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Coastal Crusher Feb 9th 2017


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2 minutes ago, Snow88 said:

RGEM is near a foot of NYC

To my point, this is a case where subsidence happens off the coast and then migrates to over Boston. Like I said, it'll set up somewhere and totals will be significantly reduced in that area, but it's not necessarily us. These are usually nowcasting scenarios.

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3 minutes ago, SnowGoose69 said:

The first RGEM map assumes 10 to 1 ratio.  The 700 temps are good but not spectacular, winds will be somewhat brisk and surface temps are okay.  I would say 11 to 12:1 is possible but I'm not sure about much better than that. 

NAM isn't great with 700mb temps at -5.2 at 36 hours. However, looks cold enough for mostly snow even at onset.

   Station ID: KJFK Lat:   40.63 Long:  -73.76                                                        
 NAM Model Run:  0Z FEB  8, 2017                                                                                            
 Forecast Hours:    0hr    6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr   30hr   36hr   42hr   48hr   54hr   60hr   66hr   72hr   78hr   84hr   
 Sfc Prs(mb):    1007.6 1001.3 1001.5 1005.7 1008.3 1007.0 1002.2 1003.6 1011.8 1018.6 1023.6 1025.6 1026.4 1021.9 1015.6   
 Mean SLP (mb):  1008.1 1001.6 1001.7 1005.9 1008.5 1007.5 1002.8 1004.2 1012.4 1019.2 1024.2 1026.3 1026.9 1022.6 1016.2   
 2m agl Tmp (F):   37.9   41.7   46.2   50.3   43.0   35.3   31.4   30.2   22.3   16.7   18.4   24.4   23.8   26.8   33.3   
 2m agl Dewpt(F):  37.1   40.0   45.1   43.6   36.1   29.9   29.7   25.3   12.7    7.8   11.7   14.4   16.0   22.1   27.9   
 2m agl RH (%):      97     94     96     77     76     80     93     81     66     68     75     65     72     82     80   
 10m agl Dir:        59    208    223    295    345     28     20    338    317    311    283    289    267    206    216   
 10m agl Spd(kt):     5     11     12      9      7     10     14     18     18     17     14     15      8     10     13   
 6hr Precip (in):  0.00   0.00   0.02   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.29   0.38   0.01   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.01   0.00   
 AccumPrecip(in):  0.00   0.00   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.31   0.69   0.70   0.70   0.70   0.70   0.70   0.71   0.71   
 Sfc CAPE (J/kg):   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    5.3   19.8    3.2    0.0    1.9   33.7    0.0    0.0    0.0   
 Sfc CINH (J/kg):   0.0   -0.9    0.0   -0.8    0.0    0.0   -1.0   -0.6    0.0    0.0   -0.2   -1.2    0.0   -0.6   -0.5   
 0-3km Hel(J/kg): 476.2  291.9  280.9   51.1  200.6  283.4 1356.5  130.9   55.1   40.0  227.9   64.0   68.8  516.8  344.3   
 Precip H20 (in):  0.89   0.86   0.83   0.49   0.53   0.55   0.66   0.34   0.14   0.08   0.11   0.16   0.35   0.48   0.55   
 Lifted Index(C):   2.3    1.0    1.2    8.7   12.0    8.9   13.2   12.3   15.5   15.8   22.2   28.6   28.5   22.3   17.2   
 700mb VV(-ub/s):   0.8    3.3    2.8    0.6   -0.9    1.4   25.5    0.1    3.1   -0.6   -2.7   -1.0    0.2    2.2    3.0   
 Thk1000-500mb(m)5534.9 5545.8 5518.3 5482.7 5435.1 5417.5 5390.8 5264.0 5106.4 5020.0 5091.3 5202.1 5291.8 5344.9 5422.2   
 Thk1000-850mb(m)1342.4 1358.6 1356.0 1334.8 1319.4 1302.7 1284.6 1269.9 1245.7 1231.4 1236.0 1239.7 1251.6 1266.0 1294.2   
 Thk850-700mb(m):1589.7 1585.1 1570.2 1563.4 1548.1 1548.5 1532.7 1492.9 1446.2 1418.6 1425.1 1459.6 1489.4 1508.3 1541.7   
 SWEAT Index:     234.5  228.4  182.9  112.5  107.7  130.3   97.8   96.6  122.7  134.0  163.9  141.5  118.8  256.4  132.1   
 Total Totals Idx  47.7   46.8   48.2   35.8   27.0   34.8   31.3   36.3   30.3   27.2   19.9    7.2    0.8   16.1   23.6   
 Frz Hgt(ft amsl) 10130   9425   8481   8235   6310   1062     10     10     10     10     10     10     10     10    469   
 0WetBlbHgt(amsl)  8963   7721   7705   4502   2533    243  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000   
 Equil Prs (mb):   1008   1001   1001   1006   1008   1007   1002    893   1012   1019   1024    836   1026   1022   1016   
 Equil Hgt(amsl):    10     10     10     10     10     10     10   3028     10     10     10   5127     10     10     10   
 Hail Size(in):    0.00   0.02   0.02   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   
 Conv Wind Gust:   56.6   59.0   42.3   48.9   52.1   58.8   13.8    9.5   10.2   12.4   16.2   15.2   12.7   15.9   13.8   
 Showalter Index:   2.1    2.6    2.4   10.9   13.3   11.7   15.5   14.3   16.4   16.3   22.6   29.5   28.3   23.1   18.2   
 Cap Strength(C):-999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9    0.0 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9   
 Storm Dir (deg):   268    257    284    285    295    271    236    308    317    347    350    343    327    306    307   
 Storm Spd (kts):    31     41     32     27     27     26     32     23     24     29     39     36     30     36     32   
 2m HeatIndex(F):    38     42     46     50     43     35     31     30     22     17     18     24     24     27     33   
 2m WindChill(F):    34     42     46     50     43     27     20     17      7      0      4     11     14     16     23   
1000mb GPH (m):      65     13     14     49     70     60     21     33     96    147    185    203    208    176    129   
 950mb GPH (m):     483    439    443    476    489    472    429    439    495    541    581    601    608    578    538   
 950mb Temp (C):    5.7   11.9   12.8    8.5    3.9   -0.9   -3.3   -5.4   -9.4  -12.9  -11.5  -10.5   -9.1   -7.2   -2.1   
 950mb Dewpt(C):    3.9    7.4   10.2    4.3   -0.2   -6.4   -3.8   -6.8  -14.2  -18.1  -15.7  -14.2  -12.4  -10.4   -7.0   
 950mb RH (%):       88     73     84     75     74     66     96     90     69     65     71     75     77     78     69   
 950mb Dir:         185    222    248    303    339     40     32    343    319    316    296    293    273    214    222   
 950mb Speed(kt):    14     44     38     17     16     16     24     27     29     29     29     21     16     23     28   
 900mb GPH (m):     930    893    896    920    926    904    855    860    909    950    992   1013   1023    998    967   
 900mb Temp (C):   10.4   13.2   11.2    5.0    2.0    0.3   -4.5   -8.2  -13.4  -16.0  -15.1  -14.5  -12.3   -8.4   -1.3   
 900mb Dewpt(C):    6.9    8.9    7.5    1.8   -5.7   -7.7   -5.1   -9.0  -16.2  -24.4  -17.9  -15.9  -16.7  -13.7  -10.0   
 900mb RH (%):       78     74     77     80     57     55     95     94     80     49     80     89     70     66     52   
 900mb Dir:         224    231    263    287    297    138     59      1    323    328    306    295    295    226    248   
 900mb Speed(kt):    36     61     43     21     15      2     21     32     34     38     32     22     16     31     36   
 850mb GPH (m):    1408   1372   1370   1384   1389   1363   1306   1303   1342   1378   1421   1442   1460   1442   1423   
 850mb Temp (C):   10.8    9.9    7.0    3.3    3.4    1.8   -4.5   -8.7  -16.1  -18.7  -18.5  -18.3  -11.4   -7.4   -1.7   
 850mb Dewpt(C):    3.5    3.8    4.6   -4.4  -17.2   -9.1   -4.7   -9.8  -22.6  -29.0  -22.2  -20.5  -25.7  -14.0  -10.7   
 850mb RH (%):       60     65     85     57     21     44     99     92     58     41     73     83     30     59     50   
 850mb Dir:         235    237    270    270    265    238    112    360    333    334    318    309    310    245    272   
 850mb Speed(kt):    43     62     39     29     23     16     13     24     40     44     37     25     23     37     31   
 800mb GPH (m):    1910   1873   1866   1877   1877   1850   1784   1772   1796   1827   1870   1895   1926   1915   1903   
 800mb Temp (C):    8.2    7.6    4.1    3.6    0.2    0.0   -3.7   -9.4  -17.9  -21.9  -21.8  -16.5  -10.1   -6.3   -2.9   
 800mb Dewpt(C):    0.4   -2.4    1.7  -13.9  -11.7   -4.3   -3.8  -10.4  -25.8  -30.7  -26.7  -36.2  -23.6   -8.7   -7.6   
 800mb RH (%):       57     49     84     26     40     73     99     93     51     46     65     17     33     83     70   
 800mb Dir:         235    235    256    264    265    235    172    336    321    330    319    324    299    270    269   
 800mb Speed(kt):    39     56     38     33     28     28     21     18     34     45     38     39     30     47     33   
 750mb GPH (m):    2439   2401   2388   2397   2392   2366   2294   2269   2277   2298   2343   2382   2422   2416   2416   
 750mb Temp (C):    4.5    3.8    1.1    0.6   -2.2   -1.6   -3.5  -11.6  -19.5  -24.9  -23.8  -15.4  -11.5   -9.6   -1.2   
 750mb Dewpt(C):   -2.0   -4.8   -1.5  -15.7   -5.0   -4.0   -3.5  -12.4  -26.3  -33.5  -32.6  -34.0  -19.0  -11.9   -3.4   
 750mb RH (%):       62     53     83     28     81     84    100     93     56     46     45     19     54     83     85   
 750mb Dir:         242    227    248    267    271    239    189    315    300    326    317    320    291    276    275   
 750mb Speed(kt):    45     59     44     41     39     37     39     18     28     45     44     47     39     57     41   
 700mb GPH (m):    2997   2957   2941   2947   2937   2912   2838   2796   2788   2797   2846   2902   2949   2950   2965   
 700mb Temp (C):    0.7   -0.7   -1.9   -2.5   -4.5   -5.1   -5.2  -13.2  -20.9  -27.2  -23.5  -15.6  -12.8   -8.6   -3.9   
 700mb Dewpt(C):   -3.1   -7.1   -7.7  -20.0   -7.5   -8.1   -5.5  -15.2  -31.4  -37.7  -45.9  -31.2  -16.0   -9.9   -4.0   
 700mb RH (%):       76     62     64     25     80     79     98     85     39     37     12     26     77     90     99   
 700mb Dir:         244    223    249    262    269    240    196    288    283    320    320    318    293    286    280   
 700mb Speed(kt):    51     62     47     43     42     41     53     22     25     40     54     52     44     63     47   
 650mb GPH (m):    3588   3544   3526   3531   3517   3490   3418   3358   3331   3328   3387   3460   3514   3525   3547   
 650mb Temp (C):   -3.9   -4.8   -5.4   -6.2   -8.1   -8.9   -7.9  -15.4  -24.2  -29.3  -24.3  -16.3  -12.5   -8.8   -7.0   
 650mb Dewpt(C):   -6.2   -9.5  -14.4  -22.0  -12.1  -11.6   -8.0  -19.2  -31.2  -42.7  -50.1  -33.4  -14.2   -9.6   -9.6   
 650mb RH (%):       85     70     49     28     73     80     99     73     53     28      8     22     87     94     82   
 650mb Dir:         242    222    253    250    263    241    205    261    272    312    322    315    297    290    287   
 650mb Speed(kt):    55     62     49     44     44     45     61     29     26     35     59     60     50     64     50   
 600mb GPH (m):    4213   4169   4148   4151   4134   4105   4037   3959   3911   3895   3968   4059   4126   4142   4166   
 600mb Temp (C):   -9.3   -8.9   -9.3  -10.3  -12.0  -12.0  -11.3  -17.9  -27.5  -32.5  -26.2  -18.7  -13.1  -11.2  -10.7   
 600mb Dewpt(C):  -11.3  -12.5  -22.7  -25.3  -16.4  -15.0  -11.4  -23.5  -34.9  -45.3  -51.2  -36.7  -14.5  -12.0  -15.4   
 600mb RH (%):       86     75     33     29     70     78     99     62     51     28      8     20     89     94     69   
 600mb Dir:         238    224    255    240    254    238    214    241    258    302    323    313    299    290    291   
 600mb Speed(kt):    57     59     49     48     52     54     65     37     28     36     66     67     64     66     56
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Just now, Rjay said:

Make sure you click the Quebec view bc for some reason thats the only way you can viee it now 



I don't even recall it being on that site before, I always had to find it somewhere else

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