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"I'll be out of town so you can book that storm"


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I missed the derecho :(

Ditto.  Wife and I went to Wilmington, NC to help her friend move into a new house for a couple days, then we were going to Myrtle Beach for rest of our 'vacation'. We checked into room, went to eat and started getting texts from son and SIL about the crazy weather. Everything seemed ok with the house according to son, minus power and we told him to just rough it a while, it would be back on soon. Then at 6 am next morning we get the call from Red Cross (we both were volunteers) that they were opening shelters and could we help? And that is how we spent less than 16 hours in Myrtle Beach on our last real vacation together. We came back and helped run the shelter and assist people for next 4 days for the rest of it.

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It was miserably hot and there was no AC for days, so don't feel bad. Good thing we headed out of town a few hours after the storm. That was an eerie drive in the middle of the night...

Our AC went up that night but unrelated to the derecho. It shut off about 12 hours before the storms started. What a miserable night.

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Our AC went up that night but unrelated to the derecho. It shut off about 12 hours before the storms started. What a miserable night.

I tried to catch some shuteye in preparation for our 1:00 am departure, but it was at least 85 degrees in the bedroom, so it was impossible. Then the storm came through and everything went dark. We tried to sleep for a few hours on the couch, but my then-pregnant wife wasn't exactly feeling comfortable, so we started packing up and headed out.

I had no inkling that the power would be off for so long, so I asked my best friend to keep me updated. When we finally got to Day 3 without power, I asked him to empty our refrigerators, for which I paid him a nice bottle of scotch! The contents of the fridges sat in the trash cans for three days in that heat. I can only imagine the stench!!

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Jan.15th circled on the calendar.

I did not miss the derecho, and was roasting without power for the better part of a week. I went out of town AFTER this one....where I rec'd a final eff-you. 
Straying from topic but a month later I went to the NJ shore to meet up with friends who were visiting from the SW (they'd moved from DC several years before). Apparently I was still going on about the derecho and trying to explain it and complaining about how sh&tty and prolonged the outage was. And I got NO sympathy or really even interest, and I think I even saw eye rolls, bc at that exact moment India was making world news with the largest power outage in history. And everyone was like, yeah first world derecho problems, whatever.
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Storms I missed while out of town:


Christmas 2002... that was a nice one... 6-7" from a burst on Christmas morning

12/14/2003.... 3-4" snow to rain. meh

12/31/2009.... 2" or so, but I was home for the HECS so no big deal

Christmas week 2012... I was desperate for snow by then so that one was a little rough to miss

January 21, 2014... 7-9" of very cold snow


Storms I missed due to being in college:


1/26/2011. 14" at home, 4" of slop at UMD

2/21/2011. 5" at home, cartopper at UMD


Storms I missed by staying home:


2/3/2014. 6" of snow at Millersville, slop at home. 


Might have to add the coming clipper to the list. 

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