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what's hiding at the poles

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I think your first impression nailed it - this guys on crack. I could only bear to watch the about three minutes before the BS got too deep.  BTW - the ISS doesn't fly over Antarctica, it's orbit is inclined 51.6 degrees so it never overflies either pole.




There is no substitute for critical thinking.

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oh yeah thats basically the trailer for the ninth (secret) episode of Frozen Planet. the one where david attenborough narrates his travels to ultima thule, the hyperborean portal to the hollow earth, and then to the hidden nazi spaceport in antarctica's neuschwabenland


the original documentary episode was suppressed at the direct orders of the british crown. to make sure sir david got the message, "they" made an example of richard attenborough. rumor is they made sir david watch as the queen's great-grandchildren ate his brother alive ... and rumor is it was just like john hammond's final scene in jurassic park -- the book, not the movie. word is it wasnt when they started eating richards entrails that his screams were the worst ... but when the royal young shed their human forms & unhinged their jaws to reveal their true reptilian selves ....


can't get it streaming, amazon, liveleak, anywhere ... but i'll send you a DVD copy for $9.99 plus shipping.

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What's even more crazy is the channel has 420k subscribers.



His UFO video from last week is what initially got me checkin him out.   He does have some interesting stuff, but a lot of junk as well. 


It's funny the tactics these characters use these days to lure in their audience.   Sound smart,  authoritative , and make videos on mysterious stuff... and you could have 420k as well.   Here's another character that has a big audience and uses similar silly antics -  https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers


maybe weak minded women are their primary subscribers. 

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