in a sporty looking pair of specially calibrated sun-glasses, with the guise of merely looking 'cool,' but these are no ordinary sun glasses. Say...they can reveal the chemical make-up of the individuals in my midst, but rewriting the plot of They Live, people glow in various elaborate colors representing their radiation. I wonder what sort of rainbows would really be walking past me? And, it's all of them... Unwittingly, as they sift through elitist packaging prices, and self-important organics for better living.. many are completely ignorant to this particular crisis of the world ... what we have become, and what we are becoming. And all the while, in their present virtuosity for sale (not 'on sale') of that venue.  Haha.


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Telling the Truth is against the law these days, only BS is allowed.    The elite only want BS in the news.   A dumb and dumber society is all that's allowed.   Vaccines / gmo / wifi / 5g  all assist with turning everybody into bird brains as well.

These chemicals (you mention in bold above)  would escape out more easily, and fresh air would filter in normally... IF they would stop f'n around with the mid-upper atmosphere.  That's the main problem here, but they want to keep everybody stupid.   Keep old atmospheric currents locked in....no more fresh / dry air left....with them messin around with everything....creating insane looking weather patterns for trade war tactics or whatever..


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29 minutes ago, Sophisticated Skeptic said:

Telling the Truth is against the law these days, only BS is allowed.    The elite only want BS in the news.   A dumb and dumber society is all that's allowed.   Vaccines / gmo / wifi / 5g  all assist with turning everybody into bird brains as well.

These chemicals (you mention in bold above)  would escape out more easily, and fresh air would filter in normally... IF they would stop f'n around with the mid-upper atmosphere.  That's the main problem here, but they want to keep everybody stupid.   Keep old atmospheric currents locked in....no more fresh / dry air left....with them messin around with everything....creating insane looking weather patterns for trade war tactics or whatever..


You forgot Lyme disease

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Significant increase in calls to police / ems recently for people having 'difficulty breathing'  and 'altered mental status'.

Much higher amount of reports than normal.

But as we all know... real news isn't allowed anymore. 

medical industry is loving all the boost in profits.  

guessing ORH will lock this one as well...  He only likes fake news.

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I really wonder why that website linked in the video (Geoengineeringwatch.org) has tons of items that people can choose to buy right on the front page, along with a button asking to donate. Almost as if the folks at Geoengineering Watch are doing this to profit off of those who aren't wise enough and think that buying 20 booklets for $30 will get them ahead of the "geoengineering crisis"



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On 7/8/2018 at 10:24 AM, Typhoon Tip said:

It's an interesting question... how much 'big economics' plays a role in the non-sustainability of human existence in the present era -majority masses ... one that takes a leap of philosophy ( I think..). 

Money is an illusion?   It only has value because humanity chooses to assign value to it... Trying to explain this to my friends who cultivate their living via the economic sphere of industry is down right comical - draws a lot of blank stares that end in three blinks, before the conversation treats the logic like a robot trapped in a mobius loop .. 'does not compute'. In any case,  by engaging in the collective delusion, we can thus barter and trade amid a commonly agreed social construct; which in theory is proficient and fair in said collective illusion of value ('fairness' as a state of mind, and practice, parting company of course..) 

It's odd to me to assign that, a monetary value, to an attitude ...  and that is what it takes to change humankind's presumption of dominance and entitlement over the environment - a change of attitude. I am not sure money can alter those ethos. 

There seems to also be a bit of evolutionary paradox in play. Humans traditionally only respond to urgency, if/when said urgency is being exposed to their senses... So far, the climate catastrophe that's looming ..perhaps even nearer in time than the collective sciences even predict, is 'invisible.'  

Hence the paradox ... a sort of 'catch-22.'  Humans have difficulty taking perceived threat to heart, when those perceptions are not rooted in their senses.  So by nature ...they bide time ... waiting for those physical cues to manifest. But, by the time those physical cues emerge more readily in the observable plain of their immediate natural environment, ...it's effectively too late.  We don't have time to wait for the convenience of the sensible impact to dose us is kind measure, in order to prove the perception of threat is actually real.  

All the money in the world ...I'm not sure that can tunnel a hole big enough through evolution's built-in inability for abstract realism.  Perhaps it can... but it's an interesting question.   


You sir just won the internet

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