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It could simply be a limitation in the modeling process - coarse resolution and unusual handling of the land-ocean feedback system. In other words don't use long-range model predictions rather use past examples or current charts. In the end you won't be taken seriously. Whether these odd patterns are artificial or agw-based doesn't matter as in both cases you can stop it from happening or getting worse.

I often wonder about the agenda of a few posters on here.

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6 hours ago, Sophisticated Skeptic said:

What I find most comical is the shill-fest in this thread yesterday.

5+ deniers came out all at once yesterday to mock us, somebody must of had a trending FB post.

”ohhh noez, I’m not going to post here anymore if there’s a haarp thread”.   They Sound like their 8 years old.

You mirin my shill bucks brah?  



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On 2/18/2018 at 6:01 PM, Amped said:

Lol Most of those Aerodynamics, industrial processes and lab experiments. Also patent doesn't mean they built a working prototype, Or that a prototype would actually work.

Your right, it doesn't mean they did. Doesn't mean they didn't either. It does mean that that someone or a group of someones went to the trouble of putting in the work and expense of filing a patent and all that goes with that. Its way more than filling out an application, handing over a check and wait for your patent to become a reality. It  does mean there is interest in it. GPS and cell phone technology was  star trek stuff when I was younger until it wasnt. Delta force was just a crazy rumor when I was in the Army till they wern't. I listened but secretly laughed at the people who told me the story of actually seeing their training compound at Ft Bragg. Mountain lions dont exist in the north east till one gets hit by a car in CT. People inside the US govt smuggling cocaine into the US to fund a proxy war in south america ? That's crazy !!  Until it wasn't. See how this works ? At some point usually when you get in to your 40's, and have been lied to or misinformed enough, you start putting two and two together, combine that with all you have learned about human nature, money and power and you start start to think maybe there is more to the story. But categorically denying that weather modification does not exist because it sounds crazy to you is not doing yourself any good. Weather modification is crazy. Some things should just be left alone in my opinion. We as a society don't know as much as we think we do. Clearly there is motivation to do these sort of things.  It's human nature. Scientists and politicians continue to talk about it. Every now and then a news article on it pops up on it. What I am saying is, information is available out there to prove it is at least being tried and experimented with. Does that mean we can steer hurricanes ?, i dont thinks so. But I dont know for sure. Does it mean we can control earths temperature up or down ?. I dont thinks so, but I dont know for sure. Do I think if we could we would ? Yep we would.It's human nature.  And how are we going to get to that point ? By trial and error and experimentation. Will all of this new found knowledge mean that we would use it to make living here on earth better for all ? Nope we wouldn't. Its human nature. To believe otherwise is fooling yourself. Its human nature. Its how it is. Scientists want to learn, bankers want money, politicians want power. Its human nature. See how this works ?

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 true true..

i though it was crazy talk too when there were rumors 20 years ago that the CIA were the biggest importers of illegal drugs into the country...then several legit documentaries and evidence popped up.

 Where there’s a lot of money involved, there’s always govt involvement. 

Dumb article in the news today about why everybody’s stressed out these days, very simple...they believe into anything the stress inducing news media decides to make into a big story...stressful stories keeps everybody watching.  Why not just put positive stories, and stories of heroes and peace on there? Cuz their fearful people will change the channel.  You see it all works together.  

Stress = good for the food industry..makes people eat more and get fat...which in turn makes them more unhealthy...which in turn -

Is good for the medical industry, keeps people on more meds , more anxiety, and more doctor visits.

Many, many big companies score bigger profits from a stressed out society.. even the illegal drug trade.. 

It’s coo-coo land what’s going on now, but if the media treats it like it’s a cool, sane thing to do, then it’s a cool sane thing for the world.  Like wasting money and doing idiotic things like sending a red Tesla out into space.  Even NASA has to be like “wtf dude”....


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big problem with fat millennials these days too, most of them lack critical thinking skills, discipline , are weak minded,  and easily brainwashed into what’s real news and whats not...due to the way the cynical media paves their road these days. Their young mind don’t know how to proces all that toxicity to determine who’s right/ wrong.

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I am still trying to figure out why they stopped spraying chemtrails. Some evidence of spraying over the North Pacific but it looks like ship tracks to me. I distinctly remember the sky being dimmer 2-3 years ago. They could have reached the same conclusion as me - collapsing civilization is the best method to lower emissions.

The other possibility is that Trump blatantly dropped the funding for the program, and/or the atmospheric conditions for persistent contrails no longer exist. In that case it would be another example of a positive feedback.

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On 2/27/2018 at 4:15 PM, Vice-Regent said:

I am still trying to figure out why they stopped spraying chemtrails. Some evidence of spraying over the North Pacific but it looks like ship tracks to me. I distinctly remember the sky being dimmer 2-3 years ago. They could have reached the same conclusion as me - collapsing civilization is the best method to lower emissions.

The other possibility is that Trump blatantly dropped the funding for the program, and/or the atmospheric conditions for persistent contrails no longer exist. In that case it would be another example of a positive feedback.

 We had several heavy "spray days" last month here in SWPA, but as a whole I'd say that those days have been reduced by at least 70% since 2016. 

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Just now, snowsux said:

 We had several heavy "spray days" last month here in SWPA, but as a whole I'd say that those days have been reduced by at least 70% since 2016. 

My experience has been similar but since I am distanced from major cities the reduction rate is about 85%.

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stanley meyer made a car that ran on water , using a water fuel cell in the 80’s .  

He was a former NASA employee..that knew all the scientific sides.

Then an oil billionaire offered to just give him a billion dollars just to sabotage his own invention. ..he refused.

Several attempts on his life, until someone finally got to him.  A so called Belgium couple took him to dinner...he took a sip of cranberry juice...grabbed his neck...and his dying words to his brother were “they poisoned me”.   Yet the autopsy made it look like natural causes.

Now there’s jokers all over the internet saying he was a hoax, even though the same technology could be duplicated tomorrow , if anyone’s brave enough..

look him up..

were slaves to the almighty rich...they want oil and gas to be a necessity on us, to keep the economy pumped.  God forbid anybody tries to do anything clean or good for the planet ..  

their doing the same with solar panels now.. they’ll either make the price extradinarily high to do the whole house...or nerf the equipment..anything to prevent people from going Solar. 


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"Meyer's claims about his "Water Fuel Cell" and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996."

"Meyer's patents have expired. His inventions are now in the public domain, available for all to use without restriction or royalty payment."


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37 minutes ago, Juliancolton said:


"Meyer's claims about his "Water Fuel Cell" and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996."

"Meyer's patents have expired. His inventions are now in the public domain, available for all to use without restriction or royalty payment."



Lol, ok Shilly one. Nice try.

its already been duplicated many times already, by many others.

not sure if the oil execs took this guy out yet or not...but video’s still up 




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