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Your favorite snow event


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Since we are all starved for nights when we stay up for the euro and live and die on each model run, I thought we could share our favorite snow events (model watching leading up to it included).


My favorite has to be the Christmas snow in 2010.  I remember it showed up on the models in fantasyland and it feels like it kept showing up every run the week leading up to christmas.



I'll never forget Robert giving pbp of the euro 3-4 days out and saying "I NEED SMELLING SALTS" as it plastered nc/sc, and burger giving snow totals for the weenies asking about their backyard.  


And then on the 23rd/24th the models shifted the low out to sea and showed little to no precip over nc/sc, and the board was in absolute meltdown mode.  I was christmas shopping and remember refreshing my phone every 30 seconds waiting for an update as people hung their hopes on the theory that the atmosphere hadn't been properly sampled and that "the models always lose storms 3 days out, it will come back!" (among other things).


And when the next few runs brought it back west and deepened the low the board exploded and every time you would refresh the thread it had 3-4 new replies.  Was an absolute rollercoaster to track.  Nothing like putting in a weeks worth of model watching to finally have a storm deliver.





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Since we are all starved for nights when we stay up for the euro and live and die on each model run, I thought we could share our favorite snow events (model watching leading up to it included).


My favorite has to be the Christmas snow in 2010.  I remember it showed up on the models in fantasyland and it feels like it kept showing up every run the week leading up to christmas.



I'll never forget Robert giving pbp of the euro 3-4 days out and saying "I NEED SMELLING SALTS" as it plastered nc/sc, and burger giving snow totals for the weenies asking about their backyard.  


And then on the 23rd/24th the models shifted the low out to sea and showed little to no precip over nc/sc, and the board was in absolute meltdown mode.  I was christmas shopping and remember refreshing my phone every 30 seconds waiting for an update as people hung their hopes on the theory that the atmosphere hadn't been properly sampled and that "the models always lose storms 3 days out, it will come back!" (among other things).


And when the next few runs brought it back west and deepened the low the board exploded and every time you would refresh the thread it had 3-4 new replies.  Was an absolute rollercoaster to track.  Nothing like putting in a weeks worth of model watching to finally have a storm deliver.






lol. That storm was such a disappointment for CLT, especially the west side.  It was memorable though, I went to the mountains to ski that day for a day trip and it was great.  Had lots of snow.  Took 4 hours to get home though that night, there was snow pack on the roads all the way to about Lincolnton, then it was rain.  MBY got a sloppy couple inches that melted immediately the next day.  But the day trip to the mountains with kids was fun. 


Feb 04 still is the best for CLT.  I'm still waiting on it's equal!

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February 4, 2016.  Over 2 inches of rain in less than 30 minutes created street flooding and massive ponding of water in low-lying areas.  Temperatures soared into 90s as the sun rose high into the sky.  The tropical nature of the air produced an oppressive feel to anyone unfortunate enough to be caught outdoors for any length of time.  Stores sold out of sunscreen by lunchtime, and bottled water was snapped off the shelves at a record pace.  Electrical grids strained under the burden of long-duration usages of air conditioning by both industrial and residential complexes.  It was a day that many in the western Carolinas would never forget.



I remember this well!

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January 2000, no question.




But aside from that one, some runner-up contenders:


-Jan 2002 (this would be a lot more famous had it not happened less than 2 years after Jan 2000)

-Jan 2009 (an overperforming half-footer that broke the nearly 5-year spell of no 1"+ events)

-Dec 2010 (best December storm by a mile, also overperformed, and is only topped by Jan 2000 and Jan 2002 in totals)

-Feb 2014 (most prolific daytime event I've witnessed, and the chaos that ensued was particularly memorable)

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I have many storms that i enjoyed but 2 storms stand out as favoites. January 96 and February 14. I know it'supposed to be one. Total storm was about the same amount of snow,18 in in 96 and 16 in 14. The thing that was differentin 96 was the snow drifts. There were drifts over 6 ft. just up the road from me.

The 2014 wasn't too shabby either.

My favorite was December 18th 2009.Tthe reason was my father passed away December18th 2008. I year to the day. I that God for allowing that tohappen as it did.

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hands down. Such a crazy storm from a forecasting perspective as well.


We were otw home from Tampa and the Outback Bowl. Started pouring snow before we hit Jacksonville, and snowed the whole way. What should only take 4 hrs from Jacksoville to Columbia took about 8. Miserable. I love snow, but now when we have to drive that far through it.

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I was alive for '93 and I bet it would've been fun, but I was too young to remember.  I remember January 2000, but I was fairly young and didn't appreciate it from a meteorological perspective until I got older.


I'd have to go with storms post-2008 as that's when I really started to pay attention to weather more (there was nothing notable in the 2005-2007 period, anyways).  My guess is that January 2002 was a lot of fun, but I honestly don't remember it as a distinct storm aside from all the other events in the 2002-2004 timeframe (I was 10 in 2002).  February 2004 may have been amazing here (my current backyard was right on the dividing line between 12"+ and ~6"), but I did not live here from 2004-2007.


So, I lean towards January 29-30, 2010 and December 25-26, 2010.  The January storm was a ton of fun and it lasted a long time with very cold temperatures afterwards.  It also did not really have any mixing, which is always nice.  The Christmas/Boxing Day Storm was not as good of a storm, all else being equal, but it was on Christmas, so that is special.  The Christmas storm also lasted a long time.  The heavy portion only lasted until early evening here and that's when we got the majority of the snow here, but we got light snow until dawn on Boxing Day (we also got clipped by the coastal while ENC was getting hammered, which was a responsible for the long-duration (~18 hours) event here.


The February 12-13, 2014 storm would have an argument as I got more snow in that storm than any other since 2002 (8"), but the changeover to sleet for a lot of the storm was frustrating and downgrades it for me.  While it lasted, it was a hell of a lot of fun as it was a cold storm (temperature of 21 during the middle of a February afternoon!) with heavy snow sticking to everything immediately during mid-afternoon.  I was driving home when it started and the roads slicked up fast!  The fact that the heaviest snow came during the day was cool, too.  I thought the February 25-26, 2015 storm was fun, too.  Temperatures sucked (32-34) and it didn't last long, but it dropped 6.5" of heavy, wet snow in just a few hours.


And I can't forgot March 2009, either.  That was the first big storm we got since I joined weather forums and it was a lot of fun with 6" of snow in about 8 hours.


For some reason, I also kind of enjoyed the March 6-7, 2014 ice storm, with the 2" of sleet and 0.25-0.50" ZR.  We lost power for a week after that one (80%+ of the county lost power), and I am not sure I would want to go through it again, but it was sure memorable.  That was a bit of a surprise storm as we did not have Winter Storm Warnings issued until the event was underway.  We don't get a lot of those these days with models and forecasting always getting better and better.  The models did not start showing the potential for a big ice storm until a day or two prior, and fortunately we ended up getting a lot of sleet rather than all-freezing rain, as that would have been even uglier.  It did change over to rain on the mid-morning of the 7th as we had lost our cold air feed and the March sun could not be denied and we were in the 60s with no power and ice on the ground still a couple days later, which was weird, but that's March for you!

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