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February 2016 Banter


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I don't know where to put this so I will put it here, I got to work around 6:40 and was walking up to the building, we had just had some really heavy rain and there were  few flashes of lightning but not many.....anyways I didn't have a umbrella and was walking fast with my head down when a bolt hit maybe 60-70 ft from me to my right....well I hauled ass up to the building wondering were I was going to get a new pair of pants when I heard someone yelling. I turned around and saw one of my co workers standing over another co worker who was face down and had been hit by the bolt. He was out of it and bleeding from his nose and mouth it was pretty insane. We got him up and in a wheelchair....He woke up pretty quick though but had trouble moving etc.. The blood was from were he face planted......whats even crazier is I bet that was the only positive strike in Pitt Co....


Wow!  That's wild!

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Its ridiculous, I saw a few flashes on the way to work but it was all cloud to cloud looking stuff no bolts hitting the ground, heck there was barely any ctc.....when it hit I was just floored, I knew it was close cause I heard that ripping sound and a sharp bang with a concussive thud in my chest.....I just ran to the building ole fright or flight took over.....I wasn't looking up since it was raining and I was fast walking with my head down up to the building so I didn't even see Andre walking up....what really sucks is we work with heavy equipment so we do lock out tag out and wear headsets and he has all this stuff on when he got hit....at first he didn't move much and I thought it was gonna end up bad and even once he came too he didn't know who he was or where he was. Crazy.....and now I got to work 12 hrs lol

Wow,just wow glad you are ok. Any word on your friend?

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I don't know where to put this so I will put it here, I got to work around 6:40 and was walking up to the building, we had just had some really heavy rain and there were few flashes of lightning but not many.....anyways I didn't have a umbrella and was walking fast with my head down when a bolt hit maybe 60-70 ft from me to my right....well I hauled ass up to the building wondering were I was going to get a new pair of pants when I heard someone yelling. I turned around and saw one of my co workers standing over another co worker who was face down and had been hit by the bolt. He was out of it and bleeding from his nose and mouth it was pretty insane. We got him up and in a wheelchair....He woke up pretty quick though but had trouble moving etc.. The blood was from were he face planted......whats even crazier is I bet that was the only positive strike in Pitt Co....

omg man! Keep us informed on how he is doing.

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I don't know where to put this so I will put it here, I got to work around 6:40 and was walking up to the building, we had just had some really heavy rain and there were  few flashes of lightning but not many.....anyways I didn't have a umbrella and was walking fast with my head down when a bolt hit maybe 60-70 ft from me to my right....well I hauled ass up to the building wondering were I was going to get a new pair of pants when I heard someone yelling. I turned around and saw one of my co workers standing over another co worker who was face down and had been hit by the bolt. He was out of it and bleeding from his nose and mouth it was pretty insane. We got him up and in a wheelchair....He woke up pretty quick though but had trouble moving etc.. The blood was from were he face planted......whats even crazier is I bet that was the only positive strike in Pitt Co....

Weird. WRAL was discussed that multiple positive strikes were taking place down east this evening.

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Weird. WRAL was discussed that multiple positive strikes were taking place down east this evening.


I guess some of those flashes could have been positives....but I hadn't seen any flashes, much less a bolt or anything for the 10 mins I was eating my burger sitting in the truck waiting for the rain to let up...it really was random as hell and Andre had trees and light poles around him within 30-50 ft and it still got him...or maybe that's why it got him who knows.  I always feel exposed and worried walking up during storms as its 200 yards of open ground but I wasn't even thinking lightning tonight.

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Glad you're OK, and hope Andre will recover as well! We did have a little lightning and a few rumbles over this way, but well after that initial 'line' went through. Didn't really expect anything like that a few hours after the intense rain had passed through.

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Thanks Fraz. I was released on Monday afternoon. Been PT and Rehabilitation to strengthen my body back up.

I had back surgery to fuse a compressional fracture on T12 near the spinal cord. Could have been a lot worse but I will overcome this.


Glad you are ok man, hope for a speedy recovery, back surgery is always a serious deal.


Dumpster fire nam run looks to be inbound.  

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Its ridiculous, I saw a few flashes on the way to work but it was all cloud to cloud looking stuff no bolts hitting the ground, heck there was barely any ctc.....when it hit I was just floored, I knew it was close cause I heard that ripping sound and a sharp bang with a concussive thud in my chest.....I just ran to the building ole fright or flight took over.....I wasn't looking up since it was raining and I was fast walking with my head down up to the building so I didn't even see Andre walking up....what really sucks is we work with heavy equipment so we do lock out tag out and wear headsets and he has all this stuff on when he got hit....at first he didn't move much and I thought it was gonna end up bad and even once he came too he didn't know who he was or where he was. Crazy.....and now I got to work 12 hrs lol

That's crazy...when I was 7... I was entering my grandmother's chicken coup and a bolt of lightning struck the super tall longleaf pine near the coup.  It felt like I was hit in the face with a wide board.  When I woke up half of my grandmother's Rhode Island red chickens were dead and there was a burnt strip coming down the pine splitting the fence ending at the gate where I was entering.  Lightning strikes are amazing...some people get hit and just get knocked down or feel a rush of energy through their body, whereas some get blown apart.  My dad was a ranger and during a bad storm down at Fort Benning three soldiers got hit by a bolt and he said they were toast...your co-worker is very lucky


meant to add....we ate chicken for the next few Sundays at maw maws.  

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Next week went from looking decent and clippergeddon , to Bricks favorite, cold and dry!

Maybe highs in the 30s, lows in the teens, for a couple of days! What a yawn fest! And the 30" clown maps from 18z on the 16th, it's a rainstorm at 0z! Winter cancel! :(

It's getting real ugly real quick, that's for sure.

It's ok though, super nina will deliver next year!

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If I remember the predominate nina pattern correctly, next year may be the opposite of this year. Meaning a cold December followed by a warm January and February.   


Yep. For "normal" years. However, this strong Nino didn't act as such for most of winter, so maybe we'll cash in with the reverse Nina next year. ;):lol:

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Its forever changing? Why have the same boring hobby?

I know right.....why on earth do these people pick this for a hobby. If it causes this much depression please take up something else or get better meds.



Anyway just because it doesnt snow in your by.... doesnt mean winter is over. Let the coastal sections have fun. Its rare for this type of setup where coastal and outer bank regions get it. Its an interesting oddity. Beside this storm will help setup the cold. Jon been preaching about the cold coming. This storm may help setup a piece of PV over the MW and NE.

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Let's just declare winter to be over for areas outside the mtns. We're most likely not going to see much of anything else



Go ahead.  Make your declaration:


"When in the course of weather events, it becomes necessary for weenies to dissolve the thin strands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the members of the SE subforum, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of other weenies requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to cancel winter.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all weenies are created equal, that they are endowed by their short memories with certain unalienable statements and behaviors, that among these are "How much snow for my backyard?", "If the [___] model doesn't print out snow for my backyard, then winter must be over", and the pursuit of regular cliff-diving sessions.




We, therefore, the weenies of the SE subforum, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the countless other weenies of this subforum, solemnly publish and declare, That this winter is officially over, and that all meteorological discussion between them and the other members of the SE subforum, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent weenies, they have full Power to no longer post, choose not to visit the site, long for Spring, distribute pre-emergent, and to do all other Acts and Things which weenies may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our continued self-indulgent pity and despair."

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