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February banter thread

Eskimo Joe

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18 minutes ago, Bob Chill said:


Point taken, Bob, and I understand point of view. I guess we just have fundamentally different views of the internet, which I aluded to in my earlier post. You're making this forum out to be an embodiment of the real world, where standard rules of etiquette apply. So, it's OK for someone to make a rude comment, just like in the real world, but it's not OK for someone to respond to that with a your mom joke, especially if they don't know each other. That makes sense. I don't think I'm missing the context though - I just disagree with you on the value of the context.

You're literally conceding the point that the board is an insular community and an attempt of an outside to break in to the circle will be rejected. When I'm on an internet forum, I don't believe that the standard rules of social interaction apply. Sure, you can't post horrible images and swear every other word, because you'd get banned. But to me, a joke on the internet is a joke on the internet, not a joke as if it were said in person. For example, mattie's 'hernia' avatar. Does mattie walk around in real life with that picture taped to the front of his face? Do I walk around making your mom jokes to people that I don't know? Of course not. However, I guess we disagree about the 'rules' being different on the internet. I don't see the same social norms as applicable, because this is the internet - we're all anonymous (except for the few who chose to make their real life information available). I would not personally take offense to someone making a your mom joke to me on the internet, though it would perhaps be different in person. What if wxwatcher or winterwxlover had been trolled by mattie g, then responded with the same your mom joke? By your example, that would have been appropriate and no big deal, because they're part of the 10yr club.  I'm saying that the concept of an internet club is absurd on its face, especially when people's real identities are anonymous. 

In my mind, I would look like a complete tool if I responded to mattie's comment with something in all caps, swearing, spamming his inbox, etc. 

To concede your point though, I think it is reasonable to assume that the social values and norms of an internet space are set by the most active, respected users and the mods. Basically, you set the rules. If (and the 500 other people) say that social interaction here is the same as social interaction in real life, you're able to define that. I disagree, but my disagreement and the merit of my disagreement doesn't matter in the end. I think I'm now yelling from the bottom of a 50 foot grave so I'm not sure if you guys can hear me, but I'm just trying to make a broader point about the holier than though/disdainful perspectives that permeate some attitudes and personas on this board.



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In all seriousness, to echo a point I made in the model thread - the Euro has been a rock for days now in giving much of the beltway and surrounding area some snow with this. A Euro/Canadian combo isn't something you would usually bet against. I am guessing we have a hard time believing it can actually be right in showing snow as opposed to being Dr. No.

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1 hour ago, Paleocene said:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain

:rolleyes:  If you think that I was trying to create a storm with a your mom joke, you're giving me waaaaaay too much credit. I was trying to "dance in the rain" with my sense of humor, which I'm guessing as caustic millenial sarcasm doesn't translate well to GenX sensibility. Or something. Honestly, I was just shocked at the "way out of line, get it together you sicko" response. I've been reading this board for 4 years and not posting, I decided to hop in this year.  I have actually been pleasantly surprised that people have interacted with me postively thus far (except for Mattie G, but his role is the accepted troll). In previous years, I watched new posters get ignored or get treated with disdain, so I avoided joining.  It's apparent that amwx mid-atlantic is just like every other well-used internet forum. There are standard roleplayers - godlike authorities, queen bees, comic relief, trolls. Intrusion into standard roleplayers' turf causes a negative reaction - it plays out everywhere in comment threads, forums, etc on any subject. The conversation here is generally between about 10-20 regulars who mostly talk to each other, and occassionally respond to the input of non-regulars.  That's fine, that's how a good forum generally works - you need regulars to have an ongoing conversation. It makes everyone feel like they're part of something. That said, I'm not going to back off of this, because I think the board response from the higher ups and respecteds was telling. Mattie G was overtly trolling. I responded with a caustic and silly joke. Instead of rebuking Mattie G for his obvious trolling, I got rebuked for making a stupid joke. I saw a post the other day, mappy, where you were yourself telling him to be nicer to people. I get his ultra-realist stance of "it's not going to snow inside the beltway," because I've been living inside the beltway since 2010 and I get it. He chose to pick on me, did it, I reacted in a similarly non-constructive fashion, and mods/authorities responded by rebuking me. I mean literally, he just trolled me again, a few posts up from this one:

 I get that this is a banter thread and within-reason trolling is allowed here. The mods generally do a good job here - I agree with PSU's statement. However, I'd challenge it as an obvious outsider, because I have nothing to lose. PSU, I don't feel that this was a slap in the face. I get that people want to keep banter and insults out of model and discussion threads, and off the board generally. I acknowledge that responding to a troll with trolling is not productive, and of course two wrongs don't make a right. But allowing continuous trolling doesn't make a right either. 

Dude, just let it go.  Seriously.  I probably would have stopped at your first dig.   It's ok.  Let's just move on.  

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28 minutes ago, Paleocene said:

Point taken, Bob, and I understand point of view. I guess we just have fundamentally different views of the internet, which I aluded to in my earlier post.

Totally fine. And for the record, we're good. I was only adding perspective. If you know my history here I'm very water under the bridge and never hold grudges or anything like that. Not that I was doing that in the first place. 

Matt (Deck Pic) has made great points over the years about our storm threads. They are read by a TON of people looking for up to the minute info. It becomes a real resource with a lot of traffic. Which we should be (and are) proud of. It changes the dynamic from a weather nerd geek fest (which it is most of the time) to a bit of a public service. I wish half of the posts are never made in the storm threads when a threat is imminent but that's a different discussion. Everyone should keep that in mind when things gets real and busy. 

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4 minutes ago, Bob Chill said:

Totally fine. And for the record, we're good. I was only adding perspective. If you know my history here I'm very water under the bridge and never hold grudges or anything like that. Not that I was doing that in the first place. 

Matt (Deck Pic) has made great points over the years about our storm threads. They are read by a TON of people looking for up to the minute info. It becomes a real resource with a lot of traffic. Which we should be (and are) proud of. It changes the dynamic from a weather nerd geek fest (which it is most of the time) to a bit of a public service. I wish half of the posts are never made in the storm threads when a threat is imminent but that's a different discussion. Everyone should keep that in mind when things gets real and busy. 

Respect. To your last paragraph, yes, agreed. I started coming here in 2010 for those exact reasons - waiting around for TV news, radio, or even the CWG got tiring - I wanted up to the minute info. This board is absolutely a public service during storms. I've learned a lot and I have no intention but to try to contribute positively from now on.

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