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Major Hurricane Gonzalo

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wish they had waited 5 mins when it was dead calm

Yeah the winds were still booking near the surface. On the other hand, it's pretty cool to see a surface wind of 64 knots. Here is the text format

Bermuda_Intl -- BA TXKF 1 32.37 -64.68 3 78016

Date:0000Z 18 OCT 14
Station: TXKF
WMO ident:  78016
Latitude:   32.37
Longitude: -64.68
Elevation:   3.00
     mb     m     C     C    %   C     C  deg knt   K     K     K     K    g/kg
  0 1000  -349                                                                 
SFC  957     3  24.2  23.7  97  0.5  23.9 120  64 301.1 304.7 298.5 359.0 19.63
  2  956    13  24.0  23.1  95  0.9  23.3 120  63 301.0 304.5 298.1 356.7 18.93
  3  925   337  22.4  22.0  98  0.4  22.1 130  28 302.2 305.6 298.0 356.3 18.28
  4  850  1072  19.4  18.4  94  1.0  18.7 135  17 306.5 309.4 297.5 354.2 15.86
  5  700  2737  14.4  13.1  92  1.3  13.5 160   8 318.4 321.1 299.0 361.5 13.67
  6  630  3625  11.0   9.2  89  1.8   9.8 193   9 324.3 326.6 299.1 362.0 11.69
  7  534  4995   4.8   2.1  83  2.7   3.2 244  10 332.6 334.3 298.8 360.6  8.38
  8  500  5530   1.4  -0.8  85  2.2   0.1 265  11 334.7 336.2 298.5 359.2  7.25
  9  472  5993  -1.5  -2.9  90  1.4  -2.3 275  16 336.7 338.1 298.5 359.1  6.57
 10  428  6768  -5.1  -7.1  86  2.0  -6.1 293  24 341.7 342.8 298.7 360.1  5.26
 11  421  6898  -4.1  -8.6  71  4.5  -6.4 296  25 344.6 345.6 299.0 361.4  4.75
 12  400  7300  -7.9 -10.3  83  2.4  -9.1 305  29 344.7 345.6 298.8 360.3  4.37
 13  391  7476  -9.3 -11.5  84  2.2 -10.3 301  31 345.1 346.0 298.7 359.7  4.06
 14  379  7716 -10.1 -13.0  79  2.9 -11.4 296  34 347.2 348.0 298.8 360.6  3.71
 15  374  7819  -8.9 -15.9  57  7.0 -11.9 293  35 350.1 350.7 298.9 361.0  2.96
 16  366  7985 -11.3 -15.2  73  3.9 -12.9 290  37 349.1 349.7 298.8 360.8  3.21
 17  357  8175 -11.9 -18.9  56  7.0 -14.6 285  39 350.7 351.3 298.7 359.7  2.41
 18  337  8614 -14.7 -20.7  60  6.0 -16.9 275  44 352.8 353.2 298.9 361.0  2.18
 19  321  8979 -17.7 -19.2  88  1.5 -18.3 267  48 353.5 354.1 299.4 363.3  2.61
 20  319  9026 -17.9 -23.9  59  6.0 -19.8 266  49 353.9 354.3 298.8 360.5  1.74
 21  318  9049 -18.1 -25.1  54  7.0 -20.3 265  49 353.9 354.3 298.7 360.0  1.57
 22  302  9431 -22.5 -25.5  76  3.0 -23.4 256  53 353.0 353.4 298.5 359.1  1.59
 23  300  9480 -21.9 -24.6  79  2.7 -22.7 255  54 354.5 354.9 299.0 361.2  1.74
 24  257 10603 -29.7 -32.1  80  2.4 -30.2 242  41 359.1 359.3 299.3 363.1  1.01
 25  250 10800 -31.5 -34.2  77  2.7 -32.0 240  39 359.2 359.4 299.2 362.6  0.85
 26  208 12076 -42.1 -50.1  41  8.0 -42.7         362.0 362.1 299.2 362.8  0.19
 27  200 12340 -44.7 -51.7  45  7.0 -45.2         362.0 362.0 299.2 362.7  0.16

Sounding variables and indices
1000-500 mb thick:      5879.00 m
Freezing level:          486.48 mb =  5753.28 m = 18875.37 ft
Wetbulb zero:            498.40 mb =  5555.66 m = 18227.02 ft
Precipitable water:        2.81 inches
Sfc-500 mean rel hum:     90.27 %
Est. max temperature:     32.61 C =   90.70 F
Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 950.48 mb =    70.15 m =   230.16 ft T:   23.72 C
700-500 lapse rate:        4.65 C/km
ThetaE index:              4.82 C Layer  956.0- 700.0 mb
Conv cond level (CCL):   880.18 mb =   768.77 m =  2522.17 ft
  Mean mixing ratio:      17.63 g/kg
  Conv temperature:       27.75 C =   81.96 F
Cap Strength:              3.08 C
Lifted Index:              2.38 C Risk: None
Lifted Index @300 mb:      3.45 C
Lifted Index @700 mb:      2.31 C
Showalter Index:           2.90 C Risk: Showers probable
Total Totals Index:       35.00 C Risk: None
  Vertical Totals Index:  18.00 C
  Cross Totals Index:     17.00 C
K Index:                  35.10   Risk: > 80 % chance of thunderstorms
Sweat Index:             265.80   Risk: None
Energy Index:              0.91   Risk: None

Parcel Indices
Parcel: using 100 mb layer
CAPE (B+):                22.42 J/kg
Max Up Vert Vel:           6.70 m/s
Conv Inhibition (B-):   1268.46 J/kg
Cap Strength:              3.05 C
Lift Cond Lev (LCL):     897.80 mb =   596.45 m =  1956.83 ft
Lev Free Conv (LFC):      -1.00 mb = -9999.00 m = -9999.00 ft

Wind level data
   Storm motion: 189 at  10 knt
                   TRUE/GROUND REL   |     STORM REL
 LEV   P    H    DIR SPD   U     V   | DIR SPD   U     V
       mb   m        knt     m/s     |     knt     m/s
  0   957     3  120  64 -55.4  32.0 | 111  61 -57.1  21.7 
  1   925   337  130  28 -21.4  18.0 | 108  24 -23.2   7.7 
  2   850  1072  135  17 -12.0  12.0 |  97  14 -13.7   1.7 
  3   700  2737  160   8  -2.7   7.5 |  58   5  -4.4  -2.8 
  4   500  5530  265  11  11.0   1.0 | 315  13   9.2  -9.4 
  5   400  7300  305  29  23.8 -16.6 | 321  35  22.0 -27.0 
  6   300  9480  255  54  52.2  14.0 | 266  51  50.4   3.6 
  7   250 10800  240  39  33.8  19.5 | 254  33  32.1   9.2 

Wind Parameters
Mean winds (0-6000m):            159.4 at   14.0 knts
Storm direction:                 189.4 at   10.5 knts
Shear (0-3000m)              pos:   10.1 neg:    0.0 tot:   10.1 10-3/s
Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m):     -55.3 deg
Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos:   17.5 neg:  -40.9 tot:  -23.4 m^2/s^2
                             ave:   -7.8 10^-3 m/s^2 rel:  -0.15
Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz:   10.3 stream:   -1.5 10^-3/s
Energy-Hel index:          0.00
Bulk Rich Number:          0.20
Bulk Shear:               14.84 m/s

Storm Parameters
Depth  Mean    Inflow|    Shear      |           Helicity           | Vorticity
 AGL  Dir Spd Dir Spd|  Pos  Neg  Tot|  Pos   Neg   Tot   Ave   Rel |  Hor Strm
  m       knt     knt|     10^-3/s   |       m^2/s^2     m/s^2      | 10^-3/s
 500  125  39 110  36| 40.4  0.0 40.4| 17.5 -18.5  -1.0   -2.0 -0.03| 40.6 -1.3
1000  128  30 108  27| 24.1  0.0 24.1| 17.5 -30.2 -12.7  -12.7 -0.08| 24.2 -1.9
1500  130  25 106  22| 17.4  0.0 17.4| 17.5 -32.7 -15.2  -10.2 -0.09| 17.5 -1.5
2000  132  22 104  19| 13.8  0.0 13.8| 17.5 -35.2 -17.7   -8.9 -0.10| 13.9 -1.4
2500  133  20 102  16| 11.7  0.0 11.7| 17.5 -38.8 -21.4   -8.5 -0.13| 11.8 -1.5
3000  135  18 100  15| 10.1  0.0 10.1| 17.5 -40.9 -23.4   -7.8 -0.15| 10.3 -1.5
4000  142  16 100  12|  8.3  0.0  8.3| 17.5 -43.1 -25.6   -6.4 -0.20|  8.5 -1.7
5000  150  14 103   9|  7.3  0.0  7.3| 19.1 -43.5 -24.4   -4.9 -0.17|  7.5 -1.3
6000  159  14 112   7|  6.7  0.0  6.7| 23.6 -48.3 -24.7   -4.1 -0.15|  7.0 -1.0

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