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What are your limits on what is too hot or too cold?


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It depends on the amount of exposure and the activities I'm engaged in. Seasons make a difference, too - it's easier to handle high temps in summer and cold temps in winter due to acclimation. Very warm days in spring and very chilly days in fall feel a lot worse the. They might be otherwise.

That said, in general I can handle hot temps much better than cold temps, but the longer any heat wave or cold snap drags on, the grumpier I become!

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Above 95 and below 20.  The high end depends on the humidity and the low side on the wind.  Plus, you can always add a layer, but can only take off to a limit! Cold is far more tolerable with snow on the ground.  Cold and dry with no snow is worse than a cold rain.  It just teases you as to the potential "what if it only....".  


Lived in India for 3 years in the early/mid 90's and got somewhat used to prolonged stretches with temps in the 113F to 118F range.  The heat built gradually March and April after the occasional cool spells in "Winter".  We did have frost with some frequency in New Delhi, but it typically still got into the 60's even during the coldest days.  After the build up in Mar/Apr, by the time mid-May arrived it was brutal.  When the humidity arrived with Monson season (circa July) the temps dropped some, maybe 10 F or so, but the heat index was a killer and routinely above 150F.  Got acclimated to it a little, but it was still just flat out hot no matter how you cut it and you got used to taking 2-3 showers a day.  That said, I was about 50 lbs lighter then.  Can definitely not deal with the heat as good as I could back then.  However, with the extra mass it's amazing how much better I can handle the cold. 

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Anything over 80F and I'm unhappy. On the cold side, it doesn't matter how low it gets, I'll still enjoy outdoor activities. However, throw some wind in there, and that will instantly make it uncomfortable.


Last season, I remember it was 7F at around 8 or 9AM, and I went out in shorts and it didn't feel too cold.

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In other words, which temperatures on either extreme are too much for you?

Nothing on the cold end. Bring it. Remember sitting outside at a psu fb game once w temps in the teens, windy and snow falling. Loved it. Last year when the super squall/front moved in I was walking around the streets. It was fun despite the cold/wind/snow.

In the heat....above 90 and im miserable.

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Cold is good, heat is bad.

Above 80 (especially with ANY humidity) and I'm not happy, once those combine above 90 I'm in AC period.

Cold has no limits that I have met yet, including -14 with a -33 WC and walking/hiking 3 hours in NE VT.....invigorating!

Agreed. It depends on what you are doing of course. When contemplating the OP's question I personally view it as dealing with extended periods of time. Judging temps and "how tolerable" they are when walking from the lot to the store door doesn't say much. But hiking 10 miles or fishing for 8 hours or whatever else is the real perspective.

I am uncomfortable 100% of the time above 80 degrees with 70 degree dews when spending extended time outside. I will never enjoy sweating bullets. It's nasty and even being nude doesn't solve the problem.

OTOH- I love to fish and play disc golf. Both require bare hands to do it right. Below 40 is a challenge keeping the hands warm. When it's below 40 I can't do that stuff and enjoy it but I can still hike forever in the teens and single digits.

I used to back country ski in CO in sub zero at times. Dressed right and plenty warm. I find any cold temps in the MA easily tolerable in general. We're not a cold area at all.

The short story of my long post is the sweet spot for outdoor activity is 40-70. Above and below that range comes with tradeoffs. If I had to choose the over/under it's definitely the under. Swampass has no positives.

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For general outdoor stuff (including gardening and yard work), I like it between 60-75. Upper 50's is ok too as long as I have the sun on me. Around 68-69 is ideal.

Beach weather I like between 65-80; if I'm actually swimming in the water (and not just getting my feet wet) I guess between 75-90.

For telescope weather I like it a little colder, between 45-55. Keeps down on the bugs but isn't too cold.

If I'm playing in the snow I like it between about 25-37 (after wind chill is factored in). I have a hard time with anything below 20.

So basically I'm the same as Stebo- anything over 90 or under 20 (inlcuding heat index or wind chill) I can't stand under any conditions really.

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Mine are very seasonal

Spring - Max 75 Min 40

Summer - Max 85 and min isn't even applicable

Fall - Max 75 Min 30

Winter - Max freezing, Min about -10 would start to bug me

And reading Bobs post....I love to golf but won't play if it gets above 90, I'll fish in any level of heat because I'm in the water, but I'll ski no matter how cold it gets.

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I work outside and have experienced both extremes.


It is harder to bounce back from working outside all day in 90+ with HI going into the low 100s.  My top temp I want to work in is 90.  Even U80s is a pain at times but manageable with breaks.


I've worked in sub zero temps in the winter and highs in the single digits.  This can suck too as even with layers extremities suffer and get cold and numb.  I can generally deal with temps in the teens if moving enough.  Heck, temps in the 20s gets too warm sometimes when I layer up.

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