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21st Century Banter Thread


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On 12/13/2016 at 0:16 AM, MotoWeatherman said:

from a Motoweatherman post to Snowless in Carrollton in the december thread:

On 12/13/2016 at 0:16 AM, MotoWeatherman said:

Check your messages.  We need to chat about Dahlonega.  I've lived here about 8 years now and can bring you completely up to speed on all the nuances of this area. 

I'd like to hear that discussion Moto, and maybe so would a few of the other N Ga posters on here.    From my point of view, Dahlonega seems more variable than other places I've lived, such as middle Ga, and  Alpharetta and Cumming due to its location butting right up against mountains that more than double my roughly 1500 ft elevation within 15 or 20 miles away.  It satisfied my need to see more snow than I was getting for sure in mid ga, and even Alpharetta area.  I notice we miss out sometimes on snows that hit from Gainesville over toward Athens.  It seems when I get wrap around here, often my Brother in Canton will get flurries too, but we do get slightly more hits and usually more coverage, but not always.  We also are in a sweet spot, if you call it that, for ice accumulation based on being right up against the mountains but not too high.  Also great variability in just a few miles if you live south of town like I do or North like Moto does.  One of my favorite things is when the cold air is advecting in and there's low level moisture lingering, you can see the clouds build over the mountains, and it looks like its raining under them, but you know its flurries and if you are lucky the wind can drive them all the way down south of town.     I've counted over 30 inches of snow between 2010 and now, so I'd say its a pretty good place to be, of course nothing like Suches or places harder to get to up in the mountains, but thats a quick trip and you are at over 3000 ft in just a few minutes.   The worst thing is when you move up here to get more snow, and then a storm skirts south of Atlanta and they get 8 inches well south of the airport, and you get nothing, but then you are happy for the folks down there because its more rare for them, so it works out.   

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12 minutes ago, Snowless in Carrollton said:

That's pretty crazy that you saw 37 inches of snow since 2010. I think I saw maybe 10 inches in Carrollton, GA from 2010 to 2016.

actually i miscalculated.  i think its more like 30 inches, but still.  thanks i was curious what your total was.   Welcome to the snow belt.   But i caution in that i got zilch in 2005, 2006, and 2012, and a half inch in 2009.   Best year was 2010 (8.2 inches) with what we got in Feb and March and then later in December. 

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7 minutes ago, NGTim said:

actually i miscalculated.  i think its more like 30 inches, but still.  thanks i was curious what your total was.   Welcome to the snow belt.   But i caution in that i got zilch in 2005, 2006, and 2012, and a half inch in 2009.   Best year was 2010 (8.2 inches) with what we got in Feb and March and then later in December. 

The winter of 10-11 was great here. So was 09-10. We had almost 70 inches combined from those two winters. 11-12 was a terrible winter and we picked up maybe two dustings lol..

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spamming the banter board today but I guess i'm just in a talkative mood.  If anyone remembers Jay Thomas on David Letterman telling the Lone Ranger story every Christmas, I'd like Brick to reprise his story of the ice storm or something where the bus got stuck and Sheriff Taylor I think it was gave him a ride home, and all the townspeople gathered to sing Christmas carols or something like that, and the town was saved from a developer who was going to bulldoze the old school to make room for a high rise.  I may have the details mixed up, but just throwing this out there for Brick. 

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29 minutes ago, NGTim said:

spamming the banter board today but I guess i'm just in a talkative mood.  If anyone remembers Jay Thomas on David Letterman telling the Lone Ranger story every Christmas, I'd like Brick to reprise his story of the ice storm or something where the bus got stuck and Sheriff Taylor I think it was gave him a ride home, and all the townspeople gathered to sing Christmas carols or something like that, and the town was saved from a developer who was going to bulldoze the old school to make room for a high rise.  I may have the details mixed up, but just throwing this out there for Brick. 

Well, I think I was in 9th or 10th grade in Durham. Went to catch the bus and it was drizzling and cold. When I started crossing the road, I slipped on a patch of black ice. The forecast was calling for rain, but it was freezing rain. We went down the road for a while to pick up more folks, when one of the parents told us they cancelled school because of freezing rain. By now, people started wrecking all over the place. The bus turned around to take us back home, but it couldn't get up a hill because it was frozen with ice. So, deputies carried the rest of us home. There must have been 10 cars that spun out in front of my house that day. That's why I said freezing rain could be tricky. Just a little more precip than forecasted, or a degree or two can make all the difference. 

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1 hour ago, Snowless in Carrollton said:

That's pretty crazy that you saw 37 inches of snow since 2010. I think I saw maybe 10 inches in Carrollton, GA from 2010 to 2016.

As franklin stated 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 where big snow years in the mountains. I remember December 18th 2009 they where calling for some snow here but maybe like 3 to 6 inches then to rain. It started that morning and never let up. snowed basically for 3 days on and off. we got 16 inches from that storm. That year we had snow on the ground from December through March. It literally snowed every other weekend up here. I'm talking about over 6 inches every single time. I remember that March in 2010 we had one week with a high of 90 degrees then the next week 8 inches of snow on the ground. Crazy! In 2010/2011 December was brutally cold. I remember before the big Christmas weekend storm the radio was only calling for 1 inch of snow up here for that storm. It snowed that whole weekend. The upslope snow was like the lake effect snow up north. Huge flakes just hammering down. All day and into the night. We had 2 feet of snow from that storm alone. I would say we had 100 to 120 inches from those two years alone. The 2012/13 year was horrendous! Only 14 inches the whole season and hardly any cold. The next year we had around 40 to 50 inches and so on. Last year absolutely sucked except that one storm where we had 14 inches. We squeezed out about 25 inches last year. 

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17 minutes ago, Met1985 said:

As franklin stated 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 where big snow years in the mountains. I remember December 18th 2009 they where calling for some snow here but maybe like 3 to 6 inches then to rain. It started that morning and never let up. snowed basically for 3 days on and off. we got 16 inches from that storm. That year we had snow on the ground from December through March. It literally snowed every other weekend up here. I'm talking about over 6 inches every single time. I remember that March in 2010 we had one week with a high of 90 degrees then the next week 8 inches of snow on the ground. Crazy! In 2010/2011 December was brutally cold. I remember before the big Christmas weekend storm the radio was only calling for 1 inch of snow up here for that storm. It snowed that whole weekend. The upslope snow was like the lake effect snow up north. Huge flakes just hammering down. All day and into the night. We had 2 feet of snow from that storm alone. I would say we had 100 to 120 inches from those two years alone. The 2012/13 year was horrendous! Only 14 inches the whole season and hardly any cold. The next year we had around 40 to 50 inches and so on. Last year absolutely sucked except that one storm where we had 14 inches. We squeezed out about 25 inches last year. 

thats awesome.  i doubt I'll move anytime soon but at some point I'd like to spend a January at high elevation or even at some ski area that i know is going to get 1 to 2 hundred inches of snow just to experience it once.  I keep threatening to fly up to the great lakes when there is going to be an epic lake effect snow event.  I want it to be so much snow so fast that I actually get scared. 

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2 minutes ago, NGTim said:

thats awesome.  i doubt I'll move anytime soon but at some point I'd like to spend a January at high elevation or even at some ski area that i know is going to get 1 to 2 hundred inches of snow just to experience it once.  I keep threatening to fly up to the great lakes when there is going to be an epic lake effect snow event.  I want it to be so much snow so fast that I actually get scared. 

Lol these past few winters I have been looking to move out west or up north where they average over 100 inches per year of snow. Usually the winters here are not bad but the past several have not been the norm. Montana or upstate NY looks good to me.

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2 hours ago, Snowless in Carrollton said:

That's pretty crazy that you saw 37 inches of snow since 2010. I think I saw maybe 10 inches in Carrollton, GA from 2010 to 2016.


1 hour ago, NGTim said:

actually i miscalculated.  i think its more like 30 inches, but still.  thanks i was curious what your total was.   Welcome to the snow belt.   But i caution in that i got zilch in 2005, 2006, and 2012, and a half inch in 2009.   Best year was 2010 (8.2 inches) with what we got in Feb and March and then later in December. 

Snowless...want to meet up at Starbucks in town sometime and talk weather a bit.  NGTim brings about my reason to get you familiar with the area since you did move here for the winter weather reason (as I did too).  NGTim lives more or less on the SW side of the county while I live on the NE side.  Were both about the same distance from the square just in the opposite direction.  He lives at 1,500 ft while I'm at just under 1,700 ft.  In this same time period he mentioned I've recorded just over 41" of snow.  That's just over 5.5" per year since 2009/2010 winter. 

While yes Dahlonega does get you in the gold (pun intended) when our friends to our south (ATL to Carrolton) get cold rain, elevation plays a huge roll on how much you get around here.  You live south of town towards Achasta which I've seen many times get just a dusting or slushy stuff while I get several inches.  Christmas 2010 I get 2.75" while just 200' higher elevation got nearly 5 inches.  March of this year I got 2.5" of surprise snow while most south of town or below 1,400 ft just got to see snow fall but not really accumulate.

CAD is also funny around here.  When CAD is first moving in it's always colder at higher elevations and it's amazing how strong it is.  When CAD starts to erode the higher elevations warm up super fast while everywhere south (Gainesville to ATL to Athens) are the last to warm up due to the cold air settling into the lower elevations.  I live at just below 1700 ft while 2 miles down the road is around 1,400 ft.  I've seen CAD on the way out and I was at 45 while my neighbor just 2 miles down the road was at 35.  That was all due to elevation.

Personally since you moved here to get in the good I would get in the best place possible.  In my opinion that is north of town.  North of HWY 9 and west of HWY 19 typically do the best with snow around here.  Where you are sitting there will be a time when I'm talking about an inch or two of snow and your getting just slush.  Elevation is KING.

Or you could just go to Suches at nearly 3000ft.  They get way more snow and even get upslope snow.  But that area is too far from everything for me.  :)



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3 minutes ago, Snowless in Carrollton said:

Thanks for the information Moto. I actually didn't move here for the weather and I won't be staying here that long. It's just a temporary stay for now. But yeah we could go to starbucks sometime if you want and talk.

It might be hard to schedule but if its early one morning let me know I'd like to participate if I'm not on call at work.  Too bad Tyler moved away.   Moto, looking forward to your live feed tonight on Facebook!  i had no idea, its already 35 here on the southside right now. 

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19 minutes ago, MotoWeatherman said:

Or you could just go to Suches at nearly 3000ft.  They get way more snow and even get upslope snow. 

I've seen more snow in Suches and at Woody Gap on 19 before Suches coming from Dahlonega and at Hog Pen on the Richard Russell than anywhere else in N GA - if it's gonna snow in N GA those are the three most "for sure" places

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12 minutes ago, NGTim said:

It might be hard to schedule but if its early one morning let me know I'd like to participate if I'm not on call at work.  Too bad Tyler moved away.   Moto, looking forward to your live feed tonight on Facebook!  i had no idea, its already 35 here on the southside right now. 

I'd like to see his live feed. What time is it and how do I find it ? I'm also on the southside of Dahlonega by about a mile and its 35 here also.

Edit: Nevermind, I see his facebook page Dahlonega Weather. 

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4 minutes ago, franklin NCwx said:

Sky valley 

There too - but Woody, Suches and Hog Pen seem to be real sweet spots! And I'm only going off of personal observations (many, many) and what the locals have also told me for years as well. Sky Valley is almost NC anyway.


BTW - to change gears here - I'm inundated with robins - never have seen them show up before late February at the earliest; usually March. Don't like the signal ....

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