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August 2017 temperature forecast contest

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It's not the heat, it's the humidity ... 

Predict the temperature anomalies in F deg relative to 1981-2010 normals for

DCA __ NYC __ BOS ___ ORD __ ATL __ IAH ___ DEN __ PHX __ SEA

and avoid the scourge of late penalty deduction (1% every 2 hours to end of 2nd then 1% per hour), 

enter by 06z Tuesday August 1st, or 0100h EDT Tuesday. 

Good luck, provisional scoring posted in the July thread, generally high scores for most in July. 

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Table of forecasts for August 2017


FORECASTER __________ DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA


Damage in Tolland ______ +3.0 _+2.5 _+2.1 __ +0.5 _+3.0 _+0.9 ____ 0.0 _+3.9 _+3.7

BKViking ______________ +1.9 _+2.1 _+1.7 __ +0.5 _+0.5 _+1.8 ___ +2.9 _+2.8 _+3.0

wxallannj ______________+1.7 _+1.5 _+1.3 __ --0.3 _+2.6 _+1.8 ___ +0.7 _+2.7 _+2.3

dmillz25 _______________+1.7 _+0.7 _--0.5 __ +1.5 _+2.0 _+2.0 ___ +2.8 _+2.5 _+3.3

so_whats_happening ____+1.6 _ +0.8 _+0.6 __ --0.6 _+0.8 _+1.1 ___ +1.1 _+0.8 _+2.3

Tom __________________+1.1 _+0.9 _+0.2 __ +0.6 _+1.1 _+1.1 ___ +1.4 _+0.9 _--0.1

RJay __________________+1.0 _+1.0 _+0.8 ___ 0.0 _+0.5 _+1.0 ____ 0.0 _+1.5 _+2.0

SD ___________________ +1.0 _+1.0 _+0.5 ___ 0.0 _+1.0 _+1.0 ___ +0.5 _+1.0 _+0.5


Consensus ____________ +1.0 _+0.9 _+0.5 ___ 0.0 _+0.5 _+1.0 ___ +0.7 _+1.2 _+2.1


hudsonvalley21 _________+0.6 _+1.1 _+0.9 __ +0.3 _+1.4 __0.0 ___ +0.3 _+0.8 _+2.1

wxdude64 _____________ +0.9 _+0.4 _+0.1 __ --0.6 _+0.5 _+1.1 ___ +1.6 _+1.3 _+2.1

RodneyS _______________+0.2 _+1.0 _+0.7 __ +0.1 _--0.5 _--0.4 ___ --0.8 _--0.2 _+2.0

DonSutherland.1 ________ +0.2 _+0.5 _+0.5 __ --0.3 _--0.3 _--0.4 ___ --2.0 _+0.3 _+3.1

Roger Smith _____________0.0 _--0.5 _--1.0 __ --0.7 _--1.0 _--0.5 ___ +1.5 _--0.7 _+3.7


Normal ________________ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 ___ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 ____ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0


Stebo_________________ --1.5 _--1.0 _--0.7 __ --1.0 _--2.0 _--1.5 ___ +3.0 _+2.0 _+2.0

Neckbeard93 ___________--1.9 _--1.0 __ 0.0 __ --1.5 _--1.7 _+0.5 ___ --1.3 _+1.2 _+2.0

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___________________ DCA _ NYC _ BOS ____ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA

_______ (7d) _______ --0.6 _--1.1 _--0.1 ____--2.7 _--1.6 _--2.2 ____ --5.9 _--1.9 _+7.5

_______ (14d) ______ --1.5 _--1.5 _--0.4 ____--2.4 _--1.3 _--0.5 ____ --5.1 _--1.2 _+5.4

_______ (21d) ______ +0.2 _--0.5 _+0.5 ____--0.2 __ 0.0 _+0.6 ____ --3.4 _--1.3 _+4.0

compare _ (p 21d) ___ --1.0 _--1.0 _--0.2 ____ --1.0 _--0.3 _+0.3 ____ --3.5 _--1.2 _+3.5

contest score would be _ 76 __90 __84 _(250) _ 84 __94 __94 (272) __ 98 _ 98 _ 90_ (286)

_______ (24d) ______ +0.5 _--0.2 _+1.1 ____--0.5 _+0.3 _+0.8 ____ --2.8 _--1.1 _+3.8

_______ (27d) _______ 0.0 _--0.6 _+0.6 ____--1.0 _+0.2 _--0.1 ____ --2.0 _--0.4 _+3.8

_______ (28d) ______--0.2 _--0.7 _+0.3 ____--0.9 _+0.1 _--0.6 ____ --1.8 _--0.1 _+4.0

_______ (29d) ______--0.5 _--1.0 _+0.1 ____--1.0 _+0.1 _--0.9 ____ --1.5 _+0.1 _+4.2

_______ (30d) ______--0.7 _--1.1 _--0.1 ____--0.9 _--0.2 _--1.0 ____ --1.3 _+0.3 _+4.1


_______ (31d) _____--0.7 _--1.2 __0.0 ____--0.9_--0.2 _--0.9____--1.0_+0.4_+4.2


Note: As of 31st, there were still no changes this month in Seasonal Max contest (scoring can be seen in the July thread). Will bring an update over to September thread whether we have any new developments or not.

Sept. 1st 15z _ All final anomalies now posted (bold). Scoring is being updated and the tables should be finished by about 1630z. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Final scoring for August 2017


FORECASTER __________DCA_NYC_BOS____east____ORD_ATL_IAH____cent____ TOTAL


Roger Smith ____________86 _ 86 _ 80 ____ 252 ____ 96 _ 84 _ 92 ___ 272 _____ 524

Normal ________________86 _ 76 _100 ____262 ____82 _ 96 _ 82 ____ 260 _____ 522

Stebo__________________84 _ 96 _ 86 ____ 266 ___  98 _ 64 _ 88 ____ 250 _____ 516

DonSutherland.1 ________ 82 _ 66 _ 90 ____ 238 ____ 88 _ 98 _ 90 ____276 _____ 514

Neckbeard93 ___________ 76 _ 96 _100 ___ 272 ____88 _ 70 _ 72 ____ 230 _____ 502

RodneyS _______________82 _ 56 _ 86 ____ 224 ____ 80 _ 94 _ 90 ____ 264 _____ 488

wxdude64 ______________68 _ 68 _ 98 ____ 234 ____ 94 _ 86 _ 60 ____ 240 _____ 474


Consensus _____________66 _ 58 _ 90 ____ 214 ____ 82 _ 86 _ 62 ____ 230 _____ 444


so_whats_happening ____ 54 _ 60 _ 88 ____ 202 ____ 94 _ 80 _ 60 ____ 234 _____ 436

RJay __________________66 _ 56 _ 84 ____ 206 ____ 82 _ 86 _ 62 ____ 230 _____ 436

hudsonvalley21 _________74 _ 54 _ 82 ____ 210 ____ 76 _ 68 _ 82 ____ 226 _____ 436 

SD ___________________ 66 _ 56 _ 90 ____ 212 ____ 82 _ 76 _ 62 ____ 220 _____ 432

Tom __________________64 _ 58 _ 96 ____ 218 ____ 70 _ 74 _ 60 ____ 204 _____ 422

dmillz25 _______________52 _ 62 _ 90 ____ 204 ____ 52 _ 56 _ 42 ____ 150 _____ 354

BKViking ______________ 48 _ 34 _ 66 ____ 148 ____ 72 _ 86 _ 46 ____ 204 _____ 352

wxallannj ______________52 _ 46 _ 74 ____ 172 ____ 88 _ 44 _ 46 ____ 178 _____ 350

Damage in Tolland ______ 26 _ 26 _ 58 ____ 110 ____ 72 _ 36 _ 64 ____ 172 _____ 282



Final scoring for western and all nine contests, August 2017


FORECASTER __________DEN_PHX_SEA_____TOTALS____________ All nine (=rank)


DonSutherland.1 ________ 80 _ 98_ 78 _____ 256 _______________770 (= 1 )

RodneyS _______________96 _ 88 _ 56 _____ 240 _______________ 728 (= 4 )

Neckbeard93 ___________ 94 _ 84 _ 56 _____ 234 _______________ 736 (= 3 )

hudsonvalley21 _________ 74 _ 92 _ 58 _____ 224 _______________ 660 (= 7 )

Roger Smith ____________50 _ 78 _ 90 _____ 218 _______________ 742 (= 2 )

RJay __________________80 _ 78 _ 56 _____ 214 _______________ 650 (= 8 )

so_whats_happening ____ 58 _ 92 _ 62 _____ 212 _______________ 648 (= 9 )


Consensus _____________ 66 _ 84 _ 58 _____ 208 _______________ 652 (= 8 )

Damage in Tolland ______ 80 _ 30 _ 90 _____ 200 _______________ 482 (=15 )

wxdude64 _____________ 48 _ 82 _ 58 _____ 188 _______________ 662 (= 5 )

Normal ________________ 80 _ 92 _ 16 _____ 188 _______________ 710 (=  5 )


SD ___________________ 70 _ 88 _ 26 _____ 184 _______________ 616 (=10 )

wxallannj ______________66 _ 54 _ 62 _____ 182 _______________ 532 (=12 )

dmillz25 _______________24 _ 58 _ 82 _____ 164 _______________ 518 (=13 )

Tom __________________52 _ 90 _ 14 _____ 156 _______________ 578 (=11 )

BKViking ______________ 22 _ 52 _ 76 _____ 150 _______________ 502 (=14 )

Stebo _________________20 _ 68 _ 56 _____ 144 _______________ 660 (= 6 )


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<<< ---=--- 2017 Annual Scoring Summary (January-August) ---=--- >>>

... ... ... ... ... ... ... (see post 19 above for confirmed August scoring) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Best scores: The first six numbers refer to the six locations, the last two refer to eastern and central division totals. Months won (in this part of the contest) are shown by name after the number codes. There are sometimes ties so the totals may add up higher than the number of months. Meanwhile, best total scores January-August are highlighted in red in the table for six locations, and in bold italic for two groups and for all six. 


FORECASTER _________DCA_NYC_BOS__east____ORD_ATL_IAH___cent ___TOTAL__Best scores, months


 1 DonSutherland.1 ____459 _440 _414 _1313___476 _542 _567_1585__ 2898 _001.122.1.3_Jan, May 


  2 RJay _____________396 _459 _434 __1289 ___423 _530 _537 __1490 ___2779_122.311.2.3_Feb, Apr 


 3 Consensus _________388 _392 _385 __1165 ___416 _497 _487 __1400 ___2565 __010.000


 3 Stebo _____________408 _433 _389 __1230 ___387 _470 _469 __1326 ___2556 __011.102.1.0 __ Jul

 4 BKViking __________ 384 _386 _418 __1188 ___429 _501 _406__1336 ___2524 __000.001

 5 wxallannj __________403 _380 _448__1231 ___351 _457 _476__1284 ___2515 __002.012..1.0 _Jun

 6 hudsonvalley21______371 _377 _372 __1120 ___412 _474 _449__1335 ___2455 __000.010 

 7 RodneyS __________ 388 _340 _296 __1024 ___407 _457 _553__1417 ___2441 __011.200..0..1 _ Mar 

 8 dmillz25 ___________406 _389 _410 __1205 ___380 _422 _428__1230 ___2435 __100.101

 9 SD _______________ 400 _397 _389 __1186 ___424 _425 _398__1247 ___2433 __010.100

10 Tom _____________ 407 _375 _391 __1153 ___348 _450 _447__1245 ___2398 __000.110


11 Normal ____________404 _413 _400 __1217 ___379 _374 _402__1155 ___2372 __101.000.0.0 __ May


11 wxdude64 _________ 405 _378 _395 __1178 ___374 _413 _396__1183 ___2361 __120.000..1.0

12 Damage in Tolland __ 301 _305 _294 __ 900 ___382 _389 _431__1202 ___2102 __000.010..0.0

13 Roger Smith _______ 332 _345 _230 __ 907 ___318 _394 _463 __1175 ___2082 __100.001.0.0_Aug

14 Neckbeard93*______ 268 _314 _245 __ 827 ___420 _398 _404 __1222 ___2049__111.000.1.0

15 so_whats_happening#349_289 _310 __ 948 ___292 _364 _355 __1011 ___ 1959__200.000 

16 blazess556~________303 _303 _322 __ 928 ___322 _303 _293__ 918 ___ 1846 __001.000

17 H2Otown_WX~_____ 263 _270 _278 __811 ___192 _265 _277 __ 734 ___ 1545 __110.001..1.0

18 CCM %%__________ 136 _106_156 __398 ___146 _134 _126 __ 406 ____ 804 __000.100..0.1

19 Prestige Worldwide^ _111 _107_123 __ 341 ____25 _140 _118 __ 283 ____ 624 __110.010 

20 Maxim^____________ 80 _ 85 _ 78 __ 243 ____ 50 _150 _142 __ 342 ____585 __100.001

21 JBG % _____________88 _ 64 _ 32 __ 184 ____ 72 _ 60 _ 88 ___220 ___ 404



Updated annual scoring for western and all nine contests January - August 2017


FORECASTER _________DEN_PHX_SEA___TOTAL___Best scores___All nine ( = rank )__Months 

 1 Rjay _______________ 520 _550 _649___1719 __ 2 0 2 _ Jan,Jul__ 4498 ( = 2) __ FEB, APR,JUL


 2 Consensus ___________511 _547 _612 ___1670 __ 1 0 0 _________ 4235 ( = 3)


 2 Roger Smith _________433 _511 _704___ 1648 __ 0 0 2__ Feb ____ 3730 (= 12) 

 3 wxallannj ___________ 484 _565 _588 ___ 1637 __ 0 1 1 __________4152 ( = 3) __ JUN

 4 RodneyS ____________510 _581 _524 ___ 1615 __ 2 1 0 ________ _4056 ( = 4) __  MAR

 5 DonSutherland.1 _____ 511 _571 _534 ___ 1612 __ 2 1 0 __ Aug ___4510 ( = 1)__JAN, MAY,AUG

 6 dmillz25 ____________ 456 _461 _622 ___ 1539 __ 1 0 1 _ Apr _____3974 ( = 6) 

 7 BKViking ____________383 _474 _658 ___ 1515 _________________4039 ( = 5) 

 8 wxdude64 ___________449 _488 _572 ___ 1509 __ 1 0 0 _________ 3870 ( = 11) 

t9 Tom _______________ 393 _571 _544 ___ 1508 _________________3906  ( = 10)

t9 so_whats_happening#_ 461 _523 _524 ___ 1508 __ 0 2 0 _ Mar,May_3467 ( = 14)


11 hudsonvalley21 ______ 433 _516 _534 ___ 1483 _________________3938 ( = 7)

12 SD_________________ 476 _513 _488 ___ 1477 ________________ 3910 ( = 9)

13 Damage in Tolland ____374 _473 _617 ___ 1462 __ 0 1 3 _ Jun ____ 3564 ( =13)


14 Normal _____________ 426 _484 _466 __ 1376 __ 0 1 0 _________ 3748 ( = 12)


14 Stebo ______________ 411 _462 _493 ___ 1366 __ 1 0 0 _________ 3922 ( = 8) 

15 Neckbeard93* _______541 _409 _273 ____1223 __ 2 1 0 _________3276 (= 15) 

16 H20TownWx~ _______ 375 _352 _441 ___ 1168 __ 0 0 1 _________ 2713 ( = 17) 

17 blazess556~ ________ 324 _353 _360 ____1037 __ 1 0 0 _________ 2883 ( = 16)

18 Prestige Worldwide^__ 159 _223 _170 ____ 552 __ 0 1 0 _________ 1176 ( =18)

19 Maxim^ ____________ 161 _133 _176 ____ 440 ________________ 1055 (= 20)

20 CCM %% ___________ 114 _ 94 _156 ____ 364 _________________1168 (= 19)

21 JBG % _______________76 _ 84 __48 ____ 208 __ 0 1 0 __________ 612 (= 21)



* one month missed (Jan). # one month missed (Apr), ~ two months missed (July, August)

^ three months played (Jan, Feb, Mar)

%% two months played (May, June) ... % one month played (July)


Reports on ranking with late penalties removed


Jan late penalty for Blazess556 total of 2, (0,2) -- no change in rank

 March late penalty deductions:

... Rjay lost 41 (22,19), Damage lost 18 (13,5) and wxdude64 lost 14 (12,2). 

... those points would change RJay overall from 2nd to 1st, he would remain 2nd in original six and is already first in western. _ Damage, see July _ wxdude64 would still be 11th in 

... ... ... original six but would move ahead of normal, no changes to western or all nine.

April late penalty deductions:

... H2O_Town__wx lost 51 (25,26) and Neckbeard93 lost 32 (14,18).

... H2O_Town__wx would not change ranks. Neckbeard no change of rank in western or all nine. 

May late penalty deductions:

... BKViking lost 32 (20, 12).

... BKViking would stay 4th in original six as Stebo in 3rd also has points to add (see June), amd no changes to western or all nine rankings. 

June late penalty deductions:

... Stebo lost 39 (24,15).

... Stebo would remain in same rankings in original six (third, although ahead of Consensus) and western (14th) but would move up one place to 7th overall (from 8th, moving past hudsonvalley21 who has no late penalties).

July late penalty deductions:

... Damage in Tolland lost 98 (75, 23). annual total now 116 (88, 28)

... Damage in Tolland would remain 12th place in the original six, would move up two places in the western (to 11th) but would remain 13th overall.


__ ranks for Consensus and Normal do not affect ranks of lower scoring forecasters.


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Extreme forecast report update

This month produced four extreme forecast wins with some losses. 

DCA _ At a final value of --0.7, this fails to qualify as top score is shared by third coldest forecasts Roger Smith who got into bed with Normal (ooh) at 0.0. They can't win this category but have high score with Stebo (-1.5) and Neckbeard93 (--1.9) not qualifying for a win or loss.

NYC _ The final value (-1.2) gives Stebo and Neckbeard93 a shared win (-1.0). 

BOS _ The final value (0.0) is a bit too high for this forecast to qualify.

ORD (-0.9) is another win for Stebo (-1.0), and a loss for Neckbeard93 (--1.5)

ATL did not qualify with outcomes near consensus.

IAH (-0.9) produced a win for Roger Smith (-0.5) and a loss for Stebo (-1.5).  

DEN (final value -1.0) dropped out of contention for Neckbeard93 (-1.3) and avoided a loss for coldest forecast of -2.0 from DonSutherland.1 ... high score was Rodney with -0.8.

PHX was heading towards a win for RodneyS and a loss for Roger Smith (-0.7), as both provisional and RodneyS's forecast were --0.2. This just dropped out of contention on 29th with new provisional of +0.3 allowing third coldest forecast to attain high score. Final value +0.4 kept that result intact.  

SEA is now a two-way tie for a win, the provisional of +4.2 gives top scores to Damage in Tolland and Roger Smith both at +3.7 and this drops dmillz25 at +3.3 from a previous three-way tie. 





RJay _____________ 8-0

DonSutherland1 ____ 6-1

Damage in Tolland ___ 4-0*

Normal ____________4-0

Neckbeard93 _______ 4-2

Stebo _____________4-3

Wxdude64 _________ 3-0

so_whats_happening _3-0

Prestige Worldwide __3-0

Wxallannj __________3-1

H2OTown__Wx ____ _2-0

Maxim ____________ 2-0

Roger Smith _______ 2-0

Dmillz25 ___________2-1

RodneyS __________ 1-0

JBG ______________ 1-0

CCM ______________ 1-1


* no decision for DCA July 2017


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Four Seasons Contest Update


Summer 2017 scoring


Original six (eastern and central) __ Western _____________________ All Nine

Rank_Forecaster _ Total  _ Points ____ Rank_Forecaster_Total_Points __Rank_Forecaster _ Total _ Pts

 t1 _DonSutherland.1_1424 __ 10 _____1 _so_whats_happening_700_10 __ 1 _DonSutherland.1_2038_10

 t1 _ Stebo _______ 1424 ___ 10 _____2 _ _ RodneyS _____690 __ 7 ____ 2 _ _ RJay _______ 2030 _ 7

3 _ _ RJay ________ 1376 ___ 6 _____ 3 _ _ wxdude64 ____668 __ 6___3_so_whats_happening_2018_6

t4 _ _ hudsonvalley21_1358 ___5 _____4 _ _hudsonvalley21_656 __ 5 ____4 _ _hudsonvalley21 _2014_ 5

t4 _ _ SD _________ 1358____ 5 _____5 _ _ RJay ________654 __ 4 ____ 5 _ _ RodneyS _____ 2006 _ 4

6 _ _ wxallannj _____ 1344 ___3 _____6 _ _ wxallannj ____ 652 __ 3 ____ 6 _ _ wxallannj _____1996 _ 3

7 _so_whats_happening_1318 _2 _____7 _ _ Roger Smith __644 __ 2 ____ 7 _ _ Stebo ________1979 _ 2

t8 _ _ RodneyS ______1316 __ 1 _____8 _ _ Neckbeard93 _ 636 __ 1 ____ 8 _ _ SD __________1972 _ 1

t8 _ _ Tom _________ 1316 __ 1 ____ t9 _ DonSutherland.1_614__ 1 ____ 9 _ _ Roger Smith __ 1958 _ 1

10 _ _ Roger Smith __ 1314 __ 1 ____ t9 _ _ SD _________ 614 __ 1 ____10 _ _ wxdude64 ____1922 _ 1

11 _ _ BKViking _____ 1290 __ 0 ____11 _ _ BKViking _____608 __ 0 ____11 _ _ BKViking _____ 1898 _ 0

12 _ _ wxdude64 ____ 1254 __ 0 ____12 _Damage in Tolland_573__0 ___ 12 _ _ Tom ________ 1884 _ 0

13 _ _ dmillz25 ______1224 __ 0 ____13 _ _ Tom ________ 568 __ 0 ____13 _ _ Neckbeard93 _ 1844 _ 0

14 _ _ Neckbeard93 __ 1208 __ 0 ___ 14 _ _ dmillz25 ____ _560 __ 0 ____14 _ _ dmillz25 _____ 1784 _ 0

15 _Damage in Tolland__921__ 0 ____15 _ _ Stebo _______555 __ 0 ____15 _Damage in Tolland_1494_ 0


 1 _ _ Normal ______ 1430 ___10 ____3 _ _ Consensus ____688 __ 6 ____ 1 _ _ Consensus ____ 2048 _ 10

 4 _ _ Consensus ___ 1360 ___ 5 ____16 _ _ Normal _______550 __ 0 ____ 7 _ _ Normal _______ 1980 __ 2


TOTAL POINTS (winter + spring + summer)


Original Six ___________________ Western ______________________ All Nine


DonSutherland1 ___ 23 _________ RJay ___________ 21 ___________ DonSutherland1 _____ 23

RJay ____________ 16 _________ H2OTown__Wx___ 11 ___________ RJay _______________18

RodneyS _________ 11 _________ Dmillz25 ________ 10 ___________ RodneyS ___________ 14

Blazess556 _______ 11_________so_whats_happening 10 __________ DMillz25 ____________ 8

Damage in Tolland __8 __________RodneyS ________ 10___________ Blazess556 __________ 7

Tom _____________ 6 __________ DonSutherland1 ___9 ___________H2OTown__ Wx _____ 6

BKViking __________ 5 __________wxallannj ________ 9___________ so_whats_happening _ 6

Maxim ____________ 5 __________Roger Smith _____ 7 ___________ wxallannj ___________6

Dmillz25 __________ 4 __________ wxdude64 _______ 7 ___________hudsonvalley21 ______ 6

Stebo ____________13 __________ hudsonvalley21 ___6___________ Maxim _____________ 5

hudsonvalley21 _____ 6 __________Tom  ___________ 5 ___________ BKViking ___________ 5

wxallannj __________5 __________ blazess556 ______ 5____________Stebo ______________4

SD _______________ 5 __________ Stebo __________ 4  ___________ Tom _______________4

wxdude64 _________ 2__________ SD _____________ 3  ___________ Damage in Tolland ___ 3

so_whats_happening_ 2 _________ BKViking _________ 3____________ wxdude64 _________ 2

Roger Smith _______ 1 __________Damage in Tolland _ 1____________SD ________________ 2

H2OTown_Wx ______1 _________ (Maxim 0) ______________________Roger Smith ________ 1


Consensus _________10 _________ Consensus _______11 _____________ Consensus __________15

Normal ____________10 _________ Normal _________ 1 ______________ Normal _____________ 2


Final stage of this contest will be total autumn scores SEP-OCT-NOV. 






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